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The mechanisms of formation of atmospheric irregularities (AI) by the solar terminator (ST) have been considered. All of these mechanisms are divided into two classes, linear or nonlinear, according to the mechanism of AI generation. All mechanisms determined by a moving step of some atmospheric parameter (pressure, temperature, and so on) belong to linear mechanisms for wave excitation. Mechanisms determined by instabilities in the atmosphere inside the ST region are nonlinear mechanisms. Examples are the gradient-radiatioe instability (GRI), which arises from the vertically inhomogeneous absorption of solar radiation, turbulence arising in the ST region, and the plasma instability in the evening hours caused by the increase of the electron pressure gradient inside the ST region.  相似文献   

With the help of equations written in a spherical coordinate system moving with the terminator and which describe acoustic-gravitational wave generation, the general solution for pressure field perturbation is obtained. A spherical model of the solar terminator is presented. Types of nonstationary waves generated by the terminator when it crosses atmosphere inhomogeneities have been studied.  相似文献   

Solar spectra from 0.7 to 2.5 µm were studied under low resolution for different solar zenith angles. The band integrated absorptance ∫ A(v)dv for water vapour bands at 0.8,0.9,1.1,1.4 and 1.9µm were measured and compared with those obtained by Howard et al. and other workers. It was found that although the agreement was satisfactory at lower water-vapour contents, there was significant deviation at high water-vapour content.  相似文献   

Sodium lidar measurements have been performed during three summer seasons at a polar latitude (69°N), yielding profiles of sodium number density and temperature of the 85–100 km altitude region. Density measurements were performed during the months of June–August; temperature measurements only were made in August. The sodium layer was found to be both significantly weaker and more variable in summer than in winter. Measurements in summer 1987 yielded an average maximum Na density of about 900 atoms per cm3. The average maximum Na density during summer 1986 and 1988 was near 2600 atoms per cm3. The observed Na column density in summer varied from 3.108 to 3.109 atoms per cm2. Temperature measurements were performed in August of 1986 and 1987. Mesopause temperatures of less than 125 K were observed in early August, rising rapidly throughout the month. The mean altitude of the mesopause was found to be about 87 km.  相似文献   

A model of global atmospheric electric circuit has been developed, which incorporates the pollution due to aerosol particles of anthropogenic and volcanic origins and the ionization caused by the coronal discharges due to intense electric field beneath thunderclouds in the atmospheric layers close to the earth's surface. Also the effects of solar activity and of Stratospheric Aerosol Particles (SAP) on the parameters of the circuit have been studied. The global distribution of Aerosol Particles (AP) of man-made origin has been assumed on the basis of world population density and that of volcanic origin on the basis of global distribution of volcanic activities. The thunderstorms are assumed to be the current generators of the global circuit. The latitudinal, longitudinal and height variations of atmospheric conductivity have been calculated from the known variations of ionization caused by cosmic rays, the radio-active emanations and intense electric fields beneath thunderclouds (over continents), along with the assumed variation of AP concentration.On increasing the AP concentration over the northern hemisphere by about 5 times that of the southern hemisphere, the ionospheric potential increases to about 6% and electric field increases in non-mountainous regions more than that in the high mountain regions. A large increase in SAP serves to increase the global resistance while both global current and ionospheric potential decrease. However, for low SAP concentration, the ionospheric potential increases. The SAP affect the electrical structure of the stratosphere without much influencing the troposphere except in the volcanically active regions, where conductivity is low due to high AP concentration. The major influence on the global atmospheric electric circuit occurs in response to solar activity. In the absence of local effects, the calculated variation of ionospheric potential is 14%. However, in real atmosphere (where both local and global processes act simultaneously), the ionospheric potential is found to vary by only about 3%. This has little effect on the ground electrical properties where more than 30% of the variations have been found to be caused by the local effect.  相似文献   

The atmospheric circulation response to solar flares and geomagnetic disturbances is studied. It is shown that solar flares cause an increase of the zonal circulation intensity in the latitudinal belt ϑ = 45–65°, while geomagnetic disturbances are associated with a decrease of the circulation intensity.The energy necessary to produce the observed atmospheric circulation changes is estimated. The variation of the atmospheric transparency is suggested to be a possible source of that energy.  相似文献   

This statistical correlation study is based on two upper mesospheric temperature data sets for the region around 90 km, on the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and on the solar 10.7-cm radiation. The temperatures are measurements from passive OH1-spectrometers and lidar sounding experiments carried out between 1980 and 1988 at geographic latitudes between 50°N and 70° N. An anticorrelation exists betwen the 10.7-cm flux and the temperatures. Two different types of significance tests were used to check the confidence level of the correlation. The anti-correlation is highly significant (confidence ⪢ 99.99%) for latitudes around 50°N if the QBO is in its east phase and for the spring/summer temperatures. The anti-correlation is not significant for the QBO west phase and for fall/winter temperatures (confidence < 95%). For higher latitudes, around 79°N, no significant correlation was found.  相似文献   

A solar dependence of wind parameters below 100 km was found by Sprenger and Schminder on the basis of long-term continuous ionospheric drift measurements (D1) in the l.f. range. For winter they obtained for the prevailing wind a positive correlation with solar activity and for the amplitude of the semi-diurnal tidal wind a negative correlation. Later on this result was confirmed by radar meteor wind measurements (D2) at Obninsk and further D1 measurements at KÜhlungsborn and Collm.However, after the years 1973–1974 a change in the behaviour of the zonal prevailing wind was observed. At this time we found a significant negative correlation with solar activity with an indication of a new change after 1983. This was obtained from D1 results in Collm and D2 results in Kühlungsborn not only for winter, but also for summer and even for annual averages. We conclude that this long-term behaviour points rather to a climatic variation with an internal atmospheric cause than to a direct solar control. The negative correlation with solar activity of the semi-diurnal tidal wind in winter remained unchanged (up to 1984) and also proved to be the same in summer and for annual averages. Recent satellite data of the solar u.v. radiation and the upper stratospheric ozone have shown that the possible variation of the thermal tidal excitation during the solar cycle amounts to only a few per cent. This is, therefore, insufficient to account for the 40–70% variation of the tidal amplitudes. Some other possibilities of explaining this result are discussed.  相似文献   

The HF phased-array pencil beam radar at Bribie Island, Australia, used to measure horizontal movements of the ionosphere, has been calibrated using the known velocity of the sunrise terminator. The seasonal variation in the velocity of the terminator has been resolved, both in magnitude and direction.The technique uses single-station ionospheric sounding, and requires the angle of arrival and Doppler shift of ionospheric echoes to be measured as the terminator passes overhead. Pfister's theorem [(1971), J. atmos. terr. Phys. 33, 999] then allows calculation of the velocity of the reflecting surface. The difference between theory and experiment is less than 3% in speed and 2° in direction on average.  相似文献   

本认为:山地化是贵州地方化的重要组成部分,其表现形式有:立体农业经济模式;二元的人口素质结构;大杂居、小聚居的社会环境。认识清楚贵州化的特征,对重建贵州化有重要意义。  相似文献   

1889年的明治宪法是一部以天皇大权为中心的专制宪法,议会的权限有限,但是由于它被赋予了重要的预算审议权等财政权限,促使战前日本天皇制的政治体制中竞产生了政党政治。那么,宪法的缔造者——伊藤博文为什么会把这么重要的权力赋予议会?有学者认为,伊藤博文等人对“宪政及各类政体的精神”有着“深刻的理解”是重要原因。而本文则通过对近世以来日本地方上存在的租税协议惯行、明治维新后地方民会和府县会的预算审议权以及宪法发布前政府及民党的宪法草案内容等进行分析,认为议会拥有预算审议权等财政权限已是当时普遍的基本的认识,具有广泛的社会基础,伊藤博文不可能逆社会潮流而动也是重要的原因之一。  相似文献   

李勇 《安徽史学》2010,(6):36-40
随着苏南社会近代化进程的加快,苏南渔民生活水平却并未有任何提高,甚至比封建社会时期还要贫困。造成这种状况的原因有很多,其中,渔民渔业权的丧失,封建势力的盘剥,外来势力的掠夺和进行水产品倾销以及市场失灵等是主要原因。探究近代苏南渔民贫困的社会根源,对于如何改善弱势群体的民生或有一些启发。  相似文献   

李晓社 《攀登》2006,25(3):92-96
忧患意识是指人们在使命感和责任感的驱使下,以理性的、富有远见的眼光和戒惧沉毅的心情对待社会和人生的一种精神状态。传统忧患意识的产生是“士”人自我觉醒的结果,忧国忧民的社会责任感是其形成的内在动力,古代哲学辩证观是其产生的思维基础。从思想内涵上来看,忧患意识是一种清醒的危机意识,是一种深切的责任意识,是一种昂扬的奋进意识,是一种理性的超前意识,是一种赤诚的爱国情怀。  相似文献   

李明 《安徽史学》2005,(6):74-79
本文依据区域风俗理论,以明清徽州区域风俗为具体考察对象,从自然环境、宗族制度、徽商群体、风俗层纵向传通态势诸角度,探讨徽州区域风俗双重特性之成因,为徽州风俗研究提供新视角.  相似文献   

鸦片战争后签订的一系列不平等条约对军舰驻华特权制度给予了明确的规定。《虎门条约》是外国侵略者"合法"获取军舰驻华特权的开始。美、法等国通过《望厦条约》、《黄埔条约》使这一特权制度日趋完善。在攫取军舰驻泊权的过程中,美国人顾盛使外国军舰驻华特权条款扩展到几乎可以被人任意解释的地步,为日后列强军舰任意游弋中国内水埋下了祸根。通过第一批不平等条约,西方有约国家获得了军舰驻泊特权。第二次鸦片战争中,列强在这一问题上获得了较大突破,此后该制度逐步走向完善。  相似文献   

Solar quiet day variations of the vertical geomagnetic component Sq(Z) have been studied. These show abnormal variations from day to day. The study for the period 1961 to 1976 indicates that, for quite a number of days, the Sq(Z) phase reverses completely. It is concluded that changes in phase of Sq(Z) could be explained by the movement of the Sq current system and the penetration of the Sq southern current system into the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

We have investigated the middle atmospheric response to the 27-day and 11-yr solar UV flux variations at low to middle latitudes using a two-dimensional photochemical model. The model reproduced most features of the observed 27-day sensitivity and phase lag of the profile ozone response in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, with a maximum sensitivity of +0.51% per 1% change in 205 nm flux. The model also reproduced the observed transition to a negative phase lag above 2 mb, reflecting the increasing importance with height of the solar modulated HOx chemistry on the ozone response above 45 km. The rnodel revealed the general anti-correlation of ozone and solar UV at 65–75 km, and simulated strong UV responses of water vapor and HOx species in the mesosphere. Consistent with previous 1D model studies, the observed upper mesospheric positive ozone response averaged over ±40° was simulated only when the model water vapor concentrations above 75 km were significantly reduced relative to current observations. Including the observed temperature-UV response in the model to account for temperature-chemistry feedback improved the model agreement with observations in the middle mesosphere, but did not improve the overall agreement above 75 km or in the stratosphere for all time periods considered. Consistent with the short photochemical time scales in the upper stratosphere, the model computed ozone-UV sensitivity was similar for the 27-day and 11-yr variations in this region. However, unlike the 27-day variation, the model simulation of the 11-yr solar cycle revealed a positive ozone-UV response throughout the mesosphere due to the large depletion of water vapor and reduced HOx-UV sensitivity. A small negative ozone response at 65–75 km was obtained in the 11-yr simulation when temperature-chemistry feedback was included,In agreement with observations, the model computed a low to middle latitude total ozone phase lag of +3 days and a sensitivity of +0.077% per 1% change in 205 nm flux for the 27-day solar variation, and a total ozone sensitivity of +0.27% for the 11-yr solar cycle. This factor of 3 sensitivity difference is indicative of the photochemical time constant for ozone in the lower stratosphere which is comparable to the 27-day solar rotation period but is much shorter than the 11-yr solar cycle.  相似文献   

明清时期太平及池州地区的渔业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹玲玲 《安徽史学》2004,(3):20-24,19
本文从明清时期安徽太平及池州地区的渔税征收机构河泊所的设置分布及裁革情况,渔课的数量、比重及变化,渔业从业人口的数量及变化等分析和探讨了该时期这一区域的渔业经济状况及其变迁.由于拥有较为丰富的河湖水域,太平和池州地区的渔业在区域经济结构中占有一定地位.太平地区的渔业主要分布于沿江的当涂、繁昌和芜湖三县,其中又以境内湖泊水域较广的当涂县最为兴盛.池州地区的渔业主要分布在沿江的贵池、东流和铜陵县,其中又以附郭贵池县之渔业最为兴盛.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework of analysis in which: (1) the constitution of new sources of economies of scale or scope is supported by systemic entrepreneurship; (2) the realization of such economies by incremental entrepreneurship takes the form of external economies, or alternatively of internal economies, together with the prevalence of different combinations of organizations, technologies and regional characters; and (3) the manifestation in the form of external economies is sustained by market rules and focused public intervention, which complement the working of markets, and which can be embedded in regional (or local) relations. Further and more specific conclusions will be referred to in the case of external economies within production systems which are assuming or are reproducing the techno‐organizational characters of flexible specialization. The standard case of the industrial district with final markets largely characterized by differentiated and variable markets falls within such application.  相似文献   

小康社会理论是中国特色社会主义理论体系的主体组成部分之一,是马克思主义现代化理论与中国发展实际相结合的产物,丰富和发展了对中国特色社会主义现代化过程的理解。在1980年代由邓小平提出,经历了六个发展阶段,到中共十七大提出"全面建设小康社会新要求"之际,完全成熟。由"大同论"向"小康论"转型,有其深刻的现实、历史、理论与文化的根源。"小康论"立足于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情,以社会化大生产与工业市场文明为目标诉求,在强调公有制的主导作用下,显示出对个人利益的认可、宽容与疏导,强调"法治"、"市场""、共同富裕"与"民主"。注重循序渐进而不急于求成。小康社会理论的形成与发展,是对中国特色社会主义现代化理论的创新。  相似文献   

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