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Heinrich Klüver and Paul Bucy described a constellation of symptoms in monkeys following large resections of the temporal lobe that they termed the "temporal lobe syndrome"; now commonly referred to as the Klüver-Bucy syndrome. The aim of this paper is threefold: (1) to review Heinrich Kluver's behavioral studies on monkeys that led up to his temporal lobe experiments with Paul Bucy; (2) to understand why Brown and Sch?fer dismissed the behavioral changes in temporal lobe monkeys they had observed fifty years prior to the studies of Klüver and Bucy; and (3) to show that Klüver's phenomenologically motivated conceptual paradigm helped to unify both neuropsychological and neuroanatomical theories regarding the visual and emotive functions of the non-human primate temporal lobe.  相似文献   


Heinrich Klüver and Paul Bucy described a constellation of symptoms in monkeys following large resections of the temporal lobe that they termed the “temporal lobe syndrome”; now commonly referred to as the Klüver‐Bucy syndrome. The aim of this paper is threefold: (1) to review Heinrich Klüver's behavioral studies on monkeys that led up to his temporal lobe experiments with Paul Bucy; (2) to understand why Brown and Schäfer dismissed the behavioral changes in temporal lobe monkeys they had observed fifty years prior to the studies of Klüver and Bucy; and (3) to show that Klüver's phenomenologically motivated conceptual paradigm helped to unify both neuropsychological and neuroanatomical theories regarding the visual and emotive functions of the non‐human primate temporal lobe.  相似文献   

The Hutchinsonian movement exercised considerable influence on thought about various topics of importance in England's Enlightenment/Counter-Enlightenment debates. Its epistemological stance, derived from a group of Irish writers of the early eighteenth century, places the movement at the centre of these debates and does much to explain its attraction to contemporaries. The article emphasises the persistence of Hutchinsonian thought and the continuing importance of its epistemological underpinnings into the early nineteenth century, drawing attention particularly to the writings of Bishop William Van Mildert.  相似文献   

Among the notable features of Roberval'sAristarchi Samii de Mundi Systemate (1644) is the frequent appearance in the text of the abbreviation «P.N.E.M.», standing for «pondere, numero et mensura». The allusion is to the line from the Wisdom of Solomon, XI, 20: «Pondere, mensura, numero Deus omnia fecit» (Vulgate). The line crops up in many authors praising God the Mathematician. However, Roberval's invocation of the verse was not an exercise in piety, but more likely a sign of solidarity with his fellow-mathematicians in the Collège royal, whose motto might have been the same dictum from the Wisdom of Solomon.  相似文献   

Analogy in ancient Greek medical texts may be either explicit or implicit. Greek physicians of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. often used explicit analogy, e.g. when trying to explain unobservable processes within the body by comparing them to observable processes in common objects. Such explicit analogies served several purposes: illustration, exemplification, confirmation, or a combination thereof. - Other analogies are implicit, particularly those originating in metaphors, i. e. in language. While explicit analogies were intended to support only marginal details of medical doctrines, analogies implicit in metaphors occasionally became the nuclei of comprehensive and therapeutically important doctrines, particularly with reference to the crisis of a disease. - Explicit and implicit analogies occur already very early (Homer, eighth century B. C.) and with characteristics which make it possible to assess the specific function of analogy in Greek medical texts of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.  相似文献   

We have observed circumstances in which the ancient human activities that formed archaeological sites have left a strong imprint on the stable nitrogen isotopic ratio of the plants currently growing there. There is apparent meter-scale spatial variability and the effect can persist for at least several centuries. To our knowledge, this isotopic effect has not previously been reported. Here, we introduce this phenomenon and begin to consider its potential as an analytical tool in archaeological reconstruction.  相似文献   

Das deutsche Gesundheitswesen und insbesondere der Krankenhaussektor befinden sich im Wandel. Kosteneinsparma?nahmen stehen auf Grund der Bev?lkerungsentwicklung einer immer st?rker wachsenden Nachfrage nach station?ren Dienstleistungen gegenüber. Die Zusammenarbeit von ambulanten und station?ren Leistungserbringern spielt eine entscheidende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, einerseits Kosten zu reduzieren und andererseits dem Patienten eine optimale Versorgung gew?hrleisten zu k?nnen. Eine nicht unwesentliche Bedeutung kommt hierbei der Strukturierung und gegebenenfalls Optimierung bzw. Modernisierung von Klinikstandorten zu. Dieser Thematik nimmt sich der folgende Artikel an. Seine Ergebnisse stammen aus einer 2008 angefertigten Diplomarbeit, die am Institut für Geographie der Westf?lischen Wilhelms-Universit?t zu Münster unter der Betreuung von Dr. Christian Krajewski und Dr. Arnd Jenne verfasst wurde.  相似文献   

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