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网约车的普及重塑了居民的通勤行为。城市建成环境作为居民通勤出行的制约因素,是交通地理学的重要研究议题。采用海口市滴滴出行订单数据,刻画格网尺度的居民通勤时间与通勤距离的空间分异格局,并运用地理探测器分析城市建成环境对居民通勤出行的影响。结果表明:(1)早晚高峰通勤时间在空间上表现为中间集聚、四周分散的分布特征;早晚高峰通勤距离呈现梯度递增的圈层结构。(2)不同维度的建成环境因素对通勤时间和通勤距离的影响程度不一;其中距公交站距离、距市中心距离、职住比、道路邻近度是核心影响因素;人口密度、就业可达性、路网密度产生较为显著的影响。(3)从影响效应看,交通区位优越、职住趋于平衡、道路邻近度高、就业可达性好能引导网约车与多元交通协同发展。结果可为改善交通出行环境、优化居民通勤结构提供借鉴。  相似文献   

汪丽  曹小曙  胡玲玲 《人文地理》2021,36(3):157-166
景点可达性是实现游客流动的先决条件,受到旅游可利用时间的影响和制约,游客流动亦表现出明显的出游时间异质性,探讨出游时间制约下景点可达性如何影响游客流动,对于进一步深化厘清旅游目的地发展机制,完善旅游交通配置和布局,促进城市旅游业发展具有重要意义.本文以典型旅游城市西安为研究区域,综合利用百度出行实时数据、网络游记数据和...  相似文献   

以西安市交通网络数据为数据源,利用GIS空间分析技术,选取道路密度、道路服务指数、路网连接度和可达性模型四个指标对西安市交通网络的空间形态、空间分布、距离关系进行多角度分析,并在此基础上,构建了综合评价指标,分析了西安市主城区四级城市道路网络的通达性现状。结果表明:西安市的道路交通网络通达性呈现明显的空间分异,受历史因素、经济政策及自然环境等因素的影响,其通达性空间格局呈现典型的单中心多圈层结构,位于市中心的区域通达性最好,并在北,西,西南,南,东五个方向延展,这五个方向通达性递减幅度较小。研究对西安市交通网络的优化和扩展有一定指导作用,对城市交通网络布局和通达性分析评价进行了一定改进。  相似文献   

基于加权平均旅行时间的浙江省交通可达性时空格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以浙江省69个县(市)为研究对象,利用1996、2004、2012年路网数据,借助ArcGIS网络分析功能,采用基于城镇综合发展水平的加权平均旅行时间指标,探讨浙江省综合交通网络中节点城镇可达性及其时空演变特征。研究结果表明:①1996-2012年,各城镇可达性均出现不同程度提高,彼此间联系趋于紧密;②城镇可达性存在空间分异,且提升幅度各异,均衡化趋势明显;③城镇可达性空间格局变化大,逐渐向以"四大都市区"为中心向四周递增的"∏型"多级空间结构转变。总体上来看,城镇可达性变化及空间格局演变体现了区域统筹发展的战略要求。  相似文献   

兰新高铁对西北地区可达性及经济联系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高铁正在深刻改变和影响我国区域空间格局,兰新高铁作为丝绸之路经济带上重要交通线,对西北地区经济发展具有重要推动作用。通过GIS网络分析及成本加权栅格法构建模型,综合选用最短时间距离、加权平均旅行时间及经济联系强度指标,定量分析兰新高铁对西北地区可达性及经济联系的影响。结果发现:兰新高铁引发了非均衡的时空收敛效应,影响和重塑了区域空间结构,沿线城市可达性提升优于非沿线城市,“核心-边缘”格局得到强化;兰新高铁提升了中心城市的辐射能力,加速中心城市的空间扩张和重构,中心城市一日交流圈面积(3h)均有增加,在空间上沿高铁线呈带状分布;兰新高铁增强了城市间经济联系,促进高铁沿线经济带的发展,沿线城市经济联系中心度得到提高,区域经济联系模式“廊道效应”明显。本研究为完善西北地区交通网络及推动丝绸之路经济带建设提供参考。  相似文献   

石飞  朱乐  原榕 《人文地理》2022,37(6):20
公共交通可达性拥有空间属性、时间属性、社会属性和经济属性,它是一种衡量区位价值的综合性指标,不仅可以反映城市空间特征,同时对城市中生活的人的社会经济属性和生活习惯,具有一定的解释力。为了不断适应新形势下的交通发展要求,减少环境负担,早日实现低碳绿色发展,创新公交都市规划与分析方法迫在眉睫。本文对基于个人的、基于效用的、基于基础设施的和基于位置的可达性研究进行了回顾,并归纳了七种公共交通可达性的分析方法,分别为:基于缓冲区的公共交通站点可达性、基于供需模型的公共交通面状可达性、基于网络分析法的公共交通网络可达性、基于成本栅格法的公共交通可达性、基于成本栅格与网络分析的集成法的公共交通可达性、基于高性能图形数据库的公共交通高精度可达性、基于开放地图 API 的公共交通高精度可达性。 以期为我国未来公共交通可达性的分析方法提供指引和借鉴。  相似文献   

The spatial dimension is a key paradigm in price determination, as attested by recent studies in the literature that highlighted the differential in market behavior between spatial and non‐spatial pricing settings. In this paper, we develop a model of spatial pricing for multi‐market heterogeneously distributed resources, with an application to the Swedish forestry sector. The focus of the model is to estimate the impact of spatial interaction on the demand for resources in terms of resource allocation, competition, and pricing. In its core, the pricing mechanism relies on a supply–demand framework. Using disaggregated data at the gridcell level for forest feedstock supply and harvesting costs in Sweden, we construct regional supply curves for each gridcell assuming a maximum transportation distance to delimit the potential market. Demand nodes are exogenously determined and are adjusted using a distance‐decay model to assess demand pressure across locations. We apply the model empirically to assess the impact on forest feedstock prices of a 20 TWh increase in biofuel production.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for evaluating accessibility have been based on a spatial logic through which the impedance of distance shapes mobility and urban form through processes of locational and travel decision making. These methods are not suitable for understanding individual experiences because of recent changes in the processes underlying contemporary urbanism and the increasing importance of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in people's daily lives. In this paper we argue that analysis of individual accessibility can no longer ignore the complexities and opportunities brought forth by these changes. Further, we argue that the effect of distance on the spatial structure of contemporary cities and human spatial behavior has become much more complicated than what has been conceived in conventional urban models and concepts of accessibility. We suggest that the methods and measures formulated around the mid‐twentieth century are becoming increasingly inadequate for grappling with the complex relationships among urban form, mobility, and individual accessibility. We consider some new possibilities for modeling individual accessibility and their implications for geographical analysis in the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

邓羽  杨振山  宋涛 《人文地理》2018,33(4):82-87
社会经济活动的空间重构与交通设施配置息息相关,可达性成为优化城市空间结构,调控城市空间开发的重要手段。在以矢栅一体化的综合可达性测度并构建城市增长模型的基础上,对北京城市增长进行了成功模拟,透视了基于综合可达性导向发展模式的基本特征与主要问题,并提出了基于综合可达性的城市增长调控模式优化方案。研究发现:①城市增长密集发生在建成区周围可达性优越的区域,随着与城市中心的距离增加,城市增长的概率降低,反映了北京单中心的城市发展模式;②受城市规划与交通设施规划失调影响,可达性提升程度越大的区域并不一定带来更高的城市增长开发概率,严重削弱了可达性对城市增长的引导作用;③基于综合可达性的城市增长调控模式的优化方案,要以交通设施规划为基础,并合理耦合空间规划,才能更为有效地引导城市空间良性增长并预防规划失效。基于综合可达性的城市增长模型建立与调控模式优化方案的提出,对于确立与提升交通引导城市增长的基础性地位,优化城市空间结构具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

针对农村医疗设施空间分布的公平性问题,提出了使用GIS技术和空间可达性指标评估医疗设施的区域分布特征。以兰考县乡级以上卫生院为例,建立人口分布、医疗设施位置、行政区域等地理数据库,选择人均医疗资源分配、就医的最近距离、选择医院的机会、重力模型及改进的重力模型5个空间可达性模型,计算了各乡镇、各行政村的医疗设施可达性指标,并制作了相应的专题地图;在此基础上对医疗设施的空间布局进行了分析。空间可达性指标全面地反映医疗设施的空间分布特征,鉴别出资源分配较薄弱的区位,是农村医疗改革中设施规划和资源分配的重要依据。  相似文献   

区域旅游:空间结构及其研究进展   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:46  
区域旅游的空间结构涉及内容复杂。文章在对国内外研究进行综述的基础上,首先导入了区域旅游的概念,从旅游空间要素的识别与分析入手,接受了Pearce Douglas的观点,认为区域旅游供给的五大空间影响要素:吸引物、交通、住宿、支持设施和基础设施。从旅游规划、基本距离、旅游地区位等角度对旅游空间结构及其研究进展进行了阐释。指出由于缺乏范式的指引,国内外对区域旅游规划的研究体系较为松散,绝大多数研究者被实践性问题或者潮流牵着走。对区域旅游活动发生地的区位进行考查,显示出对城市这一空间经济实体的极大依赖。同时,指出旅游地宏观区位因子和可进入性是衡量旅游地发展潜力的主要因素。运用TDD理论对西安旅游目的地区域的空间结构进行了解释。  相似文献   

以徐州市城乡交通网络数据为数据源,利用GIS空间分析技术,选取长度-半径维数、分枝维数、距离可达性、时间可达性和可达性系数5个指标对该区交通网络的空间形态、空间分布、距离关系、时间关系等进行多角度分析。结果表明,徐州市城乡交通网络长度-半径维数呈现明显的空间分异,徐州市区及周边地区交通网络密度最大,其次是东部,西北部县域交通网络密度最小,分枝维数和长度-半径维数的空间分布基本一致。区内各节点的时间和距离可达性均随距离徐州市区的增大而增大,通达性高于全区平均水平的节点有徐州市辖区各节点,接近全区平均水平的节点有邳州市、沛县和睢宁县,而丰县和新沂市的通达性水平则低于全区平均通达性水平。  相似文献   

公共交通是我国老年人出行的主要交通方式之一,公交移动性是衡量老年人生活质量和幸福感的重要指标。从季节和空间双重维度分析老年人公交移动性的影响因素有助于深入理解老年人出行行为机制。利用公交刷卡数据和地理探测器方法分析了季节时空因子对老年人公交移动性的影响。研究发现:①不同季节中空间因子对老年人移动频率、移动半径和移动熵的解释力和显著性存在明显差异,对老年人移动性影响机制的分析应考虑时空变化的双重影响;②不同空间因子之间以及季节与空间因子之间的交互作用可以显著增强对老年人移动性空间分异的解释力,考虑多个因素的协同效应对深入理解老年人行为有一定帮助。研究试图拓宽老年人移动性影响因素的分析思路,为老年宜居城市建设和城市移动性规划提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

"海峡西岸经济区"的建设是完善我国对外开放和区域经济格局的重要板块,而综合交通可达性则是衡量区域一体化发展以及区内外经济社会联系的重要指标。本文通过构建经济区内部平均交通时距以及区内外综合可达性指标,借助Arc GIS等有关分析工具,对海峡西岸经济区的综合交通体系在2001年、2006年、2011年不同时间断面上的地域空间特征进行了分析比较,总结出"海峡西岸经济区"战略规划实施以来区域综合交通体系演变特征与演进态势,并对未来海西经济区综合交通发展提出若干建议。  相似文献   

青少年学生体质下降,身体形态肥胖化。论文以BMI指数衡量学生体质健康,通过地理加权回归模型分析了校内、通学以及社区服务设施对初中学生体质健康的异质性影响。发现:(1)初中学生体质健康社区分异明显,超重低风险和未超重高风险社区围绕超重高风险社区集聚。(2)能量摄入型设施分布从中心向边缘逐渐减少,能量消耗型设施表现出相反的特征,道路网密度向中心集聚,医疗设施呈离散分布。(3)学校人均绿地面积,通学距离、道路网密度,公交站、西餐厅、休憩设施、零售设施、医疗设施可达性对学生体质健康的影响在中心区与边缘区具有异质性。  相似文献   

The spatial interaction between rural and urban areas is intense in the Global South. While research into how this interaction influences livelihood opportunities is extensive, longitudinal identification and analysis of rural people's long‐distance mobility is rudimentary. This is problematic given the possible repercussions of a greater flow of people for transport system management (congestion, emissions, investments, social exclusion, etc.). Based on longitudinal survey data from 1990 to 2008/2009, this article addresses this gap by exploring how the long‐distance mobility behaviour of households and individuals has changed over a period of intensified rural–urban interaction in a rural Philippine area. The article furthermore addresses the individuals' mobility desires and restrictions related to long‐distance travel. The results indicate that both accessibility effects and effects related to information and communication technology (ICT), concentration of activities and opportunities towards major cities, age, labour market, and economic situation. Over time, particularly since improved accessibility conditions have enabled much faster travelling, more people have come to travel more frequently (although a suppressed demand is still present and inequalities are considerable) to more distant destinations, major cities in particular, for mainly social motives. A recent countertrend is evident, partly arising from mobile phones replacing physical movement. The increase in private vehicle ownership has so far been slow, so modal choice is still highly sustainable. Overall, the findings support core ideas derived from the new economic geography, but also notes, with earlier studies in transport geography, that travel time is a prime consideration.  相似文献   

Accessibility is a useful concept in the study of the spatial structure of a region, if it can be calibrated appropriately. While graph-theoretic analysis has been used widely as a measurement scheme for the nodal accessibility in various transport networks, several limitations have been pointed out in the existing graph-theoretic accessibility measurements. This study proposes a new algorithm for deriving the nodal accessibility measure, as an attempt to improve the conventional graph-theoretic accessibility measurements. Corrections are made in such a way that irrelevant loops are excluded and relevant indirect connection paths are included selectively. In particular, the new algorithm is developed for intraurban subway networks, and includes the characteristics of intraurban subway traffic behavior. The concept of inconvenience of transfer is introduced, which is one of the most influential factors in the intraurban subway traffic. Nodal differentiation is allowed, if the nodes play different roles in the travel behavior and eventually in the accessibility. For this purpose, we employ a weighting procedure, according to which the influence of transfer on a sequence of linkages is taken into account. The new accessibility measurement scheme is then applied to the Seoul subway network. Here GIS techniques are utilized to generate accessibility surfaces from the discrete nodal accessibility values, and the changes in the spatial structure of the nodal accessibility are analyzed. Finally, based on the resulting changes in the spatial structure of accessibility in the subway network, the direction of changes in the land value and the land use pattern in Seoul is discussed.  相似文献   

基于时间和经济两种维度,以哈大与郑西两条欠发达地区高铁线路为研究对象,利用加权平均旅行时间与经济潜力综合测度两条高铁运营前后沿线城市可达性的动态变化及空间差异,结果表明:高铁开通后,沿线城市可达性明显改善,哈大高铁可达性综合改善程度强于郑西,且内部可达性变率相对差异较小;哈大高铁可达性变率呈线路中间大、首末小的态势,郑西高铁经济潜力变率呈自东向西递减趋势;哈大高铁明显提升了吉林南部与辽宁北部的核心地位,可达性获益的空间集聚效应凸显;郑西高铁显著拉近了中原和关中地区,以郑州、洛阳、西安为核心的“古都经济带”初露端倪,未来可向西对接“丝路经济带”,打造沟通中国与欧亚大陆跨国经济走廊。  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines the characteristics and assumptions of current remoteness/accessibility classifications in Australia and proposes a simple and easily understandable alternative measure for remoteness. In this study, remoteness is redefined simply as the average distance between two nearest people within an appropriate spatial unit where population distribution is assumed to be homogenous. By definition, the most straightforward remoteness and incapacity index (RII) would be remoteness times a measure of the incapacity for social and commercial interaction, where remoteness is gauged by the square root of the area divided by the population, and incapacity is measured by the reciprocal of population. Australian Bureau of Statistics Statistical Local Area (SLA) level population data and digital boundaries have been utilised for assessment of this index. The utility of the RII is demonstrated with two examples of activity measures for general practitioner services and businesses. At the State/Territory level, RIIs are negatively related to both general practitioner services per person (Pearson correlation coefficient r=?0.873), and the number of businesses per person (r=?0.546). The correlation can be further enhanced by normalising the distributions of the remoteness scores with a simple logarithmic function. The strong correlations confirm that remoteness has a substantial inverse impact on daily activities. Greater distance means longer time and higher costs for travelling, diseconomy of scale, and higher personnel costs. The RII provides an alternative measure of remoteness that is both intuitive and statistically straightforward and, at an SLA level, closely coincides with the commonly used but complex Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia Plus (ARIA+). Significantly, the RII is free of the service specific and policy sensitive adjustments justified by accessibility that have been introduced into existing measures.  相似文献   

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