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The fractional decrease in the vorticity area index associated with transits past the Earth of interplanetary magnetic sector boundaries increases as the value of vorticity used to compute the index increases. This suggests that after the boundary transit there is an approximately uniform reduction in all the values of vorticity that are ≥20 × 10−5s−1. In low latitudes and large absolute vorticities (≥ 30 × 10−5s−1) the average change in the vorticity area index approaches 50%.  相似文献   

The atmospheric circulation response to solar flares and geomagnetic disturbances is studied. It is shown that solar flares cause an increase of the zonal circulation intensity in the latitudinal belt ϑ = 45–65°, while geomagnetic disturbances are associated with a decrease of the circulation intensity.The energy necessary to produce the observed atmospheric circulation changes is estimated. The variation of the atmospheric transparency is suggested to be a possible source of that energy.  相似文献   

Complex calculations of optical scattering using high-speed electronic computers have become so commonplace that the technology has evolved into several specialty fields, e.g., extinction spectroscopy, angular scattering measurements and nephelometry. As a consequence, the overall technology and our ability to remotely characterize or quantitatively analyze atmospheric aerosols might be further advanced than is realized by workers in the individual disciplines who do not have the time to keep up with advances in other disciplines. This paper examines techniques of transmission (extinction) and turbidity spectroscopy, polarization and angular scattering measurements and related developments and concludes that computer programs can be written to optimize desired parameters in interdisciplinary investigations.  相似文献   

Effects of momentum deposition due to solar diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal waves on the zonal mean circulation in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere for a solstice condition are discussed. In the present model, the system of zonally averaged equations and the system of perturbation equations are integrated simultaneously, so that the propagation of tidal waves is affected not only by the basic mean fields but also by the induced zonal mean fields due to the momentum deposition. Results for two different vertical eddy diffusion profiles are presented. It is shown that the solar tides make a significant contribution to the generation of the mean zonal winds in the upper mesosphere and the lower thermosphere. Below 120 km the main contribution is due to propagating diurnal tides, while above 120 km it is due to semidiurnal tides.  相似文献   

Ionograms from South Georgia (54°S, 37°W; L = 1.9) are used to investigate the influence of magnetic and solar activity upon the occurrence of the nocturnal intermediate layer. The diurnal variation in occurrence of this layer exhibits a peak at about 2000 LT and a subsidiary peak after midnight. It is shown that magnetic activity has no significant influence on the behaviour before midnight, but is positively correlated with the size of the post-midnight peak. The effect of varying solar activity is to introduce a local time shift (42 min for a change in mean solar activity from 80 to 130× 10−22 Wm−2Hz−1)inthediurnal variation without otherwise changing the overall morphology of the layer significantly. Most of the features of the intermediate layer before midnight can be explained by a wind shear mechanism associated with the solar semi-diurnal tide. Some possible causes for the post-midnight observations are considered, but no firm conclusions can be made.  相似文献   

Measurements from two independent satellite data sets have been used to derive the climatology of the integrated amount of ozone in the troposphere. These data have led to the finding that large amounts of ozone pollution are generated by anthropogenic activity originating from both the industrialized regions of the Northern Hemisphere and from the southern tropical regions of Africa. To verify the existence of this ozone anomaly over this region of the world, an ozonesonde capability has been established at Ascension Island (8 S, 15 W) since July 1990. According to the satellite analyses. Ascension Island is located downwind of the primary source region of this ozone pollution, which likely results from the photochemical oxidation of emissions emanating from the widespread burning of savannas and other biomass in central and southern Africa. These in-situ measurements confirm the existence of large amounts of ozone in the lower atmosphere. These first ozonesonde profiles suggest that much of the ozone generated over Africa during the ‘burning season’ (primarily July-October) reaches Ascension Island. These high levels of ozone in the lower troposphere become much lower by December. Elevated ozone concentrations in the middle troposphere are once again evident in February, which may be the result of biomass burning emissions being transported from western and northern Africa.  相似文献   

本文在摭拾文献并比勘诸说的基础上,对《述书赋》的成书原委、年代以及注文作者归属等问题作了考证;另外对《述书赋》数种版本溯本求源,厘定出研究《述书赋》的较好底本。  相似文献   

The first results from a VHF radar of the ST type located at Buckland Park near Adelaide, Australia (35°S, 138°E), are presented. The radar is designed to be versatile and can be used to measure velocities in the lower atmosphere using both the spaced antenna (SA) and Doppler beam-swinging (DBS) techniques. Here studies of irregularities and motions made with the spaced antenna technique are discussed. It is shown that the scale of the diffraction pattern formed by the backscattered radiation varies with altitude, with the mean pattern scale being smaller in the troposphere than in the stratosphere. The observations are consistent with the backscattered energy decreasing as a function of off-vertical angle by 1.5 dB per degree in the troposphere and by about 2.8 dB per degree in the lower stratosphere. An intercomparison of zonal velocities measured with the SA and DBS methods shows good agreement. In May and August 1984 an extensive comparison was made between the velocities measured by the SA method and winds determined from over 80 balloon-borne radiosondes released from Adelaide Airport, situated some 36 km to the south of the radar. The velocities were compared on a statistical basis and showed excellent agreement, although the SA speeds tended to be 1–2 m s−1 smaller in magnitude than the radiosonde velocities. Overall, the rms differences between the two sets of measurements was only 3–4ms−1 throughout the troposphere, a result which is consistent with the random errors inherent in each technique, as well as the spatial separation between the radar and balloon observations. The utility of the SA method for meteorological observations is illustrated by a study of both the horizontal and vertical wind fields during the passage of a cold front made in November 1984. The high time resolution available with the radar allows detailed studies of the development of the pre-frontal jet, the wind convergence into the front and associated vertical motions.  相似文献   

A correlative study of ozone and the solar UV flux on the time scale of a solar rotation shows an anomalous response of ozone in the upper stratosphere during solar cycle 22. The study, which is based on the analysis of ozone and solar UV flux measured by the SBUV/2 spectrometer on NOAA 11 (January 1989–December 1990), shows a sharp transition from an in-phase relation between ozone and the solar UV flux below 2 mb to an almost out-of-phase relation above 1 mb. Such a phase change is not predicted by photochemical models and was not observed during solar cycle 21. The ozone measurements from the Nimbus-7 SBUV spectrometer from 1979 to 1984 showed an almost in-phase relation between ozone and the solar UV flux at these heights (in agreement with model predictions). Similar studies of ozone and temperature relations between 30 and 1 mb did not show significant changes from the solar cycle 21 to 22. The temperature oscillations appear to be primarily of dynamical origin, with no apparent correlation with solar UV flux.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possible effects on the middle atmosphere of
  • 1.(i) solar variability in emission in the u.v. and far u.v.,
  • 2.(ii) solar proton events,
  • 3.(iii) relativistic electron precipitation events,
  • 4.(iv) corpuscular heating in auroras,
  • 5.(v) joule heating by the auroral electrojet,
  • 6.(vi) auroral NO production and
  • 7.(vii) gravity wave emission by the auroral electrojet. It is important to establish the maximum depth in the atmosphere to which these effects go, in order to be able to determine whether the reflection of planetary scale waves from the troposphere is substantially altered by them.

赵爽 《神州》2013,(35):30-30
特定社会环境中的宗教不仅影响其道德观、哲学思考,也对社会行为和语言文化产生着深远的影响。东西方主流宗教对语言、社会行为、文学、艺术等渗透影响,基督教文化与英语社会发展之间有内在联系。宗教在跨文化领域方面起着重要作用,了解宗教与文化之间的联系有助于更好地促进跨文化交际。  相似文献   

赵爽 《神州》2013,(33):45-45
文化是人类社会的遗产,与宗教互相渗透影响。研究佛教对中国文化的影响有助于促进东西方交流。佛教与汉语、社会行为、艺术与文学有着根深蒂固的渊源。了解宗教与文化之间的联系有助于更好地促进跨文化交际。  相似文献   

Destination planning raises questions relative to spatial organization within the destination and to the spatial extent of the gains generated by attractions. Thus, it is important to increase understanding and knowledge of the mechanisms by which attractions generate tourism development. The aim of this study is to analyze how tourist attractions influence tourism development within destination and what the spatial extent of this influence is. It is argued that both the appeal of tourist attractions and their spatial characteristics are determining factors. Thus, distinguishing local, spread, and diffuse attractions is essential and specific indicators were created to that purpose. Using count data models, an econometric analysis was conducted in order to test the effect of attractions on the number of hotel rooms in 2015 on the one hand, and on the number of employees in the tourism sector in 2014 on the other, in French municipalities. The study brings several original results. First, as in the case of green areas, some attractions may trigger the emergence of tourism development but may also have a depressive effect on the level of tourism development when they exceed a certain threshold. Second, the influence of sport and leisure facilities is more limited in space than for ski slopes, beaches and tourist sites, which confirms that the appeal of attractions determine the spatial extent of tourism development. Third, beyond a distance threshold, some attractions can generate negative spatial spillovers and have a depressive effect on tourism development.  相似文献   

First VHF radar measurements with height resolution of 300 m and angular resolution of 1.7° were carried out in low latitudes at the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico. A short outline is given of the experimental set-up which consisted of a 160W average power radar-transceiver and a self-contained digital radar control and data acquisition unit. The new VHF feed system of the Arecibo dish is described shortly. Reliable radar echoes were detected from the troposphere, lower stratosphere and from some heights in the mesosphere, indicating that the described VHF radar is capable of proper investigations of dynamical processes in the low latitude middle atmosphere. The angular dependence of aspect sensitive tropospheric and stratospheric turbulence structures was measured to be 1.5–2.5 dB degree−1. Echoes from the mesosphere indicate a patchy structure of turbulence. The analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio shows considerably high reflectivity in the upper troposphere, which can be caused by high-reaching tropical cumulus convection. Wind profiles measured with the VHF radar between 7.5 and 19.5 km with a height resolution of 300m are very similar to radiosonde wind profiles. Mesospheric VHF radar winds are roughly consistent in amplitude with tidal winds.  相似文献   

马俊芳 《史学月刊》2002,(9):127-128
威尼斯是座美丽的水城 ,城里河流纵横 ,舟楫如梭 ,发达的水上交通使得这座城市很早就成为繁荣的商业都市。威尼斯市民拥有雄厚的经济力量 ,为适应娱乐生活需要 ,1 6 37年建立了历史上第一座公开歌剧院——圣·卡西亚诺歌剧院 ,从此改变了歌剧仅在宫廷演出 ,供贵族享用的状况 ,也为歌剧的发展开拓了新的天地。不久 ,又陆续开设了几家剧院 ,同时演出。整个 1 7世纪上演了近四百部歌剧 ,成了早期意大利歌剧的中心地之一。威尼斯歌剧乐派的形成与蒙特威尔第是分不开的。克劳第奥·蒙特威尔第 1 5 6 7年出生在意大利北部克雷蒙那的一个医生家庭。…  相似文献   

论严复对蔡元培教育思想的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严复是近代名的启蒙思想家,蔡元培是近代名的教育家。作为思想启蒙,严复对教育的认识直接和明显地影响着蔡元培“五育”教育、“男女平等教育”、“思想自由、兼容并包”、“美育代宗教”等教育思想的形成和发展n但这种影响不是全盘的接收,而是学习中的改造和借鉴中的超越。  相似文献   

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