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The source of the Stonehenge bluestones was first determined in the early 1920s by H.H. Thomas who was an officer with the Geological Survey of England and Wales. He determined that the so-called ‘spotted dolerites’ could be petrographically matched to a small number of outcrops in the Mynydd Preseli district in south-west Wales. The bluestones, however, comprise a number of additional lithologies, including rhyolite and ‘calcareous ash’, as well as various sandstones. Thomas was convinced that the volcanic lithologies in the bluestone assemblage were all sourced from a small area at the eastern end of the Mynydd Preseli, with the rhyolites originating from the prominent outcrop known as Carn Alw. Recently, provenancing of these rhyolites to Carn Alw has been questioned on the evidence of whole-rock geochemistry. This raised concerns over the original petrographical attribution. Accordingly a re-investigation was undertaken of the rhyolite petrography by re-examining the original specimens used by Thomas. Three of the original four thin sections studied by Thomas were re-examined, along with a newly made thin section from the fourth of Thomas' rock samples as the original thin section could not be located. The new petrographical evidence demonstrates convincingly that the two pairs of thin sections from the Preseli and Stonehenge as examined by Thomas do not match despite his contention and argues strongly that Carn Alw is not the source of the Stonehenge rhyolites which Thomas described. This reinforces the geochemical evidence presented recently and supports the contention that Craig Rhos-y-felin, to the north of Mynydd Preseli, is an important source of rhyolitic debris in the Stonehenge Landscape. Nevertheless, there remain uncertainties over the provenance of other Stonehenge rhyolites (and dacites), including four of the orthostats themselves.  相似文献   

The source of the bluestone component found in the Stonehenge landscape has long been the subject of great interest and considerable debate. The bluestones are a mix of lithologies, the standing orthostats being predominantly dolerites, variably ‘spotted’, with only four of them being of dacitic and rhyolitic composition and the Altar Stone being sandstone. However in the 1920s the spotted dolerites were sourced to outcrops which comprise tors in the summit regions of the Mynydd Preseli in north Pembrokeshire, west Wales. There were also speculations about the possible sources of the dacitic and rhyolitic components, ideas which were elaborated on in the early 1990s when the original petrological provenancing was supplemented by whole-rock geochemical analysis. Most recently, new petrographical investigations have been combined with zircon geochemical data to determine the possible source of one type of rhyolite, the so-called ‘rhyolite with fabric’, found abundantly as débitage in the Stonehenge landscape (but not composing the four orthostats) to outcrops in the vicinity of Pont Saeson, especially a large craggy outcrop called Craig Rhos-y-felin, located in low ground to the north of the Mynydd Preseli. In order to test this provenance whole-rock geochemical analysis has been undertaken on samples of débitage from the Stonehenge landscape and from the Pont Saeson area, including Craig Rhos-y-felin. These data are then compared with other new and existing geochemical data for dacitic and rhyolitic lithologies recovered from the Stonehenge landscape, including the four orthostats, as well as geochemical data from outcrops of the same lithologies from the two main volcanic horizons exposed across north Pembrokeshire, namely the Fishguard Volcanic Group and the Sealyham Volcanic Formation, both of Ordovician age. This study concludes that previous, 20th century, attributions of provenance to a number of dacitic and rhyolitic outcrops in the north Pembrokeshire have been in error whilst the new data for the Pont Saeson rhyolite accords well with elemental contents recorded in the ‘rhyolite with fabric’ lithology from the Stonehenge landscape débitage. This study therefore endorses the proposal that the Pont Saeson area is indeed the source of the ‘rhyolite with fabric’ lithology recovered from numerous sites in the Stonehenge landscape, and is the only reliable provenance for any of the dacitic and rhyolitic bluestone material collected to date. It also serves to endorse the use of zircon chemistry as a provenancing tool in archaeopetrological investigations.  相似文献   

The source of the bluestones at Stonehenge has long been debated, and while there is general consensus that the so-called spotted dolerites are derived from a relatively small number of outcrops exposed in the highest parts of Mynydd Preseli, in southwest Wales the source of the rhyolitic component has attracted relatively little detailed attention. This is largely because unlike the uniqueness of the spots in the coarser grained doleritic rocks, the rhyolites are fine-grained in character and lack any obvious distinctiveness, especially in hand specimen. This makes their provenancing difficult. A recent study, however, suggested that there was a close lithological similarity between the informally-termed ‘rhyolite with fabric’ bluestone component and rhyolitic rocks from the Ordovician Fishguard Volcanic Group exposed in the Pont Saeson area of north Pembrokeshire. This study aims to see if the chemistry of zircons, which are present in both sets of samples, could be used to support the petrographical association. Analyses for certain high field strength elements (including the rare earth elements) obtained by LA-ICP-MS showed that indeed the analyses were nearly identical when compared using a range of statistical approaches, including similarity coefficients, statistical distance, and principal component analysis, while showing clear differences to sample sets which had no reason to be correlated with the Pont Saeson samples. There are two important conclusions arising from this study. Firstly, the identification of the Pont Saeson source of the ‘rhyolite with fabric’ bluestone from outcrops in low ground to the north of the Mynydd Preseli will without doubt lead to fresh debates about the mechanisms of transport of this component of the bluestones to the Stonehenge site. Secondly, the chemistry of zircons may well prove to have a wider application in the provenancing of fine-grained rhyolitic rocks which have an archaeological context.  相似文献   

An atypicality index has been used to compare the chemical compositions of 11 British prehistoric implements (axes and axe‐hammers, and a mace) with previously suggested and likely sources in South Wales (Group XIII spotted dolerite from the Carnmenyn area, and Group VIII rhyolite from Carnalw). Atypicality indices together with mineralogy indicate that only two out of six supposed Group XIII implements are likely to be Group XIII, and only one of the five rhyolite implements is likely to originate from Carnalw. These results provide statistical support for earlier provenancing of seven of the implements, and provide the first geochemical source information for four implements. The results illustrate the usefulness of the atypicality index in archaeology, and support the idea that Groups XIII and VIII comprise a larger variety of chemical types than previously thought. Further work is now needed to determine how prevalent this variety is within these implement groups.  相似文献   

The sarsen and bluestone stones at Stonehenge (Wiltshire, UK) have played a significant role in the development of twentieth‐century ideas about Neolithic and early Bronze Age social structure. Sarsen and bluestone are not, however, the only rock types used at Stonehenge. The varied stones present at the monument include previously under‐studied material, such as the normally unseen, and largely forgotten, packing stones for Stonehenge's famous settings. By reflecting on more recently developed theoretical frameworks to interpret this variety, this paper exposes the possibility that an alternative to the dominant discourse, in which Stonehenge represents the culmination of Neolithic social evolution, is possible.  相似文献   

Contrasting lifestyles are recorded by the isotope composition of Bronze Age Beaker people (c. 2500–2000 bc ) from three burial sites (Boscombe Down, Normanton Down and the ditch around Stonehenge) at or near to the Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, southern England. Seven individuals (three adults, a sub‐adult, two juveniles and an infant) were recovered from a single grave at Boscombe Down. Strontium and oxygen isotope analysis of tooth enamel from two teeth (a premolar and third molar) from each of three of the adults in this grave (referred to as Boscombe Bowmen) show that they had all shared a pattern of mobility and migration during their lives. The three adult males spent their early childhood (as represented by data from the premolar teeth) in an area with a radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotope signature of around 0.7135. They each then moved, during early adolescence (as represented by the third molar results), to a less radiogenic area, where they acquired an 87Sr/86Sr signature of around 0.7112. This implies that they must then have travelled to the Stonehenge area of Wiltshire at a later time in their lives. Wales provides the closest area with rocks that supply suitable 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ18O isotope compositions for these individuals, although other areas of Palaeozoic rock, such as Scotland and parts of Europe, cannot be ruled out. Enamel from the two juveniles from the Boscombe Down burial yields 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7098 and 0.7099, and strontium concentrations for both of 55 ppm. The very close match of the data for the two juveniles supports the possibility that they were raised in the same environment. The difference in strontium isotope data between the juveniles and three adult males described above shows that the children did not come from the same homeland as the adults with whom they share a grave. The two adult males from the single burials at Normanton Down, and from Stonehenge itself, had static lifestyles and show no evidence of migration, in contrast to the Boscombe Bowmen. Their oxygen and strontium data are consistent with a childhood in the Stonehenge area.  相似文献   

The recently-developed laser microprobe 40argon-39 argon technique has been used to give a geological date for a rhyolitic tuff stone axe fragment from the Stonehenge environs. The method requires only milligramme-sized samples and gives dates of sufficient accuracy to aid in provenancing artefacts to sources, as well as information on the heating history of samples. The axe sample is of Lower Carboniferous date (341 ± 5 Ma) and this limits possible sources to outcrops within the Scottish Midland Valley and small altered exposures in Dartmoor. X-ray fluorescence analysis of the axe suggests the Scottish Midland Valley as the more likely source. The laser argon analysis also shows that the implement had not been heated in antiquity. Laser argon-argon dating can, therefore, be a useful tool in artefact study.  相似文献   

Segments from the Howiesons Poort of Sibudu, South Africa, can be separated into at least three populations based on quartz, hornfels and dolerite rocks used for their production. Length, breadth, thickness and tip cross-sectional areas are significantly different between segments made on the three rock types. Segments are not monoliths, and they were not intended as a single tool type, they were flexible enough to be mounted to shafts in a variety of ways. Several hafting strategies are evident, including the use of different adhesive recipes. Most segments were probably parts of hunting weapons, based on use trace analysis, but weapon types varied. Quartz segments have standardized shapes (short and deep), perhaps because they were hafted as transverse arrowheads. While hornfels and dolerite segments may on occasion also have been parts of projectiles, the large dolerite segments could sometimes have served as parts of spearheads, with two segments hafted back-to-back. Howiesons Poort segment technology is sophisticated; its makers appreciated distinct properties of rocks, their flaking, wear and impact possibilities. Further, they recognized the best sizes and shapes for use with each kind of weapon, they understood the qualities and applications of various adhesive recipes, and they knew how to make a variety of hafts from materials that included bone and wood.  相似文献   


To process mesquite, maize, and other substances, aboriginal groups living in the Lower Colorado-Lower Gila rivers region of SW North America used characteristic milling equipment: squared, flat-faced, convex-based metates (lower grindstones) with elongated manos (upper grindstones) and large wooden mortars with long, cylindrical stone pestles. Andesite and sandstone bedrock outcrops where stone was quarried and milling implements produced have been located. The archaeological deposits at the quarries have not been masked by the debris of later quarrying for rotary mills or building blocks, and thus the quarry sites offer an opportunity to study the production of ancient forms of milling implements, and provide insights into the organization of an ancient stone technology. Antelope Hill, a large arkosic sandstone quarry on the Lower Gila River in Arizona is presented as an example of a widespread phenomenon in the region. Analysis of quarry debris in the field and laboratory, experimental replication, and ethnographic and historical data, combined, have resulted in an understanding of this aspect of aboriginal technology.  相似文献   

This study presents new geochemical data on dolerites from the Plussulien and Beulin Neolithic quarries in the Massif Armoricain (France) and for dolerite samples from their surrounding local regions. Using the major and trace element data obtained on these rocks, the two quarries and regional dolerite occurrences appear to be clearly distinct. Consequently, a set of chemical criteria is proposed to identify the dolerite axes produced uniquely at the Beulin quarry and to discriminate between the axes produced in the surrounding local region of Beulin, but outside the quarries, and those produced in the local region of Plussulien. These results could also be used, for example, to identify the existence of undiscovered quarries in the Beulin region. This work may provide the breakthrough needed to understand stone axe exchanges during the Neolithic times in north‐western France and beyond.  相似文献   

Ochre is a red mineral pigment that was a key element of social and ceremonial practices among cultures of the Pacific Northwest Coast. It is recovered routinely from archaeological excavations, is visible as pigment for pictographs, and is described in the historical record as a trade item and component of ceremonial practices. Despite its ubiquity in the archaeological record, it is difficult to interpret its significance without first understanding the nature of its procurement and distribution. As a step towards identifying procurement practices, trade and resource use, it is necessary to thoroughly characterize ochre outcrops with regard to their intra‐source and regional variability. We analysed ochre from three outcrops using INAA to determine their elemental chemistry. The purpose of this study is threefold: to provide an example of the range of elemental variability within and between outcrops, to illustrate the effect of scale and geomorphological processes on elemental compositions and statistical interpretation, and to create a database of known deposits in southern British Columbia. The results demonstrate that ochre deposits may be differentiated on the basis of their chemistry, and that conservative statistical interpretation needs to be employed to assess true elemental variability within and between ochre deposits and regions.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-five source samples from the multi-component obsidian source at Glass Buttes, Oregon were characterized by neutron activation analysis to determine the number of chemical groups present. Seven geochemical groups were found within the Glass Buttes complex. An abbreviated neutron activation analysis procedure previously used to differentiate between obsidian sources in Mesoamerica was also successful in separating obsidian from different outcrops at Glass Buttes. Thirty-one artifacts from the Robins Spring site on Glass Buttes were also analysed. The abbreviated NAA procedure was also successful at assigning the artifacts to the different subsources at Glass Buttes.  相似文献   

Summary.  This analysis of prehistoric pottery and clay samples from Cornwall demonstrates that the clay used to make Cornish gabbroic pottery in prehistory originated around the gabbro rock outcrop in a small area of the Lizard peninsula. The research uses petrographic and chemical analysis to subdivide the prehistoric pottery into six groups. Owing to the unusual geology of the Lizard these groups can be attributed to specific locations. The most abundant pottery fabric, Typical Gabbroic , was made using coarse clay which is mainly found in a 1 km2 area near Zoar. A finer version of this clay, found higher in the soil profile or slightly transported and redeposited, was used to make Fine Gabbroic pottery and an even finer variant called FNS (Fine Non-Sandy) Gabbroic . We identify for the first time here a Loessic/Gabbroic pottery fabric which can be matched exactly to clay found at Lowland Point. Serpentinitic/Gabbroic pottery was made using clay from the gabbro/serpentinite border zone. Pottery made from the Granitic/Gabbroic fabric did not match any clay from the Lizard, showing that gabbroic clay was sometimes removed and made into pottery elsewhere in Cornwall. The main clay source near Zoar was used for clay extraction throughout the Bronze Age and Iron Age for pottery which was traded all over Cornwall. Other gabbroic clay sources produced pottery only during certain periods and exclusively supplied particular settlements, such as the Loessic/Gabbroic fabric which was found only at Gear and Caer Vallack. The results suggest that pottery was produced by several small-scale cottage industries, which may have operated on a seasonal, part-time basis and probably formed only part of a wide range of activities located around the Lizard area.  相似文献   

J. Chen  D. Liu  P. Peng  C. Yu  B. Zhang  Z. Xiao 《Geofluids》2013,13(3):381-394
The most important petroleum exploration target in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, is the paleokarst reservoir. To understand the source and evolution of brine in this type of reservoir, a total of 37 formation‐water samples were collected from the Middle‐Lower Ordovician paleokarst reservoir in the Lunnan oilfield. The δD‐δ18O correlation and Cl/Br ratios reflect the mixture of two fluids: meteoric water and evaporated seawater. The different degree of mixture divided samples into two groups. Group 1 samples, from deep strata (5150–6667 m.b.s.l.) in the east of the field, with elevated δD (?53.5 to ?38.0‰), δ18O values (0.66–5.99‰), and lower Cl/Br ratios (336–478 for Cl/Br, except LN634‐1 and LN631‐1) were formed by evaporation of seawater plus a small contribution from meteoric water. Group 2 samples, from shallow strata (5038–6067 m.b.s.l.), in the west of the field, have contrasting features (?59.6 to ?48.5‰ for δD, ?0.47 to 2.17‰ for δ18O, and 501 to 871 for Cl/Br), which reflect a mixture of evaporated seawater with a high proportion of meteoric water. Both of the fluid types exchanged oxygen isotope with minerals. The investigation into cation composition reveals that, before entering into the current reservoir, waters suffered albitization of plagioclase; moreover, meteoric water dissolved evaporites and seawater experienced dolomitization. A mixing trend showed by strontium isotopes (0.709801–0.711628) gave further evidence for the mixture of two fluid types. Based on the correlation of geological history with our data, two infiltration models of meteoric waters can be constructed. According to the chemical and isotopic compositions of the waters, an east fluid regime (Group 1) and a west fluid regime (Group 2) have thus been defined. Better understanding of the subsurface fluid movement patterns may be helpful for the local exploration.  相似文献   

The Krafla geothermal system is located in Iceland's northeastern neovolcanic zone, within the Krafla central volcanic complex. Geothermal fluids are superheated steam closest to the magma heat source, two‐phase at higher depths, and sub‐boiling at the shallowest depths. Hydrogen isotope ratios of geothermal fluids range from ?87‰, equivalent to local meteoric water, to ?94‰. These fluids are enriched in 18O relative to the global meteoric line by +0.5–3.2‰. Calculated vapor fractions of the fluids are 0.0–0.5 wt% (~0–16% by volume) in the northwestern portion of the geothermal system and increase towards the southeast, up to 5.4 wt% (~57% by volume). Hydrothermal epidote sampled from 900 to 2500 m depth has δD values from ?127 to ?108‰, and δ18O from ?13.0 to ?9.6‰. Fluids in equilibrium with epidote have isotope compositions similar to those calculated for the vapor phase of two‐phase aquifer fluids. We interpret the large range in δDEPIDOTE and δ18OEPIDOTE across the system and within individual wells (up to 7‰ and 3.3‰, respectively) to result from variable mixing of shallow sub‐boiling groundwater with condensates of vapor rising from a deeper two‐phase reservoir. The data suggest that meteoric waters derived from a single source in the northwest are separated into the shallow sub‐boiling reservoir, and deeper two‐phase reservoir. Interaction between these reservoirs occurs by channelized vertical flow of vapor along fractures, and input of magmatic volatiles further alters fluid chemistry in some wells. Isotopic compositions of hydrothermal epidote reflect local equilibrium with fluids formed by mixtures of shallow water, deep vapor condensates, and magmatic volatiles, whose ionic strength is subsequently derived from dissolution of basalt host rock. This study illustrates the benefits of combining phase segregation effects in two‐phase systems during analysis of wellhead fluid data with stable isotope values of hydrous alteration minerals when evaluating the complex hydrogeology of volcano‐hosted geothermal systems.  相似文献   

The Dongsheng uranium deposit, the largest in situ leach uranium mine in the Ordos Basin, geometrically forms a roll‐front type deposit that is hosted in the Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation. The genesis of the mineralization, however, has long been a topic of great debate. Regional faults, epigenetic alterations in surface outcrops, natural oil seeps, and experimental findings support a reducing microenvironment during ore genesis. The bulk of the mineralization is coffinite. Based on thin‐section petrography, some of the coffinite is intimately intergrown with authigenic pyrite (ore‐stage pyrite) and is commonly juxtaposed with some late diagenetic sparry calcite (ore‐stage calcite) in primary pores, suggesting simultaneous precipitation. Measured homogenization temperatures of greater than 100°C from fluid inclusions indicate circulation of low‐temperature hydrothermal fluids in the ore zone. The carbon isotopic compositions of late calcite cement (δ13CVPDB = ?31.0 to ?1.4‰) suggest that they were partly derived from sedimentary organic carbon, possibly from deep‐seated petroleum fluids emanating from nearby faults. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data from kaolinite cement (δD = ?133 to ?116‰ and δ18OSMOW = 12.6–13.8‰) indicate that the mineralizing fluids differed from magmatic and metamorphic fluids and were more depleted in D (2H) than modern regional meteoric waters. Such a strongly negative hydrogen isotopic signature suggests that there has been selective modification of δD by CH4±H2S±H2 fluids. Ore‐stage pyrite lies within a very wide range of δ34S (?39.2 to 26.9‰), suggesting that the pyrite has a complex origin and that bacterially mediated sulfate reduction cannot be precluded. Hydrocarbon migration and its role in uranium reduction and precipitation have here been unequivocally defined. Thus, a unifying model for uranium mineralization can be established: Early coupled bacterial uranium mineralization and hydrocarbon oxidation were followed by later recrystallization of ore phases in association with low‐temperature hydrothermal solutions under hydrocarbon‐induced reducing conditions.  相似文献   

In 2005–2006 we initiated a major archaeological survey and chemical characterization study to investigate the long-term use of obsidian along the eastern shores of Lake Urmia, northwestern Iran. Previous research in the area suggested that almost all archaeological obsidian found in this area originated from the Nemrut Daĝ source located in the Lake Van region of Anatolia (Turkey). More recent research on obsidian artefacts from the Lake Urmia region has identified a significant number of obsidian artefacts with compositions different from the sources near Lake Van. This suggests that the obsidian artefacts are from a yet to be identified geological source, but possibly one that was not too distant. In order to advance our knowledge of Iranian obsidians and eventually refine provenance criteria we analysed obsidian from 22 Chalcolithic sites and some source areas. The compositions of both obsidian source samples and artefacts were determined using wave length dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (WDXRF). This paper presents results from the trace elemental analysis of both geological and archaeological obsidians, providing important new data concerning the diachronic relationship between lithic technology and raw material in the north-west of Iran.  相似文献   

A group of Copper Age shaft‐hole axes from Caput Adriae (northeastern Italy, western Slovenia and northwestern Croatia) manufactured using meta‐dolerite have been analysed for major and trace elements. All the samples show magmatic textures and well recognizable relicts of primary mineralogical phases. Petrographic observations suggest an ophiolitic provenance of the protolithic source(s) while geochemical data indicate that the original magmas originated in a fore arc or pre arc tectonic setting. Strong similarity has been found with several lithotypes from the Banija Ophiolite Complex (Croatia), here indicated as the most probable source area. Considering the available archaeometric data about shaft‐hole axes found in northern Italy and Caput Adriae in comparison to those of axe blades discovered in the same area, it emerges that there is a utilization of different rock types, the source of which appears to be quite close to the discovery sites. In the investigated area the shaft‐hole axes are largely made from ophiolitic‐related rocks which are associated with copper deposits. Consequently there may have been a relation between the localization of the geological sources of shaft‐hole axes and the development of metallurgical activities.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the French archaeological mission ‘Caucasus’, in a previous paper we have presented new geochemical analyses on geological obsidians from the southern Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia) and eastern Turkey. We present here the second part of this research, which deals with provenance studies of archaeological obsidians from Armenia. These new data enhance our knowledge of obsidian exploitation over a period of more than 14 000 years, from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Bronze Age. The proposed methodology shows that source attribution can be easily made by plotting element contents and element ratios on three simple binary diagrams. The same diagrams were used for source discrimination. As the southern Caucasus is a mountainous region for which the factor of distance as the crow flies cannot be applied, we have explored the capacity of the Geographic Information System to evaluate the nature and patterns of travel costs between the sources of obsidian and the archaeological sites. The role of the secondary obsidian deposits, which enabled the populations to acquire raw material at a considerable distance from the outcrops, is also considered.  相似文献   

In this paper we show the results of a study concerning 42 axes, mainly discovered in the Copper Age pile dwellings of Ljubljansko barje (central Slovenia) and in the neighbouring areas of Caput Adriae. The studied shaft‐hole axes, characterized by homogeneous typology but slightly different raw materials, have been called ‘Ljubljana‐type’ axes (Lt). The raw materials show a common OIB‐like signature and metamorphic and spilitization features that recall oceanic conditions. The typological and geochemical characteristics and the very high percentage of Lt axes among the polished stone axe assemblages of Ljubljansko barje suggest that the raw material was probably gathered from one or more relatively small outcrops close to Ljubljansko barje. Similar igneous rock types outcrop in the presumably Palaeozoic diabase/shale complex (Eisenkappler Diabaszug), intruded by the northern Karawanken plutonic belt. A probable provenance from this area, particularly rich in copper ore deposit, would confirm the important role of Ljubljansko barje as a metallurgical district, as well as a strong relation between lithic raw materials and Cu cultivation districts during the Copper age.  相似文献   

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