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江、黄是周代南土地区相邻的两个嬴姓诸侯国,古书亦常并称,如《左传》僖公二年:"秋,盟于贯,服江、黄也。"僖公五年:"楚斗谷于菟灭弦,弦子奔黄。于是江、黄、道、柏方睦于齐,皆弦姻也。弦子恃之而不事楚,又不设备,故亡。"江在今河南省正阳县东南、息县西南一带(2),周襄王二十三年(前623)灭于楚。  相似文献   

廖薇 《华夏考古》2020,(2):76-83,113
樽、卮(含觯、卮两种器物)很容易被混淆,我们通过综合传世文献、出土文献、考古出土实物三方面材料,认为觯、卮共存且器形有别,觯附三足,卮为平底,且觯的等级高于卮,目前考古出土的玉卮应为玉觯。通过数据分析,我们发现樽与觯的区分要点是容器的径高比差异,樽口大腹浅,便于盛取液体,而觯口小腹深,便于饮用液体。  相似文献   

It has been said that only Jesus and Shakespeare have been the subject of more works than Abraham Lincoln. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still keep trying to get things right. I am going to be adding to that body of literature, on the relationship between Lincoln, the Supreme Court, and the Civil War.  相似文献   

Viking age honestones from four large sites in northern Europe have been made from two different types of quartz-muscovite schist: one dark grey, very fine-grained schist, and a light grey, fine-grained schist. In order to determine the provenance of these schist hones, KAr ages have been determined on 16 selected representative hones. The dark grey schist hones yield Caledonian ages of 403–446 Ma. and consideration of petrographic evidence leads to the conclusion that the hones were quarried in the Caledonian area (presumably) of Western Norway. The light grey schist hones are Precambrian, with KAr ages of 931–946 Ma, and are presumed to originate from Telemark, South Norway. The amount and homogeneity of these honestone groups from different parts of the Viking world indicates the existence of large quarries, and demonstrates that production and trade were more wide-ranging than had hitherto been assumed.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) and traditional techniques were used to study the internal morphology of modern fruits of Pleiogynium timoriense (DC.) Leenh., and phosphatized and silicified fruits that were considered to belong to the genus. The results demonstrate that phosphatized fruits from the Oligocene–Miocene Dunsinane site at Riversleigh and silicified fruits from the Oligocene Glencoe Site, which are both in Queensland, are referable to Pleiogynium. The Riversleigh material (Pleiogynium wannanii Rozefelds, Dettmann & Clifford sp. nov.) is very similar to extant P. timoriense (DC.) Leenh. Both possess locules that, in the vertical axial plane, are asymmetrically reniform and enclosed by a two-layered endocarp, the inner layer woody and resistant to decay, the outer of fibres and parenchyma, surrounded by a mesocarp of fibres and sclereids and a parenchymatous exocarp. The outer mesocarp is sculpted by meridionally arranged, elongate depressions (germination apertures) situated at the dorsal surface of each locule; erosion of the mesocarp and outer endocarp provides passage for emergence of the embryo’s radicle on germination. The silicified material from Glencoe (P. parvum Rozefelds, Dettmann & Clifford sp. nov.) is smaller in all its parts and has locules that are ovate in the vertical axial plane. Discrete, cap-like, opercula are not evident in the fruit wall of the fossil and extant fruits studied. The presence of Pleiogynium, and associated taxa, indicates the existence of rainforest communities at Glencoe, and mixed open forest/rainforest at Riversleigh during Oligocene–Miocene times. The multilocular, fossil fruit described as Pleiogynium mitchellii Collinson, Manchester and Wilde from the Eocene deposits at Messel Quarry, Germany, is not considered to belong in the genus, as evidence of elongate depressions on the dorsal surface of the fruit stones has not been demonstrated conclusively, and its internal morphology/anatomy differs significantly from that of Pleiogynium.  相似文献   

甲骨文、金文以及秦楚瓦文、简牍中所见的“封”(“夆”)乃是人工堆筑的土堆,其上或植有树木;“封”多沿着道路设置,用以表示其地域之归属;田地中的“封”则置立于田畔或阡道上,用于标识田地的归属。金文与秦楚简牍中所见的“疆”“畺”或“彊”,则是人为地划出的界线,它可以但并不必然表现为自然或人为的地理事物。“界”也是一种人为的划分,却有具体的自然或人为的地理事物作为标识;用于表示“界”的地理事物主要有关、垣、离、格、堑、封、刊、坞、虎落、天田、立石等人为的地理事物,以及山、川等自然地理事物。  相似文献   

“天毒”、“天吴”是《山海经》中的两个难点。据查“天毒”为天竹之音误记。古有孤竹族,为殷商侯国,孤竹又称典竹。齐桓公时,孤竹族迁人朝鲜半岛,依箕于朝鲜,以“天毒”──天竹、典竹命国。“天吴”亦为天竹之误记。“天毒”、“天吴”居地相同,并均与箕于朝鲜有密切关系,是为朝鲜半岛上的古族古国。  相似文献   

“天”在太平天国语汇中使用频率最高,有五种含义:太平天国上帝教的上帝、与太平天国有关之事物、与天王有关之事物、“天下”和世界、指称与地相对的物质的天,其中,以“天”指称上帝是最本源最主要的含义,是中国传统化与基督教义的杂糅。天主教、上帝教、太平基督教、拜上帝教和“拜上帝会”宗教等五种名称是太平天国宗教的“他称”,太平天国献在说到太平天国宗教时使用的名词是真道、真教和天教。“天教”并用以指称包括基督新教、天主教在内的广义的基督教,而不是对太平天国宗教的“命名”或命名意义上的“自称”。  相似文献   

从宣统二年(1910)九月赴京就任京师图书馆监督,到宣统三年(1911)九月乞假寓居上海,缪荃孙(1844-1919)在京师图书馆任职差不多一年时间.在此期间,缪荃孙除了参与日常的图书馆事务,最主要的精力用于整理藏书和编制藏书目录,为京师图书馆的藏书建设与书籍保护奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

Morphological characters for the separation of red and fallow deer remains are described. These encompass antlers, permanent dentition, and postcranial bones. The characters were tested on samples of known red and fallow deer from an array of contexts, thus helping to ensure their validity across different populations. An attempt is made to quantify the reliability of each character, using a simple arithmetic method of scoring and analysing the test data. This forms the basis for a more objective assessment of the identity of an unknown specimen.  相似文献   

根据吴简统计,户平均4.80人,与传世文献中经常提到的"五口之家"相符.吴简中的里,其规模多在2~50户之间,不像传世文献中所说的那样整齐划一.长沙郡自东汉以来,人口密度已略有提高,但直到三国初期,地广人稀的状况依旧,里的规模仍然无甚变化,说明此时经济发展水平尚无明显改观.  相似文献   

本文从分析宁夏贺兰山山嘴沟所见伏虎罗汉入手,梳理了汉藏罗汉图像的差异,重点考察了藏传佛教罗汉中伏虎罗汉、布袋和尚与达摩多罗图像的来源。作者认为,达摩多罗名号与图像的形成与吐蕃禅宗、禅宗保唐派、唐五代行脚僧及其变化的宝胜如来信仰密切相关,并与佛陀波利以及流行于两宋的布袋和尚信仰相互交织。论文解释了新罗僧与宝胜如来的信仰如何引发藏传罗汉达摩多罗与宁夏贺兰山之间特殊的联系,这些错综复杂的信仰与图像演变是中国11—13世纪多民族美术关系史的集中映现。  相似文献   

This article introduces our themed section on The Left(s) and Nationalism(s), which provides a comparative analysis of the relationship between nationalism and different left-wing parties in Western Europe. It highlights the innovative comparative perspectives offered by this themed section, which not only concerns a series of different geographical cases studies but also involves the ideological plurality of the Left. The larger research question that our contributors address is how different left-wing parties have dealt with the inherent ideological tension between the universality claimed by the Left and the particularism inherent in nationalism, as a doctrine and a principle of political legitimacy. The article stresses three main contributions of our themed section: (1) Western European left-wing parties do engage with the themes of nationalism and nationhood, but they often rely on convenient silence to solve some of the contradictions with their progressive ideology. (2) None of these parties have formulated thick versions of the respective national identities. (3) State-wide left-wing parties have used instrumental conceptions of nationhood to address the challenge of separatist parties, but only with mixed results.  相似文献   

This article discusses the Constantinopolitan author Nicephorus "Skeuophylax" and his m uvre. In addition to his two known encomia , a third text, an Encomium of George the Martyr, is attributed to him. Dating between the mid-ninth and the mid-tenth centuries, Nicephorus was a sacristan of the church of Mary at the Blachernae and a monk, possibly of St George in the Deuteron. His speeches, all of them metaphraseis of older texts, are concise narratives with encomiastic elements. He used one of his texts to intervene in a contemporary debate on fasting. Nicephorus must be seen as one of the participants in the movement to create new settings for the commemorations of saints.  相似文献   

少昊、帝舜与大汶口文化(下)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常兴照 《文物春秋》2004,2(1):1-10,59
本文依据文献及前人的论证,认为太昊、帝喾、帝俊及帝舜的名称是不同地缘和时代对同一文化集团的称谓;太昊与少昊是有着亲缘关系的两大部族,在长期的发展过程中或分或合,相互替代,最后合为一体 结合对大汶口文化分期与类型的分析,论定大汶口文化早期刘林类型是少昊的发源地,之后在庙底沟文化的介入下在汶泗流域建国,在大汶口中期前后统一了东方 文章对太昊、少昊诸族的考古文化属性做了初步的推测和认定,论述了大汶口晚期昊族文化的崛起,进而大举西进南征的大致过程,认为由于昊族文化的西迁,推动了中原地区社会的发展和进步,从而形成了一个全新的时代——文明社会的到来  相似文献   

林家骊  白崇 《文献》2006,(2):119-128
谢铎是明代成化、弘治、正德年间一位有成就的文学家,"茶陵诗派"的重要成员.在"台阁体"诗风笼罩文坛的时候,谢铎提出了明道、纪事、重情、复古的文学主张,并身体力行,创作了大量反映现实的诗歌,为当时诗风的转变做出了很大的贡献.与谢铎同时或稍后的李东阳、陈音、王廷相、顾璘等人,都曾给予他很高的评价.  相似文献   

汪桂海 《文献》2006,(2):111-118
《畴斋文稿》,不分卷,稿本,元张仲寿(1252-1323)撰并书.一册(存七开),每半叶十二或十三行,行十八字.今藏国家图书馆. 张仲寿,史书无传,唯陶宗仪《书史会要》载:"内臣张仲寿,字希静,号畴斋,钱塘人.官至翰林学士承旨.行草宗羲、献,甚有典则,亦工大字."其著述传世者有《畴斋二谱》(《墨谱》、《琴谱》).  相似文献   

孙新民 《内蒙古文物考古》2006,(2):75-77,104,封底
唐三彩是一种流行于唐代的铅釉陶器,也是唐代陶瓷手工业的一个新品种。在中国陶瓷史上,唐三彩犹如一枝盛开的奇葩,以它那斑斓绚丽的色泽和栩栩如生的造型,赢得世人的普遍赞誉和喜爱。它与当时的诗歌、乐舞、书画、雕塑、建筑等艺术形式交相辉映,共同构成大唐盛世的豪迈雄风。继唐代之后,辽、宋时期受唐三彩的直接影响,先后烧制出了各具特色的辽三彩和宋三彩。本文通过辽三彩与唐、宋三彩的对比研究,重点探讨三者之间的共同点及相互差异。一辽国创建于公元916年,公元1125年被金所灭,共传九帝,历210年。辽与中原王朝的五代、北宋并立,以今天津…  相似文献   

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