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深圳机场位于广东省珠江口东岸的一片滨海平原上,于1991年10月12日正式通航,是中国境内第一个实现海、陆、空联运的现代化国际空港,也是中国境内唯一可以采用过境运输方式的国际机场,民航总局规划的全国四大航空货运中心之一。通航以来,机场将安全视为企业的生命,并为此不懈努力。一代代机场人用无数心血和汗水谱写了一曲曲空港平安之歌。  相似文献   

从产业布局的角度探讨了国内近年比较热门的空港经济现象。首先从与机场最直接相关的人、物、资金和信息四大要素入手,剖析了空港经济主要产业类型及其特征,并分析了空港经济总体区位及其演变过程。在此基础上总结分析空港经济产业具有与发展阶段相吻合的增长极、点轴和网络三种布局模式,指出国内备受推崇的圈层布局是发展阶段不明确的理想模式,并尝试采用地理信息系统空间分析方法对产业布局的区位进行叠加分析。最后以广州新白云机场为例,探讨了周围花都区和白云区空港经济产业布局规划方案和措施。  相似文献   

梁增贤  保继刚 《人文地理》2014,29(5):127-133
以广州和西安两个省会大城市为例,通过比较广州和西安旅游人数和旅游收入的增长差异,指出广州城市旅游呈现显著的结构性增长,而西安城市旅游的结构性增长不明显。进一步基于层次与等级的旅游供给分析框架,解释大城市旅游结构性增长的驱动力。研究表明,城市功能和地位的提升是大城市旅游的结构性增长的主导驱动力。大城市要实现旅游的结构性增长,要重点提升旅游相关的城市功能和地位,如政治、文化、现代服务业、交通、商业和城市接待功能等,并配合旅游核心要素的建设以及旅游主题和特色的营造。结构性增长是判断大城市旅游发展效率的重要指标,也是指导大城市旅游发展的重要参照。  相似文献   

以广州和西安两个省会大城市为例,通过比较广州和西安旅游人数和旅游收入的增长差异,指出广州城市旅游呈现显著的结构性增长,而西安城市旅游的结构性增长不明显。进一步基于层次与等级的旅游供给分析框架,解释大城市旅游结构性增长的驱动力。研究表明,城市功能和地位的提升是大城市旅游的结构性增长的主导驱动力。大城市要实现旅游的结构性增长,要重点提升旅游相关的城市功能和地位,如政治、文化、现代服务业、交通、商业和城市接待功能等,并配合旅游核心要素的建设以及旅游主题和特色的营造。结构性增长是判断大城市旅游发展效率的重要指标,也是指导大城市旅游发展的重要参照。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,全球化趋势逐步加强,创建国际化大都市成为各大城市发展的重要目标之一。为实现这一目标,建立完善的公共事业管理制度和社会服务体系对促进城市可持续发展具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

一、国际国内交通 飞机 1、肯尼迪国际机场JOHN F.KENNEY AIRPORT 简称JFK纽约的主要国际机场。世界各地和亚洲、中国的飞机都在这里起飞和降落。中国民航在三角州航空公司DALTA候机室(原泛美航空公司)。从机场进入市中心曼哈顿区可乘机场快车,地铁和公共汽车。 (1)凯锐机场快车CAREY AIRPORT EXPRESSBUSES  相似文献   

截止到12月31日,深圳机场旅客吞吐量达1425.3 万人次,同比增长31.5%,航空器起降140477架次,货邮吞吐量42.3万吨,分别较去年同期增长17.53%和19 7%。其中,国际航线客、货吞吐量增势喜人。业内人士认为,在继续稳居国内第四大空港地位的同时,深圳机场国际航班运量的突飞猛进,使其作为华南地区枢纽机场的地位和功能正在日益增强。根据民航总局"十五"规划,深圳机场和广州机场  相似文献   

<正>2010/3.16-2010/4.1首都机场客流首超日本国际机场协会(ACI)发表2009年度统计报告,北京首都国际机场旅客的吞吐量为6533万人次,超过日本东京羽田机场,成为亚太地区最繁忙的机场,并超越美国芝加哥奥海尔国际机场,成为全球第三忙碌的机场。  相似文献   

黄明同 《岭南文史》2007,(3):I0001-I0001
广东省委、省政府要求广州定位为“精心打造经济中心、文化名城、山水之都,进一步把广州建成带动全省、辐射华南、影响东南亚的现代化大都市”。此乃经济、文化、环境多元一体的现代化大都市模式。[第一段]  相似文献   

以成都市为实证研究对象,在大规模问卷调查的基础上,对西部大城市居民通勤基本特征进行了研究。分析发现,西部大城市居民通勤方式以公共交通为主,选择私家车作为通勤工具的比例较高;大部分居民的通勤时间在30分钟以内,通勤距离小于5km。和北京、广州等东部大城市相比,西部大城市职住分离现象还不是非常严重;不同属性居民的通勤时间存在差异,西方空间错位假说反映的城市社会空间不平等现象在中国西部大城市同样存在并逐步显化;通勤空间组织特征与城市结构以及城市功能分区存在密切的关系;西部大城市的快速发展对居民日常通勤影响较大。  相似文献   

Airports are no longer only places for take-off and landing, but increasingly became economic nodes in the urban development of metropolitan areas. Though it is debatable to what extent aviation growth is a cause or effect of economic growth, the reciprocal relationship cannot be denied. Most past developments near airports have been spontaneous and haphazard, but recently regional planners have increasingly included an airport focus. Airport planning aims to find a balance between exploitation of the economic potential and protecting the airport area from congestion and urbanization. This article examines the effects of land-use restriction policies near Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Within the Schiphol area, only airport-related companies are allowed to establish their business near the airport. These policies have been implemented since 1987, but their success or failure was never evaluated in depth. For the first time empirical results show that land-use restriction policies could ban most of the undesired businesses near the airport. However, despite varieties of implementation and interpretation of the testing, few differences in effects are found. This study shows that airport-relatedness testing is a typically Dutch planning instrument, but can also be useful for other international airports.  相似文献   

Economic globalization in the past two decades has led to a fast pace of growth of many economies in Asia Pacific, and impacted on the region's growth in air cargo. This paper discusses the future of airport infrastructure and its effect on regional competitiveness in the form of a new type of airport — Global TransPark (GTP). It identifies China's need to forge such a critical infrastructure in the New Economy, and that South China is its best location. The Hong Kong Extended Metropolitan Region (EMR) in South China stands out among competitive regions in Asia in terms of geopolitical and institutional setting under ‘One Country, Two Systems’ as the best general location for Asia's first and potentially largest GTP. Forging a GTP will promote the EMR's overall competitiveness and hastens its economic restructuring. The paper then discusses the advantages of Zhuhai Airport as the site of the potential GTP which will also incorporate the other four nearby airports within the EMR. The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in terms of customs and tariff, air rights, ground handling, and land and water transport coordination between its airports and respective local governments.  相似文献   

In today's economic and political climate, there is a growing trend toward less governmental intervention in the economy and more reliance on the private sector for the delivery of a variety of services. Deficit politics, airline deregulation, and the prospect of a windfall of cash has prompted many local units of government that own and operate airports to consider selling or leasing these facilities to private investors. Airport privatization has emerged as a contentious issue, with weighty arguments on both sides of the debate. This article examines these arguments and presents several models of airport privatization. The authors suggest that the most aggressive form of privatization–full divestiture–is unlikely to produce the benefits advertised by its proponents. However, less radical forms of privatization serve as useful models for future airport ownership and operation. The authors conclude that, given the great variation in the types of airports in the United States system, no single model is sufficient.  相似文献   

In today's economic and political climate, there is a growing trend toward less governmental intervention in the economy and more reliance on the private sector for the delivery of a variety of services. Deficit politics, airline deregulation, and the prospect of a windfall of cash has prompted many local units of government that own and operate airports to consider selling or leasing these facilities to private investors. Airport privatization has emerged as a contentious issue, with weighty arguments on both sides of the debate. This article examines these arguments and presents several models of airport privatization. The authors suggest that the most aggressive form of privatization–full divestiture–is unlikely to produce the benefits advertised by its proponents. However, less radical forms of privatization serve as useful models for future airport ownership and operation. The authors conclude that, given the great variation in the types of airports in the United States system, no single model is sufficient.  相似文献   

都市社区旅游国际化的"新天地"模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪宇明  程怡  龚伟  吕帅 《旅游科学》2006,20(3):36-42,52
都市社区旅游的国际化是大都市国际化的先导和符号。大都市社区旅游不仅是都市旅游空间组织和发展的重要模式,也是旅游产品国际化的重要表现形式。从社区国际化的视角思考都市旅游目的地建设,实现旅游国际化与社区发展的良性互动,是都市旅游发展的新途径。社区旅游国际化的关键在于社区旅游环境氛围的文化底蕴地方化、旅游服务质量的国际化、接待游客来源的国际多元化、旅游产品供给与体验的国际时尚化。基于上海石库门社区文化特色的“新天地”模式,具有都市社区旅游国际化的示范和启迪效应。  相似文献   

试论我国沿海地区国际化大都市建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慧 《人文地理》1999,14(Z1):26-31
本文从国际化大都市的概念和基本特征出发,分析了我国沿海地区建设国际化大都市的条件,运用指标综合评分法,进行了沿海地区主要城市建设国际化大都市的现状实力排序,提出了未来我国国际化大都市建设的重点和方向,指出了当前我国国际化大都市建设中的问题与不足,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses reforms in postgraduate education in geography in the Netherlands in the context of Europeanization and globalization. Europeanization and globalization have resulted in challenges as well as opportunities for students and universities. In terms of internationalization, Europeanization and the global economic crisis have opposite effects. Although Europeanization has resulted in an increased international orientation of postgraduate students in geography, the global economic crisis and the resulting cuts in the university and students' budgets hamper other aspects of the internationalization of postgraduate education in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

长三角一体化发展已上升为国家战略。本研究首先阐述了长三角城市群的概况及其发展现状,然后总结了其成长机理,最后分析了长三角城市群发展中尚存在的问题,并提出新的发展理念。长三角城市群在全球化、市场化和城市化等国际背景下发育,同时又因其自身具有良好的自然和社会经济基础、日益密切的经济联系、不断发展的交通和信息技术以及国家和区域各项政策的推动等优势而迅速成长。然而,长三角城市群发展过程中仍然存在一些不利于其迈向更高质量一体化的因素。基于此,认为新时代长三角城市群应该遵循高质量发展、协调发展、创新发展、共享发展和绿色发展等新理念,并采取相应发展措施,推动长三角城市群向更高质量发展。  相似文献   

旅游机场吞吐量影响因素初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱峰  保继刚 《人文地理》2010,25(3):128-133
近年来,在旅游者航空需求推动下,旅游热点地区兴建旅游机场已成为一大趋势。本文对旅游机场的概念、特点进行了归纳,认为旅游机场至少可以根据其对旅游客流的依赖程度区分为旅游景区机场和旅游城市机场。对机场吞吐量统计数据的分析发现,宏观地理区位是导致游客选择航空旅行方式比重存在差异的主要原因。对黄山和九寨沟等多个旅游机场的案例分析发现,具体的旅游线路组织方式、地面交通方式和其他机场的分流作用是导致旅游机场吞吐量悬殊的深层原因。在此基础上提出了旅游机场吞吐量影响因素的概念模型并将之用于喀纳斯机场和宜昌机场的分析。  相似文献   

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