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EISCAT has made regular measurements of plasma velocity at heights between 101 and 133 km in the E-region and at 279 km in the F-region as part of the Common Programme CP1. Correcting for the effect of the electric field as determined in the E-region, it is possible to estimate the neutral wind velocity in the E-region for a number of days in the period 1985–1987 when magnetic conditions were relatively quiet. These velocities display diurnal and semi-diurnal tidal oscillations. The diurnal tide varies considerably from day to day in both amplitude and phase. The semi-diurnal tide also varies in amplitude but displays a fairly consistent phase at each height and the variation of phase with height below 110 km indicates a dominant (2,4) mode. Above 120 km the variation of phase with height is slower which suggests that at these heights the (2, 4) mode is attenuated and the (2, 2) mode is more important. The results agree well with previous measurements at high latitude.  相似文献   

Thermospheric wind measurements with the EISCAT UHF radar around the evening Harang discontinuity are presented both in the E- and F-layers. Within the E-layer auroral oval the Lorentz and Coriolis force are shown to be more or less in balance. The neutral velocity is a factor of the order of two smaller than the ion velocity and is on average advanced 90° in a clockwise direction compared to the ion velocity. In the low electron density region just before the Harang discontinuity and outside the auroral oval a large (~250 m s−1), thermally dominated neutral wind is closely followed by the ion wind in the antisolar direction. There is also a large downward flow present just before the Harang discontinuity. In the F-layer the neutral wind approximately follows the ion convection pattern, except for a couple of hours after the sudden change in the ion convection just after the passage of the evening Harang discontinuity. The close resemblance between the equilibrium ion and neutral flow when the neutral-ion collision frequency is close to twice the Earth's angular velocity may be connected to back pressures created by Joule heating in the case of an appreciable ion-neutral velocity difference.  相似文献   

A method is presented which inverts swept-frequency Al absorption data to obtain collision frequency profiles in the E- and F-regions of the ionosphere. The method gives consistent results from successive sets of measurements and the profiles obtained are consistent with other measurements of collision frequency. Accounting for D-region absorption is a difficulty affecting the accuracy of the collision frequencies obtained at the lowest heights, but model simulations show that values at higher heights are not affected seriously. The technique can be used to obtain results for the F1-region for which there are very few previous measurements.Comparison with theoretical calculations of collision frequency show agreement in the form of the altitude variation. That is, there is a rapid decrease with altitude through the E-region which becomes much less in the F-region so that the collision frequency becomes almost constant with height. This change is caused by electron-ion collisions becoming more dominant than electron—neutral collisions. However, consistent with other observers, we find a major discrepancy between the magnitude of the experimental and theoretical values. If the electron and ion temperatures are assumed equal, the experimental values are approximately five times greater. The discrepancy increases if Te >Ti in the theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

Measurements of ion temperature, ion-neutral collision frequency and ion drift in the E-region from the period December 1984 to November 1985 are used to derive neutral temperatures, densities and meridional winds in the altitude intervals 92–120 km, 92–105 km and 92–120 km, respectively. Altitude profiles of temperature and density and their seasonal variations are compared with the CIRA 1972 and MSIS 1983 models and the effects of geomagnetic activity are demonstrated. Semi-diurnal tidal variations in all three parameters are derived and the comparison with lower latitude measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

The large scale character of the observed quasi-two-day fluctuations in the whole ionosphere (from D- uptoF-region maximum) over Europe is shown. The study is based on the lower and upper ionospheric data obtained in Sofia (42.9°, 23.4°E), Ebre Observatory (40.9°N, 0.5°E) and El Arenosillo (37.1°N, 6.7°W) during two summer intervals: June–August 1980 and 1983. The obtained prevailing periods for the F-region fluctuations are 52–55 h and the mean amplitude is higher than 1 MHz. It was found that the fluctuations propagate westward with a mean phase velocity between 4.6 and 6° /h. The quasi-two-day variations in the F-region maximum are probably generated by flucutations in the mesospheric, neutral wind. During the time when well developed quasi-two-day fluctuations exist in the mesospheric neutral wind, similar variations are observed in the lower ionosphere also. Possible mechanisms for generating the D- andF-region electron density fluctuations from these oscillations in the neutral wind are proposed.  相似文献   

Measurement of the observed anti-correlation between the field-perpendicular component of F-region plasma velocity in the north-south plane and the downward, field-parallel component has been proposed as a way to determine the value of the O-O+ collision frequency. However, random noise errors in measurements of plasma velocity made at EISCAT may combine in analysis to induce a spurious anti-correlation between the derived values of these components which is hard to distinguish from any genuine anti-correlation.  相似文献   

During relative drifts between the ions and the neutrals perpendicular to the geomagnetic field, the ion temperature in the auroral F-region becomes anisotropic with a higher temperature perpendicular than parallel to the magnetic field (T >T). It has been shown that for a gyrotropic ion velocity distribution the ion temperatures T and T can be expressed as a function of the neutral temperature and of the squared normalized relative ion-neutral drift, with parameters β and β describing the anisotropy and the collision process.In this paper, five increases of the F-layer ion temperature and ion drift velocity, found in EISCAT-CP1F data, were analyzed to obtain information about the anisotropy and the collision process. In the CP1F experiment, the angles between the magnetic field line ending in Tromsø and the antenna directions remain small, and the ion drift velocities of the investigated events in general were below 1500 m/s. Thus the ion velocity distributions were approximated by a bi-Maxwellian, and NO+ was assumed to remain a minor constituent at the F-layer maximum. For a quantitative analysis, generalized theoretical β-values for a bi-Maxwellian ion velocity distribution drifting through a mixture of different neutral components and for arbitrary observation directions were calculated. With these expressions it was possible to compare the drift dependence of the measured ion temperature for every antenna position directly with the theory. A statistical analysis of the heating events showed a good correlation between the ion temperatures of Tromsø, Kiruna and Sodankylä and the squared normalized ion drift, and values βT, βK, βS could be calculated by linear regression. The fitted curves corresponded well with theoretical curves for a bi-Maxwellian velocity distribution of O+ ions drifting through a neutral atmosphere consisting of O and N2.  相似文献   

Using the measured Doppler spectra of the VHF backscatter radar signals from type II ionization irregularities in the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) at Thumba (dip. 56′S), the height profiles of the phase velocity Vp of the plasma waves in the EEJ are determined. It is shown that the east-west electrostatic field Ey in the EEJ can be deduced from the experimental height profiles of Vp using an appropriate model of ion and electron collision frequencies. The theoretical basis and the practical application of the method for deducing Ey are described. The usefulness of the method even when type I irregularities are present at the higher altitudes of the EEJ is demonstrated.It is shown that the collision frequencies of ions and electrons are likely to have a significant diurnal variation, which may be caused by diurnal variations of the neutral densities and temperatures in the E-region.  相似文献   

Observations made at EISCAT suggest that the plasma velocity measured in the F-region above Tromsø can vary substantially on a timescale of a minute or so. The high-resolution measurements made using alternating codes during the ERRRIS experiment have confirmed this result by showing that the rapid variations of plasma velocity measured directly correspond exactly to the variations of ion temperature in the rmupper-E and lower-F region caused by frictional heating, and the variations of electron temperature in the E-region, caused by wave turbulence heating.  相似文献   

The collision frequency v in the ionosphere has often been determined by measuring differences in the amplitude and group path of two closely spaced signals reflected in the region of high group retardation. In this paper we describe a method of measuring v using a CW double-side-band modulated signal reflected obliquely in the ionosphere. This allows v to be determined on a continuous basis and it is found that the value of v obtained is 1–5 × 104 s−1 for the E-region and ~ 103 s−1 for the F-region. It is shown that measurements made just after sunset, when the E-region is still present, are more representative of E-region values than F-region.  相似文献   

The experiments performed up to mid 1984 with the heating facility at Ramfjordmoen near Tromsø, Norway, are summarized. These experiments comprise D-region modification, polar electrojet modulation at VLF, ELF and ULF frequencies, excitation of E-region small-scale irregularities and of F-region small- and large-scale irregularities, anomalous absorption of HF wave on long and short time scales, excitation of incoherent backscatter plasma and ion lines, stimulated radio wave emission and F-region in situ measurements.  相似文献   

The effect of an electric field and a homogeneous neutral wind on the vertical ion motion in the ionospheric E-region is investigated. An electric field pointing, in the northern hemisphere, in the quadrant between geomagnetic north and west is found to he capable of driving plasma towards a certain height from both above and below. A homogeneous neutral wind blowing in a direction between east and north has a similar effect. Unlike in the wind shear model, the resulting plasma sheet may be created within a quite limited height interval only. It seems possible that the midnight occurrence maximum of mid-latitude type Es-layers, observed at high latitudes, is caused by electric fields in the Harang discontinuity region. It is also suggested that the flat type Es-layers often observed before a substorm onset are caused by electric fields. The wind shear theory is investigated using a screw-like neutral wind profile. The effects of right- and left-handed wind screws are compared and rules are derived which define the conditions leading to convergent and divergent nulls in the vertical ion velocity. In the northern hemisphere, a right-handed screw is found to be more effective than a left-handed one with equal pitch in compressing plasma into thin sheets.  相似文献   

Observations made on 10 July 1987 with the EISCAT UHF radar are presented. The F-region measurements of both electron density and field-aligned ion velocity show that an upward propagating gravity wave with a period of about 1 h is present. The origin of the gravity wave is probably auroral. The E-region ion velocities show a tidal wave and both upward and downward propagating gravity waves. The gravity waves have three dominant periods with a possible harmonic relationship and similar vertical wavelengths. These waves are either reflected at a single reflection level, ducted between two levels, or they are generated in a non-linear interaction between gravity and tidal waves. The E-region electron density is dominated by particle precipitation. After a short burst of more intense precipitation, a sporadic E-layer forms at 105km and then disappears 40min later. Within this time, the layer rises and falls by a few kilometres, following closely the motion of a convergent null in the velocity profile. We suggest that the formation and destruction of this layer is controlled by both the precipitation, which indirectly provides a source of metal ions through charge exchange, and the superposition of gravity waves and the tidal wave.  相似文献   

Measurements of zonal irregularity drifts were made by the spaced receiver scintillation and radar interferometer techniques from Huancayo and Jicamarca, respectively. The Fabry-Perot Interferometer operated at Arequipa provided the zonal neutral winds. These simultaneous measurements were performed during evening hours in the presence of equatorial spread-F on three nights in October 1988. The zonal drift of 3-m irregularities obtained with the 50-MHz radar showed considerable variation as a function of altitude. The drift of hundreds of m-scale irregularities obtained by the scintillation technique agreed with the drift of 3-m irregularities when the latter were measured near the F-peak. The neutral winds, on the other hand, sometimes exceeded the irregularity drifts by a factor of two. This is a possible result of the partial reduction of the vertical polarization electric field in the F-region caused by the effects of integrated Pedersen conductivity of the off-equatorial night-time E-region coupled to the F-region at high altitudes above the magnetic equator.  相似文献   

Small scale sub-auroral F-region irregularities were observed on 6–7 February 1984 by the two HF radars of the EDIA experiment while the EISCAT UHF system was scanning the ionosphere between 57° and 66° invariant latitude at a slightly different longitude. The bistatic EDIA system was mainly designed to detect the F-region irregularities at sub-auroral latitudes and to measure their perpendicular velocities. This paper is devoted to an examination of the morphology of the irregularity regions detected by the HF radars and of their production mechanisms, by comparison with the horizontal and vertical electron density profiles measured by EISCAT. It is shown that decametric irregularities observed at about 360–430 km height are not associated with any large scale horizontal density gradients in the F-region (350km). However, a strong north-south gradient observed at lower altitudes (150–200km), which is likely to indicate the southern boundary of the high energy particle precipitation zone, is well correlated with the strong scattering regions observed by the HF radars. The EISCAT electron temperature measurements at 350km height also show horizontal gradients which are well correlated with the small scale F-region irregularities. We discuss implications of these observations on the mechanisms of production of irregularities in the sub-auroral F-region.  相似文献   

Measurements of incoherent scatter spectra from the auroral D-region were obtained during the summer of 1985 using a sophisticated pulse-to-pulse correlation technique with the EISCAT UHF radar. The spectral width variations with altitude are interpreted in terms of ion-neutral collision frequency, neutral temperature, mean positive ion mass and negative ion number density. Close agreement with predictions of currently available atmospheric models is obtained, except for a narrow layer around 86 km altitude. This layer showed evidence of increased positive ion mass for most of the experiment, and for short intervals indicated a mean ion mass close to 200 a.m.u. It is suggested that the layer is composed of proton hydrates in the vicinity of a structured noctilucent cloud, and that the index of hydration is occasionally large.  相似文献   

Owing to the high conductivity along magnetic field lines, the stability of the night-time equatorial F-region is determined by magnetic field line integrated quantities. However, slow vertical diffusion near the magnetic equator plus the rapid increase in ion chemistry rates at lower altitude combine to give a very small positive scale height for the electron concentration on the bottomside of the region. As a result, the field line averaged quantities are reasonably approximated by their equatorial values, provided that the E-region does not contribute significantly. The time-dependent behavior of the growth rate for the Rayleigh-Taylor gravitational instability on the F-region bottomside is examined here as a function of the vertical E × B drift velocity using reasonable chemistry to obtain approximate equatorial vertical profiles of ionospheric parameters. It is found that the growth rate exceeds the chemical recombination rate over most of the bottomside F-layer even without vertical drift, but that a realistic E × B drift can result, after about 1 h, in an increase of this growth rate by an order of magnitude. The absolute growth rate is so small (< 10−3 s−1) with zero vertical drift that a seeding mechanism would probably be required for the formation of bubbles. The rapid appearance of bubbles shortly after sunset appears likely only after a period of upward drift, as is observed.  相似文献   

A study has been made of data taken with EISCAT using the Common Program CP-3-C (F-region meridian scan) which shows that regions of enhanced ion temperature (in excess of 3000K at all three EISCAT stations) are found on most days when Kp exceeds 2 or 3, usually accompanied by ion drift velocities of more than 1 km s−1. These periods are often accompanied by anisotropy of the ion temperature and abnormally low apparent electron temperature, consistent with the presence of a non-Maxwellian ion velocity distribution such as would result from large but not exceptional ion drifts. Data for a selected period have been fitted using theoretical ion velocity distributions based on the relaxation collision model and assuming that the ion composition is 100% O+. The results confirm the presence of non-Maxwellian distributions, but a detailed comparison with theory reveals some discrepancies, indicating that the analysis may need to be extended to include effects due to, for example, molecular ions and instabilities.  相似文献   

High resolution incoherent-scatter observations of E-region thin (1–3 km) metallic ion layers are presented. Data were collected during three different periods from August 1990 to August 1991, in three different experimental modes. First, the antenna was directed vertically and the entire duty cycle was devoted to Barker coded multi-pulse [Zamlutti (1980) J. atmos. terr. Phys.42, 975–982] measurements to determine the densities and temperatures in the E-region with 300 m resolution. The second experiment measured the F-region electric field as well as the high resolution E-region densities. For the third experiment the antenna was scanned magnetic north-south while only the E-region densities were measured. The experiments were carried out on 16 different nights for a period of 4 h each night at a time near magnetic midnight. Thin ionization layers were observed on 12 of the 16 nights. The first experiment demonstrated that the thin layers are composed of a significant fraction of heavy metallic ions; assuming the layers are composed of a mixture of Fe+ and Mg+ a composition estimate of 63% Fe+ was obtained in one example. The second experiment investigated the relationship between the direction of the electric field and the presence of the thin layers. In these observations thin layers were only present when the electric field was pointed in the magnetic north-west or south-west quadrants, most frequently when the field was near magnetic west. Correlation between layer altitude and field direction was also observed, layers occurring at higher altitudes for fields directed in the north-west, and lower altitudes for fields directed to the south-west. The observations are compatible with the electric field mechanism for thin ionization layer formation. The scanning experiment showed that the layers were of a limited latitudinal extent, typically about 100 km up to a maximum of about 200 km.  相似文献   

During two 24 h periods of EISCAT observations in the summer of 1982, the F-region ion temperature and density responded differently before and after midnight to large ion convective flows. Such observations were recently reported at Chatanika (Alaska), however, the mechanism invoked to interpret these measurements (large day-to-night variation in electron density affecting the coupling between ions and neutrals) appears insufficient, for summer conditions, to account for the EISCAT observations. Hence, it is proposed, with the support of Fabry-Perot observations and numerical models, that in addition to the electron density asymmetry, the presence of a large southward neutral wind around midnight induces, through Coriolis coupling, a zonal neutral wind of an opposite direction to the convective flow. This enhances considerably the frictional energy and momentum transfer between ions and neutrals in the post-midnight sector.  相似文献   

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