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The University College London Thermospheric Model and the Sheffield University Ionospheric Convection Model have been integrated and improved to produce a self-consistent coupled global thermospheric/high latitude ionospheric model. The neutral thermospheric equations for wind velocity, composition, density and energy are solved, including their full interactions with the evolution of high latitude ion drift and plasma density, as these respond to convection, precipitation, solar photoionisation and changes of the thermosphere, particularly composition and wind velocity. Four 24 h Universal Time (UT) simulations have been performed. These correspond to positive and negative values of the IMF BY component at high solar activity, for a level of moderate geomagnetic activity, for each of the June and December solstices. In this paper we will describe the seasonal and IMF reponses of the coupled ionosphere/thermosphere system, as depicted by these simulations. In the winter polar region the diurnal migration of the polar convection pattern into and out of sunlight, together with ion transport, plays a major role in the plasma density structure at F-region altitudes. In the summer polar region an increase in the proportion of molecular to atomic species, created by the global seasonal thermospheric circulation and augmented by the geomagnetic forcing, controls the plasma densities at all Universal Times. The increased destruction of F-region ions in the summer polar region reduces the mean level of ionization to similar mean levels seen in winter, despite the increased level of solar insolation. In the upper thermosphere in winter for BY negative, a tongue of plasma is transported anti-sunward over the dusk side of the polar cap. To effect this transport, co-rotation and plasma convection work in the same sense. For IMF BY positive, plasma convection and co-rotation tend to oppose so that, despite similar cross-polar cap electric fields, a smaller polar cap plasma tongue is produced, distributed more centrally across the polar cap. In the summer polar cap, the enhanced plasma destruction due to enhancement of neutral molecular species and thus a changed ionospheric composition, causes F-region plasma minima at the same locations where the polar cap plasma maxima are produced in winter.  相似文献   

The morphology of precipitating particles, measured at low altitude in the polar regions, varies systematically with the strength and direction of IMF Bz and with solar wind speed Vsw. We use particle data taken onboard the DMSP satellites to determine these variations. Both individual satellite passes during the storm/quieting period of 26 and 27 August 1990, and statistical maps compiled from a data base over 4.5 yr are presented. We focus attention on those magnetospheric populations that have magnetosheath characteristics, the boundary populations. We show that the precipitating ion boundary population, whose down-coming spectra can be fitted to streaming Maxwellians, expands from a region confined near the dayside cusp for southward IMF, to a thick, annular region, including the dayside cusp, for northward IMF. The expansion in local time is inhibited by increasing solar wind speed. Boundary electrons behave somewhat differently. They have easier access to the polar regions and their variations have shorter spatial/temporal scale lengths than the boundary ions. For strongly northward IMF, intense, agitated boundary electrons can be found over all or part of the polar cap. Broad regions (up to ~ 100 km) of strongly accelerated electrons (several keV) that produce visible arcs are embedded in this population. Two features of the ion boundary population help identify its source. (1) The spectra of the boundary ions expanding into the polar cap exhibit field-aligned streaming, which, downtail, is toward the Earth. (2) The region into which the boundary ions expand best maps magnetically to a dawn-dusk cut across the neutral sheet, rather than to the low-latitude boundary layer. Therefore, we conclude that the immediate source for boundary ions in the polar regions during northward IMF is the plasma sheet boundary layer. These ions reach tail lobe field lines by convection whose direction when mapped to the ionosphere is sunward. Significant change in the topology of the magnetospheric magnetic field, and, in particular, the closing of high-latitude field lines, is not required to explain the data.  相似文献   

Long term remote observations of neutral winds at F-region altitudes have been performed at Thule Air Base (lat. 76.5°N, long. 69.0°W), Greenland, and Søndre Strømfjord (lat. 67.0°N, long. 50.9°W), Greenland. The former site is very close to the geomagnetic pole, while the latter site is within the polar cap for several hours each night on either side of geomagnetic midnight. Wind data corresponding to clear sky conditions and Kp ⩽ 4 were sorted according to the sign of the IMF Bz component. The averaged maximum poleward flow near midnight LST was reduced by approximately one third during Bz northward conditions. If the magnitude of By was less than the magnitude of the northward Bz component, then the averaged poleward flow was further reduced by one half. In addition, if Bz > 5 nT, then sunward directed horizontal neutral winds were observed at the very highest latitudes near noon LST.  相似文献   

The magnetopause and adjacent boundary layers of the Earth's magnetosphere play important roles in transferring momentum and energy from the solar wind to the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. The details of the different boundary processes, their ionospheric signatures and relative importance are not well known at present. Particle precipitation, field-aligned current, auroral emission, ionospheric ion drift and ground magnetic perturbations are among the low-altitude parameters that show signatures of various plasma processes in the LLBL and the magnetopause current layer. Magnetic merging events, Kelvin-Helmholtz waves, and pressure pulses excited by the variable solar wind/magnetosheath plasma are examples of boundary phenomena that may be coupled to the ionosphere via field-aligned currents. In this paper, attention is focussed on a specific category of auroral activity occurring in the cusp/cleft region predominantly during the southward directed interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Co-ordinated observations from the ground and satellites in polar orbit have been used to study the temporal/spatial development of the events in relation to the background patterns of particle precipitation and ionospheric convection as well as the field-aligned current and ion drift characteristics of the individual events. The auroral phenomenon is characterized by a sequence of elongated forms moving laterally into the polar cap. Spatial scales of major events repeating every 5–10 min are ∼200 km (N-S) times 300–1000 km (E-W). Smaller scale auroral structures with more irregular occurrence rates are observed at times. The preliminary evidence suggests that the motion pattern is regulated by the IMF orientation, that is, the direction of longitudinal motion along the polar cap boundary is determined by the IMF BY polarity. The examples reported here occurred within 1000–1400 MLT, near the zero point potential line separating the morning and post-noon convection cells. During nonzero IMF BY the auroral structures are associated with channels of enhanced zonal ionospheric ion flow and Birkeland current sheets of opposite polarity, imbedded within the larger scale IMF BY-related cusp-mantle current system. These characteristics are discussed in relation to model predictions of ionospheric signatures of magnetopause plasma transients, with particular emphasis placed on impulsive magnetic merging events.  相似文献   

During the last two decades measurements of polar cap ionospheric electric fields and currents, field-aligned currents, and global auroral forms have been made from ground-based and space-based platforms. An attempt is made to unify these observations into a large-scale view of polar phenomena. In this view, plasma convection patterns and the corresponding electrodynamics in the polar region can consistently be ordered by the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The different patterns of the electric potential and of field-aligned currents depend on where the main interaction between the terrestrial and interplanetary fields occurs, on the morning or evening side of the central polar cap, or on the dayside portion of the ‘closed’ cusp region, or on the nightside portion of the ‘open’ cusp region. One of the essential elements of this unified view is that it is possible to account for various convection patterns ranging from the four-cell pattern (during periods of strong northward IMF and By ~ 0), to the three-cell pattern (Bz > 0 and |By| 2> 0), to the conventional two-cell pattern (Bz < 0) with its possible deformation into a convection throat near the dayside cusp (during southward IMF). We also discuss the way in which the complicated field-aligned current systems can consistently be accounted for in terms of these convection patterns.  相似文献   

We discuss three different processes which generate electric fields at the magnetopause during northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. These are (1) Petschek-type magnetic field reconnection, (2) magnetic field diffusion, and (3) viscous-like interaction resulting from the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. For northward IMF all three processes lead to the formation of a boundary layer on closed magnetic field lines adjacent to the magnetospheric boundary. The thickness of the boundary layer depend on Petschek's parameter in the first case, the magnetic Reynolds number in the second case, and an effective Reynolds number in the third case. In each case coupling between the boundary layer and the ionosphere occurs via field-aligned currents. These field-aligned currents result from the penetration into the polar ionosphere of the electric field generated at the magnetospheric boundary. These currents are closed by a transverse current in the boundary layer and the associated Lorentz force causes a decrease of the kinetic energy of the solar wind plasma inside the boundary layer. As a result of this velocity decrease the thickness of the boundary layer increases on both flanks of the magnetosphere near the equatorial plane. The convergence of the boundary layer on the dawn and dusk sides leads to antisunward plasma flow in the magnetospheric tail.  相似文献   

The middle and upper atmosphere and the ionosphere at high latitudes are studied with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars in northern Scandinavia. We describe here the investigations of the lower thermosphere and the E-region, and the mesosphere and the D-region. In the auroral zone both these altitude regions are influenced by magnetospheric processes, such as charged particle precipitation and electric fields, which are measured with the incoherent scatter technique. Electron density, neutral density, temperature and composition are determined from the EISCAT data. By measuring the ion drifts, electric fields, mean winds, tides and gravity waves are deduced. Sporadic E-layers and their relation to gravity waves, electric fields and sudden sodium layers are also investigated with EISCAT. In the mesosphere coherent scatter occurs from unique ionization irregularities. This scatter causes the polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE), which are examined in detail with the EISCAT radars. We describe the dynamics of the PMSE, as well as the combination with aeronomical processes, which could give rise to the irregularities. We finally outline the future direction which is to construct the EISCAT Svalbard Radar for studying the ionosphere and the upper, middle and lower atmosphere in the polar cap region.  相似文献   

The unexpected patterns of high-latitude auroral luminosity and ionospheric convection that are observed when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has a northward orientation have inspired a variety of theoretical interpretations. The existing models, all referring to steady-state conditions, can be classified according to the topology of the polar magnetic field lines and of the polar-cap convection streamlines. The classes of model include: (1) a closed magnetosphere model, (2) a conventional open model with a distorted, but topologically unchanged, polar-cap boundary, (3) a conventional open model with distorted, but topologically unchanged, polar-cap convection cells, (4) a modified open model with ‘lobe convection cells’ contained wholly on open magnetic-field lines, and (5) a modified open model with a bifurcated polar cap. The third and fourth types require significant regions of sunward flow on open polar-cap field lines, a concept that presents serious theoretical difficulties. The other three types appear equally viable from a theoretical point of view, and the comparison against observations is an ongoing enterprise. Outstanding theoretical questions include (a) how do observed structures in the polar ionosphere map along magnetic field lines into the magnetosphere?, (b) what is the mechanism that drives the observed sunward convection at highest latitudes on the day side?, and (c) what role does time dependence play in the observed phenomena?  相似文献   

Global scale longitudinal gradients of pressure in the plasmasphere may be formed naturally by ionospheric processes, or caused by electrostatic fields of ionospheric dynamo origin. It is shown that plasmaspheric gradients of pressure, orthogonal both to the magnetic field (B) and to grad B, generate geophysically significant field-aligned currents. Considering the ionosphere and plasmasphere as a coupled electrodynamic system, these currents alter non-negligibly the self-consistent ionospheric electric field and current. Criteria are established for this coupling mechanism (a kind of plasmaspheric impedance) to be significant. This has implications for the relationships of ionospheric electric fields and currents, F-region drifts, and magnetic variations, due to upper atmosphere tides and winds.  相似文献   

Diurnal variations in the electron content (Nt) and peak density (Nm) of the ionosphere are calculated using a full time-varying model which includes the effects of electric fields, interhemispheric fluxes and neutral winds. The calculation is iterated, adjusting the assumed hourly values of neutral wind until a good match is obtained with mean experimental values of Nt and Nm. Using accurate ionospheric data for quiet conditions at 35°S and 43°S, winds are derived for summer, equinox and winter conditions near solar maximum and solar minimum. Solar maximum results are also obtained at 35°N. Changes in the neutral wind are found to be the major cause of seasonal changes in the ionosphere, and of differences between the two hemispheres. Calculated winds show little variation with latitude, but the winds increase by about 30% at solar minimum (in equinox and winter). The HWM90 wind model gives daytime winds which are nearly twice too large near solar maximum. The theoretical VSH model agrees better with observed daytime variations, and both models fit the observed winds reasonably well at night. Results indicate that modelling of the quiet, mid-latitude ionosphere should be adequate for many purposes when improved wind models are available. Model values for the peak height of the ionosphere are also provided; these show that wind calculations using servo theory are unreliable from sunrise to noon and for several hours after sunset.  相似文献   

The thermosphere is primarily energised by the combination of three sources of energy and momentum. Solar UV and EUV energy is absorbed globally on the dayside within the middle and upper thermosphere. There is a persistent, but highly variable, inflow of energy and momentum from the magnetosphere. These magnetospheric inputs are usually confined to high latitudes, except at times of very large geomagnetic disturbances. Tides and gravity waves upwell from their sources in the troposphere and stratosphere to deposit energy and momentum at levels from the middle mesosphere to the upper thermosphere. Solar EUV radiation between 120 ran and 250 nm photo-dissociates the molecules which dominate the composition of the lower thermosphere, in particular producing atomic oxygen which dominates the composition of the upper thermosphere. The combination of solar EUV radiation at wavelengths shorter than 120 nm, plus energetic (mainly) charged particles from the magnetosphere, also ionise the neutral constituents of the thermosphere, creating the ionosphere. Particularly at high latitudes, within the geomagnetic polar caps and auroral ovals, the energetic, dynamical and chemical coupling and interactions between the thermosphere and ionosphere dominate the structural and dynamical response of both the thermosphere and ionosphere to solar and geomagnetic inputs of energy and momentum.Comparisons between predictions using global thermosphere-ionosphere coupled models and comparable observational sets have shown encouraging agreement during periods of relatively quiet geomagnetic activity. This indicates that the major energetic, ionisation, chemical and dynamical processes and interactions can be described in models with reasonable accuracy. During periods of high geomagnetic activity, and particularly during major geomagnetic storms, large rapid disturbances of the thermosphere occur with extremely rapid variations. These disturbances are observed as large increases of temperature, density, major changes of neutral composition, and with the development of high speed wind flows and large amplitude waves which may propagate to affect the entire globe. Since the ionosphere is formed from thermospheric constituents and affected by thermospherc dynamics, the gross disturbances of the ionosphere during highly disturbed periods are related to contemporary changes of density, composition and flows of the thermosphere, as well as changes of ionisation sources and electric fields. Observations which describe the nature and scale of disturbances of the thermosphere during geomagnetic storms will be used, in combination with appropriate global numerical simulations, to aid interpretation of storm-time ionospheric phenomena. The role of energetic, dynamical and chemical coupling between the thermosphere and ionosphere is emphasised.  相似文献   

The effects of the IMF radial (Bx) and azimuthal (By) components on the distribution of polar cap arcs are examined using all-sky camera data from Vostok station for the winter months of 1977–1985. We conclude that three factors control the character of the aurora distribution: the type of the sector structure, the IMF radial component, and the IMF azimuthal component. Based on the experimental results, the following scheme for the auroral distribution in the northern and southern polar caps for different signs of Bx and By is put forward. The ‘garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By < 0 or Bx < 0, By > 0) produces symmetric auroral distributions in the morning and evening sectors of both the northern and southern polar caps; the ‘orthogonal garden hose’ structure (Bx > 0, By > 0 or Bx < 0, By < 0) is evidently inefficient in the production of aurorae. The Bx component determines the intensity of aurorae in that polar cap where geomagnetic field lines are in the opposite direction to the IMF (Bx < 0 in the case of the northern cap, and Bx > 0 for the southern cap) and produces the daytime auroral belt poleward of the auroral oval and parallel to it. The By component affects the auroral appearance in the morning or evening sectors of the polar cap, depending on its sign, and acts asymmetrically in the opposite polar cap. The appropriate patterns of plasma filament distributions in the high-latitude tail lobes are proposed. The characteristics of auroral movements affected by the By component (such as the direction and speed of the arc motion and the magnitude of displacements) are examined.  相似文献   

Sharp decreases in ΦoF2 are found to occur frequently in the nighttime low-latitude ionosphere after southward turning of the IMF Bz component, especially under isolated Bz turnings, i.e. when the IMF has been northward for at least 6 h before its turning. These decreases occur simultaneously (within a 1-h time interval) with the Bz turning. The effect is observed both when a substorm or a magnetic storm begins after Bz has turned southward, and when a noticeable substorm does not occur. The effect is more pronounced after midnight and a maximum at 03 LT. Short-term (with scale times of about 1 h) variations of ΦoF2 and hmF2 for Bz southward turning are analysed using a large amount of ground-based and topside sounding data. The decreases in ΦoF2 are shown to occur at first over the magnetic equator and then, during the second hour after the turning, at the crests of the equatorial anomaly. The ionosphere returns to its undisturbed state, on average, in 4–5 h (if other disturbing agents do not arise). These decreases are suggested to be caused by modifications in the electric field in the low-latitude ionosphere associated with Bz southward turning.  相似文献   

In early 1990 a modified JMR-1 satellite receiver system was installed at Casey Station, Antarctica (g.g. 66.28°S, 110.54° E, -80.4°A, magnetic midnight 1816UT, L = 37.8), in order to monitor the differential phase between the 150 and 400 MHz signals from polar orbiting NNSS satellites. Total electron content (TEC) was calculated using the differential phase and Casey ionosonde foF2 data, and is presented here for near sunspot maximum in August 1990 and exactly one year later. The data are used to investigate long-lived ionization enhancements at invariant latitudes polewards of − 80° A, and the ‘polar hole’, a region from −70 to − 80° A on the nightside of the polar cap where reduced electron densitiy exists because of the long transport time of plasma from the dayside across the polar cap. A comparison is made between the Casey TEC data and the Utah State University Time Dependent Ionospheric Model (TDIM) which uses as variables the solar index (F 10.7), season (summer, winter or equinox), global magnetic index (Kp), IMF By direction, and universal time (UT) [sojkaet al. (1991) Adv. Space Res.11(10), 39].  相似文献   

Measurements of ionospheric electron density vertical profiles, carried out at a magnetic equatorial station located at Fortaleza (4°S, 38°W; dip latitude 2°S) in Brazil, are analyzed and compared with low-latitude electron density profiles predicted by the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. The analysis performed here covers periods of high (1979/1980) and low (1986) solar activities, considering data obtained under magnetically quiet conditions representative of the summer, winter and equinox seasons. Some discrepancies are found to exist between the observed and the IRI model-predicted ionospheric electron density profiles. For high solar activity conditions the most remarkable one is the observed fast upward motion of the F-layer just after sunset, not considered in the IRI model and which precedes the occurrence of nighttime ionospheric plasma irregularities. These discrepancies are attributed mainly to dynamical effects associated with the low latitude E × B electromagnetic plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral winds, which are not satisfactorily reproduced either in the CCIR numerical maps or in the IRI profile shapes. In particular, the pre-reversal enhancement in the vertical E × B plasma drifts around sunset hours has a great influence on the nighttime spatial distribution of the low-latitude ionospheric plasma. Also, the dynamical control exerted by the electromagnetic plasma drifts and by the thermospheric neutral winds on the low-latitude ionospheric plasma is strongly dependent on the magnetic declination angle at a given longitude. These important longitudinal and latitudinal dependences must be considered for improvement of IRI model predictions at low latitudes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a one-dimensional ionospheric irregularity interacting with the magnetosphere is studied by numerical simulation. The polarization electric field produced by charge separation within the irregularity propagates along magnetic field lines with the Alfvén velocity VA and drives polarizational and field-aligned currents in the magnetosphere. Their values and localization are controlled by motion and deformation of the irregularity resulting from its electrostatic coupling to the background ionosphere. The pattern of the field-aligned currents varies with time and depends primarily on gradients of the polarization electric field. The latter is controlled by the ambient electric field, diffusion, recombination process, intensity of the initial perturbation, etc. Feedback effect of the magnetospheric conductance on the development of the irregularity is examined.  相似文献   

We compare the DE-2 electric field measurements used by Heppner and Maynard [(1987) J. geophys. Res.92, 4467] to illustrate strongly distorted, BC convection patterns for IMF Bz > 0 and large |By|, with simultaneous detections of particle spectra, plasma drifts and magnetic perturbations. Measured potentials >50 keV, driven by the solar wind speeds exceeding 500 km/s, are greater than published correlation analysis predictions by up to 27%. The potential distributions show only two extrema and thus support the basic conclusion that under these conditions the solar wind/IMF drives two- rather than fourcell convection patterns. However, several aspects of the distorted two-cell convection pattern must be revised. In addition to the strong east-west convection in the vicinity of the cusp, indicated by Heppner and Maynard, we also detect comparable components of sunward (equatorward) plasma flow. Combined equipotential and particle precipitation distributions indicate the presence of a lobe cell embedded within the larger, afternoon reconnection cell. Both types rotate in the same sense, with the lobe cell carrying 20–40% of the total afternoon cell potential. We detected no lobe cell within morning convection cell.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to summarize the results of investigations of IMF effects on the ionosphere, published mostly in Russian, and to place them in context in up-to-date knowledge of IMF/magnetosphere/ionosphere relationships. Effects of the IMF sector structure and of the IMF Bz component turnings on the ionospheric F-layer are considered, including variations of position of the main ionospheric trough (MIT). The paper includes results of both theoretical calculations and observational data obtained mostly by the Cosmos-900, Intercosmos-19 and Cosmos-1809 satellites at subauroral, middle and low latitudes. The MIT position dependence on longitude has been derived as a background for further study. It has been shown that the nightside winter trough position at the storm growth phase correlates best with KP index taken with a time delay τ, which is proportional to a disturbance growth rate ΔKp/Δt. The MIT position dependence on Dst, Bz and By is also shown. Two troughs have been found to be formed usually in the storm recovery phase at postmidnight hours: these are the MIT (main ionospheric trough) and RIT (ring ionospheric trough) associated with the DR-current. In general the MIT position's response to Bz southward turnings corresponds well to changes of the amoral diffuse precipitation equatorial edge. For Bz southward turnings the height of the equatorial night-time F-layer lowers, and at equatorial latitudes foF2 decreases sharply, the latter effect being most pronounced at 03 LT. Large-scale internal gravity waves arriving at equatorial latitudes from the auroral oval cause intensification of the equatorial anomaly, both in daytime and night-time. A schematic pattern of a global ionospheric response to a magnetic disturbance is constructed using as an example the strong storm on 3–4 April 1979.  相似文献   

It is clear that polar cap convection during times of northward IMF is more structured and of lower mean speed than at times of southward IMF. This, coupled with the fact that the polar cap is smaller, means that empirical models are more difficult to construct with certainty. It is also clear that sunward flow deep in the polar cap is often observed, but its connection with the rest of the flow pattern is controversial.At present, empirical models are of three types: ‘statistical’ models wherein data from different days but with similar IMF conditions are averaged together; ‘pattern recognition’ models, which are built up by examining individually hundreds of passes to derive a ‘typical’ pattern which embodies features frequently observed; and ‘assimilative’ models, which use data of different types and from as many locations as possible, but all taken at the same time, in order to derive a snapshot (or series of snapshots) of the entire pattern.Each type of model has its own difficulties. Statistical models, by their very nature, smooth out flow features (e.g. the convection reversal, and the locus of sunward flow deep in the polar cap) which are not found at precisely the same invariant latitudes and magnetic local times on different days. Pattern recognition models are better at reproducing small-scale features, but the large-scale pattern can be a matter of interpretation. Assimilative models (such as AMIE) hold out the best hope for creating instantaneous, global convection patterns; however, the analysis technique tends to be most irregular (and least reliable) in the regions which are not well covered by in situ data. It appears that, at least at times, a four cell model with sunward flow at the highest and lowest latitudes, and antisunward flow in between, is consistent with the observations. At other times, the observations may be consistent with a two-cell convection pattern, but which includes significant meanders within the polar cap.  相似文献   

As shown by statistical investigations, high speed plasma streams (HSPS) in the solar wind cause direct ionospheric effects in the D- and Es-layers at auroral and subauroral latitudes due to increasing precipitation of high energetic particles as well as indirect effects in the F2-region at high, middle and equatorial latitudes caused by auroral heating processes. The ionospheric effects increase with the strength of the HSPS and are most pronounced for HSPS during IMF pro sectors (sectors with negative Bz-component). Seasonal differences of the ionospheric response to solar velocity changes are caused by the IMF influence (maximum effect at equinoxes) as well as internal atmospheric reasons (enhanced variability during winter).  相似文献   

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