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An archaeological investigation prior to the building of Copenhagen's new Opera House examined an impressive wooden wharf built in the 1780s around Ankerøen, the island on which the Danish navy stored its anchor stocks. When considered with documentary evidence, the excavated structure can be shown to employ a distinctive method of construction, comparable to that used in the so-called 'Hamburg' type of wharf, with a heavy box-like frame fronted with slanting storm posts. It was abandoned by the mid-19th century, when the shape of ships' hulls changed.  相似文献   

<正>秦皇岛是一个由梦想创造的城市,是中国唯一一个因皇帝名号而得名的城市。秦始皇在这里曾作过长生不老的梦:公元前215年,中国历史上第一个皇帝秦始皇第4次东巡,驻跸于此,并派燕人卢生、方士韩终入海求仙,刻碣石门辞,秦皇岛因此得名。此后,汉武帝、魏武帝等20多位帝王巡临秦皇岛。大雨落幽燕,白浪滔天,秦皇岛外  相似文献   

Surveys carried out in 2009, during a project for the creation of three underwater archaeological parks in Libya, have allowed archaeologists both to analyse already known ancient structures and to discover new evidence about the harbour areas of the ancient cities of Tolmetha and Leptis Magna. © 2012 The Author  相似文献   

During underwater survey around Crotone, Calabria, Italy, in 2005, structures from two harbour phases were located, possibly dating from the Archaic Greek and Roman periods. Both harbours are close to the Greek and Roman architectural remains on Capo Colonna, as well as to underwater deposits of large stone blocks and other, previously-excavated sites. With the discovery of these harbour structures, new hypotheses arise for understanding the building-material deposits and excavated sites. A critical component of these hypotheses is the assessment of local geological data, specifically ancient sea-level, in relation to the archaeological record.
© 2007 Author  相似文献   

苗威 《安徽史学》2017,(6):17-25,37
公元前1046年—前108年,朝鲜半岛上前后相继,存在着两个以"朝鲜"为号的政治实体,前者的王族是殷人箕子及其后代,称为箕氏朝鲜;后者的王族是汉人卫满及其后代,称为卫氏朝鲜。相对于半岛而言,朝鲜的建立者属于东迁的幽燕之人;政权建立后,与古代中原王朝是明确的"侯国"或"外臣"关系,在政治伦理中属于治内之地;朝鲜灭亡之后,其故地长期由自汉至唐的中原王朝直接管理,自7世纪末,新罗、高丽、李氏朝鲜次第建立,并持续北拓,逐渐领有古朝鲜故地。对"古朝鲜"进行深层考察有助于明辨被混淆的古今。  相似文献   

2002年5月,笔者为了解民和三川地区土族的有关历史,特意拜访了时年已达92岁高龄的中川乡美二村麻窝咱老人,畅谈中,老人讲述了小时候他爷爷讲的故事,说是我们土族的先辈们从遥远的东方骑着马,赶着牛羊,唱着祖先留下的《苏贝尔吾拉》歌来到这里的,但无论走到哪儿,都有我们的这座神圣的苏贝尔吾拉。《苏贝尔吾拉》的演唱多在三川地区土族的婚礼宴庆中,一问一答,共60行。从广义上讲,土语苏贝尔吾拉有“塔山”、“宝山”、“神山”之意,是土族神话中融入人类的意志秘琶定全人格化了的一座山。他头顶蓝天,脚踩大地,身背太阳,怀揣月亮,眼里见的,鼻里嗅的,嘴里嚼的,耳里听的,手里拿的无广不是人间的光辉。  相似文献   

The contradictory and distorted portrayal of certain female attributes in Pablo Neruda's Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada is an attempt to understand and unveil, from an adolescent's point of view, the mystery of the "beloved." The lack of knowledge about the female explains the ambivalence and insecurity in the representation of the woman, which resolves itself through a strategy of metamorphosis and textual dissection. Nevertheless, to discover and possess these female attributes is an illusion, a mirage created by masculine desire that only succeeds in approaching the beloved through a series of metamorphoses and fragmentation that actually obscures her further. But the effort is not in vain. The desire to understand (and love) makes possible the pursuit of the female who always is the same, although somehow different: the unknown stranger.  相似文献   

文章就"淹城""狗泽都"二地名进行探讨。1.在江浙地区常见用来指称洼地的"淹(渰)"作为地理通名,如古代浙江湖州的"无胥淹",江苏宜兴西北的"都山渰"等,常州武进"淹城"所在区域地势较低,故"淹城"之名也是由其处在洼地而来,和西周初年的奄族无关。2.燕国陶文"狗泽都"可读为"狗(句)泽(渎、俞)都(县)","句泽(渎、俞)"即齐国西部要地"句泽(渎、俞)",也就是"谷"(今山东菏泽),"句泽(渎、俞)都(县)"可能为燕国在公元前284—279年的燕齐战争中占领该地后所设,是先秦时期"因军设县"的表现。  相似文献   

拿到毛里塔尼亚签证的第二天,我乘飞机来到努瓦克肖特。从飞机上看,撒哈拉沙漠连绵浩瀚,整个毛里塔尼亚都像被掩埋在茫茫沙漠中。此行的目的地欣盖提是离首都努瓦克肖特还有600多公里的一座13世纪的古城。我们找好旅馆,租了辆越野吉普,第二天早晨便直奔古城欣盖提而去。欣盖提位于毛里塔尼亚的东部偏北的地方,从地图上看离马里的通布图古城很近了。欣盖提是撒哈拉沙漠古老的骆驼商队驿站城市之一,是沙漠商队的必经之地。17~19世纪间,欣盖提达到鼎盛时期,与瓦丹、  相似文献   

中国古代专制说的知识考古   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
19世纪末以来,秦至清的帝制时代的中国政体为专制政体、皇帝为专制皇帝的论断影响广泛,流行不衰,并成为中国史研究的基本观点之一。本文从思想史的角度对这一说法产生、传播的历史及其后果加以分析,指出此一论断并非科学研究的结果,而是亚里斯多德以来的西方人对东方的偏见。18世纪时个别西方思想家开始以此来描述中国,19世纪末以后经由日本广为不同立场的中国知识分子所接受,并通过辞书与历史教科书渗透到大众中,罕有质疑者。这一说法实际未经充分的事实论证,不加反思地用它来认识帝制时代中国的统治机制只会妨碍研究的深入。  相似文献   

中国古代文明可持续发展的原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代文明持续发展,在世界文明史上是极为少见的。究其原因为,一方面是地理环境的基础作用,独特地理位置、封闭而又复杂的地理环境使其然;另一方面,中国古代大一统的历史和文化起着决定性的作用。相对封闭、完整且一脉相承的文化是其内在动因;人口、土地开发和技术水平三者关系的协调是其前提;先进的农耕制对土地资源的保护是其基础;文明中心随环境而变迁,保证了古代文明的持续发展。  相似文献   

古玺文字考释(十则)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对《古玺汇编》中的一些未识字、误识字进行了新的考释和辨别,具有相当的学术参考价值。  相似文献   

吕莜 《旅游纵览》2017,(3):20-21
正提到埃及,人们总会想到千百年来奔流不息的尼罗河,它是埃及人民生命的源泉。古埃及人形容自己的土地就像一朵莲花,尼罗河三角洲是盛开的花朵,而狭长的尼罗河就是花枝,它带给了埃及厚重的历史和文化。难怪希腊历史之父希罗多德深情地说:"埃及是尼罗河的献礼。"当地人赞美尼罗河为:"尼罗,尼罗,长比天河。"  相似文献   

This article aims to raise awareness of a few newly discovered prehistoric harbour facilities in Crete. In particular is an unusual, if not unique, slipway suggesting how large ships were hauled up on to the land at Middle Minoan II Kommos. Also, there are huge, successive structures (Buildings T and P) with long galleries that served as shipsheds inviting close scrutiny, as well as comparison with the later Classical shipsheds sheltering elite warships of the Greek city states. The three newly excavated Minoan buildings fit historically into the beginning of a now extended tradition of Classical shipsheds. The latter are compared here with their prehistoric counterparts and briefly discussed concerning origin, development, and aspects of cultural or historical significance.  相似文献   

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