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Winds data from three radar systems in the U.S.S.R. G.D.R. and Canada, which are well-spaced along the 52°N latitude circle, are used to illustrate longitudinal/regional variations in the dynamics of the upper middle atmosphere 80–97 km. Responses to the stratospheric warming of 1982/3 are noted at all three locations, but the zonal wind does not reverse at Badary, consistent with the flow there being eastward during all months of the year. Planetary wave period oscillations (2–30 days) are observed at all locations, and highly significant cross-spectral coherences exist between the three stations.  相似文献   

在地球北纬30度附近,有许多神秘而有趣的自然现象,该区域自然谜团频频发生。在中国,神秘的北纬30度横贯整个大陆腹地,各类自然现象和奇绝景观比比皆是。同样,位于北纬30度附近的浙东新昌,各类自然现象和奇绝景观也层出不穷,让人啧喷称奇……  相似文献   

<正>MySwitzerland.com在中国,提起瑞士,有人说那儿有美丽的阿尔卑斯雪山:有人想起经历了几个世纪的传奇——瑞士手表:也有人提及带些神秘色彩的瑞士银行……的确.这个西欧中不大的袖珍小国承载了太多的传奇。来瑞士.领略自然本色和人类文明发展到极致的完美与和谐:来瑞士.在依然纯净如初的保鲜空气里为自己洗去旅居大都市的尘嚣;来瑞士.敞开心肺.深呼吸!瑞士,一个你不能擦肩而过的地方……  相似文献   

Look 《世界》2009,(7):100-107
飞机穿过云雾。带着我向斯堪的纳维亚前进,北极囤一点点在靠近,纬度不断地爬升。北纬58度,挪威最南端,比中国最北点还要北:北纬71度10分21秒,还是挪威,欧洲大陆到此结束。  相似文献   

Mean winds and tides have been measured by the LF and MF radar systems at Collm and Saskatoon respectively. Semidiurnal tide amplitudes and phases near 90 km evidence very similar monthly variations. A detailed comparison of mean wind and tidal profiles (85–110 km) in the Septembers of 4 years shows some differences however, which are consistent with regional (Europe-Canada) differences in the mean background winds.  相似文献   

The potential of the EISCAT radar system for observing plasma convection patterns at high latitudes has been explored in a preliminary experiment on 27 November 1982. Using a beamswinging technique, plasma velocity was measured at slant ranges of 645–1170 km, enabling velocity vectors to be derived for invariant latitudes 70°–77°. Although operational problems limited the experiment to 80 min, some interesting observations of high-latitude flows were made. Typical afternoon westward flows of about 1 km s−1 were recorded over much of the interval, but important temporal and spatial variations were also seen as a result of the good time and space resolution of the experiment (5 min and 75 km, respectively). In particular, the westward flow was interrupted for about 10 min by a surge of poleward flow, possibly related to dynamic coupling occurring at the dayside magnetopause, such as a flux transfer event.  相似文献   

正内容简介:东方女性中约有1/2的人受到体寒症的困扰,其中80%以上是20~35岁的职业女性。体温34℃、35℃的女性正在OL人群中激增,这种寒性体质正成为东方女性的美丽杀手!寒性体质对人体有很多害处,它不仅是你美丽肌肤的杀手,还是你健康身体的杀手。本书从教你如何判断自己是否寒性体质开始,通过向食物要体温,向运动要体温,向生活细节要体温……来帮助你改善寒性体质。  相似文献   

上海外滩东方商旅精品酒店如果想念维港的"幻彩咏香江",那么就来外滩。对于我来讲,面对眼前这流光溢彩的镭射灯光汇演,就如同欣赏一个happyending,有着同样的治愈疗效。华灯初上,黄浦江变身为一个声光交织的水面舞台,对岸矗立的地标景观和摩天  相似文献   

When seasonal variations were eliminated by evaluating 12-month running means, the ionospheric parameters foE, foF2 and hmF2 at Juliusruh (54.6°N, 13.4°E) showed large solar cycle variations. However, when further 3-yr running averages were evaluated and subtracted, QBO (Quasi-biennial oscillations) were noticed in all these parameters. Sunspot series did not reveal a QBO, but geomagnetic Ap did show a QBO. The peaks of the ionospheric QBO and QBO of Ap could be roughly compared, with lags or leads of a few months. Also, these compared roughly with the well-known QBO peaks of tropical stratospheric (50 mb) zonal winds. Similar analyses at other locations are warranted.  相似文献   

<正>东海之滨,象山半岛的最南端,将海洋文化保存最原始的古镇——石浦无时不在的大洋气息三月三踏沙滩,海钓节,开渔节,海鲜节海浪声伴着浓郁的海鲜味让人痴迷,石浦的丰富,不知从何说起……伴着海浪声,让我们到这里做个彻头彻尾的渔民  相似文献   

<正>不来梅是一座童话之城,除了重温格林兄弟笔下的著名篇章,1200年的历史,也让这座城市的现实生活充满童话色彩,遍布中世纪木屋的古老街道,威悉河畔连成一串的咖啡馆和餐厅,世界遗产与活泼市集共存的广场,讲述着文艺复兴与大航海时代的辉煌,也展示着一座古城历久弥新的独特魅力。"童话之路"的最北端Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten初夏的傍晚,漫步不来梅(Bremen),这座中世纪古城呈现出一派悠然的姿态,弯曲狭长的街道,纵横交错的路口,古老的德式建筑……不来梅位于威悉河  相似文献   

位于中国最北部的漠河,有着与其他地主不同的时间节奏。“一天无尽的日夜”,冬天漫长的“黑昼”,注定会给漠河人留下不一样的生活印记。  相似文献   

通常意义上的纳木错,已被当雄县纳木错扎西半岛景区所取代。游客们往往从拉萨出发,赴扎西半岛一日或两日游,也就逗留区区几个小时的时间,顶多算是“到此一游”,浅尝辄止而已。  相似文献   

Wind measurements using a meteor trail radar which performed during two June solstice and three December solstice months were analysed to study the tidal winds over Trivandrum (8.5°N). The ter-diurnal (8 h) component of wind was found to be as significant as the diurnal and semi-diurnal components. The modulations in the altitude profiles of amplitude and phase of the tidal wind components are interpreted to be due to higher order tidal modes. The amplitudes and vertical wavelengths of the tidal modes observed in the meteor zone are discussed.  相似文献   

王雯娟 《风景名胜》2016,(5):150-152
一阵东风吹出来绝世景观 由市区驶到梅城旅游码头,不过短短半个小时,大家有说有笑踏上“扬帆之星”的游轮,江风拂面吹来无限的惬意,抬眼沿途尽是青山绿水构建而成的诗境.“七里扬帆”景点有“小三峡”之称,融江湖之浩瀚、峡谷之幽深、水乡之秀媚于一体,既是一条山水长廊,也是一条极富情韵的诗画长廊,引人人胜.  相似文献   

李阳  李溱 《世界》2013,(3):48-91
高更说,南纬17°,夜夜都是美的;北纬47°,巴黎,我相信,椰子树已不存在,声音也不再悦耳动听……高更重回了巴黎,但两年后,他还是选择回到了大溪地,再也未曾离开。这里到底有怎样的魔咒,让高更深深迷恋并追寻一世?无论如何,世上没有第二个高更,但每个人都能找到自己热爱的大溪地。  相似文献   

First results on the behaviour of thermospheric temperature over Kavalur (12.5°N, 78.5°E geographic; 2.8°N geomagnetic latitude) located close to the geomagnetic equator in the Indian zone are presented. The results are based on measurements of the Doppler width of O(1D) night airglow emission at 630 nm made with a pressure-scanned Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) on 16 nights during March April 1992. The average nighttime (2130-0430 IST) thermospheric temperature is found to be consistently higher than the MSIS-86 predictions on all but one of the nights. The mean difference between the observed nightly temperatures and model values is 269 K with a standard error of 91 K. On one of the nights (9/10 April 1992, Ap = 6) the temperature is found to increase by ~250 K around 2330 IST and is accompanied by a ‘midnight collapse’ of the F-region over Ahmedabad (23°N, 72°E, dip 26.3°N). This relationship between the temperature increase at Kavalur and F-region height decrease at Ahmedabad is also seen in the average behaviour of the two parameters. The temperature enhancement at Kavalur is interpreted as the signature of the equatorial midnight temperature maximum (MTM) and the descent of the F-region over Ahmedabad as the effect of the poleward neutral winds associated with the MTM.  相似文献   

<正>北纬30°线,一条穿越诡异死亡与绚烂文明的神秘曲线,主要是指北纬30°上下波动5°所覆盖的范围。历史的文明在这里交汇,自然的神秘在这里爆发。这里有鲜为人知的远古国度——亚特兰斯蒂,有难以触及的世界之巅——珠穆朗  相似文献   

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