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After a brief survey of the development of archaeology in Mozambique, the results of the archaeological survey programme of 1976–1983 are summarized by region. Work currently in progress is evaluated in the light of archaeological and national priorities and the paper concludes with a discussion of the theoretical approach best suited to Mozambican conditions.
Résumé Suivant une brève étude de l'avancement de l'archéologie dans le Mozambique, les résultats du programme de reconnaissances archéologiques de 1976–1983 sont résumés par région. Les travaux actuellement en cours sont evalués à la lumière des priorités nationales et archéologiques et l'article se conclut avec une discussion sur la meilleure approche théorique convenant aux conditions actuelles.

In looking at the case of Mozambique under structural adjustment, this article argues that the particular combination of fiscal restraints imposed by financial programming, and the proliferation of decentralized project-based management, together proved to be a potent mixture which failed to reconstruct a coherent pattern of state action. The problem lies in the increasing dominance of foreign aid and in the uneasy interplay between programme aid on the one hand and project aid on the other, as competition from projects wins resources away from regular state programmes, with very little prospect of such projects becoming self-sustainable in the absence of the continued infusion of foreign aid.  相似文献   


This article explores repercussions of independence movements and global decolonisation processes. It argues that an analysis of such processes needs to take into account not only the bilateral dealings between coloniser and colonised, but also needs to include other, perhaps less obvious, actors. Decolonisation involved a power game not only among European powers striving to keep their empires intact at the time, but also between erstwhile empires and emerging nation-states, between statesmen, political activists, and local populations. Through the analysis of Indian experiences in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique after Goa's inclusion in the Indian Union in 1961, this paper illustrates how different parts of the world were interlinked by complex cross-currents during the decolonisation period, and how their connected histories played out in the unfolding of events between the 1950s and 1970s, as well as their ongoing legacy.  相似文献   

The following article on lowa's agriculture is of interest because the Soviet Union considers the highly efficient corn-based livestock economy of the state as an example to follow. Khrushchev's campaign to build up a similar Soviet farm economy based on corn, legumes and other high-yielding feed crops is based in part on observations of Soviet agricultural delegations in lowa. The statistical material in the article is based largely on the U.S. Census of Agriculture, 1954, Vol. I, Part 9, Washington, D. C., 1935.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 2001 and subsequent integration into the tri-national Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP), Mozambique's Limpopo National Park (LNP) has been progressively transformed into a functioning wildlife park. Standing behind this transformation has been a profound expansion of Mozambican state power over and through the park. While this reinforces predictions in the early transfrontier conservation literature, it stands in tension with observations that these projects threaten state power. I address this tension by developing the concept of articulated sovereignty, which understands sovereignty as a heterogenous set of powers that are produced through often unequal interactions with other actors, including foreign or extra-territorial actors. In short, sovereignty is articulated through these interactions. I draw from this to show that the same partnerships that seem to threaten sovereignty in some respects in fact shore up the power of the Mozambican state in other respects. I focus in particular on the foreign-assistance-enabled extension of state power through the development of legal and technical capacity, park administration and infrastructure, a ranger force, and the relocation of communities beyond park borders. I additionally draw on articulated sovereignty to show that the state and territory, like sovereignty, are built through various articulations with extra-territorial partners, thus drawing into question the sovereignty-state-territory triad. I close by reflecting on the utility of articulated sovereignty beyond the realm of conservation. In short, articulated sovereignty sheds light on both the sovereignty complexities of transfrontier conservation projects like the LNP/GLTP and how sovereignty actually plays out in the world.  相似文献   

In view of increasing urbanization of the Soviet Union, the climate of cities has become an urgent research problem. The staffs of the geography and natural-science departments are thought to be best qualified to conduct an inter-disciplinary study program in this field. A study outline on urban climate is proposed.  相似文献   

陈星 《民俗研究》2002,(2):169-171
顾希佳先生的新着《礼仪与中国文化》,是作为“中国文化新论丛书”之一,新近由人民出版社推出的。读到此书,正值报端公布《公民道德建设实施纲要》,大家都在热烈地讨论着道德礼仪的建设。虽说这是巧合,不过也由此想到,顾希佳对传统文化的研究能够切中时弊,选题选得很好。  相似文献   

旧石器时代人类依靠采集和渔猎获得生活资料,在向大自然索取的过程中繁衍生息,发展着社会生产和人类自身的进步。距今约1万多年前,母系氏族制度有了很大的发展,人口显增加,人类活动的地域也不断扩大,人类日益需要稳定的生活来源,这是采集和渔猎所不能保证的,因此迫切地要求开辟和扩大新的生活资料来源。当时妇女在长期的采集实践中经过反复观察,逐渐认识了某些植物的生长规律。她们发现在土地、水分和气候适宜的条件下,有些种子可以发芽、开花和结果,有些还能移植。这是一个重大的发现。农  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(2):178-191

This article explores conditions in the Ulster linen trade which sustained hand-loom weaving through the second half of the nineteenth century. In particular, it investigates the role and limits of technology in this process, and the impact of the American Civil War and its aftermath on mechanization.  相似文献   

本文证明,在英国近代农业中包含了大租地农场、小型家庭租佃农场、大地主地产、庄园制残余等多种经济结构成分,提出了与国内一些学者所持的英国近代农业是资本主义发展的典型的结论不同的见解。提出英国近代资本主义时期国民经济中农业经济部类的结构特征和性质的问题,认为农业部类与工业部类的结构性质有所不同,前一部类常常保留了若干封建残余和非资本主义经济结构成分,资本主义时代农业发展道路不同于工业。由于从封建主义向资本主义社会过渡的第二次国际大讨论中,布伦纳的论文是以英国农业资本主义典型性的论点为基础的,今天对布伦纳辩论有必要重新加以考虑。  相似文献   

In southwestern Guatemala, within the western realms of the basin of Quezaltenango, peasants have maintained the traditional system of milpa agriculture in the face of repeated cultural intrusions. The Spanish conquest resulted in the adoption of a plethora of tools, crops and domesticated animals that modified, but did not alter the basic character of the milpa. The milpa system has evolved more recently to accommodate the production of cash crops, principally wheat and potatoes. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and improved varieties of seed have been accepted as necessary adjuncts in the production of these crops. In contradiction of the counsel of well-intentioned advisors, however, the Guatemalan peasants persist in their adherence to the traditional milpa. Many Westerners are inclined to regard this as irrational behavior. Although not capable of articulating fully all of the subtle advantages of milpa agriculture, the majority of the region's peasants perceive the milpa as an economically secure and culturally compatible agricultural system that has evolved on a trial-and-error basis over a long period of time. This is not to suggest that the subsistence-oriented milpa will not ultimately give way to the commercialization of agriculture, as has occurred to a limited degree elsewhere in Guatemala. Given the veneration of maize as embodied in rituals and native religious beliefs, however, agricultural commercialization will likely occur only to the extent that the peasant perceives the potential monetary gain to outweigh the security and cultural good embodied in the traditional customs and practices.  相似文献   

农业旅游既是一种新兴的旅游方式,又是一种新型的农业生产经营形式。发展农业旅游可以调整农业经济结构,培育农村新的经济增长点,安置农村剩余劳动力,促进农民增收,改变农村整体面貌,从而缓解三农业问题。  相似文献   

王乃明 《攀登》2003,22(6):34-36,40
文章从农业经济关系市场化、农业生产商品化和产业市场关联三方面阐述了农业市场经济运行机制的内涵,分析了现代农业市场机制的构成内容;说明了农业市场机制的实现过程及其农业市场化的一些规律,并结合中国实际,就建立农业市场机制问题提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

秦汉统治者为加强对农业和农村经济的管理 ,采取了一系列发展农业和农村经济的重要措施。这些措施在一定程度上促进了农业和农村经济的持续和稳定发展 ,为秦汉统治政权的长治久安奠定了坚实的经济基础  相似文献   

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