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This article examines African female education reform between the wars as a conjuncture of transnational philanthropic initiatives and state and missionary objectives on the ground. Through a comparative treatment of four schools in West, East and South-Central Africa, it shows that the search to recover and re-create the authentic African subject was a gendered process that aimed to critique one brand of colonialism (settler and industrial capitalism) by bolstering another (indirect rule). The schools at Achimota (Gold Coast), Kabete (Kenya), Hope Fountain (Southern Rhodesia) and Mbereshi (Northern Rhodesia) all idealised women’s traditional education as the key to offsetting the dangers of modernisation and preserving the integrity of the social body, and ‘adapted’ their curricula accordingly to their perception of women’s normative economic and social roles. However, the internal contradictions of this project stymied any possibility of implementing it in a cohesive way, and even its advocates and architects were often forced to admit the limits of tradition as a coherent logic or redemptive force. The gendered contours of adaptation, therefore, showed the potential of education to destabilise as much as to reinforce the shifting paradigms of the colonial project.  相似文献   

美国教育源于独立之前的殖民地时期。清教在美国教育的兴起与发展过程中发挥了关键作用。普及宗教理念,服务宗教使命奠定了这一时期基础教育追求的目标,成为其原动力。造就教会高级人才,培养牧师队伍,催生了美国早期的高等学府。教派众多,繁荣了这一时期的高等教育,也迫使各个学院逐步放弃教派门户之见,实行宗教宽容与开放。随着时间的推移,在与社会互动的过程中,宗教办学宗旨日趋式微,满足社会需求,适应经济发展,培养各方面需要的人才,成为高等教育的主导理念和实践。在此过程中,殖民地时期的美国教育逐步完成了从宗教走向世俗,从出世走向入世的过渡,孕育出自由平等竞争、独立自主、多样化办学的特色,对后来美国教育的发展产生了导向性影响,成为当代美国教育本质特征形成的滥觞。  相似文献   

对殖民时期印度史的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林承节 《世界历史》2006,2(5):55-60
受政治因素影响,我国学界对印度近代史的研究,在相当长的时期内存在着一些问题。研究印度不是从印度的实际出发,而是拿中国革命作为标尺套印度。方法论不正确,得出的结论自然不少是扭曲的,与历史实际不相符。对近代史认识偏颇也直接影响着对印度现代史的研究。近年来,这种情况有所改变,一些不正确的看法开始得到扭转。然而,扭转并不是都很到位了,而且旧的认识破除后,建立新的认识是更艰巨的任务。本文是作者的点滴体会。  相似文献   

Contemporary historiography, especially in North American, European and Australian history, now includes a fairly respectable body of literature on men and masculinity. While this literature has produced important contributions to the usefulness of gender as a category of historical analysis, there has also been some wariness within feminist scholarship on the grounds that the issue of the gendered organisation may be evaded. Reflecting on the question ‘what is involved in writing a history of masculinity?’, this article considers the potential contribution that the historiography of colonial India offers to the study of masculinity  相似文献   

论文利用中英文资料,以仰光唐人街为出发点,探讨缅华社会从19世纪中期开始,在殖民地多元种族下的传承和变迁。尤其借助1923—1924年英印总督访缅这一背景事件,剖析华社在这一帝国正式场合上的表现和各方反应,并借此探讨20世纪20年代缅华社区的结构、冲突和转型及其与殖民地主流社会的政治互动,展现缅华这一个既有南洋华侨华人共性又不失本土特色的亚洲移民群体及其殖民经历。  相似文献   

郭家宏 《史学集刊》2007,2(2):50-56
从美国独立到拿破仑战争结束这32年时间内,英国调整了对印度的殖民统治政策。受工业革命以及福音教派运动的影响,英国政府改变了过去那种赤裸裸的殖民掠夺、殖民压迫政策,而在表面上代之以为土著人殖民地建立良好的政府,消除暴政、杜绝腐败、发展教育,这在一定程度上促进了殖民地经济文化的发展,从而“充当了历史的不自觉的工具”。英国对印度殖民新的统治体制的形成,对于英帝国的发展壮大意义重大。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Women and Law in Colonial India: A Social History, by Srimati Basu.  相似文献   

基督教新教传教士与中国盲文体系的演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭卫东 《近代史研究》2006,38(2):110-124
盲文的产生为盲界打开了认识光明世界的门扉,为盲教育开辟了通衢,而近代的盲人特殊教育又与人性尊严、人权神圣和人类平等不可或分地联结在一起,人类的文明形态因特殊教育的出现而迈进了一大步。中国盲文由基督教新教传教士率先引介创制,由康熙盲字到大卫·希尔等诸种盲文法,再到心目克明。20世纪20年代后,中国盲文的改进转由国人接棒,反映出一国语言文字的改进最终有赖于国人自身,他们才是自己母国语言的主体和传承人。  相似文献   

The paper begins with a critique of the ‘imperialism‐nationalism’ paradigm and its concomitant privileging of the period 1885–1947, which has dominated the writing of modern Indian history. It is argued here that the fixation with the ‘birth‐of‐the‐nation’ theme has led to the neglect of women's agency; that it has resulted in many inconsistencies, dilemmas and unresolved issues regarding a range of topics within Indian gender‐relations; and that this periodisation inhibits the reclamation of terms such as ‘feminist’ and ‘feminism’. The second half of the essay proposes that women's agency can be recovered via a new chronology and a new template for understanding agency within which scholars will be enabled to retrieve the conscious voices of Indian women and record change in gender relations.  相似文献   

论法国殖民统治下的越南教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈立 《世界历史》2005,2(5):67-76
在法国殖民统治下,越南人接受教育的惟一途径是法越教育。法越教育在规模上受到严格限制,且不讲求质量,具有蒙昧主义的本质。法越教育同时具有法国强制移植的属性。印度支那大学作为该教育体系的顶端机构,其移植的特征非常明显。异质教育在殖民地受压抑社会中的生长导致了一种畸形的教育—社会关系,即教育与殖民地社会经济严重脱节,教育加剧了殖民地社会阶层的裂变与民族文化的沦丧。  相似文献   

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