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1944年夏季国难声中,我随老师辈的沈宗濂从印度到西藏。我们有一个共同愿望,就是想把因为同内地长期隔阂而处于英帝国主义势力操纵和控制下的西藏情况,如实地介绍给大家。当时沈宗濂任国民党政府蒙藏委员会委员兼驻藏办事处处长,我是他的英秘书。他的专长是财经金融,我学的是英国学,所以两人对藏族甚少了解,都必须从头学起。  相似文献   

何芳川教授走了。他走得那样匆忙、那样突然,以至于我动笔写这篇悼念短文的时候,我还是不敢相信他已经永远离开了我们。  相似文献   

王心扬 《世界历史》2007,35(1):123-126
本的主旨是要指出,亚裔美国史(Asian-American history)按照道理本应该是美国移民史的一个不可或缺的组成部分,但是由于治美国移民史和治亚裔美国史的学在认识上仍然有相当的距离,所以它们至今大体上还是两个互不相关的学术领域。如果这两组学都愿意摒弃成见,拓宽视野的话,那么亚裔美国史就很有希望成为美国移民史的一部分。但这是一个宏大的论题,不是一篇短可以全面阐述清楚的,本不过是想就这个问题略陈管见。[第一段]  相似文献   

鉴真 《贵阳文史》2008,(2):77-77
贵州省博物馆吴晓秋同志的新作《贵阳邮政史》,2007年8月由贵州人民出版社出版。承作者相赠,使我通过这部近27万字的专著,对于贵阳邮政业的历史,获得更深刻而又具体的认识。  相似文献   

唐代的“三史”与三史科   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为《后汉书》取代《东观汉记》列入“三史”的根本原因还是在于二书自身的质量高下。在唐代的三史中 ,《汉书》的研究风气最盛 ,但《史记》的地位决非“最下” ,而是远高于《后汉书》。在唐初 ,史学与进士科没有直接关系 ,国家因之采取了一系列鼓励进士习史的措施 ,从而有“一史科”的出现。穆宗时终于有了常科“三史科”的设立 ,原属制举的“一史”也变为常举 ,它们既是礼部贡举的科目 ,也是吏部科目选的科目。  相似文献   

如何从理论与历史相结合的角度来理解国际关系?这是一个十分重要的、值得我们去深入探讨和理解的问题。当然,这是一个很大、很难,也很复杂的研究课题,我无意也无力回答这样的问题。在这里,我主要根据自己从事冷战史研究的经历和学习国际关系理论的心得体会,谈一些不成熟的看法,供读们参考。  相似文献   

在刚结束的香港书展上有人问韩寒:“和你同时出现的人中很多都移民了,你会离开中国吗?” 韩寒答:“我不会。可能这个答案很多人不大愿意听到,如果我说‘我会’就好了。我还真是不会,因为我喜欢的人都在中国……事实上无论如何,中国始终是我的故土。”  相似文献   

清季支那史、东洋史教科书介译初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李孝迁 《史学月刊》2003,(9):101-110
清季对日本之支那史、东洋史教科书的介译,是清末教育改革的产物,对清末早期新式学堂的历史教育,对国人自编本国史教科书的出现,都产生了深远影响;支那史、东洋史的介译亦是20世纪初年新史学思潮的重要组成部分,对新史学思潮的深入发展起到了推波助澜的作用;介译支那史、东洋史之主旨在于弘扬爱国主义精神,表现出较为浓厚的功利色彩。支那史、东洋史教科书在中国近代教育史、史学史上应有一定的地位。  相似文献   

我作为农垦一兵,有幸参加了“北大荒”早期开发建设,并在这片土地上连续工作了30年,在耄耋之年,愿将“北大荒”巨变中亲身经历和所见所闻以及搜集的有关资料,加以归纳整理,以飨读者。  相似文献   

民国史研究的现状与几个问题的讨论   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
中国大陆开展中华民国史研究,从1972年算起,到今年正好30周年。中华民国史研究,现在也已成为一门世界性的学问。在日本、美国、欧洲各国都有很好的研究,各有优长,值得中国学者学习和借鉴。本文主要就中国大陆,特别是我所在的中国社会科学院近代史研究所有关民国史研究的简要情况,做一个汇报,同时提出几个问题,谈谈我个人的意见。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court's 5–4 decision in the Passenger Cases (1849) overturned two Northern states' taxes on poor foreign immigrants. The Court's eight opinions disputed whether destitute transatlantic immigrants arriving in U.S. ports were legally and constitutionally “persons” like fugitive slaves fleeing the South, free African Americans residing in the U.S.‐Canadian borderlands, and black seamen working on ships entering Southern ports. The eight opinions issued in the case, as Charles Warren noted, raised fundamental constitutional questions concerning whether U.S. congressional or state authority was exclusive or concurrent over persons moving in interstate and international business, reflecting wider sectional struggles fostering the Civil War. 1 More recently, Mary Bilder and others examined connections among indentured contract labor, race‐based American slavery, and the Court's antebellum Commerce Clause decisions to establish that foreign immigrants were commercial objects subject to regulation through the Constitution's Commerce Clause. 2 Southerners and Northern pro‐slavery supporters argued, however, that fugitive slaves and free blacks crossing interstate and international borders were “persons” who could be regulated or altogether excluded under state police powers. 3  相似文献   

大历史是历史研究与教学的新领域,它是指从各种可能的规模甚至宇宙的规模来探究一切事物的历史。大历史也是一种跨学科研究。它与世界史存在关联,也是对传统史学的一种补充。大历史探究也满足了人们的精神、心灵和社会需求,有利于人们更好地认识自我。  相似文献   


The issue which I wish to address in this paper is the widespread tendency in Anglophone philosophy to insist on a separation between the history of philosophy and the history of ideas or intellectual history. This separation reflects an anxiety on the part of philosophers lest the special character of philosophy will be dissolved into something else in the hands of historians. And it is borne of a fundamental tension between those who think of philosophy's past as a source of ideas and arguments of interest to the present, and those who hold that the philosophy of the past should be studied on its own terms, in relation to its immediate context, without reference to the present. The challenge, then, is to re-historicise the history of philosophy, and to keep the philosophers onside.  相似文献   

Greater attention to the study of the Soviet internal commerce is proposed, with particular emphasis on the geographical differences in retailing. The sources of marketable goods in any particular region are locally produced consumer goods, farm produce and forest products as well as goods shipped in from other parts of the USSR and from abroad. Regional economic-geographic factors affect both the volume and the structure of retail trade. Volume is affected by such factors as the size of population, income levels, regional prices, and the availability of retail outlets. Structure of retailing is affected by regional differences in production and consumption, income levels, ethnic preferences and seasonal changes.  相似文献   

以神户三江商业会为例,结合神户三江帮早期的历史,对三江帮商社的组成和经营情况、三江公所的活动情况进行了梳理和分析,并对三江商业会法人化过程的历史背景及其法律地位作了一些初步探讨。  相似文献   

During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Tongzhou was not only a riverside port city for transporting grain to the capital, a key site for goods storage, but also witnessed the means of transportation of commercial goods from southern China changed from water to land, where commercial goods imported to Beijing together with those to be sold in northern China splits. Both the Ministry of Revenue (Gongbu) and Ministry of Works (Hubu) set up their customs in Tongzhou, respectively, and Zhangjiawan was the subsection of the customs; the major commercial goods including grain, liquor, distiller’s yeast, textiles, and groceries, were transferred through the customs of Ministry of Works. Judging from the establishment of broker house and broker tax, the volume of commodities being transported via Zhangjiawan might be bigger than Tongzhou. Shanxi merchants established guild halls (huiguan) in both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan. They transported bulk commodities such as textiles and tea to the north of China, while Zhangjiakou and Guihuacheng were their main resale destinations. In other words, both Tongzhou and Zhangjiawan were important transportation ports for the businesses of Shanxi merchants regarding their trades within the northern territory as well as the trade at Khyagt between late imperial China and tsarist Russia.  相似文献   

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