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周氏《涉笔》一书在传世文献当中鲜有记载,只有《文献通考》对该书引用较为集中。而此书究竟包括哪些内容、著者为何人,这些情况目前学界关注甚少。本文主要根据《文献通考》所提供的线索,并结合《宋史》及宋人文集等相关文献,初步判定此书全称当为周氏《西麓涉笔》,成书于南宋中晚期;其内容主要涉及对先秦子书的真伪及其思想的研究、对古代兵书兵制的研究、兼有对宋人文集的评述等;该书作者周氏即周端朝。  相似文献   

江林泽 《当代中国史研究》2020,(2):50-62,157,158
工矿地区的群众始终是党和国家开展图书发行工作的重要对象。新中国成立之初,由于力量所限,工矿地区的图书发行工作主要采取流动供应方式;随着发行力量的不断增强,尤其是大规模经济建设对相关图书的迫切需求,在工矿地区发行图书的内容、数量和形式日益丰富,新华书店工矿门市部与书亭、工矿图书馆、义务发行员和流动供应图书相结合的发行方式逐渐成为主流。在党和国家的统一领导与管理下,以新华书店为代表的国营图书发行机构将内容多样、种类丰富的图书送到工人读者手中,在加强政治宣传、提升工业产量、推动技术进步和满足工人文化需求等方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

中国当代民营书业伴随着改革的步伐逐渐发展壮大,从初创时期作为国有书业的补充,到发展时期自辟天地、寻求自主发展,再到壮大时期与国有书业平分秋色、占据我国书刊发行行业的半壁江山,它在整个中国书业中的地位也随着时代的变迁而不断发生变化。探讨不同发展阶段我国民营书业的历史作用,分析当代中国民营书业历史地位的嬗变轨迹,将有助于深化我国的文化体制改革,促进社会主义文化的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

This outline of our knowledge of the process of releasing literature in late republican and early imperial Rome addresses the nature of the recitations, the question of ‘publishing’ and distribution of books, from Atticus to Pliny the Younger. Although recognising that the distribution of Roman literature to a large extent consisted of private copying and exchange, I argue for the existence of a ‘book industry’ consisting of low-status craftsmen and traders editing and reproducing books for a commercial market.  相似文献   

Born in Missouri in 1947, reared and educated in Illinois, Hine earned her bachelor's degree in history at Roosevelt University, Chicago, and her master's and doctoral degrees from Kent State University, in Kent, Ohio. She has written about African-American women by focusing on the intersections of race, gender, and class. In the past fifteen years, Hine has edited forty volumes (including a two-volume historical encyclopedia, Black Women in America), published three award-winning books, and produced over forty articles and essays (some just collected for the book, Hine Sight: Black Women and the Re-Construction of American History). As John A. Hannah Professor of History at Michigan State University since 1987, she has developed a new doctoral field in Comparative Black History. Hine has one daughter, Robbie Davine. This interview was conducted at the Southern Historical Association meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, in November, 1994, by Roger Adelson.  相似文献   

A methodology for constructing a seasonality study based on incremental growth structures of the Nile catfish (Clarias spp.) was developed and applied to an archaeological assemblage from the Faiyum Depression, Egypt. This study reveals that the Nile catfish was collected by terminal Palaeolithic and early Neolithic Faiyum inhabitants at two different periods of the year: late spring/early summer and summer/fall.  相似文献   


In conversation with the biographer and author Barry Miles, the artist and poet Liliane Lijn talks about her early influences as a young American artist living and working in Paris, Athens and New York and the development of her practice between 1959 and 1970. She recalls her encounters with prominent surrealists, poets and artists of the Beat generation: André Breton, William Burroughs, Gregory Corso, and her enduring friendship with Greek sculptor Takis. Inspired by the experimental nature of their works, Lijn explains how her own work focused on research and invention. She describes her Poem Machines as ‘seeing sound’ and explains her growing interest in science and, in particular, light. Lijn details the long and complex gestation of Liquid Reflections, her most well-known cosmic work of the late 1960s, and how working with industry and technology allowed her to increase both the scale and complexity of her oeuvre.  相似文献   

吕建昌 《东南文化》2012,(1):111-115
近现代工业遗产博物馆是博物馆的一种特殊类型,目前正呈现快速增长的态势。其特点主要表现为以近现代工业遗址性博物馆为主体,以在工业遗址的原状陈列为主要展示手法,以反映近现代城市工业文明足迹为主题,体现专题性与区域性的产业发展史。近现代工业遗产博物馆具有独特的内涵,它是解读近现代工业城市发展历史的一部书,也是折射近现代工业城市社会生活的一面镜子。近现代工业遗产博物馆的建设对城市个性的塑造具有重要的意义(增加)。  相似文献   

《海录》是记述当时海外邻近国际航线的各国、各地区、各城市见闻的作。《海录》对南中国海岛屿、航线的记述,对研究19世纪初中国南海海疆具有重要价值。《海录》是清代记述世界各大洲、各国、各地状况最多最全的作之一,是清代最早记述西方工业明的作之一,对近代以林则徐、魏源为代表的思想家产生过重要影响。  相似文献   

Historical sociobiographic accounts on members of the scientific and technical professions in the years of the Weimar Republic and after, are as yet scarce. This applies notably to women in the scientific community. Having formally been admitted to academic studies at German Universities only in 1908, their claims of wanting to apply their newly gained knowledge and to pursue academic careers were still not unquestioned by society. The social and cognitive integration of “the female” in male dominated science organisation, especially in the natural sciences and their kin fields in industry, remains problematic to-day. Isolde Hausser, daughter of the ambitious but little succesful inventor-entrepreneur Hermann Ganswindt, took her doctoral degree in physics at Berlin University in 1914, then worked as head of a group at a “Telefunken” laboratory for vacuum tubes till 1929, before she became research scientist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg. There she worked on photoerythemaes and the formation of pigment and discovered the specific action of longwave ultraviolet. She contributed important results to our knowledge on the constitution and the behaviour of organic compounds by modern physical methods. She died of cancer on 5th October, 1951.  相似文献   

<礼论>乃穷理尽性、知命之书,文中子的家学溯源中,礼学又是传承有自,文中子所作<续六经>之一的<礼论>,也是他振兴儒学很重要的部分.<礼论>比较系统地表述了文中子的礼学思想,其书已佚,但从传世<中说>可考知其略.  相似文献   

《夷坚志》的版本研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《夷坚志》是南宋洪迈用六十年编纂的中国最大的言志怪小说集,是宋代言小说的代表,因其卷帙浩繁,随编随印,版记及其流传情况异常复杂,本对宋以后所能见到的版本以及选本主要分三个部分,即宋刻元修《夷坚初志》八十卷本部分,明胡应麟从京师所得的《夷坚支志》《三志》的百卷本部分,《分类夷坚志》五十卷本部分进行了清理,对前人未能关注的明祝允明手抄《夷坚丁志》,明万历王光祖的选本《感应汇征夷坚志纂》,万历间题名钟惺评点的《新订增补夷坚志》以及作为《夷坚志》重要选本的 《分类夷坚志》分类上的独到之处都进行了研究。  相似文献   

尚平 《史学月刊》2007,7(6):29-33
鱼鳞图册源于南宋初的砧基簿,因限于史料,一般多将砧基簿与鱼鳞图册等同起来。实际上,设计之初的砧基簿基本上依旧属于户籍系统,随后才逐渐从中演化出了属于独立的专门地籍性质的鱼鳞图册。鱼鳞图册出现的前提是在田亩登记在砧基簿土地绘图的基础上,对田段采用字号编排以脱离户名,从而使分散的土地绘图通过分级简化方式制成都保以上合图。这一过渡完成于南宋中期。  相似文献   

郑光 《华夏考古》2007,(3):149-152
《殷墟花园庄东地甲骨》是一部优秀的考古发掘报告,又是一本令人耳目一新的甲骨学著作,本文从报告体例、科学性和技术水平、资料的价值、著者的研究等方面对该书进行了评价。指出该书是一部具有很高科学价值和实用价值的著作。  相似文献   

作为贵州特有、水族独有的水书古籍,与汉文和其他民族古籍一样,同为中华民族的历史文化遗产。水书经过水族先民的传承、积淀,蕴含了丰富的内涵,是水族的百科全书,是连接水族民众的纽带,在《国家珍贵古籍名录》中,与中华民族的"文字兄弟"齐肩,占据一席之地。水书的研究在点与面的结合上要深入,水书抢救、发掘过程中的种种认识障碍我们也要纠正,将现存有限的水书古籍完整地保存下来,流传下去;通过《国家珍贵古籍名录》的申报,将水书古籍揭示于世,让水书冲出贵州,让国人认识水书。  相似文献   

森和 《江汉考古》2006,59(2):73-79
本文对“楚帛书”(包含第二帛书和残帛书)上有关月名与历法问题的文字和图像进行了基础性研究,认为子弹库楚帛书群中可以看到边文月、十三行月和楚月名三种月名,并尝试就其对应关系与历法作了再验证。我们还以五行说为指标,通过对“日书”以及“卜筮祭祷简”进行比较,指出楚帛书群的年代可能接近九店楚简“日书”。同时就子弹库楚帛书群的史料性质以及定位及今后的课题研究简单地作了展望。  相似文献   

由清人金天柱撰的《清真释颖》一书真实地记录了乾社会伊斯兰教的发展状况,书成七年仍未刊行,又做一篇《书叙》。论述了伊斯兰教作为正教与儒家学说的同异之处,社会对伊斯兰教的误解以及造成误解的原因,叙述了来到四译馆担任教习一职的经过,四译馆的社会职能及其内部管理工作中的种种弊端,还叙述了自己撰写《清真释颖》的心理状态和社会人士对该书的积极评价。  相似文献   

王宗载及其《四夷馆考》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明朝王宗载曾于万历六年任提督四夷馆少卿。在此期间,他搜集了不少四夷馆资料并于万历八年完成(四夷馆考》。本文在向达先生研究《四夷馆考》(巴黎本)的基础上,进一步探讨了该书的资料来源和史料价值,指出该书实际上是四夷馆译字生的学习参考书,它主要以抄本的形式在四夷馆(清四译馆)内部流传,清乾隆时禁毁书目中未见其名或许与此有关。此书主要以李贤等《大明一统志》、郑晓《皇明四夷考》和《皇明北虏考》为基础写成的,同时涉及到严从简《殊域周咨录》的部分内容。其最有价值的部分是作者记载的隆庆、万历年间鞑靼、逞罗等历史,以及有关四夷馆活动的内容。  相似文献   

赵永刚 《古籍整理研究学刊》2009,(2):94-96,F0003,42
卞孝萱、胡阿祥主编的《国学四十讲》,收录国学门类四十种,由国内老中青学者分别撰述。该书推源溯流,正名国学;拓其堂庑,宏收博取;重在实用,指示门径。是迄今为止最全面、最系统的国学著作,也是嘉惠学林、功在千秋的巨著。  相似文献   

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