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张謇在其从事创办实业的过程中,在兴办教育和参与政治等各种活动中,形成了实业救国;农工商联合;官助商办;利用外资;兴办教育的经济思想。本文试着对以上几个方面略作论述。  相似文献   

南通近代城市是随着张謇所办的近代工业和教育形成的,是我国近代史上中国人最早规划设计、自主建设和全面经营的城市典范,在中国近代城市建设史上具有特定地位。张謇先生全面经营南通的近代城市建设理念,对我们当今城市规划建设有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   

本文从张謇本人及其祖辈世居海门这一基本事实出发,深入分析了当时的历史背景和海门沙上人习俗以及张謇改籍南通的思想动机,试图对张謇籍贯南通的定论进行释疑,说明个人思想言行与籍贯的联系,并以此界定籍贯。  相似文献   

南通博物苑是中国人办的最早的博物馆。人们从该苑的选址、性质和展示方式等,都可以感受到张謇设立博物苑是为了教育。张謇设苑为教育的思想具有开拓性、科学性和包容性,是张謇教育救国思想的组成部分。  相似文献   

杨海红 《沧桑》2013,(5):56-59
清末状元张謇在南通以纺织实业为基础,完成了我国第一个博物馆建设,开设了十多项全国“第一”,进行了“一城三镇”的城市规划,营造了田园式城市栖居氛围。其业绩、声誉及历史遗迹是南通旅游开发的不可替代的宝贵资源。发展以张謇为中心的南通旅游,实质上就是实业文化的旅游,是开展“四个一”即“一山一水一人一城”为主题的旅游开发。  相似文献   

张謇与中国近代博览会事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢辉 《安徽史学》2002,(4):43-47
作为一位富有远见的实业家,张謇较早地认识到博览会的作用并投身于中国近代博览会事业,积极倡导,亲自实践,竭力推动,把竞争、开放的意识带入实业界,为中国近代博览会事业做出了开拓性的贡献。  相似文献   

在清末这样一个近代企业发展在政治体制和社会制度方面都得不到保证的时代,张謇在事业上的成功,固然有赖于自身经营才能和企业家精神,但另一方面与洋务派要员个人给他的扶持和帮助有着很大的关系,这个人就是张之洞,二者的结合,在中国历史上熠熠生辉。  相似文献   

徐珣 《钟山风雨》2010,(4):17-21
<正>祖父徐菊农在世时,我还是个不懂事的孩子,但是对末代状元张謇的崇拜早已耳濡目染。当时家里正厅中央便挂着一幅张謇的巨幅炭画像,风雕霜刻的眉宇间洋溢着英俊睿智的光彩,黑白相间的胡须又显示出沧桑和慈祥。祖父尊崇他为"啬公",我们  相似文献   

夏冬波 《江淮文史》2007,(1):116-125
张謇,近代著名实业家,他创办的大生纱厂等企业在近代中国经济史上占有重要地位,毛泽东曾说过:“谈到中国民族工业,我们不要忘记四个人……轻纺工业不要忘记张謇。”吴长庆则是出身行伍的淮军将领,平定朝鲜“壬午兵变”的功臣。这样两个看似风马牛不相及的人物,却有着深切的宾主之谊——张謇曾入吴长庆幕下长达10年,宾主相知相携,情义笃深。  相似文献   

张謇是近代中国以"诚"创业的典型,他对员工诚信经营观念的养成相当重视,不断提倡。在实际经营中,张謇对其企业严格管理,力求做到股东、员工与社会三方"皆大欢喜"。但是,由于张謇以企业家信用遮蔽企业信用,在个人声誉壮大的同时也为企业经营埋下了风险。  相似文献   

郭华清 《安徽史学》2001,16(4):37-41
1905~1911年章士钊曾有过一段在日本和英国留学的经历。在这一过程中,章士钊的思想改变很大,由一个极端的革命论转变为一个平和的调和论,从主张废学救国转变为主张苦学救国。本考察了章士钊赴日前及其在日、英的留学经历,详细地探索了章士钊这一时期的思想变化轨迹。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new way of viewing Republican-era warlords. Through an examination of the life of Li Dequan, the second wife of warlord Feng Yuxiang, it displaces Feng from his typical military and political context, scrutinizing instead the ways that Feng and Li interwove the private intimacies of love, marriage, and family life into their public and political lives. In the Republic, Feng and Li, like many prominent figures of the time, shared elements of their private lives with journalists and, through them, a broader reading public, posing for photographs with their children on their way to school and inviting reporters to family events. Feng and Li utilized this newfound intimacy between public and political leaders to cultivate public sympathy and support. By the early PRC, Li—following Feng’s sudden 1948 death—was named the first Minister of Health of the People’s Republic of China and her roles as wife and romantic object fell away. Instead, she focused on mothering the nation. By the late twentieth century, emphasis on the Li and Feng romance reappeared in writings about the couple, and while these narratives drew on the Republican-era stories, it was made to seem that Li’s feminism rather than Feng’s modernity had facilitated their true love. Though the warlords have often been seen as destructive, exploring Feng’s and Li’s lives demonstrates that factional militarists and their families contributed to a new political culture grounded in a gendered national narrative that intertwined family and nation.  相似文献   

The year 1865 was revolutionary in neuroscience. In this year, three papers were published on the topic of cerebral dominance for speech. These papers were authored by Paul Broca, Marc Dax, and Gustave Dax, and they contributed to a priority debate that cannot be easily resolved. Gustave Dax claimed that his long dead father had written a memoir and presented it orally in Montpellier in 1836, thus making him the first person to write about cerebral dominance. He also claimed that he was the second person to write on the subject, the first to support his father's claims, and the first to try to localize the center for speech in just one part the left hemisphere, the middle (temporal) lobe. Paul Broca, however, was now getting much of the credit for these discoveries. To set the record straight, Gustave published several letters. This paper presents translations of Gustave's letters of 1866, 1875, and 1877, as well as the historical note written by Raymond Caizergues in 1879, and recreates the events that triggered the younger Dax's anger.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在中国近代史的研究中,社会化史的研究大为兴盛,而从前热门的政治史则颇有冷落之感。在有数的几个还比较受学术界关注的政治史课题里面,晚清最后10年的新政应该算是较重要的一个。笔也是晚清新政的研究和热心关注之一。因此,李甫一出版,笔便仔细拜读,并写就以下的评论,以就教于作李细珠先生及学术界同仁。  相似文献   

1997年底,江西省文物考古研究所在景德镇湖田窑豪猪岭宋代地层发掘出土了一块外底刻有“迪功郎浮梁县丞臣张昂措置监造”铭的青瓷瓶底。对这块瓶底刻铭的考证,关系宋代景德镇湖田窑的贡瓷地位与年代问题。本文从这块刻铭瓶底的出土地层及其共存遗物、历史文献中有关张昂的史料记载、宋代官制中关于迪功郎官阶的设置、关于县丞职位的设置等方面对张昂以迪功郎官阶出任浮梁县丞一职的时代展开全面探讨,得出张昂在景德镇监造贡瓷的时代约在北宋政和六年(1116)至重和元年(1119)短短三年之内的结论。  相似文献   

李喆 《安徽史学》2021,(2):89-96
1917年,北洋督军在“宣战案”政潮中前后活动的重心出现由“对抗中央”到“拒止张勋”的转向,这与张勋对督军的蒙蔽、算计及段祺瑞的时局主张有关.在此过程中,督军之于复辟也由认可转变为拒止.若横向考察督军内部的派别倾向,则知除段、冯两派外,还有若干“中间督军”,他们在政潮中的步调差异折射出北洋团体松散、疏离的趋向.回顾以往史著,多将种种阴谋加诸各督与段祺瑞,但在实际情形中,形势与人心往往令当局者有所瞻顾,单从阴谋角度解读,未必符合实际.  相似文献   

Outlined here is a new and detailed assessment of two Early Neolithic pits discovered in 1933 by Dr. E.C. Curwen on New Barn Down, Worthing. Newly obtained radiocarbon dates that place the pits between 4000–3800 BC make them amongst the earliest Neolithic features in Sussex and southern England. It is proposed that the pits (collectively known as Pit X) display connections not only to the nearby flint mines, but also to the immediate coastal zone and to wider England. The examination illuminates the practices of an Early Neolithic community, who were not only extracting flint from the nearby mines, but also familiar with new forms of material culture and social customs.  相似文献   

For much of the 18th century, letter writing remained an important means of communicating news about proceedings at Westminster. Members of leading parliamentary families such as the Hardwickes were prolific letter writers and their correspondence has long been valued as a source for the period before the regular reporting of debates became established in the newspaper press. This article focuses on reporting by letter in the correspondence of the 2nd earl of Hardwicke and his circle. It reconstructs Hardwicke's network of informants and considers how the nature of their connection with the earl affected the way they conceived of their role as reporters. With reference to the epistolary conventions of the time, it asks how the circumstances in which letters were composed and read may have shaped the style and content of the reports. Finally, the article examines the impact made on the epistolary tradition by the emergence of newspaper reporting in the later 18th century and assesses the extent to which this development led letter writers to adjust their methods and goals.  相似文献   

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