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When ethnicity is said to be manifest and practised through handicrafts, these seemingly innocent objects become political. They raise questions concerning who can do what handicraft, who can use what symbols or what developments are “allowed”. They illustrate the continuous production of ethnic norms and boundaries, especially when global tourism enters into the equation. Taking a social constructivist perspective, our study addresses ethnic boundaries and boundary-making in handicrafts in northern Sweden, Norway and Finland. Our findings are based on fieldwork (35 interviewees) with people of diverse local backgrounds making and selling handicrafts. Methodologically, we avoid preselecting people based on ethnicity, but instead contribute to an understanding of the constitutive processes of ethnicity by looking at how ethnic talk comes into conversations about handicrafts. Our findings demonstrate that the interviewees draw an ethnic divide between “Sámi”/“non-Sámi”, while other ethnic-choices move to the background. This divide can be seen to be amplified by tourism. The boundary for who can make a Sámi handicraft or use Sámi symbols remains significant, yet also fluid. The article deepens the understanding of the Sámi/non-Sámi ethnic categorization, here in relation to handicrafts. It also helps unravel the complexities between tourism, ethnicities and handicrafts more broadly.  相似文献   

This paper employs the Institutional Analysis and Development framework across six ecosystem delivery measures in the European Union to develop a configurational explanation of (un)successful outcomes. By undertaking comparative institutional analysis, we systematically examine the effect of variation across rule types and generate insights on how different institutional configurations result in varying degrees of successful implementation of ecosystem delivery measures. We apply explanatory typology methods to identify the institutional features that best explain variation in implementation success across a number of cases. We argue that institutional rules shape outcomes in conjunction rather than in isolation. The findings show that differences in implementation success across cases can be explained by the interplay of differences in knowledge exchange, flexibility in implementation, and participation in the policy design process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper an attempt is made to measure the cultural industries in a cross‐national context. The paper starts with a discussion of the definition and delineation of the term the ‘cultural industries’. It is argued that a large range of goods and services may be considered to be cultural industry products and that it is important to place the production and exchange of such products in the context of an industrial systems approach. Following this the concept is operationalised using data on employment and firm activity from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Results are presented which suggest that overall growth in both employment and firm numbers has been especially strong in the cultural industries. However, interesting differences between the countries emerged from the data. Thus regional dimensions are then examined resulting in the finding that in all four countries cultural industries have a strong attraction to urban areas but an even stronger propensity to agglomerate. It is suggested that the spatial dynamics observed may be key to the development of the industries' competencies and success. In summary the paper presents results of extensive data analysis that show the cultural industries' important contribution to Scandinavian economies and labour markets.  相似文献   

Two norms frequently used in archaeological seriation are compared. Although these norms are equivalent in some particular cases, this is not true in general both from a computational point of view and in the archaeological sense.  相似文献   

The paper is an adapted version of a talk given in December 2001 at the Institute of Archaeology in Beaumont Street in dedication of a plaque and the lithograph 'Landscape of the Megaliths' by Paul Nash to the memory of the late Professor Christopher Hawkes, the founder of the Institute and first professor of European Archaeology from 1946 to 1972, and Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, Lecturer in Anglo–Saxon Archaeology from 1973 to 1994, by Christopher's son.  相似文献   

This article offers an interpretive reading of current works of art by women that indicate the paradoxical place of the woman artist as a mother in the cycle of militarism and attitudes toward the discourse of bereavement and commemoration. My hypothesis is that the arts herald or anticipate the trauma by seeking to express something that may be called “pre- and counter-commemoration.” This interpretation of these artists' stance expands on insights arising from the notion of “counter-memory” to discuss a paradoxical form of commemoration that refuses to acquiesce in the cycle of militarism and memorialization. The article offers an integrated examination of theory and practices in the historical context of motherhood and nationalism and, specifically, of women artists in Israel in recent decades in the “discourse of bereavement” as opposed to the “discourse of the bereaved.”  相似文献   

This article focuses on knowledge creation and management in regional innovation networks. A knowledge management system for a regional innovation network is designed. Besides explicit and tacit knowledge, self-transcending knowledge is taken into account within the knowledge management system. In addition, considerations of knowledge vision as well as methods from futures studies are incorporated into the system. An innovation network of the Lahti regional innovation system, Finland, is used as a case example in the article. The article highlights the importance of combining loose network development and an explicit, systematic approach to planning and working on knowledge-related matters within regional innovation networks.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary approach involving analysis of plant macrofossils, pollen and soil micro morphology in combination with large-scale stripping of top soil, was applied in order to get a comprehensive understanding of pre-historic settlement, farming economy and land-use in Østfold, SE Norway. Investigations of 25 sites lead to two distinctive results: 1) A time-space perspective on usages of plants, and 2) Identification of agrarian activities in a relict field. Studies of these topics have hitherto been limited for this region. The results add fresh and essential knowledge to pre-historic times in Østfold and make a significant contribution to the understanding to these topics in neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

<正>无论Beatles或村上春树,人们对《挪威的森林》总抱有太多虚幻的遐想。高纬度造就的极寒气候冷酷地诞生出粗犷漆黑的木头房子、欧洲梦魇般的维京海盗与千百年来山妖肆虐的传说,却让易卜生、格里格和蒙克成为拯救世俗魂灵的天使。在这个颇为神奇的国度里,两相遥望的卑尔根和奥斯陆作为新旧交替的都城,赋予了挪威被发现和感知的众多世界级的遗产——关于文明、人性、艺术,以及凝固在中世纪的生活。  相似文献   

Personality cult has usually been understood as a phenomenon of Caesarian or otherwise totalitarian or semi-totalitarian political cultures. However, there are many basically democratic regimes in which great statesmen, soldiers or artists (e.g. Parnell, Baden-Powell, Shakespeare, The Beatles etc.) have been eulogized or adored. Finland is no exception, where two controversial but interlinked political cult personalities, Lenin and Mannerheim, cropped up. This article examines their emergence, incompatible careers and conditions of politico-cultural use and misuse, ending up with an account of the recent situation in which imagined Lenin has disappeared from the scene and super-Mannerheim is about to rise. Also the ideational content and political messages of the two cults are disentangled in order to contribute to the contemporary history of Finnish ideas.  相似文献   


Contact with nature is increasingly being recognized as contributing to humans’ mental and physical health. This study explores how Finnish children, young people and families engage with nature during outdoor recreation. We apply a relational approach with the concept of affordance to understand better how engagement with nature affects their well-being. The study is based on thematic writings of 15- to 21-year-olds and on an ethnographic study of camping. Findings indicate that engagement with nature enables young people to calm down and to get away from the pressures of everyday life and affords close interaction for families. The relational approach makes visible that the more young people and families spend time in nature, the more they are able to perceive affordances that enhance their well-being. In future research and policy, the focus should be on how to support families’ engagement with nature by securing time and places for encountering nature.  相似文献   

This article examines the prevalence of parenthood among professionally practising artists in Sweden. The overall aim of the article is to employ feministic and sociological perspectives to provide a theoretically-based understanding of the problems of balancing work and family life in the arts. Data are presented that reveals that female artists are more frequently childless compared to their male counterparts and women in the overall population. Male artists, however, are less frequently childless than men in general. The article develops a theoretical explanation focused on the effect of economic resource structures, which leave women artists to cope with lower incomes with which to pursue careers in the arts, and symbolic structures, which present creative work as difficult to combine with everyday domestic work. Given that motherhood continues to be associated with more comprehensive caring responsibilities than fatherhood, women are more frequently confronted with a choice between starting a family and pursuing their artistic calling.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to critically assess the content and rationale of the French 2003 law on private patronage and foundations. More specifically, it investigates the extent to which this law can truly encourage companies to become more involved in arts support. Before reviewing and explaining the major aspects of the reform and the advantages it is meant to bring to corporate donors, a short historical account is offered to demonstrate that even though the involvement of the private sector in the support of the arts has been on the agenda of various Ministers of Culture over the last forty years, the development of adequate and effective measures to encourage such an involvement has been difficult and erratic and, above all, has been met with little success. The third part of the article questions the relevance of a law largely based on tax reductions to support the arts in France and wonders whose interests it will really serve.  相似文献   

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