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孙尉祖、徐谷甫两位先生编著的《秦汉金文汇编》是继容庚先生《秦汉金文录》、《金文续编》之后的又一部专门收录秦汉铜器铭文与文字的专书。该书所收铭文的释文中存在不少问题。本文对其中的部分问题进行了订补。这些问题包括误释者23则,缺释、漏释者10则,衍文者3则,释文不一致者3则,其他问题5则。  相似文献   

孙慰祖、徐谷甫两位先生编著的《秦汉金文汇编》是继容庚先生《秦汉金文录》、《金文续 编》之后的又一部专门收录秦汉铜器铭文与文字的专书。该书所收铭文的释文中存在不少问题。本 文对其中的部分问题进行了订补。这些问题包括误释者23则,缺释、漏释者10则,衍文者3则,释文 不一致者3则,其他问题5则。  相似文献   

不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。经常去欧美各国经商做生意、与不同国家的人频繁接触,让做了13年多外贸生意的西安商人宋超鹏对荀子的这句话有了更深的理解和认识。——采访手记  相似文献   

1935年间,中日两国在应对"华北事变"的同时,由最高外交当局进行过关于国家关系之三原则的谈判;作为中国最高领导人的蒋介石,又推动、指导了此次谈判。从1934年10月蒋介石写作《敌乎?友乎?》到1935年10月日本决定"三原则",中国方面首先"以进为退",借广田演说之机,由王宠惠提出了"三原则"而调整中日关系;在华北事变之后,又"以退为进",继续以蒋作宾明确提出对日"三原则"。日本则首先静观而不予回应,在华北事变之后,又开始了外交上的进攻:明确提出了自己的"三原则",并首先否决中方的"三原则"。中国政府在出师不利、东京谈判失败的情况下,于"五全大会"之后,在此前的"三原则"谈判基础上,在南京主动发起了与日本的调整国交谈判,并再次否决了日本的"广田三原则",使得中日"三原则"谈判无果而终。中日双方在谈判中的主动与被动之不断移位、攻守与进退之互相转换,使得彼此在成败与得失之间各有千秋。但相对于华北的风云诡谲和剑拔弩张,中日在东京、南京的谈判桌上所进行的外交斗争,其对于战前两国关系的能量与效果毕竟有限。  相似文献   

曲乐  深白 《旅游纵览》2012,(7):8-10
子曰:"知者乐水。"水之灵活被用来比作智者的智慧——若藏于地下则含而不露,若喷涌而上则清而为泉;少则叮咚作乐,多则奔腾豪壮。水处天地之间,或动或静;动则为涧、为溪、为江河;静则为池、为潭、为湖海。水遇不同境地,显各异风采;经沙土则渗流,碰岩石则溅花;遭断崖则下垂为瀑,遇高山则绕道而行。水,可由滴滴雨水雪水而成涓涓细流,而成滔滔江河,而成茫茫海洋……  相似文献   

明洪武三年处州府小黄册的发现,不仅提供了明初浙东地区珍贵的人口、田土统计原始资料,更为研究该地区土地结构类型和科则问题提供了新的线索。文章通过数据统计和分析,明确了明初处州府民田大致有民田、民地、寺观田和义塾田四类,且民田之数远多于官田,民田科则也低于史籍所载,并在不同都、里之间有所差异,同时呈现出倍数于最低科则的趋势。  相似文献   

正在接续蒙元统治后,从平民走上王座的朱元璋,决心要创建一个长治久安的礼治秩序。据说在有明一代,真就出现了"居则有室,佃则有田,薪则有山,艺则有圃"的繁荣景象。不过到了晚明时期,又出现了"贱农"现象,传统农耕社会自给自足、男耕女织的田园景致被贬得一文不值。明朝究竟发生了怎样的社会变革,彻底推翻了  相似文献   

针对世界文化遗产地平遥古城的传统民居保护修缮和环境治理的《平遥古城传统民居保护修缮及环境治理管理导则》和《平遥古城传统民居保护修缮及环境治理实用导则》已分别于2014年和2015年发布。文章从利用模式引导、病害治理与性能提升、修缮与维护并举三个角度对导则进行了解析,特别是对导则所针对问题的具体背景与原因、导则所提出的适应性的保护方法进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   

吴敬梓在《儒林外史》中描述了自己,中心人物之一的杜少卿就是他的化身,所谓"一门三鼎甲"的天长杜家,实际就是全椒吴家,已是无异议的了。 "五十年中家门鼎盛。陆氏则机、云同居,苏家则拭、辙并进。子弟则人有凤毛,门巷则家夸马粪。绿野堂开,青云路近。"(《文本山房集》卷一《移家赋》)。机、云,轼、辙,指的是他曾祖辈吴国鼎等弟兄五人四人成了进士,曾祖吴国对且是探花,叔祖  相似文献   

李延彦 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(4):131-137,162,163
本文收录新缀宾组卜甲四例,作者从字体分类、腹甲形态等方面简要说明缀合理由并解释卜辞。其中,第一则缀合提供了一条重要的气象材料,丰富了我们对商代气象状况的认识。此外,该版缀合拼合还出一个新见字"雓"。第二则缀合为研究中甲部位的卜辞行款提供了新材料。第三则缀合为研究龟腹甲卜辞"正反相乘"文例提供了新的例证。  相似文献   

新文化地理学视角下景观研究综述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景观意义一方面要对其符号化的表征元素进行解读,另一方面也要关注其不可表征的意义。本研究梳理了国外新文化地理学视角下的景观研究,发现: ①表征视角下,一方面景观既被看作文化的产物,又是不同时期文化的再生;另一方面景观在权力博弈中曲折发展并推动其象征性意义的演变。②非表征视角主要关注日常生活行为、情感等方面所反应的社会变迁以及所感知的多元、复杂与不稳定的景观意义。国内新文化地理学视角的景观研究在西方思潮的影响下,对一些具体案例进行了尝试性研究,取得了一定的成果。本研究有助于中国学者结合转型期中国政治、经济、文化背景,构建具有中国特色的新文化地理学景观理论体系,推动新文化地理学在中国的良性发展。  相似文献   

The role of the arts in the revitalisation and strengthening of Australia's rural, remote, and Indigenous communities has been of particular interest to Australian State and Federal Governments, as reflected through various policy and positioning documents. In order to understand the relationship between the arts and communities, it is important to explore why people engage in the arts and what might be some of the barriers to that engagement. For the rural, remote and Indigenous communities of the Murchison Region, the arts has been a useful way of reaching and engaging with residents to build a stronger sense of community, provide light relief and entertainment, and facilitate communication among community members, government, and industry. However, there are several barriers that impact on the viability of arts projects. These barriers are amplified in rural and remote areas, and particularly for the three case study communities of the Murchison Region for a number of reasons. These include the transient nature of the population, a lack of resources, isolation and remoteness, and local politics, culture and history. The arts can provide a context in which other non‐arts related outcomes, such as health, capacity building, income generation, and so on, are facilitated and achieved. It is important for policy makers to recognise and address the barriers which hinder activity and serve to lessen the impact of the arts on communities.  相似文献   

集体记忆植根于人、空间(地方、景观)、时间,是地理学研究人地关系的重要视角与手段。本文从理论渊源、研究内容、方法等对国内外相关文献进行梳理,提出地理学视角下的集体记忆研究框架。研究立足于集体记忆主体、载体和机制三方面,以空间、地方、景观、仪式、旅游等为主要研究对象,关注现象背后的政治性、竞争-协商性以及利益主体,个案研究为主,案例类型较为丰富,方法上定性为主,鲜有定量研究及相关模型构建。相比国外研究热潮与成果,国内研究仍处于萌芽起步与概念引入阶段,未来可拓展集体记忆载体形式的研究,深化集体记忆机制即人地关系层面,加强实证与量化方法应用。  相似文献   


This article locates John Darwin’s work on decolonisation within an Oxbridge tradition which portrays a British world system, of which formal empire was but one part, emerging to increasing global dominance from the early nineteenth century. In this mental universe, decolonisation was the mirror image of that expanding global power. According to this point of view, it was not the sloughing off of individual territories, but rather the shrinking away of the system and of the international norms that supported it, until only its ghost remained by the end of the 1960s. The article then asks, echoing the title of Darwin’s Unfinished Empire, whether the decolonisation project is all but complete, or still ongoing. In addition, what is the responsibility of the imperial historian to engage with, inform, or indeed refrain from, contemporary debates that relate to some of these issues? The answer is twofold. On the one hand, the toolkit that the Oxbridge tradition and Darwin provide remains relevant, and also useful in thinking about contemporary issues such as China’s move towards being a global power, the United States’ declining hegemony, and some states and groups desires to rearticulate their relationship with the global. On the other hand, the decline of world systems of power needs to be recognised as just one of several types of, and approaches to, analysing ‘decolonisation’. One which cannot be allowed to ignore or marginalise the study of others, such as experience, first nations issues, the shaping of the postcolonial state, and empire legacies. The article concludes by placing the Oxbridge tradition into a broader typology of types and methodologies of decolonisation, and by asking what a new historiography of decolonisation might look like. It suggests that it would address the Oxbridge concern with the lifecycles of systems of power and their relationship to global changes, but also place them alongside, and in dialogue with, a much broader set of perspectives and analytical approaches.  相似文献   

Key variables for developing integrated rural tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Considering how important tourism development is as an element of economic recovery in rural areas, one of its objectives should be sustainability. The starting point must therefore be the existence of partnerships and cooperation between stakeholders. Such cooperation would enable the integration of tourism development through the endogeneity, complementarity, and embeddedness of the resources and the empowerment of the residents. The objective of this research is to determine the basic types of relationships to be developed in order to achieve integrated rural tourism. Initially, we verify the variables involved in integrated rural tourism by determining the measurement models, and subsequently we propose a model that reflects the relationships between the variables under study. Our research shows that there must be two types of collaboration between stakeholders. First, there must be collaboration to develop a tourism product, and second, there must be collaboration to provide adequate information about the existing tourism activities. Due the nature of tourism, various types of businesses must work together, but if information is not subsequently provided about the product, then tourism cannot develop as desired. Collaboration as a whole also favours the development of rural tourism in which tourism activities complement the traditional activities of an area, consequently increases the embeddedness of the product and the endogeneity of the resources. Furthermore, the opinions of the various stakeholders in tourism development must be taken into account, especially the residents, which takes place through empowerment. Finally, collaboration means that residents and tourists must coexist and come into contact, therefore sharing public services and entertainment and leisure locations. All the aforementioned factors consequently provide the basis for integrating the rural tourism that is developed in an area, which will favour the economic, sociocultural, and environmental sustainability of that area.  相似文献   

Chinese civilization has unique characteristics in the world civilization history. Its most prominent characteristic is the continuity of the “5,000-year” civilization. Over 5,000 years ago, different civilizations appeared in different regions of China and the civilizations mainly included their different early-stage theocracy and reign modes. Among these civilizations, the civilization that was handed on from generation to generation was the states with a reign mode that originated in the Longshan culture of Central China and its successors such as the Xia Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty. This can be illustrated by the 5,000-year continuous inheritance of the country, people, and territory of China, proved by the 5,000-year inheritance and development of capitals, royal tombs, ritual and ceremonial buildings and vessels, and characters as the national culture (or major tradition) and resurrected by the capital’s centralization,“OneGate Three-Passage” pattern,“centralization of the main hall of the court” and the“Left Ancestral Temple and Right Altar” pattern, and the central axis of the capital, the four doors on four sides of the capital and court, etc. as the materialized forms of the core ideas of center and moderation. These materialized forms of the unbroken civilization became more and more in the past 5,000 years, which indicates that the ideas of center and moderation became stronger and stronger and were constantly deepened. The ideological roots of the 5,000-year unbroken Chinese civilization are the ideas of center and moderation, which are the ideological basis for the state identity and the core value of the Chinese national history.  相似文献   

基于新人本主义理念的城市社区生活空间公正结构探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王立  王兴中 《人文地理》2010,25(6):30-35
本文以城市各阶层日常生活行为的工作(上学)、家务、购物、闲暇活动完成的区位空间结构为议题,运用行为地理学的人本主义研究方法,以社区为基本研究尺度,探讨微观领域社会空间公正体系的结构与模式。得出城市社会空间体系发育阶段,影响城市社区生活空间结构的基本因子为城市资源、社区资源、社区类型-体系与场所体系,社区资源与城市资源在城市内部空间的布局呈"点-轴"结合模式,城市资源的线性空间体系格局与社区资源与场所的点状空间镶嵌映射了市场经济规律下城市社区生活空间结构的"集聚-碎化"倾向,缺失空间公正。最后,尝试性提出了人本、公平理念下的城市社区生活空间公正结构。  相似文献   

Three U.S. geographers analyze the temporal and spatial trends of 17,438 violent events in Russia's North Caucasus region from August 1999 to July 2011, demonstrating that the diffusion of conflict away from Chechnya intensified during the period 2007-2011, as levels of violence rose in neighboring republics. An increasing number of casualties are civilians in Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Kabardino-Balkaria, the three republics that are the focus of the paper. Employing multiple methods of spatial pattern analysis and geographically sensitive regression models, the authors examine the spatial fragmentation of violence from the perspective of rebel groups operating in the three republics. The analysis documents how the incidence of violence varies dramatically over space (i.e., reflecting the influence of urbanization, strategic location, and physical geographic factors such as elevation and extent of forest cover). Although violence in the North Caucasus region as a whole has declined in absolute terms over the past four years, the authors show how new geographies of violence are developing in the region, underscoring the emergence of republic-based insurgent operations against the various organs of the Russian state. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H560, H770, O180. 9 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendix, 103 references:  相似文献   

Henry Herbert Donaldson (1857–1938) was a leader in neurological research in the United States for several decades, beginning about 1890. A detailed account of three of his earliest publications shows the neuroanatomical procedures involved in the study of the relation of brain and intelligence during the late-nineteenth-century in America. Two of the articles, published in September 1890 and December 1891, were titled, “Anatomical Observations on the Brain and Several Sense-Organs of the Blind Deaf-Mute, Laura Dewy Bridgman (1829–1889)”; the third, published in August 1892, used the information from the first two to delimit the extent of the visual processing area of the human cortex. Donaldson’s procedures included brain cuttings and measures of macroscopic brain structures, histology of cellular structures, attempts to relate macroscopic brain structures with brain functions, data corrections, estimations, comparisons, and statistics. These procedures provide a view of the relative thoroughness, accuracy, and comparability of the various neuroanatomical techniques in use at that time and of Donaldson’s implementation of the techniques. Donaldson’s brain cutting techniques were much more comparable than his measurement techniques. The latter could be quite precise, but they were fraught with lack of standardized procedures that made corrections and estimations necessary when making data comparisons across studies. Donaldson emphasized these incompatibilities, implying a need for standardization. Statistical procedures were the least thorough and effective. His, and the field’s, total complement of statistical techniques consisted of mean and range, which severely limited his ability to make complicated assessments. This limitation was not necessarily supplemented by stringent control group comparisons.  相似文献   

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