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王敬平 《史学月刊》2007,(9):122-125
翻开王充的《论衡》,特别是前15篇文章,从王充反复论述的“命”中,总使人联想到西方加尔文的“先定论”。王充是中国两千年前封建社会的一位不得志的文人,而加尔文则是代表当时最富有雄心和锐意进取精神的资产阶级宗教改革家。对于加尔文的“先定论”思想,通常认为是在宗教外衣  相似文献   

王充生活的东汉 ,是一个虚妄盛行的时代。从朝廷独尊的孔儒五经图谶纬书到乡间多如牛毛的鬼神崇拜禁忌迷信 ,无不极逞虚妄之能事。义愤于“人间有非”(《论衡·对作》———以下引文凡出自该书的仅注篇名 )的王充自诩以“疾虚妄”(《佚文》)的主旨命笔 ,“尽思极心”(《对作》)地撰就了驳论体的洋洋宏著《论衡》。一、尖锐美笔出如刀 ,墨行似剑 ,字里行间喷涌着扶正祛邪的昂扬气概。帝王之所以至尊至贵 ,因为是天帝用某种神物———龙生出来的 ,这是君权神授论者张扬最卖力也最为帝王笔纳的一大谬说。王充首先用釜底抽薪的办法驳斥龙生人的…  相似文献   

王充在其《论衡》一书中,不仅有对史学功用的独到见解,对虚妄经传的严肃批判,而且为了达到这些史学效果,他运用了大量史学方法,如“效之以事,考之以心”的实证方法、推理方法、比较方法、考信方法等等,可谓宏富,论证严谨、详实,很有说服力。  相似文献   

乍一看来,《非韩》一篇,较之《论衡》中的其他篇,颇觉易读。它唤起学者的反响是,王充唯一专题辞章法家的理论文章,除了指出其“养德养力”的政见外,令人惋惜的是不该滑向张扬儒家、称道礼义的思维误区。说它张扬儒家、称道礼义,也不为“虚妄”。韩非斥责德生为“五台”之一,王充却美言儒生是礼义的化身,而礼义又是治国之纲纪(“国之所以存者,礼义也”),并用魏文侯敬重段干木而感化秦国罢兵为例(“段干木阖门不出,魏文敬之,表式其闾,秦军闻之,卒不攻魏”)。王充果真眼膺儒家的“礼义存国”吗?“六国灭亡,皆灭于秦兵”,…  相似文献   

兔子机警灵敏、乖巧可爱,早已成为人类的朋友,且一直被视为吉祥之物。“免”万象形字,汉代许慎《说文解字》日:“兔,兽名,像距后其尾形”。兔字的甲骨和篆文,正是其长耳短尾的形象描绘。“兔”与十二地支中的“卯”对应,汉代王充《论衡》云:“卯,兔也。”二者组成人的生肖“卯兔”。  相似文献   

切孔》是王充《论衡》中的一篇奇文,清梁玉绳惊称“最无忌惮”(《瞥记》卷五)。然“最无忌惮”于孔子的是思想偶象还是政治偶象即“素王”徽号,国内学术界深军名望的回答是前者(见侯外庐先生等合著《中国思想通史》卷一)。诚然,张此质的并非道理空泛,但潜心体察,不免有显影浅淡之虞。所谓思想偶象,倘盖指先知先觉、全知全觉者流,通观《论衡》全书,与其定影《问孔》,不如成象《实知人《知实》。《实知》开篇一针见血;“儒者论圣人,以为前知千岁,后知万世,有独见之明,独听之聪”;《知实》一篇则以“圣火不能先知”举证,全…  相似文献   

正"舜与诸侯会事讫,因相虞乐(虞通娱),故曰上虞"。——《水经注》引《晋太康三年地记》3、王充。我是在《论衡·订鬼》篇中认识王充的,中国历史上著名的无神论者,但没关注他是上虞人。数十年来,我一直沉浸在历代笔记中,笔记除博大精深外,也有不少局限,海量的鬼神描写,虽奇思妙想,但大多是作者精神无法遣怀的时候,借用鬼神来说人事,看相、说梦、算命、占卦,无奇  相似文献   

一、“瓯语”概说方言是语言的地域变体,也是民俗语言的组成部分。方言在现代语言学中分为社会方言和地域方言。本文所讲的方言专指地域方言,或称地方话。《礼记·王制》云:“五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。”东汉王充《论衡·自纪篇》说:“经传之文,圣贤之语,古今言殊,四方谈异也。”可见,在我国,汉语方言及地域文化差异,古已有之。  相似文献   

东洲 《收藏家》2004,(7):27-30
(一)刺绣,俗称“绣花”、“扎花”,以针引彩色丝线在丝帛织品上穿刺造型构图,有着悠久的历史传统。我国刺绣工艺历史久远,早在先秦以前的文献中,就有不少的记载,像《尚书·益稷》:“黼黻絺绣”,絺就是刺,《考工记·画缋》云:“五彩备谓之绣”,汉代王充《论衡》中也记有:“齐郡世刺绣,恒女无不能”,说明了齐地刺绣的普及。目前所见最早的刺绣实物有战国长沙楚墓出上的凤纹绣残片。刺绣工艺的发  相似文献   

日神崇拜是世界早期文化中普遍存在的一种原始宗教活动,中国古代的先民也曾崇拜日神,《诗经·商颂·玄鸟》云:“天命玄鸟,降而生商,宅殷社茫茫。”玄鸟在古代神话中又称为乌,负载太阳运行周天,《山海经·大荒东经》云:“汤谷之上有若木,一日方至,一日方出。皆载于乌。”传说中乌有三足,《淮南子·精神》云:“日中有踆乌。”高诱注:“踆犹蹲也,谓三足乌。”王充《论衡·说日》云:“日中有三  相似文献   

This article is a study of a neglected yet significant French writer on the United States, Louis-Xavier Eyma (1816–76). In the period of the Second Empire (1852–70), Eyma wrote more about the United States than any other author, and was recognised as a reliable and influential guide to US society. What makes his career particularly interesting is that his work defies any simple categorisation. Whilst elements of his writings smack of anti-Americanism, he wrote with admiration about many aspects of US democracy and society. At the same time, he did not belong to the group of liberal writers who, according to some scholars, used praise of the United States as a coded means of criticising repressive government at home. Eyma was a staunch monarchist who opposed the introduction of democracy in his native France. Eyma's career demonstrates the complexity of French attitudes towards the United States, and points towards the need for a comprehensive study of French writing about the United States in the period of the Second Empire.  相似文献   

翁方纲及其经学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在清代乾嘉学者群体中,翁方纲是一个很有成就的人物。他生平精心汲古,宏览多闻,既能诗文,又擅书法,更精鉴赏。他对诗歌、书画、谱录、金石学等都有很深的研究,而且著作等身,仅流传下来的著作就有《两汉金石记》、 《汉石经残字考》、《焦山鼎铭考》、《苏米斋兰亭考》、《复初斋文集》、《复初斋诗集》、《石洲诗话》、《经义考补正》、《礼经目次》、《苏诗补注》、《苏斋笔记》等数十种。而长期以来,学术界对翁方纲的研究却付诸阙如。本文仅就其生平及经学思想略加论述,以期引起学界同仁的重视。  相似文献   

抗日战争爆发后,中国边疆问题日趋严重。史念海先生与他的老师顾颉刚先生十分重视对边疆史料特别是西北史料的搜集和整理,史先生写下了这篇文章,旨在揭示中国疆域沿革的历程,以激发国人的抗日热情。史先生认为: 清代学者十分关注西北史地问题,早在乾嘉时期,即有人致力于西北史地之研究;乾嘉之后,西北边疆多事,探讨西北史地的人日益增多。他们或整理史地文献,或撰写史地专著,或记述清廷在西北的武功,或记载中俄在西北的界务,产生了一批重要的著述。这些著述,大都仍然具有重要学术价值。  相似文献   

《古文尚书》辨伪是清代学术史上的重要课题。清初学者阎若璩作《尚书古文疏证》,判定今本《古文尚书》为伪书,而同时代的学者毛奇龄则作《古文尚书冤词》,极力为《古文尚书》辩护,从而引发了一:场学术公案。《古文尚书》之伪,今日已成定论。《冤词》成为毛氏学术生涯中的败笔,其结论本身已无价值可言。但是他在论辨当中崇实黜虚,纠正了不少辨伪者的错误,从学术史的角度讲,这部表面看起来与辨伪针锋相对的《冤词》,恰恰对《古文尚书》辨伪的深入产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

学多以为《尚书孔传》始出于东晋梅赜献书,时在公元317或318年,但皇甫谧《帝王世纪》数引此书。皇甫谧生于汉建安二十年(公元215年),至西晋泰始初撰《帝王世纪》,在公元265年或稍晚,足见此书于魏晋间业已存在。  相似文献   


After I published a book on the Covenant Code (A Law Book for the Diaspora, 2003), in which I challenged the early dating of CC in comparison with the Deuteronomic Code and the Holiness Code, three leading scholars of biblical law (Bernard Jackson, Bernard Levinson and Eckart Otto) wrote lengthy reviews in which they attacked my views in defense of the status quo, namely, the priority in dating of CC before D and HC. Each from his own perspective and methodology has brought forward his strongest arguments against my “revolutionary” views, so that this response to my critics should represent a fair test as to my views on the Covenant Code and provide biblical scholarship with a means by which to judge the merits of the case.  相似文献   

In a letter written in 1927, the French writer Romain Rolland asked Sigmund Freud to analyse the ‘oceanic feeling,’ a religious feeling of oneness with the entire universe. I will argue that Rolland’s intentions in introducing the oceanic feeling to Freud were much more complex, multifaceted, and critical than most scholars have acknowledged. To this end, I will examine Rolland’s views on mysticism and psychoanalysis in his book-length biographies of the Indian saints Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, which he wrote just after he mentioned the oceanic feeling to Freud in 1927. I will argue that Rolland’s primary intentions in appealing to the oceanic feeling in his 1927 letter to Freud – less evident in his letters to Freud than in his biographies of Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda – were to challenge the fundamental assumptions of psychoanalysis from a mystical perspective and to confront Freud with a mystical ‘science of the mind’ that he felt was more rigorous and comprehensive than Freud’s psychoanalytic science.  相似文献   

《五洲地理志略》是王先谦晚年在学术研究方向转变之后所撰的一本比较成熟的史地学著作。作者以传播、普及中外历史地理知识为宗旨,向人们介绍西方史地学知识,并且将忧国意识与传统的史学方法融入撰写内容之中。作者对中外相关书籍认真比较后,广搜博采,严密考订,尤其关注于新近出现的人文地理大事件。作者重视探讨救亡途径,故而该书的撰述还体现出经世思想与忧患意识的时代特征。  相似文献   


While teaching the histories of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Meng Sen (1869–1937), developed three textbooks in the 1930s: Lecture Notes on the Ming History (明史讲义 Mingshi jiangyi), Lecture Notes on the Qing History (清史讲义 Qingshi jiangyi), and Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State (满洲开国史讲义 Manzhou kaiguo shi jiangyi). In these book titles, the term “history” refers specifically to “standard history.” In tracing Meng Sen’s original intention in producing these textbooks, all three works suggest the author’s desire to write history. He wrote Lecture Notes on the Ming History to prepare a future revision of the History of the Ming (明史 Mingshi); similarly he wrote Lecture Notes on the Qing History and Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State with the intention to revise the Draft History of the Qing (清史稿 Qingshi gao). Meng Sen summarized Sima Guang’s (司马光, 1019–86) view of history as “imitating the good and avoiding the bad,” which he believed represented the “essential meaning of history.” Meng followed Sima Guang’s model in compiling the Lecture Notes on the Ming History and Lecture Notes on the Qing History, as shown in their style and format. By comparison, his writing of the Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State attempted to merge the traditional annals–biographic style with narrative history from the West, or to pour old wine into a new bottle. Meng Sen presented his innovative efforts at Peking University, introducing young scholars to standards for history writing, and doing his utmost to guide and encourage his students; some of whom became noted scholars in the study of Ming and Qing histories.  相似文献   

This article concerns one of the most eminent poets of the twelfth century, Walter of Châtillon, the author of the well-known Alexandreis. Walter of Châtillon is presented as a case study to show that twelfth-century poets as well as scholars were interested in the Christian-Jewish debate. Walter wrote a treatise against the Jews and referred to Jews and Judaism in many of his poems, especially in his hymns for Christmas. Whereas he concentrated on literal exegesis of biblical texts in his treatise, he favoured figurative biblical imagery in his hymns. A number of things are striking. The first is the central role that the Christian-Jewish debate played in his views on the origins and fate of mankind. The second is the need Walter evidently felt for anti-Jewish language in order to express his religious convictions. The third is the startling absence in Walter's work of the newest ideas about Jews and Judaism that were becoming more and more prevalent in scholarly circles in his lifetime. This latter point raises a fundamental question about the dissemination of Christian views about Jews in the twelfth century. Recent work on the Christian-Jewish debate has focussed on the development of novel ideas about Jews in the twelfth century and much work is being done to understand better how those views were spread beyond the narrow confines of scholarly circles. Walter's hymns in particular with all their hackneyed phrases signal the importance of not ignoring the continuing existence of traditional views about Jews. They also point to the need to include hymns in the study of the dissemination of anti-Jewish ideas.  相似文献   

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