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In times of low divorce rates (such as the nineteenth century and early twentieth century), the authors expect higher social strata to have the highest divorce chances as they are better equipped to break existing barriers to divorce. In this article, the authors analyze data from marriage certificates to assess whether there was a positive effect of occupational class on divorce in Belgium (Flanders) and the Netherlands. Their results for the Netherlands show a positive association between social class and divorce, particularly among the higher cultural groups. In Flanders, the authors do not find this, but they observe a negative association between illiteracy and divorce, an observation pointing in the same direction.  相似文献   

In the period 1909-1927, new laws concerning divorce and marriage were enacted by the Scandinavian countries. Both at the time and more recently, these laws were considered as "liberal" as they promoted greater freedom to divorce based on individuality and gender equality. In this article, the authors first analyze the changes in these Family laws in the early twentieth century. Then, the authors study the effect of these laws on divorce and marriage patterns. As these laws did not modify the trend in divorce rates, the authors ask why this was the case. The authors' conclusions are that the laws were more concerned with preserving the sanctity of marriage and maintaining social order than with promoting individual freedom and gender equality.  相似文献   

日本深受儒家思想影响,有着一套传统的家族制度体系。但自20世纪90年代以来,日本社会的离婚率持续攀高,甚至超过某些发达的资本主义国家,成为离婚大国。当今日本社会的离婚,呈现出数量逐年增多、年龄段偏高、女性占主导地位等一些新的特点。离婚热的出现,不单只是一个孤立的社会现象,它对个人、家庭乃至整个社会都有着直接的影响,由此引发出一系列的家庭和社会问题。针对这一现象,日本政府和民间组织纷纷行动起来,期望人们能够慎重对待婚姻,降低离婚率,从而稳定家庭与社会。  相似文献   

Torr BM 《家族历史杂志》2011,36(4):483-503
In 1940, when gender specialization was high, there was a negative relationship between education and marriage for women. College-educated women were least likely to be currently married and most likely to be never married. Declines in specialization were accompanied by a transition in this relationship. By 2000, when gender specialization was low, there was a positive relationship between education and marriage for women. College-educated women were most likely to be currently married, in part because they were more likely to stay married or remarry after divorce or widowhood. This transition occurred earlier and more completely for black women than for white women. These changes suggest that the relationship between education and marriage is shaped in part by the gender-role context.  相似文献   

文章着重就开展社会变革与当代农村婚姻家庭变动研究的意义 ,迄今这方面研究的状态、不足 ,分析视角等作了初步考察。指出 1 940~ 1 990年是中国农村社会变革最剧烈的时期 ,农民的婚姻家庭行为所受触动之大是史无前例的。目前完整经历过社会变革影响的人口群体和调查对象日渐萎缩和减少 ,因而非常有必要加大对这一研究的投入。  相似文献   

The article discusses four marriage disputes in ninth‐century Francia which involved noblemen: Count Stephen of the Auvergne, Count Boso of Italy, Baldwin of Flanders and the royal vassal Falcric. All these men were affected by Carolingian reforming measures on consanguineous marriage, divorce and raptus (abduction). The article examines how gender and social status affected the forms of power and the strategies used by different parties in the cases: archbishops and popes, kings, the women involved and the noblemen themselves. A paradoxical situation is revealed: despite the patriarchal basis of Carolingian society, the power even of elite men over women and marriage was often highly contingent. Yet such restrictions on power did not imperil the gender order: the masculinity of the men involved in these marriage disputes was not questioned.  相似文献   

A new estimate of U.S. marital disruptions shows an increase in desertions relative to divorces after 1900. Desertions were the more volatile component of marital disruptions because of their greater responsiveness to general economic conditions. Large marriage cohorts, formed in the years of economic expansion, disrupted in greater numbers: an increase in the marriage rate by 10 per 1,000 unmarried women raised the proportion of disrupted marriage by 7.3 percentage points. Conversely, during years of recession, many poorer couples were discouraged from marriage; smaller marriage cohorts with more resilient marriages were formed and their lifetime marriage disruption rate was lower.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代的婚姻法律与婚姻家庭变迁   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
颁布于中国全面改革开放起步时期的1980年《婚姻法》,反映了国家在婚姻家庭领域的法制重建以及社会转型带来的家庭婚姻制度的变化。在社会上引起较大反响的主要有三个方面:第一,明确了夫妻财产制,人们的个人财产权利意识增强;第二,实行计划生育政策,但由于重男轻女思想的影响,使性别选择问题更突出地表现出来;第三,明确把感情破裂作为离婚的条件,但“感情破裂”的衡量标准很难掌握,司法部门在处理离婚案件时仍有很大困难。总之,1980年《婚姻法》是一部承前启后的法律,它既是对1950年《婚姻法》的继承与发展,又通过20年的司法实践,为2001年《婚姻法》的修正案的制定作了法律上的铺垫。  相似文献   

The 1969 reform of the divorce laws was part of a wider trendtowards the relaxation of family law that took place in mostwestern countries in the 1960s and 1970s.In Britain, the legislationresulted only in a regime of partial no-fault divorce. Thiswas the result of a compromise between church and state, whichis investigated in this article using Lambeth Palace papersand the archives of the Church of England's Moral Welfare Council. In particular, we focus on the origins of and reasons for theprofound shift in the Church's views on divorce that occurredin the 1960s. These had as much to do with changing views asto the source of sexual morality and the difficulties of imposingan external moral code. However, because divorce law reflectsa view of marriage, it was impossible for the Church to acceptfull no-fault divorce, which would have meant divorce by mutualconsent and have threatened the idea of marriage as a vocation.The compromise reached allowed the Church to go on treatingChristian and civil marriage as compatible. *The authors' names appear in alphabetical order.  相似文献   

张淑清 《史学集刊》2008,92(2):48-53,60
犹太教允许离婚.在<圣经>时代,犹太男子可以随心所欲地休妻,犹太妇女没有任何话语权.到了<塔木德>时代,犹太社会尽管对男子的单方面休妻权利有所限制,但是并没有从根本上改变婚姻的男权制结构,犹太妇女在离婚问题上依然处于完全被动的地位.这种局面在中世纪的欧洲有了质的改变,而且,这种改变通过犹太社团最具权威的"市集大会"颁布的法规条例而不断地强化,从而使得犹太妇女的婚姻地位在附属中有了改善.  相似文献   

高岱 《史学集刊》2008,11(2):54-60
20世纪初,在英国自由党的支持和推动下,英国政府进行了一系列旨在减少贫困、缓解矛盾的社会改革,推出了养老金条例和国民保险法案,调节了社会各阶层之间的关系,打下了社会保障的基础,从而对20世纪英国社会的发展产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

Economic, social, political, and demographic processes changed Western European cities strongly during the nineteenth century. Especially during this time, the northern part of Belgium (Flanders) became highly urbanized. Investigating the long-term development of the marriage pattern in the cities of Antwerp, Aalst, and Ghent gives a detailed picture of the evolution of the urban marriage pattern. In this article, specific emphasis is on gender, social, and migration distinctions. The results confirm that there is a male-female difference and variation among various social and migrant groups in the age at first marriage during the period 1800-1906. Moreover, regional differences are also visible. In the port city of Antwerp, massive immigration caused a unique evolution in the age at first marriage during the last decades of the nineteenth century, which did not appear in the textile cities of Aalst and Ghent during this time.  相似文献   

Researchers interested in policy feedback effects can use the nonrecursive modeling strategies proposed here when time series data are not available for assessing feedback dynamics. This strategy is illustrated in a study of the impacts of American state divorce policies on divorce behavior and the responsiveness of policies to divorce rates. The findings show appreciable impact and feedback effects. In states where divorces are easier to obtain, the incidence of divorce is higher; and where divorce is more widespread, states are likely to implement more permissive divorce policies.  相似文献   

清代中期婚姻行为分析——立足于1781—1791年的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要依据中国第一历史档案馆所藏乾隆朝刑科题本婚姻家庭类档案中收集的个案资料 ,对 18世纪中后期中国的婚姻行为包括初婚年龄、离婚表现和再婚状况做了初步分析。研究结论表明 ,在当时社会 ,女性早婚是比较普遍的现象 ,男性中早婚和晚婚两种现象并存 ;离婚是人们尽可能避免的 ,离婚中 ,丈夫休妻和嫁卖妻子为主流 ;丧偶妇女再婚和守节并存 ,中青年丧偶妇女再婚比例较高 ,但守节也有一定比例  相似文献   

北京居民日常休闲行为的性别差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
休闲的性别差异研究是西方休闲研究的重要研究主题。本文以北京市2007年居民活动日志问卷调查数据作为基础,多角度地分析了居民日常休闲行为中的性别差异。研究发现:男性拥有更多的休闲机会;女性休闲时间显著少于男性,并要花费更多时间在家务和照料活动,同时,女性更乐意将时间用在社交活动,而男性更倾向于将时间用在体育锻炼和上网活动;对于休闲地点的选择,男性和女性居民选择家内和家外休闲差异不大,但对于文化娱乐活动,男性平均出行距离更远,女性更倾向于选择较近的地点;在休闲中,男性倾向于一个人休闲而女性更倾向与家人一起休闲,表明女性更重视休闲活动中的社会关系。  相似文献   

论文基于质性研究方法,以人口国际迁移现象比较突出的明溪县H村为研究个案,从家庭收支特征、家庭地位、婚姻生活状态和社会支持网络等方面考察和分析了丈夫跨国迁移对农村留守妇女婚姻家庭生活的影响。研究结果显示,丈夫出国使家庭条件和物质生活得到改善,推动了农村妇女家庭地位的改善,电话联系弥补了夫妻空间分离造成的负面影响,但丈夫缺位使留守妇女承担了多重责任,婚姻品质和社会生活也因为丈夫出国而改变。与此同时,留守妇女的消费结构和消费观念并没有因为丈夫出国而发生明显的改变,社会生活支持网络并未弱化,仍是传统的亲属网络。  相似文献   

离婚问题在中国古代历朝婚姻制度中都是无法回避的话题。从身份权、子女的抚养权、财产所有权以及再婚等四个方面考量中国古代离婚产生的相关法律效力,可见离婚制度虽历经千百年的发展,但始终保持着内在的连续性和统一性。同时,也可看出在中国古代离婚并不仅仅是个人生活方式的选择,而是会直接影响到社会伦理道德的根基和国家政权的稳定,因此各朝统治者都通过法律规制以期把离婚带来的负面影响最小化,从而服务于国家长治久安的统治目的。  相似文献   

Family reunification has become a widely recognized means to move across borders in the contemporary world. As a migration strategy, family reunification redefines the relationship of kinship to nation, diversifying the ‘national family’ and its gendered role expectations. This article uses cross-border marriages between Chinese and Taiwanese to interrogate how immigration affects the experiences of men who migrate through or in conjunction with marriage, integrating scales of family, citizenship, and nation in an analysis of migrant masculinity. Migrant husbands describe their disempowerment as male providers and citizens through the patrilineal and patrilocal kinship language of having ‘married out.’ The article examines the salience of this kinship model for immigrant husbands seeking to redefine their relationship to patrilineal gender privileges and secure citizenship status. How do men who migrate through marriage negotiate gendered kinship principles that may work to their benefit in their home country but undermine their status once they migrate? How does the experience of migrating as a kin-dependent threaten men’s self-image as family providers? By investigating these challenges to hegemonic masculinity, the article asks how migration reconfigures the gendered foundations of family formation by undermining kinship-based models of normative masculinity and creating a gender crisis for some migrant husbands.  相似文献   

William Galston (1996) and Jean Bethke Elshtain (1991) argue that law and policy should be used to promote the intact two-parent married heterosexual fondly. Galston advocates divorce reform to discourage single-parent families and Elshtain opposes extending the right to marry to same-sex couples. In response, I defend a multipurpose definition of family, oppose making divorce more difficult, and support same-sex marriage.  相似文献   

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