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A review of legal challenges to the use of military force, from the Vietnam War era to the Gulf War, demonstrates a judicial unwillingness to constrain presidential policymaking. In most of these cases, the judiciary has ruled the legal challenge nonjusticiable. In the first post-Cold War challenge , Dellums v. Bush, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia issued the equivalent of a declaratory judgment. Arguably, this is the only practical judicial response to the presidential use of force, but it does little more than redirect the policy conflict from the courts to Congress. The rule of law remains a weak reed in efforts to constrain presidential policymaking on the use of military force.  相似文献   

The need for changes in land use has become more evident from analysis of continued declining trends in land and water resource quality. Land use change in this sense refers to changing existing resource management techniques towards ecologically sustainable development. For example, planting cleared areas towards natural water balance, creating better microclimates and improving soil stability. This paper examines existing land and water legislation and the role and scope of government and the community in achieving changes to traditional resource management including reference to economic and biophysical aspects.  相似文献   

刁统菊 《民俗研究》2007,16(2):24-37
一、憎恶:可能潜存的一种态度一说到宗族,人们总是会强调宗族的团结理念,它与宗族的延续理念共同支撑、维护了中国的家族制度。宗族相对姻亲关系来讲,是有族谱作为其表述机制的,其制度性也远远高于姻亲关系。的确,一份族谱即使是单单考虑它的形式,也足以说明人们对家族的所有理念。全部家族成员共有同一份重要文献——族谱,首先它可  相似文献   

《War & society》2013,32(1):83-118

Americans have traditionally been the most wasteful people in the world. Now, however, we are fighting enemies who beat the world at squeezing what they want out of occupied territory. We must husband what we have, not only by avoiding waste, but also by the maximum utilization of local resources.  相似文献   

沈世伟 《旅游科学》2014,28(6):24-39
有关西方旅游者在华旅游活动的现有研究缺乏系统性,且几乎都借助于中国官方机构的统计信息。由于统计方法存在明显的缺陷,这些统计信息往往无法有效地反映旅游者的实际活动轨迹和活动内容。本文以西方旅游批发商的产品样册为基础,运用自创的分析方法研究西方旅游者的在华旅游活动。研究表明,西方旅游者主要是受中华文明吸引而来华旅游,西方各国旅游批发商推出的中国游产品没有明显的差异性。  相似文献   

从虢国墓地出土玉器谈西周葬玉的使用特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
葬玉在我国西周晚期已经形成了比较完整的制度.三门峡上村岭虢国墓地出土的大量葬玉中不但有缀玉面罩、玉琀、玉握;而且还有玉踏、脚趾夹玉等,这些应是汉代"金缕玉衣"的前身,为我国古代葬玉制度的发展打下了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

从陵园、封土、墓穴、外藏坑、祔葬墓、陪葬墓、道路等七个形制要素,对大云山西汉江都王王陵进行对比分析,可以判断大云山王陵与汉代帝陵属于同一陵墓制度,但等级较帝陵稍低。此外,其与帝陵形制上的区别,也是地理位置、气候条件等综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates relationships between voter fractionalisation and economic inequality, measured by the Gini coefficient of income inequality and a new index of fractionalisation developed for this study. Our main findings are as follows. States with high income inequality have less voter fractionalisation. States with higher GDP per capita have more voter fractionalisation. States with high election thresholds for parliamentary representation have less voter fractionalisation. Eastern European states and states with high unemployment rates have more voter fractionalisation. States with greater ethnic fractionalisation have less voter fractionalisation. Fractionalisation has been greater in recent decades (2000s and 1990s) than earlier decades (1980s).  相似文献   


The coconut was one of the major food crops used by the ancient populations of the western Pacific. Although critical to the successful settlement and sustainability of Pacific populations, the history of the coconut is little known, its presence being recorded by only a handful of archaeologists. This paper will provide for the first time a review of the coconut in the archaeological record, charting its first uses and spread across the Pacific.  相似文献   

Public policy is often implemented through formal laws. In contrast to the typically optimistic ex-ante analyses of the impact of a set of laws, in retrospect it may be hard to determine what the laws concretely produced. Particularly complicated to measure are the unintended and indirect effects on actors or values that were not the prime focus of the law. Despite the literature on these matters in other fields of research, among planners the theory of law implementation receives relatively little attention. This attitude may stem from the means-ends rationality that has been common to planning for so many years. This paper makes a plea for focusing on the interaction between people and laws so as to understand the outcomes. We do this by drawing insights from sociological perspectives on laws.  相似文献   

北京大学藏西汉竹书概说   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
北京大学藏西汉竹书共有竹简3346枚,大约抄写于西汉中期。这批竹简形制多样,修治工巧,书法精美,保存状况极佳。竹简背面多有较浅的斜直划痕,可以作为简序复原的参考。竹书内容极为丰富,包含有《苍颉篇》、《赵正书》、《老子〉、《周驯》、《妄稽》、《反淫》、《日书》、《堪舆》、《雨书》、《六博》、《荆决》和医书等近20种古代文献,具有十分重要的学术价值。它的发现、整理与研究,将在历史学、文献学、考古学、古文字学以及文学和书法艺术等多个方面,提供宝贵的新资料和新认识。  相似文献   

西周年代一直是学术界的一大既诱人而又非常难以解决的课题。笔者曾经对《古本竹书纪年》做过一些论证,认为在目前情况下,该书仍  相似文献   

本文经由两处具有考古背景的立石,对西喜马拉雅地区大立石遗迹的分布和类型进行了研究,将其年代范围定在公元前第一千纪。其代表一种与不发达的金属器、石墙建筑、石构遗迹相联系的山地史前文化。目前所知,立石纪念物兴起于早期铁器时代,最早的例子见于克什米尔河谷,可能与中亚及西伯利亚地区游牧人移动相关。所处场合不同,立石可能有功能区分,其与"火崇拜"和"神山崇拜"的关系值得进一步探索。  相似文献   

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