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We have studied the influence of a large amplitude electric field oscillating near the upper hybrid frequency on the dispersion characteristics of low frequency Rayleigh-Taylor modes and collisional drift modes. Since these modes have been proposed as principal constituents of spread-F, we investigate the conditions for the parametric excitation or control of these F-region irregularities, by an external field. We obtain the modified growth rates as well as the threshold power necessary to carry out such a ground based ‘modification’ experiment. The propagation characteristics of the pump wave are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A rocket payload designed to measure mesospheric sodium, hydroxyl and oxygen nightglow emissions, in addition to electron density and temperature, was launched from the Alcantara Launch Center (2°S, 44°W), Brazil, at 23:52 LST on 31 May 1992. The height profiles of the atomic oxygen OI557.7 nm and molecular oxygen Atmospheric (0-0) band emissions showed maxima at 100±3 km and 98±3 km, respectively. The emission data are used to calculate the atomic oxygen concentration profiles. The results show the validity for the equatorial region of the empirical parameters proposed by McDade et al. (1986).  相似文献   

Initially, this paper considers earlier experimental results (some of them hitherto unpublished) obtained by making observations on signals returning from mid-latitude spread-F irregularities. These results suggest associations between spread-F irregularities and nighttime travelling ionospheric disturbances. Statistical analyses are then described which investigate the spread-F phenomenon at a number of mid-latitude stations with approximately the same latitudes but distributed over a range of longitudes. An east-west movement of spread-F irregularities is revealed when the occurrence at these stations is considered relative to days of enhanced occurrence at a particular station. All the experimental evidence presented in the paper supports the idea that the appearance of mid-latitude spread-F ionograms results primarily from specular reflections from relatively-large-scale structures which can be imagined as being in fact nighttime travelling ionospheric disturbances. These are, in turn, possibly related to internal gravity waves in the neutral atmosphere. It is suggested that the small-scale ionospheric structures (which are undoubtedly also present) are effective in inhibiting some of the specular reflections thus contributing to the diffuse nature of some records. This idea is quite contrary to the generally-accepted view that the spread-F traces are a direct consequence of scattering from these small-scale structures.  相似文献   

By comparing electron drift velocities at Jicamarca with corresponding ionograms and VHF radio scintillation records at Huancayo it has been shown that the day-to-day variability in the occurrence of equatorial spread-F irregularities in the post-sunset period depends critically on the time of reversal of the Sq electric field. The field reversal before sunset does not produce any spread-F in the evening hours, while the continuation of the day-time electric field for a couple of hours after sunset at normal strength is a favourable condition for generating spread-F.  相似文献   

We report here on a number of examples of anomalous enhancements of eastward electric fields near sunrise in the equatorial ionospheric F-region. These examples were selected from the data base of the equatorial satellite, San Marco D (1988), which measured ionospheric electric fields during a period of solar minimum. The eastward electric fields reported correspond to vertical plasma drifts. The examples studied here are similar in signature and polarity to the pre-reversal electric field enhancements seen near sunset from ground-based radar systems. The morphology of these sunrise events, which are observed on about 14% of the morning-side satellite passes, are studied as a function of local zonal velocity, magnetic activity, geographic longitude and altitude. The nine events studied occur at locations where the zonal plasma flow is generally measured to be eastward, but reducing as a function of local time and at satellite longitudes where the magnetic declination has the opposite polarity as the declination of the sunrise terminator.  相似文献   

Barium-strontium release experiments were conducted at Sriharikota Rocket Range (SHAR. 5.5 N dip latitude) at the onset of equatorial spread-F. We report here an unusual phenomenon of the development of two barium ion clouds from a single release around 200 km altitude, moving with different speeds indifferent directions. This is the first experimental evidence for the presence of large scale electric field gradients with a scale size of 15km. By incorporating neutral wind measured during spread-F into a numerical model for equatorial electrojet we interpret these gradients to be the manifestation of effects due to the meridional winds and wind shears. It is possible that the electric field gradients observed may lead to the generation of plasma holes during the onset of equatorial spread-F.  相似文献   

Comparing vertical incidence ionograms during spread-F conditions at the equatorial station Huancayo and modified range time interrsity records of 50 MHz scatter echoes at Jicamarca, it has been shown that the range type of spread-F is very efficient for the back-scattering of VHF radio waves. On the otherhand, the frequency type of spread-F does not seem to produce strong echoes. It is suggested that the range type of spread-F ionogram is due to the reflection (ω = ωp) of radio waves from large scale irregularities with structure as small as 3 m below or near the base of the F-region The frequency type spread-F ionogram is suggested due to scattering from large scale irregularities with no 3 m counterpart situated around the region of peak ionisation density.  相似文献   

The signature of the stable auroral red arc (SAR arc) as it appears on ionograms is described. The key features are a very significant increase in the amount of spread-F and a reduction in the maximum plasma density compared with regions just equatorward and poleward of the SAR arc Identification of the SAR arc signature is made by using complementary data from the global auroral imaging instrument on board the Dynamics Explorer-1 satellite.At sunspot minimum there is a positive correlation between the occurrence of spread-F on ionograms from Argentine Islands, Antarctica (65°S, 64°W; L = 2.3) and magnetic activity. In contrast, at sunspot maximum there is a weak negative correlation when the K magnetic index is less than 6. but a significant increase in spread-F occurrence at K ⩾ 6. Detailed study of ionograms shows that there are two distinct regions where considerable spread-F is observed. These are the region where SAR arcs occur and the poleward edge of the mid-latitude ionospheric trough. They are separated by a region associated with the trough minimum, where comparatively little spread-F is seen. It is suggested that the movement of these features to lower latitudes with increasing magnetic and solar activity can explain the lack of correspondence between variations of spread-F occurrence as a function of magnetic activity at sunspot maximum compared with that at sunspot minimum at Argentine Islands.  相似文献   

Two Centaure rockets were launched from Thumba (0 47′S dip). India, with a new arrangement of double probe sensors for the simultaneous measurements of the irregularities in the electron density and the electric field along and perpendicular to the spin axis of the rocket. These experiments were carried out during the period when type I irregularities were observed with the VHF backscatter radar at Thumba. Irregularities with scale sizes ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers in the electron density and in the electric field components both in the east-west and the vertical direction could be studied with these experiments. Irregularities in the electric field in the medium scale size range (30–300 m) were observed with peak to peak amplitudes up to 20 mV m−1 and in the small scale (⩽ 15 m) with peak to peak amplitudes up to 5 mV m−1. Horizontally propagating waves with horizontal scale sizes up to 2.5 km were observed in the region below 105.5 km. Using linear theory for the electrojet irregularities, it was found that for 5 % perturbations in the electron density, the amplitude of the electric field can be as large as 20–30 mV m−1. The spectrum of the irregularities in the vertical electric field in the rocket frame of reference was calculated and it was found that for the range of scale sizes between 10 and 70 m, the mean spectral index was −2.7 and −2.6. while in the scale size range 2–10 m it was −4.0 and −5.1 for the flights C-77 and C-73, respectively.  相似文献   

AE indices have been used to investigate, at times of increased geomagnetic activity, the possibility of significant changes to both spread-F occurerence and hF values for 3 stations in equatorial latitudes. The investigation covered a sunspot minimum period. Furthermore, data for each of these parameters have been considered for both a pre-midnight period (interval A) and a post-midnight period (interval B). The use of the AE indices at 12 different times at 2 h intervals allows the measurement of the delay times, after increased geomagnetic activity, of any significant changes in the parameters being investigated.The results show that for interval A significant suppressions of spread-F occurrence are recorded at delay times of approximately 3 h and 9 h. These delays correspond to enhanced geomagnetic activity at local times of 1800 and 1200, respectively. Also, for interval A the hF variations suggest that hF is suppressed at times of spread-F suppression. For interval B spread-F occurrence seems to be controlled by two opposing effects. For several hours after enhanced geomagnetic activity spread-F occurrence increases significantly, followed by a sharp decline culminating in suppressed occurrence, again related to increased geomagnetic activity at 1800 local time for the maximum effect. Also, for interval B hF values lift abruptly a few hours after enhanced geomagnetic activity, followed by a gradual decline when delays of up to 20 h are considered. Further work on these delays may allow reliable short-term forecasting of some ionospheric behaviour in equatorial regions.  相似文献   

Periodic amplitude fluctuations of VHF signals from a geostationary satellite monitored from near the magnetic equator have been observed in the evening hours as precursors of strong Rayleigh fading associated with plumes of irregularities. These periodic fluctuations called “amplitude waves” exhibit amplitude changes of only 1 to 2 dB and have been observed for up to 30 minutes before the onset of strong scintillations. Individual fades are correlated over distances of at least 120 km in the magnetic eastwest direction. The velocity of these wavelike disturbances has been found to be approximately 140 ms−1 eastward with a corresponding wavelength of 25 km. No wavelike behavior of Faraday rotation, a measure of the background changes in TEC, was observed during these times. Several mechanisms are examined as the cause of these amplitude waves; however, none was found to be completely satisfactory in explaining the observations.  相似文献   

A coordinated experiment involving scintillation observations using NNSS satellites and special program measurements with the EISCAT ionospheric radar facility is described. The results reveal the presence of sub-kilometre scale irregularities in the vicinity of a long lived steep equatorwards gradient in electron density. Evidence is presented of a southwards plasma flow which would cause the gradient to be unstable to the E Λ B gradient-drift mechanism. An instability growth time of about 4 min has been estimated from the observations. Cooler electron temperatures associated with enhanced densities rules out soft particle precipitation as an irregularity source in this case.  相似文献   

A number of striking experimental verifications of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, as applied to equatorial spread-F, have been made in the past few years. We review these observations and attempt to synthesize them with parallel theoretical developments. The results also pose some new questions concerning the turbulent cascade of energy and the evolution of an inner scale for the phenomenon. We review recent observations of bottomside altitude modulation and discuss the possible role of gravity waves in initiating the equatorial spread-F process.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a coordinated experiment involving scintillation observations using transmissions from NNSS satellites and simultaneous measurements with the EISCAT ionospheric radar facility. The scintillation was used to indicate the presence of sub-kilometre scale irregularities while the radar yielded information on the larger structures in the background ionosphere. Two examples are discussed in which localised patches of scintillation were observed at L-shells near ‘blob’ like enhancements in F-region ionisation density. Elevated electron temperatures indicated that the enhancements may have had their origins in soft particle precipitation. While structuring of the precipitation on the 100 m scale cannot be completely ruled out as a source of the irregularities, in one case the blob gradient can be shown to be stable to the E λ B mechanism. The most likely cause of the irregularities appears to be shearing of the high velocity plasma flow in a region adjacent to the density enhancement. This region is characterised by a high ion temperature while the resulting scintillation has a shallow spectral slope.  相似文献   

A number of satellite and rocket plasma density spectra obtained during equatorial spread-F conditions are presented and discussed in the light of similar measurements in the neutral atmosphere. We discuss this comparison in some detail and find both distinct similarities and subtle differences. The horizontal spectral measurements show a peak at an outer scale quite similar to the scale of the undulations caused by gravity wave interactions with the ionosphere. This feature is similar to a buoyancy subrange but it is easy to show that the amplitudes of the plasma fluctuations are too large to be directly driven by the neutral atmosphere. At intermediate scales the plasma fluctuations have a one-dimensional horizontal spectrum with a power law well described by a (−53) slope. Once again it can be shown that the neutral fluid cannot be similarly structured at 400 km altitude due to the high viscosity coefficient. A plasma cascade process seems to be operating but it is not at all clear how the spectrum is formed. Furthermore, vertical power spectra seem to run the gamut in spectral form with slopes (n) varying in the range from −1 to −3. So the horizontal spectra are near universal in form, while the vertical spectra are quite variable.  相似文献   

Recent results and outstanding problems in the field of equatorial spread-F are reviewed. The discussion is organized about four distinct wavelength regimes: long (≳ 20 km). intermediate (20 km–100 m). transitional (100 m–10 m) and short (≲ 10 m). The intermediate waves are best understood, although the enhanced turbulent power near 1 km wavelength needs explanation, as does the saturation mechanism itself. The role of shear flow and irregularity seeding by ‘geophysical noise’ in the neutral atmosphere form important future research topics at the longest scales. Identification of drift waves in the transitional wavelength range has been a major new step in explaining the full spread-F phenomenon. This drift wave turbulence in the transition regime will be actively studied in the near future, particularly with regard to its role in determining the saturated amplitude of the intermediate waves, as well as in the anomalous diffusion of plasma at high altitudes. Although waves as short as 11 cm have been unambiguously detected and linear theories exist, the origin and amplitude spectra of these short wavelength waves inside topside plumes remain in some doubt and should also be examined in more detail.  相似文献   

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