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前言:"十五年战争论" "十五年战争论"是理解1930年代日本对外行动问题上一个比较有说服力的历史解读。当初这一说法被理解为一种单线式的历史解释,即从满洲事变到日中战争再到太平洋战争是历史发展的必然,满洲事变使得日中无法避免一战,日中战争无法逃脱太平洋战争的命运。围绕这一历史解读,日本近现代史学家展开讨论,对十五年战争论进行了尖锐的批判。  相似文献   

日本爱知大学法学部教授江口圭一先生是中国学术界的老朋友 ,他继《日本帝国主义史论·满洲事变前后》(青木书店 1 975出版 )和《日本帝国主义史研究》(青木书店 1 998出版 ,中译本即将由世界知识出版社出版 )之后 ,又于 2 0 0 1年 5月出版了第三部论文集《十五年战争研究史论》(校仓书房 )。该书收入 1 970年代中叶直至 1 990年代末撰写的有关论文 ,内容丰富 ,涉及面广 ,依据史实深入探讨 ,俱见著者之功力。全书共分为 1 2章 :1 .两面的帝国主义论———以满洲事变期为中心 ;2 .满洲事变期研究之再探讨 ;3 .满洲事变与军部———关于藤村道…  相似文献   

1931—1945年的十五年战争期间,日本陆续发动了"满洲事变""中国事变""大东亚战争"一系列对外侵略战争。日本政府为了实行对中国东北与本土以及亚太地区的管理与统治,陆续设立了前后连贯的三个国策统制机关——"对满事务局""兴亚院""大东亚省"。本文主要围绕"大东亚省"的设立过程,考察战时日本的殖民统治机构从"对满事务局""兴亚院"到"大东亚省"之演变过程,以及"大东亚省"的殖民统治之本质,用以再现与佐证战时日本对亚太地区进行殖民统治的史实。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后的日本学界,在日中战争史研究领域有两个倾向,一是把中国民众的抗日运动视为"本质上的民族主义运动",以此作为日中两国研究者进行讨论的基础;一是重视日本人的战争责任和罪行。伴随国际性研究交流与合作的增多及研究方法的多样化,日中战争史研究范式发生转换,学界更为积极地以崭新的视角从政治、经济、社会、外交、文化及军事等方面重新审视这段改变近代中国历史进程的战争。在此背景下,历史问题或许不再只是对过去的反省和道歉,也可能成为国际协商的课题,从而实现研究范式的进一步转换。  相似文献   

<正>进入21世纪,日本有关日中战争史的代表性研究,主要可分为三类:其一是为纪念日本战败60周年进行的综合性研究,以及日中美三方学者关于日中战争史的国际共同研究;其二为中国现代史研究会(东京)及日本上海史研究会等校际研究会所展开的共同研究;其三是学者关于日中战争史的自主研究。这一归类大致可以反映出日本史学界长期以来的学术传统。本文将分别予以介绍,以此展示近年来日本学界关于日中战争史研究的整体动向。  相似文献   

由韩国东北亚历史财团、中国抗日战争史学会主办,中国人民抗日战争纪念馆协办的"近现代战争记忆与东北亚和平未来"国际学术研讨会于20l0年12月10日至11日在北京举行.韩国东北亚历史财团理事长郑在贞、中国抗日战争史学会会长何理,中国社会科学院近代史研究所所长步平,中国抗日战争史学会常务副会长、中国人民抗日战争纪念馆馆长沈强等出席开幕式.来自中、日、韩三国及台湾地区的学者30余人参加了研讨会,提交论文20余篇.在为期两天的研讨中,学者们以近现代日本发动甲午战争和日俄战争为讨论重点,延伸到对战争遗址遗迹及战争纪念设施在建设东北亚和平与未来方面发挥的重要作用进行探讨.  相似文献   

正引言本文旨在通过在学术史中的使用方法和问题意识的变化,来考察曾经在日本近现代史中使用的历史名词——"十五年战争"。关于战争,使用何种词汇称呼,与如何理解过去的战争这样的日本的历史意识有着非常密切的关系。在世界史中如何定位?怎样认识与其他国家历史认识的不同?本文在特别注意理解这一系列深刻问题的同时,尝试对日本"十五年战争"论的形成及其问题点进行整理?,并就教于方家。  相似文献   

1848年的欧洲革命风暴刚刚过去两年,即1850年,恩格斯就怀着鲜明的现实感和深刻的历史感,以革命性和科学性相统一的精神,在伦敦写成了一部重要史著《德国农民战争》(以下简称《战争》)。今天,这部史著问世已近一个半世纪。在这个时期里,世界历史进程发生了巨大变迁,历史科学也取得显著进步,东西方学者对德国农民战争史的研究在深度和广度上达到了新阶段。近一个半世纪的学术实践证明,《战争》堪称是一部史学名著。当代史学的发展表明,《战争》对当代东西方学者的德国农民战争史研究产生了重要影响。前东德和前苏联的学者直接继承恩格斯的观点…  相似文献   

侯树栋 《世界历史》1999,(5):115-117
1991年,美国人文科学出版社出版了由两名英国学者编译的《文献中的德国农民战争史》一书.该书收录德国农民战争史的直接文献162份.这是一本史料价值很高的资料书①.书中所载《施图林根农民条款》和《肯普腾修道院臣民陈情书》,是研究农民战争前南德农民人身依附状况的重要的历史资料.研读这两份资料,对揭示德国农民战争的农村社会根源无疑是有意义的.  相似文献   

《新版满洲事变的真相》是九一八事变后,日本侵略者为宣扬日军的所谓“赫赫战功”而出版的一部曲九一八事变史实真相的日本侵华史料。该史料颠倒黑白地歪曲了日军制造柳条湖事件、突袭东北军驻地大营、攻占沈阳城等侵略罪行,把日军发动侵华战争的责任归咎于当时基本没有进行反抗的中国军队。但,谎言终究无法掩盖真相。《新版满洲事变的真相》所...  相似文献   

STANLEY KARNOW. Vietnam, A History. New York: Penguin, 1984. Pp. xi, 752. $10.95 (US); GABRIEL KOLKO. Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, The United States, and the Modern Historical Experience. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985. Pp. xvi, 628. $25.00 (US); TIMOTHY J. LOMPERIS. The War Everyone Lost-and Won: America's Intervention in Vietnam's Twin Struggles. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1985. Pp. x, 192. $22.50 (US); R.B. SMITH. An International History of the Vietnam War: The Kennedy Strategy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. Pp. xii, 429. $25.00 (US); HARRY O. SUMMERS, Jr. On Strategy: A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War. New York: Dell, 1984. Pp. 288. $3.95 (US).  相似文献   

MICHAEL ADAMS. Napoleon and Russia. London and New York, NY: Hambledon Continuum, 2006. Pp. xxiii, 596. $34.95 (US); ROY ADKINS and LESLEY ADKINS. The War for All the Oceans: From Nelson at the Nile to Napoleon at Waterloo. London: Little Brown, 2006. Pp. xxix, 534. £10.9g, paper; ALESSANDRO BARBERO. The Battle: A New History of Waterloo, trans. John Cullen. New York, NY: Walker & Company, 2005. Pp. xii, 340. $16.00 (US), paper; DAVID A. BELL. The First Total War: Napoleon's Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It. Boston, MA and New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin, 2007; dist. Markham, ON: Thomas Allen. Pp. x, 420. $39.95 (CDN); CHARLES ESDAILE. Napoleon's Wars: An International History, 1803–1815. London: Allen Lane, Penguin, 2007. Pp. xvii, 621. $55.00 (CDN); ROBERT HARVEY. The War of Wars: The Epic Struggle between Britain and France, 1723–1815. London: Constable & Robinson, 2006. Pp. xxx, 962. £10.00, paper; FREDERICK W. KAGAN. The End of the Old Order: Napoleon and Europe, 1801–1805. Cambridge, MA: De Capo Books, 2006. Pp. xxiv, 774. $40.00 (US); MICHAEL V. LEGGIERE. The Fall of Napoleon: I: The Allied Invasion of France, 1813–1814. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. xvii, 686. $35.00 (US); THIERRY LENTZ. Nouvelle histoire du Premier Empire: II: L'effondrement du système napoléonien, 1810–1814. Paris: Fayard, 2007. Pp. 835. €30.00, paper; ADAM ZAMOYSKI. Rites of Peace: The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna. London: HarperCollins, 2007. Pp. xviii, 634. £25.00. Reviewed by Philip G. Dwyer  相似文献   

Louise Amoore 《对极》2009,41(1):49-69
Abstract:  Technologies that deploy algorithmic calculation are becoming ubiquitous to the homeland securitization of the war on terror. From the surveillance networks of the city subway to the biometric identifiers of new forms of border control, the possibility to identify "association rules" between people, places, objects and events has brought the logic of pre-emption into the most mundane and prosaic spaces. Yet, it is not the case that the turn to algorithmic calculation simply militarizes society, nor even that we are witnessing strictly a commercialization of security. Rather, algorithmic war is one form of Foucault's sense of a "continuation of war by other means", where the war-like architectures of self/other, here/there, safe/risky, normal/suspicious are played out in the politics of daily life. This paper explores the situated interplay of algorithmic practices across commercial, security, and military spheres, revealing the violent geographies that are concealed in the glossy techno-science of algorithmic calculation.  相似文献   

Stanner's War     
The Pacific War and its aftermath were a turning point in William Edward Hanley Stanner's career. Until then, he had struggled to establish himself as a scholar and seemed destined to stay, like many other Australian scholars, within the orbit of British academia and its colonial empire. Almost immediately after war had been declared, Stanner returned to Australia, working in various capacities and, in May 1942, commanding the North Australia Observer Unit. In October 1943, he was transferred to the Australian Army's Directorate of Research and Civil Affairs (DORCA). Members of the Directorate saw themselves at the forefront of progressive reform in Australian colonial policy. Stanner opposed what he considered the grandiose plans for a post-war Papua New Guinea that were hatched by the DORCA ‘boys’, as they called themselves. By the end of the 1940s, however, control over policy was firmly in the hands of the civil bureaucracy and the new Minister for Territories, Paul Hasluck. Any influence that may have accrued to either Stanner or to the idealism of the ‘boys’ in the Directorate was lost.  相似文献   

Patrick Vitale 《对极》2011,43(3):783-819
Abstract: During World War II the state created a new and deeper set of relationships with defense contractors. These contractors manufactured the vast majority of war materials and relied extensively on the state for financing. These same contractors also encouraged workers and civilians to understand their every minute action as contributing to the war effort. In order to fully integrate workers’ and civilians’ lives into the war effort, the state and industry created and distributed a war wage—a sense of contribution, national belonging, and sacrifice. In this paper I analyze the wartime records of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company in order to understand how the state and industry created the war wage alongside the military–industrial complex. With the help of the war wage, the state and industry radically expanded the production of war materials and enlisted a more compliant population of workers and civilians into the war effort.  相似文献   

Singing was an important leisure activity for Canadian soldiers serving overseas in the Great War. Soldiers sang popular songs of the day and religious hymns, while also parodying them to better suit their wartime experience. Singing was a group activity that brought men together, forged bonds of comradeship, reinforced belonging in the group, and helped the soldiers endure the strain of unending combat and service. Wartime songs reveal the culture from below and shed new light on the soldiers' experience.  相似文献   

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