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本文从古典时期雅典社会流动性进行了考察,文章认为,雅典社会是一个具有相当流动性的社会。社会流动的形式包括向上与向下两种流动方式,社会阶层之间的流动更明显,而这种社会阶层之间的流动是智者兴起的重要因素。  相似文献   

明代人口分布与社会经济发展有着密切的关系。从地域上看,明代人口分布并不均衡;从时间上看,明代前、中、后期各地区人口分布发生了一些变化。明代人口分布状况对社会经济布局、经济结构调整、城镇的发展、劳动结构和职业结构的变化以及局部地区人口过剩和资源紧张等方面均产生了极大影响,既有积极作用,又有消极作用。  相似文献   

路学与流动性研究极为重视道路与人类社会文化的关系研究,是道路社会文化研究的重要基础。国内外路学和流动性相关研究表明,以文化人类学为重心的路学研究关注道路建设和使用过程中国家与地方、网络与节点之间的关系,强调物质流动与社会建构的内在联系。社会文化地理学者热衷的流动性研究则以人地关系为基础,将道路本身视为一个流动的物质空间,探讨其中的社会空间的生产、人的主体空间感知和身份认同。二者聚焦道路本体又极具批判精神,但在研究内容、方法、对象和尺度上都尚存缺陷,还未建立科学的道路社会文化研究框架。因此,可尝试从道路的空间关系、社会关系和权力关系等方面展开道路社会文化研究,以推动这一领域广泛而深入的知识生产。  相似文献   

学界一般认为,在长达20多年的集体化时期,农村人口难以流动,农村社会几乎是一个不流动的社会.通过对赣闽粤边区农村人口流动剖析后发现:集体化时期,农村社会仍然流淌着人口流动的涓涓细流;这些细流,既有城镇人口的下乡流,也有农村劳力的进城流,还有农村内部的人口迁移流.集体化时期很大程度上是一个由体制安排移民的时代;集体化时期的农村社会,很大程度上是一个人口向农村、向山区迁流的社会.  相似文献   

18世纪英国社会流动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒小昀 《史学月刊》2004,26(2):108-115
社会流动可以改变人们在社会结构中的位置。18世纪英国社会是一个易于伸缩的社会分层系统,通过社会流动给整个社会注入了活力。英国社会各个阶层在社会流动中表现出不同的特征:贵族的开放是单向度的;中间阶层向全社会成员开放,成为一个生机勃勃的社会阶层;社会下层逐渐向无产阶级过渡,为新社会准备了一个重要的部件。社会流动使英国各阶层连结成一个整体。  相似文献   

正《明代社会转型与文化变迁》内容简介本书是作者继《明代社会生活史》《中国的社与会》等专著后,集二十余年的研究成果,纵览式勾勒的明代社会史和文化史变迁的长幅画卷。纵观明代社会与文化的整体,呈现从官方严密控制到松懈的动态变迁过程;凸显随社会流动的加速以及朝政的宽大与舆论空间的扩大而展现的"活力"与"多样性"的新动向。本书旨在探寻明代社会文化变迁与中国社会、文化的现代化之间的内在联系。作者:陈宝良出版社:重庆大学出版社  相似文献   

《明代人口流动与社会变迁》一书问世明代的流民现象,是中国历史上全国性的一次大规模运动,它的深刻性超过前朝历代。透过这次流民现象来揭示其本质,是深入研究中国封建社会后晚期社会结构变化的重大线索和基本课题。牛建强博士正是进行了这方面工作,写成31万字的《...  相似文献   

20世纪三四十年代日本入侵、共产党革命动员及其乡村改造引起晋西北抗日根据地乡村社会阶层出现不同于以往在内部压力作用下的"非正常"流动,而这种流动主要受革命政策使然;其中各阶层流动的特征和趋向表明乡村社会严重分化,沿着革命政权构建的方向重新整合,客观上实现着"强国家弱社会"的政治图景并在某种程度上揭示出共产党革命与乡村社会阶层流动间的内在逻辑关系,同时反映出共产党已取得对根据地乡村社会阶级结构改造试验的成功。  相似文献   

王宁 《收藏家》2006,(12):8-12
铜镜在古代文明社会生活中是一种重要的日常用品,每个时代铜镜都会具有自己独有的特点。同一时代中,由于铜镜使用遍及各个社会阶层,上至帝王将相,下到平民百姓,由于地位的不同和文化的差异,所用的铜镜又会呈现出各自的特点。本文将视角集中于江西历年出土的一批明代藩王使用的铜镜,展现明代藩王生活的一个侧面,同时也充实明代铜镜的研究实物资料,对构建完整的中国古代铜镜史当具有非常的意义。明王朝建立后,朱元璋为了永保朱氏江山稳固,大封子孙于各地,形成了藩王拱卫、“夹辅皇室”的格局,明代各朝一直沿续了这种制度。江西地区主要有藩王…  相似文献   

明代农村的人口流动与农村经济变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
明代农村的人口流动与农村经济变革林金树一在封建社会,所谓“农村经济”,实质乃是农业经济。人口、土地、种植业,是构成它的三个主要因素。其中,人口是最为关键的。明代中国的农村经济经过唐宋以来的长期发展和世界经济发展大势的刺激,有了新的发展,出现了具有深远...  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between spatial mobility and social mobility. It develops a two‐skill‐type spatial equilibrium model of two regions with location preferences where each region consists of an urban area that is home to workplaces and residences and an exclusively residential suburban area. The paper demonstrates that relative regional social mobility is negatively correlated with segregation and inequality. In the model, segregation, income inequality, and social mobility are driven by differences between urban and residential areas in commuting cost differences between high‐skilled and low‐skilled workers, and also by the magnitude of taste heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Claims have recently been made for a 'mobilities paradigm' which is challenging the relative 'a-mobile' focus of much of the social sciences. The agenda drawn up for this mobilities paradigm is clearly based on Northern trends with little consideration of the South. African populations have always been mobile but little is known about the mobility of urban populations and in particular of the youth, who constitute a large proportion of the population. This paper explores the daily and residential mobility of young people in Lusaka building upon interviews held with low- and middle-income youth. The aim is to contribute to discussions of: how mobility varies by gender and class; the links between spatial mobility and social and economic mobility; the nature of the relationship between patterns of mobility and residential structure; and how examining mobility can illuminate many other aspects of young people's lives. Overall the picture emerging from Lusaka is rather bleak. In a context of spiralling economic decline and rising HIV/AIDS rates, the social mobility of youth is predominantly downwards which is reflected in the residential and daily mobility patterns of the young people. There is a strong link between young people's mobility and their livelihoods, an aspect of mobility that is widespread in the South but largely overlooked by the emerging mobilities paradigm.  相似文献   


Studies of medieval social mobility have tended to focus upon the success of socially ambitious, generally male, careerists. Alongside this tendency to use social mobility as a synonym for upward mobility has been a tradition of assigning the most agency in creating economic change to ambitious entrepreneurs. This article redresses these imbalances by exploring status anxiety and the fear of downward mobility in late medieval England. Using the surviving letter collections of the fifteenth century together with medieval literature, this article explores not only the importance of gender and the life cycle in shaping these fears but also the subtle distinctions between status anxiety, which often accompanied positions of authority, and a fear of imminent social decline, generally precipitated by financial difficulties. Through a reconsideration of demesne lessees and fraternities and guilds, it also shows how such anxieties and fears could affect both rural and urban economic developments.  相似文献   

A New Zealand example illustrates the potential of foraging efficiency (FE) measures to inform not only on human-prey dynamics, but also to help identify situations where mobility is constrained or stimulated. Marked declines in Māori molluscan FE, coupled with increased shellfish usage, are identified over a ca. 450-year period at the coastal locality of Harataonga Beach, New Zealand. The potential effects of climate change are considered using newly available southwest Pacific multi-proxy records and temperature sensitive species, but correlations are lacking. The molluscan results signal possible restrictions on logistic and/or residential mobility in late prehistory, while evidence from the broader cultural landscape points to increasing agricultural investments and marked social competition. The Ideal Free Distribution model (IFD) is used to consider regional-scale interactions between foraging efficiency, agricultural developments, and competition, and their effects on mobility. Geographic and temporal variation in the patterning and causes of population movements is highlighted through this model, particularly differences between large game foragers in the south and populations with mixed economies in the north. In late prehistory, many northern areas including Harataonga apparently experienced reductions in the geographic scale of population movements, coupled with intensified intra-territorial mobility. The latter was an outcome of labour being widely dispatched across tribal territories, quasi-specialisation in subsistence tasks, and pooling and exchange of resources through a variety of social mechanisms which often involved population movements.  相似文献   

The link between geographical leadership mobility and policy isomorphism is rarely discussed in the extant literature. We argue that the geographical leadership mobility encourages local executives to converge their development experiences in their original working jurisdictions and their current positions. The distinct Chinese political personnel system provides an ideal environment that allows researchers to examine the isomorphic effects of geographical leadership mobility. This research builds a dataset of local social spending between 1998 and 2011 as well as a database of the leadership mobility history of provincial executives in China. Results of the spatial panel analysis (SPA) demonstrate that the geographical leadership mobility (i.e., horizontal, top-down, and bottom-up) of governors stimulates the regional isomorphism of provincial education and health care spending. The empirical findings affirm the effectiveness of the effort of the Chinese central government in narrowing the regional inequality of social welfare provision through the geographical mobility of local leadership.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the process of early urbanization in Oslo, Norway, during the initial period of early 11th–late 12th Century using a bioarchaeological approach. Through the use of isotope analyses performed on teeth and bone from 20 humans buried in Oslo during the first phases of urban settlement, individual dietary change and mobility are reconstructed. Oslo is traditionally perceived as one of many urban settlements initiated by royal power, and this paper contributes to this discussion by investigating the origin of the first settlers, and also how the early urban process affected their way of living. Results suggest that most individuals in the study were of local origin, and had a constant diet throughout life from childhood to its last phase. The absence of individual dietary change sharply contrasts the dynamic dietary patterns observed in people from the Viking age. Dietary variation between individuals does suggest, however, social differences among the early urban population of Oslo.  相似文献   


Since the late 1980s, millions of poor and low-income rural migrant workers migrating to Chinese metropolises with their children have congregated in chengzhongcun (villages in the city) for low-cost housing. Drawing on data from a 14-month participant observation in one chengzhongcun in Beijing, we critically explore the potential impact of urban expansion on social mobility of migrant youth. We argue that the uncertainty and chaos connected with looming demolition result in substandard schooling and business closures for migrant parents, leading to the stagnant mobility of migrant youth. Expanding the social hierarchy pyramids, we argue that eliminating chengzhongcun, a space that creates the possibility of climbing the social ladder, hampers the social mobility of migrant youth in the context of the rigid class structure in the late-socialist China. This research re-examines the goals of the demolition of chengzhongcun and advances our understanding by analyzing the prospects of disadvantaged migrant youth during and after the demolition process.  相似文献   

郑宁  冯贤亮 《安徽史学》2016,(3):138-143
晚明卫所月粮的普遍短缺不仅损害了军士的利益,也影响了卫所与州县的关系。在多方面因素的影响下,晚明泗州卫月粮久缺,并与泗州地方政府产生了诸多冲突。有别于传统的晚明卫所、军户地位低下的认识,在与泗州各类冲突中,泗州卫占有明显优势,呈现出军强民弱的状态,打破了卫所与州县间旧有的平衡。针对出现的问题,朝廷与泗州曾试图整改,但均未能奏效。这种与传统认识不同的军、民关系状态并非泗州卫独有,凤阳也存在类似的情形。  相似文献   

Although feminist geographers understand gender and mobility as mutually constitutive social processes, few studies explain how gender relations are constituted in particular mobility contexts, and how and why they shape mobility patterns in specific socio-spatial circumstances. We address these questions in an analysis of gendered mobilities in Shimshal, Pakistan, which until recently have taken shape in the context of a pedestrian mobility regime. The gender and mobility relationship has transformed as vehicular mobilities have replaced pedestrian mobilities with the construction of the Shimshal road. To demonstrate empirically the co-constitution of gender and mobility, we analyze aspects of socio-spatial context that have shaped gendered pedestrian mobilities, followed by those associated with the new vehicular mobility regime that are modifying gender relations in Shimshal. Shifting gender relations reshape corporeal mobility patterns. Road infrastructure has enhanced men’s and youth’s outbound travel as wage earners and students, respectively. These mobilities have reshaped women’s capacity to move, constraining their mobility beyond the village. As prosperity becomes contingent on outbound movement, men’s and youths’ social horizons and mobilities are expanding, while women’s compromised access to mobility as a social resource produces new mobility hierarchies and gendered exclusions.  相似文献   

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