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酒店产品质量的模糊综合评价方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对酒店产品质量评价很难做到精确界定这一问题,本文将定性分析与定量分析相结合,用层次分析法(AHP)求得各影响因素的指标权重,构建了一个用于酒店产品质量评价的多级模糊综合评价的数学模型。本文结合实例说明该方法的使用,并阐述了该方法在网络环境下的应用前景。  相似文献   

根据乡村的地域特征,构建乡村人居环境满意度评价指标体系。运用模糊层次分析法建立模糊判断矩阵,通过偏差矩阵,调整模糊判断矩阵,并检验矩阵的一致性,得出各指标的权重。采用模糊综合评价法对乡村人居环境满意度进行评价,根据居民的自身愿望与现实感知的差异程度来确定乡村人居环境建设的突破口。从居民最关心的农村饮水安全入手,探讨了农村饮水安全的公共物品性质,认为政府的介入是保障农村饮水安全的关键,供给主体的多元化是确保农村饮水安全的有效途径。  相似文献   

杨建华 《人文地理》2008,23(1):111-115
传统的综合评价指数模型在对定量化的客观事物进行评价时比较准确,但在评价景区视觉环境时由于存在着主观影响因素,这时传统模型就显出了较大的局限性。利用韦伯-费希纳定律改进后的新综合评价模型则显示出了优越性。利用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,向专家、旅游专业学生、游客发放调查问卷获得评分,采用新综合评价模型,以嵩山风景区为例,针对该区开展旅游活动后景区视觉环境受到的消极影响进行了研究评价。  相似文献   

本文从界定资源节约与环境友好型旅游景区的内涵出发,综合模糊聚类法和层次分析法构建两型景区评价指标体系,确立各层指标权重的评价依据。应用该评价体系可对我国旅游景区进行不同发展阶段评价,还可以进行不同景区之间的比较评价。最后以清源山森林公园旅游景区为例进行实证研究,评价为良好,表明景区的两型化发展需要加强。  相似文献   

在本文中,采用层次分析法实现对大气中臭氧含量的影响因子权重分析,并利用灰色预测的方法 ,模糊预测大气中的臭氧含量。首先选取CFCs、卤代烃、氧化亚氮、温度、极涡五个指标,根据层次分析法确定对大气中的臭氧含量影响的最终权重。其次以20年或30年的监测数据为依据,采用灰色模糊预测,能够较为合理地推测出大气中未来几年的臭氧含量。  相似文献   

闫莉  强小安 《人文地理》2005,20(6):45-47
本文在运用灰关联分析法评价成本因素与非成本因素综合存在的设施选址问题的基础上,运用改进的灰关联分析,引入向量夹角余弦确定权重的方法对影响选址的各项指标进行了权重分析,并通过优、劣关联度确定综合关联度,综合关联度最大者为最优方案。  相似文献   

王灵恩  成升魁  钟林生 《人文地理》2012,27(2):134-139,31
自驾车旅游的开发对旅游资源具有特殊要求,传统的旅游资源评价方法应用到自驾车旅游开发中表现出局限性。基于自驾车旅游开发的视角,综合考虑旅游资源吸引力、资源环境条件、配套设施状况、客源市场与发展潜力四个方面,尝试建立了新的旅游资源评价指标体系。根据专家调查,运用主成分分析法和层次分析方法确定了指标体系各因子权重。最后以伊春市为例,应用模糊综合评判法对伊春市22个典型旅游区的旅游资源进行了自驾车旅游开发适宜性评价与分析。通过创新旅游资源评价体系,文章期望为自驾车旅游开发提供指导,并为其它专项旅游开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文应用模糊综合评价理论,建立了系统、完整的评价指标体系,运用AHP法构建了供电企业管理信息系统评价的递阶层次结构,用FAHP法求其指标权重,并建立了一个适用于供电企业管理信息系统综合评价的多级多目标模糊数学模型,以某地区供电企业进行实证分析,对供电企业管理信息系统进行客观地综合评价。  相似文献   

多因素综合评价法能全面考虑各种与土地质量直接相关的因素,不仅包含了影响土地价值的经济因素,而且包含了其他因素。本文在分析已有文献的基础上,构建了针对城市土地综合定级评价的指标体系,运用特尔斐法结合方差和均值修正确定指标体系权重,选取银川市建成区的六个样本点,结合多因素综合评价法进行了实例分析,通过对评价结果进行分析,可知分等定级结果符合银川市城市发展建设的实际情况。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,人民生活水平不断提高,旅游业迅速发展,生态旅游逐渐成为当前旅游业发展的热点和焦点。本文以松滋市为例进行实证研究,运用层次分析法(AHP)以及专业的问卷调查方法,对现阶段松滋市旅游资源进行结构性的全面测评,选取有针对性的方法,确定评价标准,并对评价指标进行一致性检验并构造判断矩阵。通过全方位分析评价因子权重,为该市生态旅游资源的科学合理开发提供依据以及做出较为科学的综合评价。  相似文献   

安史乱军的民族构成比较复杂,既有安禄山那样的混血儿,又有一大批少数民族将士,也有高丽残部及扶余、新罗人,还有许多汉族官和将士,但从多方面加以考察,安禄山、史思明所重用的以及在安史乱军中起主要作用的多为汉族人;唐代的河朔地区既有胡化趋向,也有汉化保持和提高的趋向;安史乱军中的民族关系比较缓和,少数民族和汉族将士在化、心理素质等方面渐趋一致,少数民族和汉族将士在许多方面能够积极配合。这些是唐中央平叛工作进展缓慢以及安史之乱持续8年之久的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

This article argues that Mormon colonists – once refugees who had sought freedom from persecution for their sexual practices – asserted a white middle-class respectability as they cooperated with the US Army and corresponded with officers on the management of the soldiers’ sexual conduct. Their success depended heavily on shared understandings of the race and gender of the people involved. That is, they leveraged prevailing assumptions about Black soldiers’ bodies as aggressive and in need of sex, about white Mormon women's bodies as vulnerable and about Mexican women's bodies as racially in-between and thus suitable for the sexual service-work of enlisted men, pliable and ready to be made ‘accessible’ to soldiers. John Pershing, when asked to explain his decision to build the brothel, justified his choice by saying he had all Black troops at the camp and that nearby Mormon colonists had complained of these Black men meeting women outside for sex. This article explains how, why, for whom and to what end Pershing's explanation worked.  相似文献   

This article discusses military mobilities and encampment, and associated themes such as dislocation and displacement of people, through the case of a Second World War German military camp in Finnish Lapland. The article describes the camp and its archaeological research and discusses various aspects of the camp and camp life in its particular subarctic ‘wilderness’ setting, framing the discussion within the themes of mobilities and dislocations, and especially their multiple impacts on the German troops and their multinational prisoners-of-war based in the camp. A particular emphasis is put on how mobilities and dislocation – in effect ‘being stuck’ in a northern wilderness – were intertwined and how the inhabitants of the camp coped with the situation, as well as how this is reflected in the different features of the camp itself and the archaeological material that the fieldwork produced.  相似文献   

柴文杰 《安徽史学》2008,(1):119-124
抗战期间,新四军开展了全方位的公关工作.对内,从物质上关心将士的生活,从精神上鼓舞其抗日斗志,优待抗属;对外,密切联系群众,广交朋友,开展国际公关等.公共关系增强了新四军的凝聚力,提升了新四军的战斗力,扩大了新四军的知名度和美誉度,塑造了新四军的良好形象,优化了当时的社会互动环境和社会心理环境.  相似文献   

This article utilizes arts-based methods as a feminist methodology for understanding women’s experiences in military service, according to theories of feminist security studies. It explores how non-combatant women in the army retrospectively narrate stressful situations that happened during their military service. Using arts-based methods, we examine how they derive meaning from their experiences in a masculine, military environment, affected by ongoing conflict. This article analyzes twenty images drawn by Israeli women who served in the army in the previous 2–4 years. The women drew a stressful event from their military service, explained the image, and elaborated on how they coped with the situation. A content analysis of the pictures and the narratives produced three themes: the responsibility for others in life threatening situations, the military as a first professional work experience and the interaction between military and gender hierarchies. In general, women soldiers experienced the army as complex as they encountered their first adult work space in which they learned responsibility and skills of the ‘adults’ world’. However, they were also exposed to a rigid hierarchy and to stressful security situations typical of army contexts. While non-combat women soldiers were allegedly protected from the violence of the army, they are also indirectly exposed to the danger inherent in an army context. This analysis goes beyond the hero narrative, and moves into taboo territories of young women’s narratives and experiences in the military.  相似文献   

Civil War soldiers’ graffiti survive at more than 60 sites, predominantly in Virginia, including churches, court houses, caves, and houses. Although often terse and fragmentary, they provide an intriguing insight into soldiers’ experiences. This essay offers a tentative framework for analyzing how the graffiti functioned: as informal commemoration of wartime experiences; as a social activity, displaying the loyalties, frustrations, and humor of army life; and as an invasive act, vandalizing southern property.  相似文献   

金景一 《史学集刊》2007,2(3):52-61
朝鲜战争爆发前,中国军队中的一大批朝鲜族官兵先后返回朝鲜。这些官兵大都是自近代以来尤其是日本吞并朝鲜以来,从朝鲜半岛迁入中国东北的朝鲜族。特殊的历史环境造就了这些朝鲜族具有双重国籍的特性,也构成了战后朝鲜族部队形成、改编和回国的复杂背景。他们返回朝鲜,看似孤立的历史事件,但它源于自近代以来朝鲜半岛向中国移民的历史,源于中朝两国人民携手反抗日本侵略的武装斗争史,更源于战后初期在特殊历史背景下展开的中国共产党与朝鲜的关系。某种意义上讲,它是这种错综复杂的历史渊源关系发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

民国元年广东北伐军为主体的东线北伐的胜利,对于捍卫南京临时政府、促使清帝退位,起了重要的作用。今年3月,是南京粤军阵亡将士墓建墓90周年。为了存史,本就粤军的兴建、征战、墓冢、勋绩,分别作了考证,藉以缅怀革命先烈。  相似文献   

'It's a Man's Life!': Soldiers,masculinity and the countryside   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores the relationships between soldiers, masculinity and the countryside. It draws on a variety of published materials ranging from army recruitment literature to military autobiography. It is located primarily in conceptual frameworks suggested by feminist and rural studies literatures. Following a brief discussion of the historical contribution of the military to ideas of rurality, the relationships between soldiers, masculinity and the countryside are explored. First, the ways in which the army constructs a particular view of the countryside are discussed. This view accords the army rights of control over space, dictates a particular way of seeing rural space, and develops a quasi-environmentalist interpretation of the impact of army activity on the landscape. Second, it is suggested that this conceptualisation of the countryside contributes specifically to the construction of particular (hegemonic) notions of masculinity. The ideas of adventure and danger are particularly important in this respect. Third, the role of the body of the soldier in this process is examined. The construction of a specific gendered identity through a process of transformation from civilian to soldier is discussed. The article concludes by suggesting how the body of the soldier is used to signify particular senses of place.  相似文献   

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