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Zenith observations of the oxygen λ1630 nm auroral/airglow emission (produced at an altitude of ∼220 to ∼250 km) were obtained with the Mawson Fabry-Perot Spectrometer (FPS) during three ‘zenith direction only’ observing campaigns in 1993. The data show many instances of strong (50 to 100 m s−1) upwellings in the vertical wind, when the auroral oval is located equatorward of the zenith. Our data appear consistent with the existence of a region of upwelling up to ∼ 4° poleward of the poleward boundary of the visible auroral oval, rather than short duration, explosive heating events. The upwellings are probably the vertical component of wind shear produced by reversal of the zonal thermospheric winds, which occurs near the poleward boundary of the visible auroral oval. Zenith temperature was also seen to increase when the oval was equatorward of Mawson, showing rises of up to 300 K or more. However, this increase is at times unrelated to the upwellings, and seems to be caused by the expansion of the warm polar cap over the observing site.On a number of nights the boundary between the polar cap and the auroral oval was observed to pass over our site several times, occasionally showing a quasi-periodic expansion and contraction. We speculate that this quasi-periodic movement may be related to periodic auroral activity that is known to generate large-scale gravity waves.  相似文献   

The results from the analysis of simultaneous auroral ground-based optical measurements of the N(2D) 520.0 nm, N2+ 1NG 470.9 nm, O(3P) 844.6 nm and the O(1D) 630.0 nm emission intensities are presented. The data were obtained during auroral observations at Gillam (56.35°N, 265.32°E) over an observation period of about 8 hours, from UT 2:33 hrs to UT 10:06 hrs, on 20 March 1985. The soft electron flux measurements on board the DMSP satellite for the time of the experiment have also been considered in the analysis. The N(2D) density and the N(2D) 520.0 nm integral emission rate I(520.0) were calculated employing a one- and two-dimensional time-dependent ion-chemistry model and the model predictions have been compared with the experimental I(520.0) nm emission rates. It was found that the model predictions of the NI I(520.0) nm intensity based on the electron energy fluxes inferred from the experimental I(844.6)/I(427.8) emission rate ratios are smaller in magnitude than the experimental values by a factor of 5–8 after allowing for horizontal transport of [N(2D)] by neutral winds. Assuming soft electron precipitation, suggested by the OI I(630.0) nm emission measurements and the DMSP satellite electron flux data, provided good agreement between the model and experimental results. Based on the results obtained it was concluded that horizontal transport played a minor role and that the observed N(2D) I(520.0) nm emissions were mostly produced by precipitating soft electron fluxes with energies below about 100 eV.  相似文献   

During many magnetospheric substorms, the auroral oval near midnight is observed to expand poleward in association with strong negative perturbations measured by local ground magnetometers. We show Sondrestrom and EISCAT incoherent scatter radar measurements during three such events. In each of the events, enhanced ionization produced by the precipitation moved northward by several degrees of latitude within 10–20 min. The electric fields measured during the three events were significantly different. In one event the electric field was southward everywhere within the precipitation region. In the other two events a reversal in the meridional component of the field was observed. In one case the reversal occurred within the precipitation region, while in the other case the reversal was at the poleward boundary of the precipitation. The westward electrojet that produces the negative H-perturbation in the ground magnetic field has Hall and Pedersen components to varying degrees. In one case the Hall component was eastward and the Pedersen component was westward, but the net magnetic H-deflection on the ground was negative. Simultaneous EISCAT measurements made near the dawn meridian during one of the events show that the polar cap boundary moved northward at the same time as the aurora expanded northward at Sondrestrom. Most of the differences in the electrodynamic configuration in the three events can be accounted for in terms of the location at which the measurements were made relative to the center of the auroral bulge.  相似文献   

A set of quiet daytime electron density profiles is established on the basis of EISCAT measurements. This set is used as a background correction in the CARD program [Brekke A., Hall C. and Hansen T.L. (1989) Ann. Geophysicae7, 269] in order to derive the energy spectra of precipitating electrons at daytime.For disturbed daytime events on 25–26 June 1985, we find that the particle precipitation typically consists of small fluxes (105 el/cm2 sster keV) of high energetic particles (20–30 keV). The Hall: Pedersen conductance ratios for such events are found to be meaningless as an indicator of the energy of the particles, in contrast to nighttime precipitation.  相似文献   

Night-time observations of O(1D) λ630 nm and O(1S) λ558 nm thermospheric emissions were made at Mawson, Antarctica (67.6°S, 62.9°E) from 1982 to 1989, using a three-field photometer. Crossspectral analysis of the data was used to extract frequencies and horizontal trace velocities of periodic structures. Structures in the λ630 nm emission were characteristic of large-scale waves, and those in the λ558 nm emission were characteristic of medium-scale waves. The results showed distinct polarisation of the propagation azimuths; waves in the λ630 nm emission propagated approximately northwestward throughout the 8 yr period, whilst propagation azimuths of waves in the λ558 nm emission appeared to be solar-cycle-dependent. It is suggested that waves observed in the λ630 nm emission were of predominantly auroral electrojet origin, whilst those observed in the λ558 nm emission were of both auroral and tropospheric origin.  相似文献   

Electron densities in the D-region have been observed with EISCAT during energetic electron precipitation events. Sample results are presented which demonstrate the value of the technique in studying variations of electron density with fine temporal and spatial resolution. Different types of absorption event can be characterized in terms of the changes in the incoming electron spectrum inferred from profiles of electron density. We contrast the D-region behaviour of night- and day-time events in terms of precipitating spectrum and absorption profile. A softening of the electron spectrum during the course of a morning event is clearly seen.  相似文献   

A dual coherent 50 MHz auroral radar installed at Siple Station, Antarctica, continuously monitored echo intensity and mean-Doppler velocity from 29 December 1976 until late March 1978. We describe here the experimental technique and present some statistical results including yearly averaged echooccurrence patterns and irregularity drift velocity characteristics. Our results show that:
  • 1.(1) the irregularity drifts are approximately westward (poleward electric fields) in the evening, and eastward (equatorward electric fields) in the morning following the electric field reversal in the region of the Harang discontinuity;
  • 2.(2) the Harang discontinuity under disturbed conditions (average Kp = 50) as seen by both radars is located around 2100–2300 MLT;
  • 3.(3) the relationship between the irregularity drift velocity and the actual electron drift velocity is strongly dependent on the angle between the radar beam and the earth's magnetic field, as predicted by linear theory.

During geomagnetic storms different partial pressure gradients in the auroral ionosphere may result in H+, He+, O+ and molecular ions drifting with different velocities along the Earth's magnetic field line. For relative drift velocities ⪡ 400 m s−1 it is shown that differential ion flows may be identified by two signatures in the autocorrelation function (ACF) measured by EISCAT. For larger relative drifts numerical simulations show that these signatures still exist and may result in an asymmetry in the incoherent scatter spectrum for O+ and molecular ions. It is demonstrated that UHF data can be reliably analysed for k2λD2 ≲ 1, but at high altitudes, where O+–H+ flows are expected, UHF observations will be restricted by large Debye lengths (k2λD2 > 1). Examples of ACFs based on polar wind theory are presented and discussed for the VHF system and finally it is shown that large ion temperature ratios (Ti(H+) >Ti(O+)) can significantly affect the velocity determination.  相似文献   

A coordinated experiment involving scintillation observations using orbital satellite beacons and CP-3-F program measurements by means of the EISCAT ionospheric radar facility is described. The results reveal the location of patches, containing kilometre-scale irregularities, in the vicinity of a region of an electron density minimum and an electron temperature increase. In the daytime under quiet geomagnetic conditions, the region of scintillations coincided closely with the southwards gradient in electron density, while a plasma drift velocity was mainly westwards VE-W ≲ 0.3 km/s. In the evening, the region of the most intense irregularities was transformed to the northwards sense of the electron density gradient simultaneously with the plasma drift velocity reverse and the arrival of a significant southwards component VN-S ≲ (1.5−1.0) km/s. EISCAT data demonstrated the patches' location in regions of an electron temperature increase. Processes operating to create kilometer-scale irregularities were analysed and estimated according to the data obtained. The assessments suggest that irregularities with a cross-field scale, equal to or greater than 1 km, and a field-aligned scale, equal to or greater than 30 km, were the result of growth of the thermomagnetic instability.  相似文献   

Plasma flow vectors have been derived from data recorded by the Advanced Ionospheric Sounder (operating as a Dynasonde) at Halley, Antarctica (76°, 27°W). Single bulk flow vectors derived from the motion of echo reflection surfaces in the overhead F-region ionosphere are consistent both with plasma flow vectors, poleward of Halley, observed simultaneously by the PACE HF radar and also, for various levels of geomagnetic activity, with published mean plasma flow at the same invariant geomagnetic latitude (62°). The results demonstrate application of the method and lend support to existing evidence that the velocity measured by this kind of technique, at least for moderate to active geomagnetic activity at high latitudes, represents ionospheric plasma flow.  相似文献   

The ionospheric location of substorm onset is generally found to be at the most equatorward arc in the poleward portion of the diffuse aurora. The observation that most activity occurs in this region provides a reference from which the source region in the magnetotail may be assessed. This reference can be examined in two ways. First, magnetic field mappings of these onset locations to the equatorial plane suggest that the onset is associated with processes quite near the Earth. For example, for 14 cases the average GSM X value was found to be ≈ −7.8 RE. However, this identification is based on a static magnetic field model and while these results are consistent with some earlier findings there is not sufficient confidence in this technique to discriminate between topological regions in the magnetotail. A second way to examine the ionospheric onset location is in relation to the open/closed field line boundary. It is evident from Viking satellite images that optical substorm expansions can occur well equatorward of the poleward extent of emissions, both during quiet and active periods. There is no reason to suspect that this poleward region of emissions is not on closed field lines and that the onset location is therefore unrelated to the open/closed field line boundary, a result consistent with some (but not all) near-Earth mechanisms but only under some conditions with the distant tail boundary layer theory.  相似文献   

The effects of the IMF radial (Bx) and azimuthal (By) components on the distribution of polar cap arcs are examined using all-sky camera data from Vostok station for the winter months of 1977–1985. We conclude that three factors control the character of the aurora distribution: the type of the sector structure, the IMF radial component, and the IMF azimuthal component. Based on the experimental results, the following scheme for the auroral distribution in the northern and southern polar caps for different signs of Bx and By is put forward. The ‘garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By < 0 or Bx < 0, By > 0) produces symmetric auroral distributions in the morning and evening sectors of both the northern and southern polar caps; the ‘orthogonal garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By > 0 or Bx < 0, By < 0) is evidently inefficient in the production of aurorae. The Bx component determines the intensity of aurorae in that polar cap where geomagnetic field lines are in the opposite direction to the IMF (Bx < 0 in the case of the northern cap, and Bx > 0 for the southern cap) and produces the daytime auroral belt poleward of the auroral oval and parallel to it. The By component affects the auroral appearance in the morning or evening sectors of the polar cap, depending on its sign, and acts asymmetrically in the opposite polar cap. The appropriate patterns of plasma filament distributions in the high-latitude tail lobes are proposed. The characteristics of auroral movements affected by the By component (such as the direction and speed of the arc motion and the magnitude of displacements) are examined.  相似文献   

Auroral torch structures are frequently observed as large scale wave-like undulations on the poleward edge of the diffuse precipitation zone. Their eastward drift velocity has the same order of magnitude and direction as the electric drift velocity usually observed in the morning sector. From a study of all-sky camera and TV data, the main peculiarities of the torch structures are shown. Three cases were studied. Height distributions of luminosity along the boundaries of the torch were made using the triangulation method in the first case. It was shown that the poleward boundary of the torch had the lowest altitudes around the crest. The second case was the appearance of a train consisting of five torches that existed for a relatively long time (~20 min), drifting eastward. On the contrary the last case was the successive development of two torches recorded by the TV camera. For the two latter cases the field-aligned mapping of the torches into the magnetotail is made using the latest version of the Tsyganenko magnetic field model (1989). The results of mapping showed that the generation of torch structures takes place quite close to the Earth, at a distance of 5–6 RE.  相似文献   

An energetic auroral proton entering the atmosphere will, by charge exchange in collisions with atmospheric constituents, alternate between being a proton H+ and a neutral hydrogen atom H. This study provides a procedure to evaluate the auroral Doppler shifted and broadened hydrogen Balmer profile as a function of initial energy, flux, pitch angle and view angle relative to the geomagnetic field. The differential proton energy flux entering the atmosphere is deduced using ground-based measurements of Hα and Hβ from Nordlysstasjonen in Adventdalen, Longyearbyen. The main assumptions are that the geomagnetic field lines are: parallel and vertical, and that the pitch angle of the H/H+-particle is preserved in collisions with atmospheric constituents before being thermalized. This numerical method estimates the fate of the auroral H/H+-particle in the atmosphere, and from measured Doppler profiles the corresponding incoming particle flux can be deduced. Optimization of the method will continue through extensive use of observational data.  相似文献   

The second moment of the complex amplitude or the mutual coherence function (MCF) for transionospheric VHF radio waves transmitted from the geostationary satellite ATS-6 is computed from daytime amplitude and phase scintillations recorded at an equatorial station, in order to study the structure of electrojet irregularities. The shape of the correlation function for fluctuations in the integrated electron content along the signal path is deduced by using a theoretical relationship between this correlation function and the MCF which is based on the assumption that the irregularities are “frozen”. Further, using a power-law spectrum to describe the electrojet irregularities, the outerscale lo associated with the spectrum as well as the r.m.s. density fluctuation are estimated from theoretical fits to the computed values. The irregularity drift speeds Vo transverse to the signal path, for the scintillation events studied here, are derived from power spectra of weak scintillations. On the basis of a relationship between lo and Vo suggested by a linear theory of the gradient-drift instability, the effective Hall conductivity is estimated to be about five times the effective Pedersen conductivity in the electrojet region.  相似文献   

The time evolution of the perturbations in aerosol spectral optical depths associated with the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption of June 1991 is investigated using a ground-based multiwavelength solar radiometer at the tropical station, Trivandrum. The spectral optical depths of the volcanic aerosols deduced from the radiometer data are inverted to retrieve the size distributions of the particles, from which the effective radius and columnar mass loading are estimated. Observations showed that during the initial phase (within one year after the eruption) the optical depths showed fluctuations with two peaks, one in November 1991 and another in February 1992 superposed over a very weak decreasing trend. During this period, the size distributions have been generally bimodal, with a secondary large particle mode occurring at ∼0.75 μm, and the columnar mass loading varied between about 170 and 110 mg m−2. The optical depths and mass loading decreased with an e-folding time of about 15 months. The effective radius is found to increase from ∼0.35 μm in September 1991 to ∼0.60 μm in October 1992 and then remain rather steady, while the mass loading decreased to reach near-background levels (within error limits) by early 1993.  相似文献   

Ground-based optical instrumentation supported the AIDA '89 wind measurement comparisons by describing the gravity waves affecting the 80–100 km altitude region during clear dark hours over Puerto Rico. This study tabulates the characteristics of gravity waves with fractional column emission rate amplitudes up to 30% and with periods greater than 45 min as seen in the O2 airglow layer by MORTI, a sensor of O2 rotational temperature and column emission rate in twelve look directions. Data from seven other sensors operating at Guanica and the Arecibo Observatory are then compared with the MORTI data to check the consistency of the entire data set with the wave parameters, primarily velocities, deduced from MORTI. Nine nights of visually distinct crests and troughs were found, one of which was dominated by an evanescent wave and the rest by internal waves. The nights of 5/6 April and 4/5 May 1989 were selected for multi-sensor comparisons. The comparisons showed substantial agreement between the MORTI characterizations and the observations by others, and most differences were attributed to complexities introduced by higher frequency components with shorter coherence distances. Nightly summaries of the O2 rotational temperature and column emission rate are also given.  相似文献   

Observations of the Austral quasi 2-day wave at Mawson, Antarctica (67°S, 63°E) are presented and compared with those from Adelaide (35°S, 138°E). The data were obtained from partial-reflection radars which have been measuring winds continuously since mid-1984, and the results presented here are the first to record the 2-day wave in middle atmosphere winds from Mawson. They show that 2-day period oscillations of 10–15 m s−1 are a regular feature of the high latitude southern hemisphere summer. The wide longitude and latitude separation of the radar stations permits estimates of propagation velocity and latitude phase structure, and results are consistent with the passage of a westward travelling Rossby-gravity (3, 3) wave.  相似文献   

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