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This article provides an overview of recent trends in Latin American security and examines three common assumptions that underpin both academic analysis and policy debate—assumptions about the links between political democracy, economic integration and regional stability, and about the need to broaden the agenda of regional security. In contrast to the liberal orthodoxy, there is little reason to believe that the promotion of political democracy and economic liberalization and integration will automatically tend towards regional stability, especially given the weakness of regional institutions, the fragility of many states, the inequality of power among states, and the lack of consensus over the meaning and implications of the 'new security agenda'.  相似文献   

正在遥远的太平洋彼岸,静卧着从诞生伊始就在苦难中艰难前行的拉丁美洲,那里开拓了最初的玛雅文明,印证了殖民主义的丑恶,缔造了光辉的印加文化;那里有漫长的安第斯山脉,有举世无双的伊瓜苏瀑布,有浩浩荡荡的亚马孙河……那一片静谧而广袤的土地,就如热带雨林一般,充满诱惑,令人心驰神往。  相似文献   

Dwight B. Heath, ed. Contemporary Cultures and Societies of Latin America: A Reader in the Social Anthropology of Middle and South America [Second ed.]. New York: Random House, 1974. xvii + 572 pp. Charts, tables, figures, and bibliography. $11.95 (cloth).  相似文献   

Archaeological tourism and ethics are two fields that, with exceptions, scholars have been reluctant to combine. There is, however, an increasing concern on the general subject of tourism and ethics and this article will draw examples from Latin America to explore the intersection between both. An overview of the history of archaeological tourism in Latin America will be provided. A growing number of archaeologists all over Latin America are becoming active in promoting or assisting the conversion of sites into tourist attractions. For some, it is a way of protecting sites in the face of the dangers brought about by uncontrolled tourism and for others helping locals to earn a living is a humanitarian question. Yet, archaeological remains are not neutral, but powerful means of creating historical memory and identity. Tourism becomes a means of advertising and even of legitimizing the existence of groups and that politicizes archaeologists’ engagement with tourism. This politicization represents an ethical challenge for the profession. Also, the conversion of archaeological ruins into tourist attractions can only be made through the commodification of culture. This has been denounced by some scholars as another postcolonial appropriation and neoliberal method of controlling indigenous groups, but hailed by others as a good thing for indigenous communities as it provides them with a living.  相似文献   

Historie del S. D. Fernando Colombo; nelle quali s'ha particolare, et vera relatione della vita, et de’ fatti dell'Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre . . . 1571. Edited and introduction by GIUSEPPE BELLINI. Roma: Bulzoni Editore, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992. Pp. xxv, 248.

Viaggio e relazione delle Indie (1539–1553). By GALEOTTO CEI. Edited and introduction by FRANCESCO SURDICH. Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 1992. Pp. viii, 172, facs.

I segni del diavolo e i segni di Dio. “La carta al Emperador Carlos V” (2 gennaio 1555) di Fray Toribio Motolinía. Edited and introduction by PIERLUIGI CROVETTO. Roma: Bulzoni Editore, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 1992. Pp. xi, 317.

L'America nei libretti italiani del Settecento. By DONATELLA FERRO. Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 1992. Pp. 89.

Iconografia Colombiana. Introduction, notes and studies by GAETANO FERRO, LUISA FALDINI and MARICA MILANESI. In collaboration with CARLA PAMPALONI, LAURA MONFERDINI and MARIA TERESA DI PALMA. Nuova Raccolta Colombiana. Edited and coordinated by GIANNI EUGENIO VIOLA. Roma: Istituto Poligrafico, 1991. Pp. 655.  相似文献   

In Latin America, ethnicity is equated with indigenity. It is an objective of this article to review the legacy of Anthony Smith regarding the vitality of the ethnic past and the myth of origin, as the core of his theory of nationalism based on the weight of ethnocentrism. To this end, we address two routes, the use of the ethnic past and ethnicity by nationalists and founders of the state and, how indigenous intellectuals, on the other, have found a reinvention of their identities through various myths of Amerindian origin. Ethnic myths and the use of the ethnic past have been accepted, denied or rejected by nationalists, while indigenous peoples adhere to their own myths or seek to reinvent them. Mythical information is a component of identity but also requires institutions to disseminate such information among the group.  相似文献   

Marketing is a fundamental human activity that reflects the nature of the societies in which it occurs. In Latin America, the great diversity of marketing is a product of the differences in culture, economy, settlement pattern and standard of living which characterize the region. This essay uses photographs taken over a 30-year period (1963-1994) to illustrate marketing in Latin America. They were taken in countries ranging from Mexico to Argentina. The types of marketing portrayed extend from traditional periodic markets, little changed from pre- Columbian times, to modern upscale shopping centers that feature stores selling the latest in electronic equipment. Because these diverse types of marketing still exist, sometimes in relatively close proximity, as vital and important forms of economic exchange, they send a strong message about the continuity of traditions among Latin America's marginalized lower classes, and about the sophistication and buying power of the wealthy urban elite who can adopt consumption patterns similar to those of the world's industrialized countries.  相似文献   

通过对拉美历史上四次国际移民历史和趋向的发展变化、非法移民及其原因、移民侨汇对国民经济的重大影响、移民跨国中小企业的形成与发展等方面的分析,探讨了拉丁美洲与加勒比地区国际移民的历史、现状以及中国移民在这一地区的生存与发展空间。  相似文献   

When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away: Marriage, Sexuality and Power in New Mexico, 1500–1846. By RAMÓN GUTIÉRREZ. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991. Pp. xxx + 424.

Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America. Edited by ASUNCIÓN LAVRÍN. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989. Pp. v + 349.

Gender and Disorder in Early Modern Seville. By MARY ELIZABETH PERRY. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. Pp. 206.

To Love, Honor and Obey in Colonial Mexico: Conflicts Over Marriage Choice, 1574–1821. By PATRICIA SEED. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988. Pp. 322

História e Sexualidade no Brasil. Edited by RONALDO VAINFAS. Rio de Janeiro: Edicões Graal Ltda., 1986. Pp. 212.  相似文献   

论拉丁美洲殖民制度的遗产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


This essay looks at two major tendencies in cultural policy recommendations in Latin America: (1) the economic contribution of arts, heritage and especially the cultural and creative industries; and (2) cultural rights, with a focus on inclusion, access, empowerment, and the integral development/well-being of citizens. The two tendencies, which are part of cultural development policies, are not easily integrated into an all-encompassing policy because they follow different logics and management strategies. Nevertheless, both of these tendencies, which emerged in the heyday of neoliberalism (the 1990s), continue to provide the major justifications for cultural funding, although the current economic crisis has led to budget cuts. After a review of cultural development policies, this essay examines innovative strategies to compensate for scarce funding, including those that seek to bridge both tendencies. The cases examined below correspond to discussions of cultural policies in Latin American forums with hundreds of policy-makers and analysts over the past 20-plus years.

Abbreviations: BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation; CadenAgro: Centro de Apoyo para el Desarrollo de Denominaciones de Origen y Sellos de Calidad de Productos Agroalimentarios; CCI: Cultural and Creative Industries; CEDE: Centro de Estudios de Desarrollo Económico; CMD: Centro de Diseño Metropolitano; CVC: Cultura Viva Comunitaria; ECLAC: Economic Commission for Latin America; ILO: International Labor Organization; IMF: International Monetary Fund; MDG: Millennium Development Goals; MDG-F: Millennium Development Goals Fund; MICA: Mercado de Industrias Creativas de Argentina; MICSUR: Mercado de Industrias Culturales del Sur; MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; SEGIB: Secretaría General Iberoamericana; SELA: Latin American Economic System; UCLG: United Cities and Local Governments; UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; UNDP: United Nations Development Programl; UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; US: United States of America  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the impact of the current economic crisis on development strategies in Latin America, and the ways in which redefinitions of the notion of development have transformed Latin American politics during the period of democratization. The article examines, specifically, the rise of the neoliberal movement in Latin America and its impact on policy-making, parties and electoral politics. It argues that in spite of the electoral inroads recently made by neoliberal parties, political organizations of the New Right remain weak, either because they are the product of unstable political coalitions with a slim chance of surviving electoral defeat, or because the renewal of populist parties has pre-empted the growth of neoliberal parties.  相似文献   

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