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丁正元 《东南文化》2000,(4):111-111
Jijin inks is a famous product in Hui ink family of Qing Dynasty. The imperial ink stick with farming and weaving design is the gem of Jijin inks for its perfect unity of poem, calligraphy and painting. The ink is skillfully made by the famous handicraftsman and selective in materials.  相似文献   

The Technique of Stone Ma- sonry at Rdo Sbus Lung Pa The technique of masonry as used in construction in Tibet can be dated back to the Yumbulagang during the Tubo Kingdom and it still prevails all over Tibet.Buildings of all kinds on the plateau,such as watchtowers and civilian residences,have adopted this technique.A variety of buildings show this historic Tibetan inheritance and its evolution. To apply this stone masonry technique to building construction closely Connects with the  相似文献   

The Deer Stone is an important cultural remain which is scattered a lot in Mongolia, Mainly in the west and northwest areas. It is also found in the Eurasian grasslands but very little in quantity. as for its age, there exist many different views for a long time. Actually the Deer stone displays a way of personification of stone statue, so we usually can find carved weapons and tools on the waist of it. Nevertheless, we can deduce the age according to these carvings. Archaeological discoveries in the northern-grasslands of China show that the carvings on Deer stone are all the typical vessels that were very popular in the late Shang period. Such as the beast-headed or bell-headed short sword with curved handle, the beast-headed sword with upright blade dagger, the ring-headed or double ring-headed short sword, the mushroom-headed short sword, the tub-shaped htchet, the arrow-shaped vessels and etc. Thus lead us to the conclustion that most of the Deer Stones must be of the late Bronze Age(11-7BC).As for the Deer stone culture‘s Similarity in some aspects to that of cultures like Lijiaya, Weiyingzi, third phase of Weifang culture or Xiajiadian culture in the north parts of China, that reflects the northern grasslands bronze culture of China left a strong influence on the cultures of Mongolia.  相似文献   

In this article, through the studies on the statues of brag-lha-klu-phug in Lhasa, combining with Chinese and Tibetan documents, the author makes a further exploration into its date, artistic styly and the relations with the Buddhist art of the neighbourhood. Apart from the influence of the art of grottos in Hexi Area, the traditional cultural relations between Tubo and Nepal, India also should be considered. The styles of statues, the Grotto of Tubo dynasty is closer to that of the Buddhist art of Nepal.  相似文献   

In Picturing Heaven in Early China,a consideration of the symbolism of Heaven in early Chinese culture,Lillian Lan-ying Tseng examines the evolution of a pictorial language for the expression of "religious" ideals.By analyzing the architectural,material and literary evidence from the Han dynasty,the author traces the trajectory of Han thought from its first concerns with the notion of Heaven and the involvement of the emperor,to the growing desire for personal immortality at all levels.The book comprises five chapters,which plot the development of Han thought and images of heaven.This is a complex and well-researched examination,whose depth and detail can only be suggested here.  相似文献   

孙建君 《东南文化》2001,(10):84-88
Chinese folk stone sculpture has long history in people's material and spiritual life, most of which are made by unknown craftsmen.They are of great value on art and historic culture to display splendid technique, tricky design and admirable creativity of ancient Chinese craftsmen. As to the use of stone sculpture, it can be used as the part and decoration of the architecture, formed to serve the religion or practical utensil for daily use or appreciation, which is might be called a grand book.  相似文献   

The Greeks legends, which appeared on the Parthian coins, seem to be meaningless and consider as one of the ambiguities in the history of Parthian dynasty. From the beginning of first century AD, the Greeks legend appeared on Parthian Coins are vague and only seem to be symbolic. By the invasion of Sakas to the north of Iran which led to extinction of the governing of the Greeks in Bactria and pushed them back to the north India, Romans finally succeeded to add the Seleucid as a part of their territory, and left the traders in Selucia and Babylonia in the west and Margiana and Bactria on the east under domination of locals rather than the Greeks. In this article we are to investigate of decline of Greeks in Bactria and its relation to meaningless Greek legends on Parthian coins.  相似文献   

Through analysis of the literally recorded location of the Song Emperor Wudi'sChuning Mausoleum and Wendi's Changning Mausoleum of the Southern Dynasties period and compar-ison of the style of the stone animals presently existing at Qilinpu in Nanjing with that of their counter-parts along the spirit roads of mausoleums round the Song period of Southern Dynasties times it can beconcluded that the Qilinpu stone animals must be sculptures of an imperial mausoleum of the Chen Dy-nasty in the Southern Dynas...  相似文献   

The gold was put into use as early as Shang dynasty. From the late Tang dynasty on, the private gold and silver workshop came into being in accord with the improvement of excavation and workmanship systems, which stimulates greatly the gold and silver production in the southern China. Most of the gold and silver wares unearthed in Zhe Jiang are from Late Tang to Ming dynasty. Its categories and shapes are closely fit in with the needs of daily life.  相似文献   

In Tibetan medicine, all food and medicinal plants have their origin in the four elements (earth, water, fire, air and space). They are therefore classified according to certain characteristics, associated with a particular element. Classification of based upon these characteristics, which can range from intrinsic properties, such as moisture, to the taste of a given food or plant. To classify by element, the nature ofagiven plant is also analyzed according to its initial "seed": its initial "constitutive elements". It is important to remember the distinction between the two uses of the term element. As a tool for classification, the constitutive elements are the lowest common denominators into which a substance can be divided, basically, its essential element. They show the original preponderance of one element-such as water-over another, and determine the final classification of a whole plant as belonging to one or another element.  相似文献   

The plum vases, one with a white dragon design over the blue ground of Yuan dynasty, one with a design of Xiao He chasing Han Xin in the moonlight in underglaze blue of the late Yuan and early Ming, and the other with pine, bamboo, and plum designs in underglaze red in the Ming dynasty under Hongwu‘s reign, are three important pieces in Yuan and Ming dynasties in Jiangsu Province. They might be rated as the three treasures in the Chinese porcelain world for their unique characteristics.  相似文献   

In the Tibetan-inhabited areas, there are four most famous holy mountains. One is Gyiamo MurdoMountain, towering over the upper reaches of the Dadu River in western Sichuan Province. To its west is the Greater Jinchuan and to its east is the Lesser Jinchuan. Two rivers meet on the southern slope of Murdo Mountain. Historically, this part of the world was called the Jinchuan area. During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Emperor Qian-long three times sent troops to fight headmen of the Greater and Lesser Jinchuan areas. In the Jinchuan area, they encountered stubborn resistance from local troops entrenched in stone pillboxes.The Jinchuan area is mountainous and local villages were all guarded by pillboxes built entirely with stone slabs. In various shapes, they generally rose 20-50 meters high. Each side of the pillbox was complete with loopholes through which those inside could keep watch and shoot. And these stone pillboxes were all built in places accessible only by small paths.  相似文献   

正In April every year, the No. 317 is surrounded by verdant hills and blue water as it passes through the beautiful town of Xiangtang on this gorgeous spring day, and the Farmers'Pioneer Park of Gangmuda Village can be found at the entrance to Rangtang County.Upon entering this "park", high-rise structures can be seen everywhere, with signs hanging from shops declaring such things as "Rangbala Stone Carvings","Jonang Tibetan Incense", and"Edible Plateau Fungus"in both  相似文献   

Throughout human history,our ancestors invari- ably chose stones as their primarily material to be pro- cessed and utilized as tools.Since the dawn of this his- tory when stone tools came into use,stone has been closely related to the development of mankind,the creation of human civilization and the constant progress of human society.A chipped scraper or a pol- ished stone axe can both relate and represent two dif-  相似文献   

Article 9 of the Agreement of theCentral Government and the LocalGovernment of Tibet on the PeacefulLiberation of Tibat, signed on May23, 1951, stipulates: "The spokenand written language and schooleducation of the Tibetan ethnicgroup shall be developed step bystep in accordance with the actualconditions in Tibet."In accordance with the Agreement,Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, instructedthe Central People's Governmentto work hard to develop school education in T…  相似文献   

Most people appreeinte Yuhua stone for its speeifle pallterns they pay more attention to materialize the stone texture and sculpt to a specific thing and overlook its own pattern and quality of the stone the author tried to separate the Yuhua stone into two categories the abstract one and the material one,and made aesthetic discussion.  相似文献   

Lhasa,to some extent,is regarded as a holiday city.It is hard to meet people when they are in a rush. Whenever a pilgrimage procession passes by,you can always see the pilgrims holding their praying wheels, followed by dogs,while they walk peacefully along the path of the pilgrimage.On the edges of streets and laneways,tea bars are teeming with people playing cards or chatting.Once they sit down,they might easily let half a day slip by.  相似文献   

The Southwest College for Nationalities was founded in July 1950 and was formally established on June 1st,1951.The college was renamed the Southwest University for Nationalities with the approval of the China Ministry of Education on April 16th,2003. On June 1st,2011,the university is going to celebrate its 60th anniversary.Having completed 60 years of hard work and won success through strenuous efforts and a creative approach with generations of students,the university has realized its dreams and glorie...  相似文献   

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