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Although having a much smaller amplitude than solar tides, lunar tides are also present in the atmosphere. Lunar tides are attractive for theoretical and observational studies because their frequencies and forcing are better determined than for any other atmospheric waves. Lunar tides are generated by the lunar tidal potential which itself is very well determined. However, this potential also affects the Earth and oceans, modifying their mass distributions and elevations, and creating secondary tidal potentials as well as periodic movements of their interfaces with the atmosphere. The periodic load of ocean over the Earth crust due to the tides also induces a secondary modification of tidal potential as well as movement of the atmosphere interface. In our present work we seek to provide a comprehensive model of atmospheric M2 lunar tidal oscillations from the surface to the lower thermosphere (c. 105 km), taking account of the above-mentioned effects i.e. Earth, ocean and load tides. This study is motivated by two facts. First, we now have good determinations of ocean tides using satellite altimetry whereas previous studies of lunar tides were based only on numerical simulations of these ocean tides. Second, some reliable analyses of lunar tides in the lower thermosphere are now available as radars are now operating over a sufficiently long period. Their number should increase in the near future leading to a need for a theoretical study of lunar tides. In this paper, we develop a numerical model and analyse the effects of the different primary and secondary forcings on the lunar tide. Monthly simulations are discussed, and some comparisons with available data (at ground level as well as in the lower thermosphere) are presented.  相似文献   

Monthly simulations of the solar semidiurnal tide in the 80–100 km height regime are presented. These calculations benefit from the recent heating rates provided by Groves G. V. (1982a,b) (J. atmos. terr. Phys. 44, 111; 44, 281), the zonally-averaged wind, temperature and pressure fields developed for the new COSPAR international reference atmosphere [Labitzke K., Barnett J. J. and Edwards B. (1985) Handbook for MAP 16, 318], and eddy diffusivities determined from gravity wave saturation climatologies and used by Garcia R. R. and Solomon S. (1985) (J. geophys. Res. 90, 3850) to simulate oxygen photochemistry and transport in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Some of the main characteristics of the observed semidiurnal tide at middle and high latitudes are reproduced in our simulations: larger amplitudes in winter months than in summer months, and the bi-modal behavior of the phase with summer-like and winter-like months separated by a quick transition around the two equinoxes. The phase transition is also more rapid in the spring, consistent with observations. The wavelengths are also longer in summer than in winter, at least below 95 km (whereas in July and August the simulations exhibit some discrepancies above this altitude), similar to the observational data. Semidiurnal amplitudes are generally smaller and the phases more seasonally symmetric at middle and low latitudes, as compared with the tidal structures above about 50° latitude. In addition, hemispheric differences in the mean zonal wind result in marked asymmetries in tidal behavior between the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and suggest that a comparative study of tide, gravity wave and mean flow interactions in the Arctic and Antarctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere would be fruitful.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the diurnal tide at 95 km over various years between 1965 and 1986 is studied using radar data from Heiss Island (81°N), Mawson (67°S), Molodezhnaya (68°S) and Scott Base (78°S). The observations are also compared with the model results of FORBES and HAGAN [(1988) Planet. Space Sci. 36, 579] for the same latitudes. There are substantial fluctuations in amplitude and phase at all stations, particularly in winter. Phase fluctuations can be as large as a uniform random distribution over the 24-h cycle. In summmer the phases of the meridional components are well defined and suggest the presence of a dominant symmetric mode. The meridional amplitudes are larger in summer whereas the zonal components have a greater variation and show no significant variation with season.  相似文献   

Kellogg, W. W. (1961, J. Met. 18, 373) suggested that transport of atomic oxygen from the summer into the winter hemisphere and subsequent release of energy by three body recombination, O + O + N2O2 + N2 + E, may contribute significantly to the so-called mesopause temperature anomaly (increase in temperature from summer to winter). Earlier model calculations have shown that Kellogg's mechanism produces about a 10% increase in the temperature from summer to winter at 90 km. This process, however, is partly compensated by differential heating from absorption of UV radiation associated with dissociation of O2. In the auroral region of the thermosphere, there is a steady (component of) energy dissipation by Joule heating (with a peak near 130 km) causing a redistribution and depletion of atomic oxygen due to wind-induced diffusion. With the removal of O. latent chemical energy normally released by three body recombination is also removed, and the result is that the temperature decreases by almost 2% near 90 km. Through dynamic feedback, this process reduces the depletion of atomic oxygen by about 25% and the temperature perturbation in the exosphere from 10% to 7% at polar latitudes. Under the influence of the internal dynamo interaction, the prevailing zonal circulation in the upper thermosphere (small in magnitude) changes direction when the redistribution of recombination energy is considered. The above described effects are very sensitive to the adopted rates of eddy diffusion. They are also strongly time dependent and are significantly reduced for disturbances associated with magnetic storms.  相似文献   

Thicknesses derived from SAMS (Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder, on-board Nimbus 7) and 30 mbar height analyses based on radiosondes have been combined to give monthly mean height charts of the upper mesosphesre, (0.01 mbar level, approximately 78–80 km). Four years of data are available, 1979–1982.Based on this material, the geostrophic winds were derived for the grid point 50°N, 110°W and compared with winds observed over Canada (52°N, 107°W) using the Saskatoon medium frequency (MF) radar. Agreement, especially in the summer months, was very good, however, significant ageostrophy was evident in autumnal and winter months. Possible causes are confluence associated with large scale circulations and gravity wave drag.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in winds measured in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere are discussed, and oscillations in zonal winds in the 3–10 day period range are examined. The observations were made between January 1990 and June 1991 with a spaced-antenna MF radar located on Christmas Island (2°N, 157°W). The seasonal variations are analyzed in terms of the mean, annual, and semiannual (SAO) harmonic components. The SAO is the dominant component in the zonal winds, with the amplitude and phase characteristics being in good agreement with earlier rocketsonde measurements at Kwajalien (9°N) and Ascension Island (8°S). The annual and semiannual oscillations combine to produce a stronger change in zonal wind strength in the first half-year (January–June) than in the second half-year (July–December). An annual cycle dominates the meridional winds with maximum velocities (5–10m s−1) attained at about 90km. The meridional circulation at the solstices is consistent with a flow from the summer to the winter pole. Power spectral analyses indicate that motions in the 3–10 day period range occur mainly in the zonal winds, behavior which is interpreted as being due to eastward propagating Kelvin waves. Despite the intermittent nature there is an overall semiannual variation in Kelvin-wave activity. Maximum amplitudes are achieved at the mesopause in January/February and August/September which are times when the zonal winds are westward.  相似文献   

As part of the DYANA Programme, six rocket launchings (ship-borne) were conducted on three days in the equatorial region (Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea region). Using the temperature and wind data from these launchings, the diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal components in wind and temperature in the middle atmosphere are obtained and are compared with theoretical predictions. It is found that significant departures occur between the observed and theoretical values. The results are discussed in the light of current theoretical understanding of the tides.  相似文献   

A spaced antenna partial reflection radar located at Mawson, Antarctica (67°S, 63°E, invariant latitude 70°S), has been used to measure the horizontal wind field in the height range 70–110 km. Three years of data (1985–1987) from the radar have been analysed in order to investigate correlations between geomagnetic activity (determined from the local K-index) and the horizontal wind. Results are analysed using a randomization technique and show that larger winds are measured during geomagnetically active periods in both the raw (or unfiltered) wind values and in the medium-frequency (2–6 h period) and high-frequency (1–3 h period) components. The raw winds tend to be shifted towards the geographic NW to NE quadrant in the early morning hours during high K-times. The observed correlation is seen down to 86 km and shows a seasonal dependence. The mean r.m.s. velocity of the radar scatterers and the angular spread of the return echoes are also found to be correlated with geomagnetic activity. The medium- and high-frequency components of the wind are polarized in the magnetic zonal direction during all seasons of the year.  相似文献   

A scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS), located at Mawson station, Antarctica (672S, 63°E, invariant latitude 70°S) was used to obtain vertical wind, temperature, and emission intensity measurements from the λ558 nm emission of atomic oxygen. The measured temperature is used to assign an approximate emission height to the observations. A spaced-antenna partial-reflection radar was run concurrently with the FPS from which the presence of enhanced ionization in the D-region could be inferred from the return heights and strengths of the echoes. Large upwards winds of approximately 30 m s−1, at altitudes less than 110 km, appear to be a direct response of the neutral atmosphere to intense auroral events. It is suggested that the observed upwelling is a result of particle heating at heights below the principal emission height. At higher altitudes, vertical winds of a similar magnitude are also measured during geomagnetically disturbed conditions, although here they do not appear to be associated with particular auroral events. In this case it is suggested that upwelling is produced by a combination of Joule and particle heating.  相似文献   

The role of gravity waves for the momentum and heat budget of the atmosphere between approximately 70 and 110 km height is considered. Parameterization schemes for vertical gravity wave diffusivity, generalized Rayleigh friction, viscous force, heat conduction and kinetic energy dissipation are reviewed. Eddy diffusion parameterization and its relation to the gravity wave approach is also discussed and it is shown that principal similarities exist in both concepts, especially when irregular (stochastic) contributions to the perturbations are modeled. Special attention is paid to the dissipation of perturbation kinetic energy and its contribution to the heat budget of the mesopause region. It is concluded that the amount of energy which can be attributed to the part of the gravity wave spectrum contributing to generalized Rayleigh friction above the mesopause is of the order of 10% of the total perturbation energy.  相似文献   

We analyze 375 h of Na Wind/Temperature lidar measurements of the mesopause region (≈ 80–105 km) Na density and temperature profiles on 57 nights distributed over 2 yr at Urbana, Illinois. These observations yield a high-resolution seasonal data set of gravity wave activity in the upper mesosphere. From this data, we present measurements of the Brunt-Väisälä period, the relative atmospheric density perturbations and their spectra, and the parameters of 143 quasi-monochromatic gravity waves. The direct measurement of the Brunt-Väisälä period allows accurate calculation of the horizontal velocity perturbations and vertical displacement perturbations from the density measurements. The horizontal velocity and vertical displacement vertical wave number spectrum magnitudes and indices show considerable seasonal and nightly variability. The gravity wave amplitudes, wavelengths, and observed periods exhibit systematic relationships similar to those found in previous studies, and are consistent with the MU radar measurements of intrinsic gravity wave parameters. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the observations in terms of Diffusive-Filtering Theory models of gravity wave propagation. The magnitudes of the vertical wave number spectrum, the form of the joint vertical wave number and frequency spectrum, and the systematic relationships between the monochromatic gravity wave parameters are consistent with the Diffusive-Filtering model. We compare these results with a variety of radar, lidar, and airglow observations from other sites. This observational study suggests that the complex nonlinear interactions of the gravity wave field may be modeled successfully as a diffusive damping process, where the effective diffusivity is a function of the total wave variance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current status of calculating infrared cooling by CO2 in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. It is desirable to have fast but accurate procedures for use in dynamic models. The most difficult region is from 70 to 90 km, where cooling rates are strongly influenced or, in the case of the summer mesopause region, dominated by the absorption of radiation emitted by underlying layers, with the hot bands and isotopic bands playing a significant role. A three-energy-level model is derived for the excited population levels of a CO2 molecule. Vibrational-vibrational coupling between isotopes is also included as significant. Results from model calculations for cooling rates and NLTE source functions are presented. Global average infrared cooling rates appear to be in reasonable balance with solar heating rates, considering the uncertainties in calculating both these terms. Radiative cooling rates by CO2 above 100 km are strongly dependent on atomic oxygen concentrations and on the rate of energy exchange between atomic oxygen and CO2. Likewise, NO cooling, which is important above 120 km, is proportional to atomic oxygen concentrations. Since CO2, NO and O concentrations can all vary with motions, these dependencies suggest interesting feedbacks to atmospheric dynamics.  相似文献   

The inter-annual variation in diurnal and semi-diurnal atmospheric tides between 85 and 95 km has been studied for various years between 1978 and 1988. Observations comprised wind measurements from the medium frequency SA mode wind radars at Adelaide (35°S), Christchurch (44°S) and Saskatoon (52°N) and the meteor wind radar at Durham (43°N). Although the observations include the interval between solar maximum and solar minimum, there is in general no correlation between tidal amplitudes and solar activity. In contrast with earlier studies there does appear to be a positive correlation between solar activity and the amplitude of the semi-diurnal tide, but only during the southern summer and simultaneous northern winter.  相似文献   

The high-latitude structure of the mean winds and tides is described in this paper using climatologies prepared from radar data during the Atmospheric Tides Middle Atmosphere Program. The monthly evolution of the amplitude and phase of the tides is discussed. Comparison between the southern and northern hemispheres indicate that the diurnal tide is stronger in the southern hemisphere and that the antisymmetric diurnal tidal modes are dominant. The semidiurnal tide is larger than the diurnal tide. The vertical wavelength structure is significantly different between the southern and northern hemisphere. Comparisons with recent tidal models show several discrepancies.  相似文献   

The Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (IFPI) at the Bear Lake Observatory (BLO), Utah (41.9°N, 111.4°W) is used for studies of the aeronomy of the middle and upper atmosphere. Wind and temperature structure can be determined from observations of the Doppler shift and Doppler broadening of the airglow and auroral emissions from the mesosphere and thermosphere. The mesospheric winds recorded at the end of August, September and early October 1992 are consistent with a semi-diurnal tidal variation. The amplitude of this variation is approximately 30 ms−1 at the end of August and early September and approximately 20 ms−1 at the end of September and early October. However, during June and July, the semi-diurnal tidal variation, if present, is weak, with amplitude < 5 ms−1. No consistent semi-diurnal tidal variation is observed during late October 1992. During the solstice period, antisymmetric tidal components may be preferentially generated in such a way that they can result in destructive interference with the normally dominant symmetric modes, resulting in a decrease of tidal variation. This is consistent with the observed decrease in tides during the June, July and late October periods. Near the equinoxes, however, the excitation of these antisymmetric modes is expected to be weaker, possibly explaining why a pronounced and consistent semi-diurnal tidal variation has been observed during the August, September and early October periods. In contrast, the mesospheric winds derived from the Sheffield Meteor Wind Radar (53.4°N, 1.5°W) reveal a clear semi-diurnal tidal variation throughout the year, with an amplitude that may vary between 15 ms−1 and 50 ms−1, being about 25 ms−1 on average. The IFPI records winds from a region of the atmosphere centred at 87 km, whereas the Sheffield Meteor Wind Radar measures winds centred at 95 km. Therefore, the two regions may experience different tidal modes due to the different latitude, longitude and altitude of the observed regions and/or the different topography of the observing sites. Some proposed reasons for these differences are presented.  相似文献   

Diurnal and semi-diurnal Hough components of surface pressure are evaluated by classical tidal theory for previously presented profiles of water vapour and ozone heating. Values are compared with the observational results of Haurwitz and Cowley (1973) and show significant discrepancies which are considered to indicate the need for additional heating to be identified. The present calculations are in satisfactory agreement with those for semi-diurnal modes evaluated by Walterscheid et al. (1980).Profiles of terdiurnal heating due respectively to ozone and water vapour absorption of solar radiation are calculated for the (3,3,3) to (3,3,6) Hough modes and corresponding surface pressure oscillations are evaluated by classical tidal theory. Comparisons are made with earlier evaluations and with observationally derived results. The calculated solstitial (3, 3, 4) mode, which is the mode of the largest surface pressure amplitude, shows good agreement in phase with observation but underpredicts observed amplitudes by about 36% in contrast to earlier evaluations which were based on a now unacceptable basic temperature profile.  相似文献   

VHF radar measurements of velocities and echo power in the summer polar mesosphere have been analysed using maximum entropy, bispectral and cross-spectral methods in order to study wave-wave interactions. The results show nonlinear interactions of second and even third order between the diurnal and semidiurnal tides and planetary waves with periods of 2 and 3 days in the velocity field. Similar analyses of time series of echo power suggest corresponding variations of the temperature field.  相似文献   

Five vertical profiles of scalar horizontal winds have been measured at high resolution (25m) in the range from 80–95 km during the last salvo of the MAC/SINE campaign in the summer 1987 at Andenes, Northern Norway (69.3°N). Our purpose in this study is to examine the consistency of the motion spectrum with the saturated spectrum of gravity waves proposed by Smith S. A., Fritts D. C. and Van Zandt T.E., (1987, J. atmos. Sci. 44, 1404). An analysis of vertical wavenumber spectra of the five horizontal wind profiles is presented and it is found that (a) the average slope of the five vertical wavenumber spectra is −3.0 ± 0.2 for wavelengths in the range from 6.4 km to 100 m. The slope is considerably steeper than the vertical wavenumber spectra of the horizontal velocity discussed in the literature, (b) the average vertical wavenumber spectrum shows that there is excellent agreement between the observed spectrum and the saturated spectrum in both slope and amplitude, suggesting that saturation processes do indeed act to control spectral amplitudes at large wavenumbers, and (c) a dominant vertical wavelength of 6.4 km is found in the mesosphere. Taken together, our observations provide further support for the saturated spectrum theory.  相似文献   

Although the existence of thin ionized layers at heights around 100 km has been known for many years, it is only much more recently that thin neutral metal layers have been observed. Such layers, initially sodium and more recently calcium and iron, have been detected by lidar. The layers, with thicknesses between about 100m and several kilometres, and concentrations between about 102 and 105 cm−3, occur most frequently between 90 and 100 km, and are normally superimposed on a background layer about 10 km thick. The occurrence of thin neutral layers appears to be latitude dependent, and is strongly linked to the appearance of Es on ionograms. Several causative mechanisms have been suggested, none of which appears to be capable of providing an altogether satisfactory explanation for the formation of the layers.  相似文献   

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