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A previous paper discussed the coherence between the ionosonde fmin parameter and the 30 mb temperature in southern mid-latitudes. The source of a significant peak in coherence at periods of about 6 days, occurring in both summer and winter, is tentatively identified with the 5-day wave.  相似文献   

Absorption was calculated at two height levels in the ionosphere, from different electron density profiles. The correlation between absorption and foF2 was studied. This study bears out theoretical results that riometer absorption occurs mainly in the D-layer and less in the upper parts of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Whistler mode signals from VLF transmitters received at Faraday, Antarctica (65° S, 64° W) during 1986–1991 show an annual variation in the number of hours over which signals are observed, with a maximum in June and a minimum in December. The variation was larger at solar minimum than at maximum and can be understood in terms of changes in absorption of VLF signals in the D-region, where the high geographic latitude of Faraday plays an important role in producing low attenuation levels during the austral winter. In contrast, very little such variation was observed at Dunedin, New Zealand (46° S, 171° E) in 1991. Nighttime whistler mode signals have start and end time trends that are consistent with the influence of F-region absorption. Increases in whistler mode occurrence appear to be associated with periods of high geomagnetic activity at solar maximum but not during solar minimum. A possible mechanism involving decreased F-region absorption is discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of radio wave absorption of three mid-latitudes is calculated using an atmospheric model and compared to measurements of two winters and one summer. From the correlations of the absorption patterns of three A3 paths, velocities of these patterns are derived and the relevance of such velocities to enhanced absorption is examined.  相似文献   

Electron densities in the D-region have been observed with EISCAT during energetic electron precipitation events. Sample results are presented which demonstrate the value of the technique in studying variations of electron density with fine temporal and spatial resolution. Different types of absorption event can be characterized in terms of the changes in the incoming electron spectrum inferred from profiles of electron density. We contrast the D-region behaviour of night- and day-time events in terms of precipitating spectrum and absorption profile. A softening of the electron spectrum during the course of a morning event is clearly seen.  相似文献   

The recent development of imaging riometer techniques has enabled a range of new, interesting observations of the complex dynamics of auroral and polar radio wave absorption events. These events mostly relate to the precipitation of energetic particles, creating enhanced ionization in the D-region. However, E-region heating by large electric fields and F-region electron density enhancements may also—at times—be responsible for observable absorption effects. Observations of ionospheric radio wave absorption processes using imaging riometer techniques may provide detailed characteristics of the spatial and temporal structures of small-scale disturbance events, velocity vectors for drifting features and frequency spectra for modulated events. This presentation will give a brief summary of imaging riometer techniques and a survey of existing and planned imaging riometer installations. Furthermore, the characteristics of frequently occurring absorption event types are summarized. In a companion paper imaging riometer observations are presented for some selected absorption events.  相似文献   

Ground-based and rocket-borne investigations were carried out in January 1981 in the Volgograd region to study space-time peculiarities of the winter anomaly in ionospheric radio wave absorption (WA). Electron-density altitude profiles Ne(h) were measured with rockets, by the coherent frequency method and by using electrostatic probes; temperature profiles T(h) were measured by a resistance thermometer: wind velocity and direction were measured by radio-observations of a chaff cloud and of the payload parachute drift. At the same time, ionospheric radio wave absorption was measured in Volgograd at two frequencies, 2.2 and 2.7 MHz, by the A1 method. The condition of the lower ionosphere could be determined from absorption data and from f min parameter data obtained from vertical sounding ionograms. “Salvo” launchings of the rockets were performed on 14 January, when absorption was anomalously large, and on 21 and 28 January, which were days of normal winter absorption.Data analysis has shown that Ne values on the day with excessive absorption exceeded the same values on a normal day at altitudes from 72 to 95 km; on 21 January Nc values exceeded those of 29 February 1980 (without WA) at all altitudes below ~ 90 km. The absorption at Volgograd on 28 January was somewhat higher than on 21 January and than at stations at higher latitude, which may be due to a stable local increase of Ne values in the altitude range 80–90 km. The temperature in the region of the Ne-enhanced values (up to the limit altitude of measurements, about 80 km) was below the standard temperature (COSPAR, 72), both on 14 January and on the normal days. Measurements carried out at night have shown that winter Nc values considerably exceeded those during the autumn. The zonal and meridional wind profiles (up to about 80 km) at Volgograd exhibit a stable eastward flux, both in the stratsophere and in the mesosphere. The value of the wind velocity meridional component on 21 January is close to zero at all altitudes. On 14 and 28 January the wind profiles show an irregular structure with large velocity gradients at all altitudes above about 50–60 km.The absorption data and f min data from a number of stations, viz. from Juliusruh to Yakutsk (in longitude) and from Arkhangel'sk to Rostov-on-Don (in latitude), show that anomalously excessive absorption occurred over a vast distance exceeding 100° of longitude at ~ 55° latitude and that, based on the dates of absorption maxima (f min), one may conclude that the source of the disturbance was moving from west to east. Data on the motion of the air as shown by rocket and radiometeoric observations, indicate the same wind direction in the stratosphere as in the mesosphere. These data and the constant pressure charts point to the conclusion that the enhanced radio absorption values at mid-latitudes may be explained by a transport of dry air rich in nitric oxide from the auroral zone towards lower latitudes. The transport is provided by a stable circumpolar vortex existing in winter time. This mechanism may explain both the normal and anomalous winter absorption, as well as the post-storm effect.  相似文献   

This work explores the compositional variation of stone tool assemblages on the coast of continental Patagonia, Argentina, on a latitudinal scale. By means of statistical procedures, we evaluate the role of the environment and geography in changes in relative diversity of different tool classes. Results suggest that both environment and geography account for a statistically significant part of the variation. The observed pattern suggests a latitudinal gradient in diversity that might be explained as the result of the historical process of human peopling of Patagonia as well as of selective mechanisms related to energy acquisition.  相似文献   

Coordinated ion-neutral composition and electron density measurements have been carried out over Thumba (India) and Volgograd (U.S.S.R.), near sunrise. One of the launchings from Thumba revealed the turbopause to be around 110 km. Large fluctuations in ion and electron densities were also registered in the altitude region 105–125 km, along with oscillatory structures in the neutral composition, indicating that unusual conditions prevailed during this measurement. Contrary to expectations, ‘time synchronous’ launchings from Thumba and Volgograd revealed nearly identical distributions of neutral species. The turbopause altitudes during these flights were also the same within the limits of experimental uncertainty. These measurements confirm that the role of the turbopause and temperature are mutually independent in governing the distribution of neutral composition in the thermosphere.  相似文献   

Ionospheric modification by high power radio waves and by chemical releases are combined in a theoretical study of ionospheric focused heating. The release of materials which promote electron-ion recombination creates a hole in the bottomside ionosphere. The ionospheric hole focuses high power radio waves from a ground-based transmitter to give a 20 dB or greater enhancement in power density. The intense radio beam excites atomic oxygen by collisions with accelerated electrons. Airglow from the excited oxygen provides a visible trace of the focused beam. The large increase in the intensity of the radio beam stimulates new wave-plasma interactions. Numerical simulations show that the threshold for the two-plasmon decay instability is exceeded. The interaction of the pump electromagnetic wave with the backward plasmon produces a scattered electromagnetic wave at 3/2 the pump frequency. The scattered wave provides a unique signature of the two-plasmon decay process for ground-based detection.  相似文献   

The ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) associated with peculiarities of the plasma distribution in the F-region ionosphere affects significantly the spectral form of electromagnetic noise registered on the Earth's surface and by satellites. The eigenfrequencies of the IAR are in the range from 0.1 to 10 Hz, and the Q-factor is ~ 10. This is proved experimentally by the spectral resonance structure (SRS), excited by lightning, which manifests itself as pronounced minima and maxima in the averaged spectral intensity of atmospheric background noise of a few hertz. A theory for the SRS is constructed which explains the main experimental facts. New ground-based diagnostics of the electron density profile above the F-layer maximum derived from SRS data are discussed.  相似文献   

The method of Hibberd is used to study the variability of ionospheric dynamo currents from day to day, with solar rotation and with the solar cycle. The method eliminates many sources of disturbance by using the difference of H at two magnetic observatories having the same longitude but different latitudes. In this way, a measure of the strength of the ionospheric currents can be obtained almost every day, even during magnetically disturbed periods. It is concluded that the currents are produced partly by tidal modes driven by in situ heating in the thermosphere, and that variations in the amplitude of these modes are mainly responsible for the solar rotation and the solar cycle effects which are observed. There are also random day-to-day changes, uncorrelated from one day to the next, and these suggest that upward propagating tidal modes are also important in driving the currents.  相似文献   

The geomagnetic field variation and equivalent current system produced by an asymmetrical ionospheric dynamo action under a solstitial condition are simulated and compared with the observational results. Results of our simulation reproduce well most of the observational features of the solstitial Sq system. For example, the latitude of the current vortex center is higher in summer than in winter and the local time of the center in the summer hemisphere is located earlier than that in the winter hemisphere. In the morning and afternoon sector the current vortex in the summer hemisphere invades the winter hemisphere. The first feature is attributed to the ionospheric currents, but the second and third features are due to the field-aligned currents generated by the asymmetry of the ionospheric dynamo.  相似文献   

The numerical synthesis of ionograms by ray-tracing in an analytic two-dimensional ionosphere is simplified by a technique which avoids the usual wastage of ray tracings. The technique is particularly suitable for obtaining ionogram sequences corresponding to a moving ionospheric disturbance. It is applied firstly to a moving tilted ionisation increase, which gives the familiar travelling-cusp records. Ionograms do not give a good measure of the vertical distribution of ionisation, and in the case considered lead to an overestimate of the horizontal size of the increase by a factor of about 2. For a travelling ionisation decrease or trough, the ionograms show an additional U-shaped trace overlapping the main trace. Calculated ionograms agree closely with some observations. It is difficult to obtain any measure of the size of the electron-density decrease; critical frequency scalings may give no indication of the passage of an intense disturbance. Similar results are obtained for a wavelike perturbation in an exponential topside ionosphere. Topside ionograms then show multiple ‘nose’ traces, following in general the curve for the unperturbed ionosphere. It is suggested that the multiple echoes frequently observed on topside ionograms may, in some cases, be due to refraction in large disturbances rather than the commonly-assumed ducting mechanism.  相似文献   

A multifrequency HF Doppler sounder and four spaced receivers were operated near Alma-Ata to form a three-dimensional array of reflection points of HF radio waves. The spacings of reflection points ranged from 5 to 80 km in the vertical and from 30 to 65 km in the horizontal. The purpose of the experiment was to estimate the spatial coherence of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Estimation of the coherence length (the distance at which the coherence falls to e−1) in both vertical and horizontal planes is carried out. The coherence often shows peaks at frequencies exceeding the Brunt-Väisälä frequency. Measurements of the slant coherencies have given the opportunity to study the coherence as a function of orientation.  相似文献   

Initially, this paper considers earlier experimental results (some of them hitherto unpublished) obtained by making observations on signals returning from mid-latitude spread-F irregularities. These results suggest associations between spread-F irregularities and nighttime travelling ionospheric disturbances. Statistical analyses are then described which investigate the spread-F phenomenon at a number of mid-latitude stations with approximately the same latitudes but distributed over a range of longitudes. An east-west movement of spread-F irregularities is revealed when the occurrence at these stations is considered relative to days of enhanced occurrence at a particular station. All the experimental evidence presented in the paper supports the idea that the appearance of mid-latitude spread-F ionograms results primarily from specular reflections from relatively-large-scale structures which can be imagined as being in fact nighttime travelling ionospheric disturbances. These are, in turn, possibly related to internal gravity waves in the neutral atmosphere. It is suggested that the small-scale ionospheric structures (which are undoubtedly also present) are effective in inhibiting some of the specular reflections thus contributing to the diffuse nature of some records. This idea is quite contrary to the generally-accepted view that the spread-F traces are a direct consequence of scattering from these small-scale structures.  相似文献   

The possibility of Langmuir soliton formation and collapse during ionospheric modification is investigated. Parameters characterizing former facilities, existing facilities, and planned facilities are considered, using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. At a spatial location corresponding to the exact classical reflection point of the modifier wave, the Langmuir wave evolution is found to be dominated by modulational instability followed by soliton formation and three-dimensional collapse. The earth's magnetic field is found to affect the shape of the collapsing soliton. These results provide an alternative explanation for some recent observations.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief overview of the processes responsible for the equatorial electric field, and reviews relevant modeling work of these processes, with emphases on basic aspects and recent progress. Modeling studies have been able to explain most of the observed features of equatorial electric fields, although some uncertainties remain. The strong anisotropy of the conductivity and the presence of an east-west electric field lead to a strong vertical polarization electric field in the lower ionosphere at the magnetic equator, whose magnitude can be limited by plasma irregularities. Local winds influence the structure of the equatorial polarization field in both the E and F regions. The evening pre-reversal enhancement of the eastward electric field has been modeled by considering a combination of effects due to the presence of a strong eastward wind in the F region and to east-west gradients of the conductivity, current, and wind. Models of coupled thermosphere-ionosphere dynamics and electrodynamics have demonstrated the importance of mutual-coupling effects. The low-latitude east-west electric field arises mainly from the global ionospheric wind dynamo and from the magnetospheric dynamo, but models of these dynamos and of their coupling have not yet attained accurate predictive capability.  相似文献   

This paper examines the global distribution of electron density irregularities with scales of the order of several tens to hundreds of meters in the ionosphere by using topside sounder data from the COSMOS-1809 satellite obtained in May–June and December 1987. The diffuse traces of Z-waves on topside ionograms in a frequency band just below the upper hybrid resonance are used for diagnostics. These traces are attributed to the scattering of sounder-generated ordinary and slow extraordinary mode waves.  相似文献   

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