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While posterior lingual mandibular depressions (Stafne's defect) are often discussed in clinical reports, they are rarely the subject of anthropological research. This situation is paradoxical since osteologists and skeletal biologists are in a position to enhance understanding of the trait's aetiology by systematically recording the trait in recent and prehistoric skeletal collections. This report reviews anthropological studies of cortical defects of the mandible, recommends a protocol for recording observations in trait variation, and presents new data for the prevalence of Stafne's defect—lingual cortical defects of the mandibular corpus. Among the Guanches of Tenerife in the Canary Islands (Spain), the prevalence of lingual cortical defects is 3.32% (15/452), males are more frequently affected than females, and there is a tendency for individuals with antemortem tooth loss to display larger lesions than individuals without antemortem loss of teeth. Defects of the left side are somewhat more variable in position than defects located on the right. In comparative perspective, prevalence of lingual cortical defects among the Guanches is high, given the overall 1.07% prevalence reported for archaeological series (Finnegan & Marcsik,1980), but is similar to figures reported for the Avar period sample from Hungary 3.73%. Prospects for the use of lingual cortical defects as non‐metric traits of value in population distance studies remain uncertain since variation in trait expression may have a high environmental component. However, if human osteologists routinely include observations of lingual mandibular cortical defects in their analysis of skeletal collections, the data required to elucidate factors responsible for the trait's cultural, ecological, temporal and geographical patterning will more rapidly become established. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Ramey Incised ceramics, characterized by incised symbolic motifs, are often viewed as a hallmark of Stirling-phase Cahokia and the surrounding American Bottom region. However, few comprehensive analyses of the regional Ramey motif assemblage have been conducted. Here I evaluate spatial and temporal variation in Ramey Incised motifs across 16 sites in the American Bottom to improve understandings of Ramey Incised production and distribution. Stirling-phase motif data indicate that the Ramey Incised manufacturing process likely was not as centralized as previously proposed. A qualitative analysis of the regional motif assemblage uncovers variation that may reflect stylistic experimentation. Additionally, motif frequency distributions reveal potential site-specific thematic preferences. Both findings support the existence of local production within the region. Diachronic data suggest the collapse of the Ramey Incised tradition in the Moorehead phase, perhaps in response to sociopolitical and religious transitions occurring at Cahokia. Overall, Ramey Incised ceramics may have served as vehicles through which American Bottom Mississippians variably expressed their interpretations of and relationships to the cosmos.  相似文献   

This article analyses 1.36 million realistic soil-structure interaction (SSI) scenarios in a systematic fashion to define the correlation between soil, structural, and system parameters and interaction effects on the structural response. In the analyses, a soil-shallow foundation-structure model that satisfies design building code requirements is utilized. It has been identified that soil shear wave velocity, shear wave velocity degradation ratio, structure-to-soil stiffness ratio, and structural aspect ratio combined with the system stiffness are the key parameters whose variation significantly affects variation in structural response. The critical range of variation of these parameters resulting in a detrimental SSI effects is also defined.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown associations between public open space and a variety of health outcomes. Yet the extent to which firm conclusions and planning policy recommendations can be drawn from this body of work depends on how public open space availability has been measured and reported. Other researchers have highlighted potential issues with the way that public open space has been measured but have not systematically assessed the extent of this problem. This paper provides a comprehensive critical review of studies of public open space and health conducted in Australia to identify and compare public open space measurement and data treatment. Our analysis showed wide variation in how public open space was measured, as well as a lack of consistency in reporting public open space exposure measures and under‐reporting of measurement methods. We find that such tendencies limit how much these studies can be compared and contrasted with each other. The corollary of that finding is that without more detailed reporting of exposure measures, it will be difficult to establish an evidence base that informs planning for healthy, liveable environments. In response, we develop and present a checklist for reporting public open space exposure to address this challenge.  相似文献   

民国时期钢筋混凝土结构使用年代较长,一般已超过合理使用年限,有不同程度的损伤,迫切需要加固修缮.但由于其大多为文物建筑或保护性历史建筑,承载着一些历史信息与文化价值,对其加固修缮应在充分保存历史信息的前提下合理进行结构性能和耐久性的提升.为了科学化、规范化地保护民国钢筋混凝土建筑,通过对典型案例的现场检测和调研,对这类建筑的常见缺陷进行分析和总结,结合保护原则,分别对混凝土柱、混凝土梁和混凝土板提出针对不同损伤程度的适宜性加固修缮方法.  相似文献   

自然环境与云南历史文化城镇形象设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
云南复杂多样的自然环境对当地历史文化城镇的形象构成有着普遍而深刻的影响。考虑自然环境特点的云南历史文化城镇形象设计应遵循尊重和顺应自然的亲和原则,将自然与人文因素相结合的综合性原则,以及将城镇与其所在的自然环境统一考虑的整体性原则。同时要高度关注自然环境在城镇理念形象构成中的重要作用。在城镇视觉形象设计中,要注重城乡景观协调的整体效果,反映其田园山水城镇特色;注重三维景观效果;注重视觉体验的心理特点分析,组织景观层次系列;注重对城镇建筑色彩的控制。  相似文献   

试析美国黑幕揭发运动衰落的原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪初一批新闻记、学家在美国发动了一场专事揭露社会黑暗的黑幕揭发运动。这场运动持续十多年,且与当时的进步改革有直接的因果关系。运动最终衰落,其原因有人为的也有客观的、有内在的也有外在的。综合来讲,主要有以下几点:被揭露的阴谋压制、广告制约、法律威胁以及一战的爆发和读的冷漠等。  相似文献   

Handaxes represent one of the most temporally enduring and geographically widespread of Palaeolithic artifacts and thus comprised a key technological strategy of many hominin populations. Archaeologically observable variation in the size (i.e., mass) and shape properties of handaxes has been frequently noted. It is logical to ask whether some of this variability may have had functional implications. Here, we report the results of a large-scale (n?=?500 handaxes) experiment designed to examine the influence of variation in handaxe size and shape on cutting efficiency rates during a laboratory task. We used a comprehensive dataset of morphometric (size-adjusted) shape variables and statistical methods (including multivariate methods) to address this issue. Our first set of analyses focused on handaxe mass/size variability. This analysis demonstrated that, at a broad-scale level of variation, handaxe mass may have been free to vary independently of functional (cutting) efficiency. Our analysis also, however, identified that there will be a task-specific threshold in terms of functional effectiveness at the lower end of handaxe mass variation. This implies that hominins may have targeted design forms to meet minimal (task-specific) thresholds and may also have managed handaxe reduction and discard in respect to such factors. Our second set of analyses focused on handaxe shape variability. This analysis also indicated that considerable variation in handaxe shape may occur independently of any strong effect on cutting efficiency. We discuss how these results have several implications for considerations of handaxe variation in the archaeological record. At a general level, our results demonstrate that variability within and between handaxe assemblages in terms of their size and shape properties will not necessarily have had immediate or strong impact on their effectiveness when used for cutting, and that such variability may have been related to factors other than functional issues.  相似文献   

Industrial growth in Japan's largest cities has followed patterns that are distinctive, and are significantly different from those that have been adduced in the recent literature on North America. This paper focuses on Tokyo, and in particular its north-eastern part, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It argues that a process of ‘industrial urbanisation’ occurred in Japan's capital city, a process that was shaped by the existence of a large proto-industrial base and sophisticated consumer economy and characterised by dynamic but disorderly growth in factories largely supplying consumer goods to the urban market. The paper reviews the disparate, not to say confused, nature of industrial growth in Tokyo, noting the variety in factory size and products as well as production methods. Central to the argument of this paper is that industrialisation preceded attempts at urban planning and that the processes of industrialisation and urbanisation occurred concurrently, laying the base thereby for the large mixed-function districts that became a common feature of Japanese cities.  相似文献   

Abstract: The late nineteenth century saw a burgeoning of geographical writings from influential anarchist thinkers like Peter Kropotkin and Élisée Reclus. Yet despite the vigorous intellectual debate sparked by the works of these two individuals, following their deaths anarchist ideas within geography faded. It was not until the 1970s that anarchism was once again given serious consideration by academic geographers who, in laying the groundwork for what is today known as “radical geography”, attempted to reintroduce anarchism as a legitimate political philosophy. Unfortunately, quiet followed once more, and although numerous contemporary radical geographers employ a sense of theory and practice that shares many affinities with anarchism, direct engagement with anarchist ideas among academic geographers have been limited. As contemporary global challenges push anarchist theory and practice back into widespread currency, geographers need to rise to this occasion and begin (re)mapping the possibilities of what anarchist perspectives might yet contribute to the discipline.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural approaches have been used widely in archaeological research. Comparative ethnology has provided a number of archaeological indicators of behavior, but large segments of the archaeological record have not yet been subjected to extensive comparative analysis. Comparative archaeology has aided in exploring variation among societal types (such as chiefdoms) and categories within the archaeological record (such as settlements). Diachronic comparisons have been used frequently by archaeologists, but these have often been based on unique samples and only rarely have employed statistics to aid in the discovery or testing of hypotheses. Archaeoethnology, comparative analyses of archaeological cases employing valid samples and statistical evaluation of theories and hypotheses, is introduced.  相似文献   

建国初期党对胡适思想的批判涉及改造旧社会的意识形态、奠基新中国的意识形态这样一个思想文化领域的重大原则问题。对胡适思想的批判有其深刻的历史必然性,以胡适为代表的资产阶级学术思想体系在整体上与20世纪50年代初中国的社会转型和主流思潮是格格不入的。这场批判运动从总体上是比较健康的,比较全面系统地清理了资产阶级唯心主义在学术研究领域中的影响,从而确立了马克思主义在意识形态领域中的指导地位。但不容否认的是,理论界也存在着一些教条化的倾向,从而在一定程度上限制了批判所能达到的学术深度和科学性。  相似文献   

The very high incidence of medullary bone in two archaeozoological assemblages of the Roman period was believed to reflect systematic slaughtering of older hens at the end of the egg laying season. In an attempt to test this hypothesis, histological analyses were carried out. Histological data in the literature on ageing of modern fowl and on the development of medullary bone in hens are insufficient for application to archaeozoological material. Bones of modern fowl of known age were analysed with the aim of validating the use of endosteal layers for ageing. In addition, hens with known egg laying stage were studied in order to try and document differences in medullary bone development that could be related to the time of slaughtering (just before, during, or just after the egg laying season).  相似文献   

由于保存环境及人为破坏等因素的影响,中国古版画大多存在不同程度的残缺病害,艺术和研究价值受到严重破坏。为再现古代版画艺术风貌,利用基于色彩管理系统的图像采集、数字绘画、艺术微喷等技术,对甘肃华池县博物馆一幅图像严重残缺的佛教版画进行了数字化全色接笔虚拟修复。经实践验证,数字化全色接笔技术可以在不干预文物本体的基础上精准还原图形和色彩,且虚拟修复后的复制品作为图像补充,与传统修复后的文物本体共同展示时,可完善其艺术美学观感。研究结果可为书画保护修复技术发展研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This article explores the various problems associated with dating brickwork. It does so by combining information gathered from measuring surviving buildings with a survey of recent literature on the subject. Focusing on the seventeenth century, it seeks to show how the various techniques used in making and laying bricks might have changed in the period and to what extent these can be used to provide a tentative dating of surviving fabric. It also outlines the limitations of any such analysis, calling into question various existing recording methods.  相似文献   

It is long been thought that many flake attributes, including both size and shape, are largely due to the morphology of a core’s flaking surface, yet this has never been tested under strictly controlled conditions. Using molded glass cores with surface morphologies that highly resemble prehistoric ones, this experiment demonstrates that while core surface morphology does exhibit some influence on flake size and shape, a high degree of variation in flakes produced with the same core surface morphology shows that the effects of other independent variables, such as exterior platform angle and platform depth, have an even stronger effect. A major implication of these results is that current approaches to reconstruct prehistoric knapping strategies are overlooking significant sources of variation.  相似文献   

Geographers studying protest movements have brought attention to the social and spatial contexts in which political action is constituted. As the legal right to protest has become more and more restricted in many Western, activists have had to seek new times and spaces for protest, with protest camps having risen alongside the anti-austerity movement since 2011. The ongoing Nuit Debout protests in Paris have turned explicitly to night, drawing on experience of previous protests to colonise this timespace on a recurring basis, laying to claim to the night as a moment for protest. This paper therefore uses the case of Nuit Debout to consider more widely how night shapes (urban) protest movements. I argue that the move to the night might be seen as an attempt to find a timespace in which a more open and creative politics is possible, strategically responding to the reduction in the freedom to protest in the more heavily surveyed day. I explore how the specific characteristics of night have both facilitated innovation at Nuit Debout and other sites, but also the restrictions that night has brought. More broadly, this helps us understand the changing dynamics of urban spaces and rhythms as night-time activity intensifies.  相似文献   

A range of reinforced concrete frame buildings with different levels of inelasticity as well as periods of vibration is analyzed to study the floor response. The derived floor acceleration response spectra are normalized by peak ground acceleration, peak floor acceleration, and ground response spectrum. The normalization with respect to ground response spectrum leads to the lowest coefficients of variation. Based on this observation as well as previous studies, an amplification function is proposed that can be used to develop design floor spectra from the ground motion spectrum, considering the building’s dynamic characteristics and level of inelasticity.  相似文献   

The shallow shelf area around the coast of the UK contains an important record of maritime and, potentially prehistoric archaeology. Increasingly this area is the focus of anthropogenic activity such as gravel extraction and cable laying in advance of which it is increasingly common practice to investigate the archaeological potential of the sequences/regions. Well structured approaches have been developed for the investigation of maritime wrecks and the latest Prehistoric remains, however the Palaeolithic archaeological potential of these regions is less clear. This is partly due to the depth of burial of archaeological material and the rather more fragmentary nature of the sequences present. Where consideration of the Palaeolithic archaeology has been undertaken, models and presumptions derived from terrestrial situations have been extrapolated across the near shore zone, where often there is no data, and into the maritime area. Within the maritime area these models have been used to interpret seismic data and scarce offshore core data for making regional reconstructions. Here we consider some of the issues in reconstruction and highlight the difficultly in extrapolating between terrestrial and maritime situations without careful investigation in the transition zone. In particular we argue that rather than assuming similarities between patterns of landscape evolution between the on- and off-systems we should anticipate dissimilarity of patterns, missing sequences and different landscape formation processes particularly in those areas of the shallow shelf area formerly occupied by drainage basins during sea level low-stands.  相似文献   

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