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An attempt is made at the statistical analysis of small-scale disturbances in the stratosphere and mesosphere with the aid of meteorological rocket observations at many stations from 77°N to 8°S for several years.By applying a high-pass filter to daily rocket data in the height range 20–65 km, wind and temperature fluctuations with characteristic vertical scales close to or less than 10 km are obtained, which are considered to be due to internal gravity waves. Results are expressed in terms of parameters which tend to emphasize smallscale vertical fluctuations and which should provide qualitative measures of gravity wave activity.It is found that the gravity wave activity shows a notable annual cycle in higher latitudes with the maximum in wintertime, while it shows a semiannual cycle in lower latitudes with the maxima around equinoxes. It is also found from the standard deviation around the monthly mean that the temporal variability of gravity waves is very large.  相似文献   

Results of a General Circulation Model simulation of the dynamics of the middle atmosphere are shown focusing our attention to the tidal wave mean flow interaction and propagation of migrating diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the model. It is shown that migrating tidal waves are well simulated and the amplitude growth with height is effectively suppressed by the convective adjustment in the model. It is also shown that the dissipating solar diurnal tide plays an important role in inducing mean zonal winds in the low latitude region of the lower thermosphere. The behavior of non-migrating diurnal tides is also analyzed to show that non-migrating diurnal tides have significant amplitudes in the lower thermosphere. It is suggested that the non-migrating diurnal tide, which propagates against background mean zonal winds, has the possibility to propagate into the middle to high latitude region due to the Doppler effect.  相似文献   

Using an equivalent gravity wave f-plane model it is shown that longitude variations in diurnal insolation absorption by tropospheric H2O can account for longitudinal variations of at least ± 12–15% about zonal mean values in the diurnal wind amplitude at low latitudes (0–20°) between 80 and 100 km, by virtue of the non-migrating propagating tidal modes which are excited. Phase variations of about ± 0.75 h also occur. These percentage variations are conservative estimates, since the background migrating (1,1,1) mode appears to be slightly (20–25%) overestimated in amplitude. In addition, the assumed eddy dissipation values, which appear necessary to model the breaking (1,1,1) mode, are larger than generally considered ‘reasonable’ by photochemical modellers. For a photochemically more reasonable eddy diffusion profile, estimates of longitude differences in diurnal wind amplitude are quite similar to the above values below 87 km, but increase to ± 17–25% near 100 km, with accompanying phase variations of ± 1–2 h about zonal mean values. In addition, it is shown that radiative damping by CO2 parameterized by a scale-dependent Newtonian cooling coefficient accounts for no more than a 20% reduction in the amplitudes of diurnal propagating tides above 80 km.  相似文献   

As part of the DYANA Programme, six rocket launchings (ship-borne) were conducted on three days in the equatorial region (Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea region). Using the temperature and wind data from these launchings, the diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal components in wind and temperature in the middle atmosphere are obtained and are compared with theoretical predictions. It is found that significant departures occur between the observed and theoretical values. The results are discussed in the light of current theoretical understanding of the tides.  相似文献   

Irregular winds of the middle atmosphere, commonly attributed to gravity waves, often exhibit a vertical-wavenumber (m) spectral form approximating to Km−3 at sufficiently large m, with K a constant found to be relatively unvarying with time, location and even height. This behavior is widely believed to result from some saturation process, but the physical mechanism remains a matter for debate. There now exist three theories:
  • 1.(a) linear instability,
  • 2.(b) nonlinear wave-induced diffusion, and
  • 3.(c) nonlinear waveinduced Doppler spreading. Each has produced the Km−3 form (but only as an approximation in the case of Doppler spreading) and values of K within a factor of three of one another and of observed values.
New data have revealed circumstances in which an approximation to the form Km−3 is again found, suggestive of saturation, but with values of K that increase by a factor of 5 or 10 on moving from the stratopause to the mesopause region. This height variation is incompatible with theories (a) and (b) if the m−3 form is taken to be induced by the corresponding saturation process (rather than by source spectra), but is shown here to be compatible with the Doppler-spread theory. Because of the continued growth of K with height, which must ultimately cease, the observations and corresponding theory are taken to represent pseudosaturation rather than fully developed saturation per se.  相似文献   

Recent progress on interactions between breaking gravity waves and the diurnal tide in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere is reviewed, mainly based on the recent results of our numerical models.  相似文献   

Lunar tides in temperature have been determined at stratospheric heights from about 2 yr of radiance measurements by the NIMBUS 5 satellite. The tides have an amplitude of order 0.1 K, and results are presented for the variations with height and latitude.  相似文献   

We have simultaneously observed wind motions in the altitude range of 5–90 km by means of the MU radar, rocketsondes and radiosondes. Dominant vertical scales of wind fluctuations due to gravity waves were 2–5 km in the lower stratosphere, about 5–15 km in the upper stratosphere and longer than 15 km in the mesosphere. The increase in the vertical scale with altitude is interpreted in terms of the saturation of upward propagating gravity waves. In the stratosphere, the observed vertical wavenumber spectra showed smaller amplitudes and more gradual slopes than the model values. Furthermore, the wind velocity variance in the stratosphere increases exponentially with an e-folding height of about 9 km, implying that the gravity waves were not fully saturated. On the other hand, the spectra in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere agreed fairly well with the model spectra. The variance in the mesosphere seems to cease increase of the wave amplitudes and agrees reasonably well with the model value.  相似文献   

Wind fluctuations in the middle atmosphere behave like colored noise processes. They have a continuum of scales without dominant features and a power spectrum density (PSD) that often decays with frequency ƒ as ƒ−β. Spectral index β is generally obtained through least-square fit to PSD estimated by Fourier methods. Graphs of colored noise have fractal plane-filling properties depending on β. An efficient method for finding β using the fractal dimension (D), based on analysis of 1/ƒ noise in galactic X-ray luminosities by McHardy I. and Czerny B., (1987, Nature325, 696), is described. An empirical relation is found between D and β and its validity is confirmed in limiting cases. Then D is obtained from power-law dependence of a length metric L(μ) on scale μ. The method is applied to middle-atmospheric velocity data from the Poker Flat radar in Alaska. Variations of D follow those in β, from an earlier analysis by Bemraet al., (1986, Handbook for MAP20, 216), but show an offset of 0.1–0.2 even after corrections for outliers, gaps, and additive noise. Usefulness of this method for screening data as an aid to spectral analysis is examined.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current state of comprehensive, three-dimensional, time-dependent modelling of the circulation in the middle and upper atmosphere from a meteorologist's perspective. The paper begins with a consideration of the various components of a comprehensive model (or general circulation model, GCM), including treatments of processes that can be explicitly resolved and those that occur on scales too small to resolve (and that must be parameterized). The typical performance of GCMs in simulating the tropospheric climate is discussed. Then some important background on current ideas concerning the general circulation of the stratosphere and mesosphere is presented. In particular, the transformed-Eulerian mean flow formalism, the role of vertically-propagating internal gravity waves in driving the large-scale circulation, and the notion of a stratospheric surf zone are all briefly reviewed. Using this background as a guide, some middle atmospheric GCM results are discussed, with a focus on simulations made recently with the GFDL ‘SKYHI’ troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM. The presentation attempts to emphasize the interaction between theory and comprehensive modelling. Many theoretical notions cannot be confirmed in detail from observations of the real atmosphere due to the various limitations in the observational methods, but can be very completely examined in GCMs in which every atmospheric variable is known perfectly (within the limits of the numerical methods). It will be shown that our understanding of both the role of gravity waves in the general circulation and the nature of the stratospheric surf zone has benefited from analysis of GCM results.From the point of view of the upper atmosphere, one of the most interesting aspects of GCMs is their ability to generate a self-consistent field of upward-propagating gravity waves. This paper concludes with a discussion of the gravity wave field in the middle atmosphere of GCMs. Comparisons of the explicitly-resolved gravity wave field in the SKYHI model with observations are quite encouraging, and it seems that the model is capable of producing a gravity wave field with many realistic features. However, the simulated horizontal spectrum of the eddy momentum fluxes associated with the waves is quite shallow, suggesting that much of the spectrum that is important for maintaining the mean circulation is not explicitly resolvable in current GCMs. A brief discussion of current efforts at parameterizing the mean flow effects of the unresolvable gravity waves is presented.  相似文献   

Local variation of atmospheric heating which might occur in inhomogeneities of various constituents such as ozone or molecular oxygen may generate gravity waves. These perturbations are induced by the terminator crossing constituent inhomogeneities of short lifetime. The quasi-point heating model developed here shows that the largest amplitude must appear vertically above the source, where the perturbation frequency is close to the Vaisala-Brunt frequency. Numerical calculations not band limited in the frequency suggest several characteristics of the perturbation.  相似文献   

A survey is presented of recent developments in the observation of wind and turbulence in the stratosphere and mesosphere using MST radars. One of the highlights of these developments is the growing recognition that the MST/ST radar is a valuable tool for routine monitoring of the atmospheric wind field. Furthermore, preliminary observations have shown the feasibility of monitoring atmospheric turbulence as well. Recent observations of mesospheric turbulence support theoretical models that emphasize the role of propagating waves in coupling the lower and middle atmospheres. Scientific groups in several countries are now planning or constructing MST radars so that within a few years observations should be available from diverse geographical locations spanning the globe.  相似文献   

The first step is made in elaborating special methods to retrieve the planetary-scale waves for the stratosphere and mesosphere from measurements of thermal outgoing radiation. The method is adapted for the nadir sounding of Rossby normal modes of the Lamb wave type in the 15 μm CO2 band. The main formulae are presented in a dimensionless form. The proposed method consists of EOF filtering to extract a wave-induced signal and of Hermite polynomial expansions to describe the vertical structure of the wave. The accuracy of the retrievals is estimated; it is dependent on the duration of the record as well as on the number of channels. The method is able to provide a higher accuracy than currently available methods.  相似文献   

Vertically propagating gravity waves can transport momentum and energy from the troposphere up to the mesosphere and thus modify the circulation of the middle atmosphere. The effects of regional gravity wave sources, together with temporal changes of gravity wave activity, are studied under solstice conditions in a 3-D circulation model using a simplified parameterization scheme for the gravity momentum deposition. In this way we can reproduce the reversal of the mean zonal wind with height and very low temperatures at the summer mesopause region. Using a stochastic forcing by taking the gravity wave parameters at random, characteristic oscillations are found with periods in the planetary scale range (2, 4 and 5 days) and in the tidal range (1 day, 16 h and 12 h).  相似文献   

Some recent progress in the study of tides in the middle atmosphere are reviewed, with special emphasis placed on radar observations at high latitudes, as well as data analysis methods used in the calculation of tidal structures. Observations carried out outside the meteor zone with MST radars and satellites are also presented. Theoretical and numerical advances on the diurnal tide are extensively discussed. Finally, some outstanding problems, which we hope will be solved in the near future are raised: the existence of hemispheric asymmetries in tidal structure; the role played by non-migrating modes at meteor heights and short time scales variations of tides.  相似文献   

Magnetospheric electrons from hundreds of keV to over 10MeV in energy have been systematically measured at geostationary altitude (6.6 RE) for well over a decade. We find evidence of significant diurnal, solar-rotational (27-day), annual, and solar-cycle (11-yr) variations in the fluxes of the relativistic electron component. We have also used low-altitude satellite data and sounding rocket measurements to characterize the location and strength of the relativistic electron precipitation into the atmosphere. We conclude that the magnetospheric electrons, when dumped into the middle atmosphere, represent a very significant ionization source which affects the pattern of conductivity, electric fields, and atmospheric chemistry. These measurements—when combined with global atmospheric modeling—suggest that relativistic electrons provide a robust coupling mechanism to impose long-term solar wind and magnetospheric variability onto the Earth's deep atmospheric regions. A strong 11-yr cycle of relativistic electron effects is found in available atmospheric data sets.  相似文献   

Many years of measurements obtained using French meteor radars at Garchy (Lat. 47°N) and Montpazier (Lat. 44°N) are used to show the existence of an 8 h oscillation. Some examples of the structure of this wave are displayed and compared with measurements performed at Saskatoon (Lat. 52°N) and Budrio (Lat. 45°N). This wave can be interpreted as the solar driven terdiurnal tide, or as the result of the non-linear interaction between the diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Both hypotheses are tested with numerical models. Incidentally, the possible existence of a 24 h wave resulting from this interaction is also studied.  相似文献   

Middle atmosphere electrodynamics at high latitudes differs significantly from the normally assumed picture of a passive region through which electric fields of external origin couple. Large Vm −1 electric fields, both horizontal and vertical, have been observed within bounded regions of the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere. They seem to occur only in regions where the electrical conductivity is a few times 10−10 S m−1 or less and appear to be current limned. While low conductivity is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition for occurrence. The observed large horizontal electric fields were found to be anticorrelated with the local neutral wind. However, a generation mechanism of these electric fields is as yet unknown but must involve space charge separation rather than dynamo effects. Large variations in the conductivity were also observed to occur with fluctuations in magnetic activity, and these were found to be consistent with measured variations in energy deposition during auroral phenomena. Theoretical concepts of mapping of electric fields downward from the thermosphere along equipotential magnetic field lines were shown to hold qualitatively in the D-region at the mV m−1 level. Perturbations affecting such models were determined to be small.  相似文献   

In November 1982 a partial reflection drifts system for the measurement of winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere was installed as part of the New Zealand Antarctic Research Programme at Scott Base (77.8 S, 166.7 E). Ross Island, Antarctica. The wind speed and direction are measured once an hour from echoes available at the time within a height range of 67–97 km. Initial observations made during December 1982, show westward winds between 70 and 90 km, reaching a broad maximum of about 25 m s−1 around 85 km. There is a strong (10 m s−1) meridional component away from the pole at heights of 85–95 km.  相似文献   

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