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《Public Archaeology》2013,12(3):206-207

Return to Lhasa     
“Return to Lhasa, return to the Potala Palace. In the Yarlung Zangbo , River cleanse my heart, on top of snow mountains awake my soul...”  相似文献   

浪漫主义史学与后现代主义史学都是对现代性作出的回应。基于对空间的关注,它们都反对现代主义的线性历史观,强调史学研究的多重视角。在历史观念和历史书写上,它们呈现出诸多相似性:如对特殊主义、地域主义、偶然性、奇闻轶事、多元性、开放性、差异性的强调;在怀乡情绪中表现历史写作的诗性和审美维度;对微观史和日常生活史的书写等。这表明后现代主义史学在某种程度上是对浪漫主义史学更高层次的回归。  相似文献   

马哲非 《华夏地理》2004,(8):104-122
从兰州西行至永登县,跨过黄河,自乌鞘岭往西,是一条狭长地带,它位于南(祁连山和阿尔金山)、北(马鬃山、合黎山和龙首山)两山之间,形如走廊,因在 黄河以西,被称为河西走廊.甘肃人开玩笑,说一个人的口气之大:你求我的算是个多大的事,不就是南山北山,贴个瓷砖.  相似文献   

Itwasasunnydayinearlyspring.whenanloldmaninhisearly80smetthisreporterinltheLabrangMonastery.Examiningmethroughhisblackrimmedspectacles,hewasbothtalkativeandhumorous.GaoWu,whoreturnedfromTaiwantosettledown,recalled:Iwasbornintoaherder'sfamilyinXiaheCounty,Gannan.Beforeliberation,IlaboredfortheLivingBuddhaLancangoftheLabrangMonastery.Afterliberation,Iwasallottedlandandanimals.But,in1959,whenIwentonapilgrimagetoLhasa,IwastakenawaybytherebelstoIndia.IsettleddowninDarjeeling.Myson,Gyai…  相似文献   

清乾隆年间,迁居伏尔加河流域已有百余年的土尔扈特部众东归,清廷以分散安置为原则,对土尔扈特部众进行了安置,其中直属其首领渥巴锡的部众,被指地安置于天山北部的斋尔地方。但寒冷的侵袭、病魔的肆虐、物资的匮乏和农牧不旺,迫使渥巴锡不得不提出另行选址迁移。时任伊犁将军的舒赫德经派人勘查,将渥巴锡部众尽数移至天山南部的珠尔都斯草原,完成了土尔扈特部众万里东归后的一次大动迁。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,以江泽民为核心的中共第三代领导集体和以胡锦涛为总书记的中共新的领导集体,在继承和发展邓小平"一国两制、和平统一"的"政治交代"和"思想遗产"的基础上,在指导香港回归前的"平稳过渡"和"顺利交接"、香港回归后的"保持长期稳定和繁荣"工作的过程中,不断进行新的理论创新和实践创新,使"一国两制"的"香港模式"在探索中逐步成型、成熟,使"香港明天更好"的前景现实性地呈现.  相似文献   

走向田野回归文本--中国神话学理论建设反思之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,民间文学这门自五四运动以来多次成为显学的现代人文科学,遭遇到空前的冷遇,引起了学界的反思。一门学问是冷是热,因素甚多,民间文学的主体产生于农耕时代,它在以现代化建设为中心的  相似文献   


This essay explores the relationship between Edward Said’s well-known contrapuntal reading of history and Erich Auerbach’s Ansatzpunkt, or point of departure, as a means of entering a given hermeneutic circle. Although Auerbach occupied an increasingly prominent place in Said’s critical thought, his engagement with the work of the German philologist has been largely ignored or downplayed. In this essay I take the figure of exile, which is so central to Said’s scholarship and which he explicitly links with the intellectual mission of critique, as a point of departure for a deepened exploration of Said’s critical method—a method developed in critical dialogue with Auerbach’s work. Building on the existing literature, I argue that Auerbach offers more than simply a way for Said to problematize identity politics and to challenge the dogmatism of received notions of home and political belonging. More than this, I argue that the German philologist provides Said with a way to reconfigure the dialectic between history and literature; to develop his contrapuntal approach to reading history; and to rethink the parameters of a historicist humanism that, in turn, enables him to reactivate the critical potential of philological hermeneutics.  相似文献   

尹凯 《东南文化》2022,(1):152-158
近年来,公众之于博物馆的重要性持续攀升,甚至开始居于一种主导性的优先地位.博物馆学界相应地出现了 一系列暗含"公众转向"的话语.基于此,博物馆与公众关系成为一个重要的研究议题.博物馆与公众关系有四种路径:公众研究路径聚焦存在于博物馆内外的公众群体,以此分别发现公众之于博物馆和博物馆之于公众的价值;沟通关系路径侧重博物馆...  相似文献   

关于粉碎“四人帮”的斗争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛主席生前就宣布王、张、江、姚等人是“四人帮”,并指示“要注意江青他们有篡党夺权的野心” ,为粉碎“四人帮”奠定了重要的基础。毛主席逝世后 ,种种迹象表明“四人帮”篡党夺权的行动已经是箭在弦上 ,华国锋的处境很困难。中央政治局执行党和人民的意志 ,经过精心安排和周密部署 ,顺利地一举粉碎了“四人帮”这个恶贯满盈的反革命集团。  相似文献   

林贻荣 《民俗研究》2001,(1):188-189
1998年初,当我把拙编《赣东北民俗情》寄给远在台湾的民俗学家娄子匡先生,时年89岁的娄先生亲笔复函:“顷蒙寄赠大作,捧读之余,谨此函谢。赣东乃弟之原籍故乡,爱乡情切,对故乡风俗记载之书,尤为心仪,今得尊编,除仔细捧读,必将永为保存。如可能拷贝若干,分赠世界各大图书馆库藏,永留人间。如有续编问世,敬乞再赐鸿文!”  相似文献   


Engel, David M., and Frank W. Munger Rights of Inclusion: Law and Identity in the Life Stories of Americans with Disabilities Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press 274 pp., $56.00 cloth, $19.00 paper ISBN 0-226-20831-1 cloth ISBN 0-226-20833-8 paper Publication Date: June 2003

Olson, Keith W. Watergate: The Presidential Scandal That Shook America Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 220 pp., $35.00 cloth, $15.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1250-5 cloth ISBN 0-7006-1251-3 paper Publication Date: May 2003

Bowler, Shaun, Todd Donovan, and David Brockington Electoral Reform and Minority Representation Columbus: Ohio State University Press 158 pp., $47.95, ISBN 0-8142-0917-3 Publication Date: April 2003

Gould, Lewis L. The Modern American Presidency Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 301 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-1252-1 Publication Date: April 2003

Mezey, Susan Gluck Elusive Equality: Women's Rights, Public Policy, and the Law Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner 319 pp., $24.50, ISBN 0-58826-176-X Publication Date: March 2003

Watson, Robert P., and Colton C. Campbell, eds. Campaigns and Elections: Issues, Concepts, Cases Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers 319 pp., $59.95 cloth, $23.50 paper ISBN: 1-58826-120-4 cloth ISBN: 1-58826-144-1 paper Publication Date: February 2003

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Berman, David R. Local Government and the States: Autonomy, Politics and Policy New York: M. E. Sharpe 224 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-76556-1085 Publication Date: February 2003

Yarbrough, Tinsley E. Race and Redisricting: The Shaw-Cromartie Cases Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 225 pp., $29.95 cloth, $14.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1218-1 cloth ISBN 0-7006-1219-X paper Publication Date: October 2002

Adler, David Gray, and Michael A. Genovese, eds. The Presidency and the Law: The Clinton Legacy Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 264 pp., $40.00 cloth, $17.95 paper ISBN 0-7006-1193-2 cloth ISBN 0-7006-1194-0 paper Publication Date: September 2002

Fisher, Louis Religious Liberty in America: Political Safeguards Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 266 pp., $16.95, ISBN 0-7006-1202-5 Publication Date: September 2002

Johnson, Haynes The Best of Times: The Boom and Bust Years of America before and after Everything Changed San Diego, Calif.: Harcourt 644 pp., $27.00 cloth, $16.00 paper ISBN 0-15-602701-1 paper ISBN 0-15-200445-5 cloth Publication Date: September 2002

Mayhew, David Electoral Realignments: A Critique of American Genre New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press 192 pp., $24.00, ISBN 0-300-09336-5 Publication Date: September 2002

Cox, Gary W., and Jonathan N. Katz Elbridge Gerry's Salamander: The Electoral Consequences of the Reapportionment Revolution Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 234 pp., $55.00 cloth, $19.00 paper ISBN 0-521-80675-5 cloth ISBN 0-521-00154-4 paper Publication Date: July 2002

Petersen, Shannon Acting for Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 168 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-1172-X Publication Date: May 2002

Lindsay-Poland, John Emperors in the Jungle: The Hidden History of the U.S. in Panama Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press 280 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-8223-3098-9 Publication Date: January 2003

Ikenberry, G. John, ed. America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press 317 pp., $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8014-8802-8 Publication Date: October 2002

Bowman, Kirk S. Militarization, Democracy, and Development: The Perils of Practorianism in Latin America University Park: Penn State University Press 289 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-271-0229-9 Publication Date: November 2002

Power, Margaret Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle against Allende, 1964-1973 University Park: Penn State University Press 311 pp., $65.00 cloth, $25.00 paper ISBN 0-271-02174-8 cloth ISBN 0-271-02195-0 paper Publication Date: May 2002

Taubman, William Khrushchev: The Man and His Era New York & London: W. W. Norton 876 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-393-05144-7 Publication Date: March 2003

Zimmerman, William The Russian People and Foreign Policy: Russian Elite and Mass Perspectives, 1993-2000 Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 235 pp., $65.00 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-691-09167-6 cloth ISBN 0-691-09168-4 paper Publication Date: March 2002

Pitcher, M. Anne Transforming Mozambique: The Politics of Privatization, 1975-2000 New York: Cambridge University Press 293 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-521-82011-1 Publication Date: November 2002

Fisher, Louis Nazi Saboteurs on Trial: A Military Tribunal and American Law Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 192 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-7006-1238-6 Publication Date: April 2003

Mistry, Dinshaw Containing Missile Proliferation: Strategic Technology, Security Regimes, and International Cooperation in Arms Control Seattle: University of Washington Press 252 pp., $50.00, ISBN 0-295-98294-2 Publication Date: April 2003

Gelpi, Christopher The Power of Legitimacy: Assessing the Role of Norms in Crisis Bargaining Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 232 pp., $39.50, ISBN 0-691-09248-6 Publication Date: January 2003

Litan, Robert E., Michael Pomerleano, and V. Sundararajan, eds. Financial Sector Governance: The Roles of the Public and Private Sectors Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press 451 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8157-5289-X Publication Date: October 2002

Gutner, Tamar L. Banking on the Environment: Multilateral Development Banks and Their Environmental Performance in Central and Eastern Europe Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 281 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-262-57159-5 Publication Date: August 2002

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Stiglitz, Joseph Globalization and Its Discontents New York: W. W. Norton 282 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-393-05124-2 Publication Date: June 2002

Kaufman, Joyce P. NATO and the Former Yugoslavia: Crisis, Conflict, and the Atlantic Alliance Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield 272 pp., $29.95 paper, ISBN 0-7425-1022-0 Publication Date: May 2002

West, Harry C., and Todd Sanders, eds. Transparency and Conspiracy: Ethnographies of Suspicion in the New World Order Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press 316 pp., $21.95, ISBN 0-8223-3024-5 paper Publication Date: April 2003

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Rubin, Barnett R. Blood on the Doorstep: The Politics of Preventive Action New York: Brookings Institution Press 256 pp., $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-87078-474-9 Publication Date: October 2002

Brass, Paul R. The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in Contemporary India Scattle: University of Washington Press 476 pp., $50.00, ISBN 0-295-98258-6 Publication Date: June 2003

Feigenbaum, Evan A. China's Techno-Warriors: National Security and Strategic Competition from the Nuclear to the Information Age Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press 339 pp., $55.00, ISBN 0-8047-4601-X Publication Date: April 2003

Gottesman, Evan Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge: Inside the Politics of Nation Building New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press 428 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-300-08957-0 Publication Date: January 2003

Laqueur, Walter No End to War: Terrorism in the 21st Century New York: Continuum Publishing Group 288 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-8264-1435-4 Publication Date: June 2003

Gregg, Benjamin Thick Moralities, Thin Politics: Social Integration across Communities of Belief Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press 245 pp., $59.95 cloth, $19.95 paper ISBN 0-8223-3081-4 cloth ISBN 0-8223-3093-8 paper Publication Date: April 2003

Madsen, Richard, and Tracy B. Strong, eds. The Many and the One: Religious and Secular Perspectives on Ethical Pluralism in the Modern World Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 382 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-691-09992-8Publication Date: April 2003

Weitz, Eric D. A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 360 pp, $29.95, ISBN 0-691-00913-9 Publication Date: April 2003

Call, Lewis Postmodern Anarchism Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 159 pp., $60.00, ISBN 0-7391-0522-1 Publication Date: February 2003

Smith, T. Alexander, and Raymond Tatalovich Cultures at War: Moral Conflicts in Western Democracies Toronto: Broadview Press Ltd. 302 pp., $19.95, ISBN 1-55111-334-1 Publication Date: February 2003

Lomax, J. Harvey The Paradox of Philosophical Education: Nietzsche's New Nobility and the Eternal Recurrence in Beyond Good and Evil Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books 136 pp., $60.00 cloth, $18.95 paper ISBN 0-7391-0476-4 cloth ISBN 0-7391-0477-2 paper Publication Date: December 2002

Davis, Steve, Larry Elin, and Grant Reeher Click on Democracy: The Internet's Power to Change Political Apathy into Civic Action Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press 295 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-8133-4005-5 Publication Date: October 2002

Sanders, Mark Complicities: The Intellectual and Apartheid London: Duke University Press 273 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-8223-2998-0 Publication Date: October 2002

Dreisbach, Daniel L. Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation between Church and State New York: New York University Press 282 pp., $42.00, ISBN 0-8147-1935-X Publication Date: July 2002

Geuss, Raymond History and Illusion in Politics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 184 pp., $55.00 cloth, $19.00 paper ISBN 0-521-80596-1 cloth ISBN 0-521-00043-2 paper Publication Date: August 2001  相似文献   

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