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ABSTRACT One of the foundations of applied regional economics down through the years has been economic base theory (EBT). EBT presumes that economic activity within the basic sector unidirectionally causes economic activity in nonbasic sectors. In recent years, however, increasing attention has been given to the possibility that traditionally nonbasic activities (e.g., services) may be quite important in determining a region's total economic activity. In this paper, we examine the nature and direction of causality of economic activity within a regional economy. Using novel data on entry and exit of firms, the empirical analysis provides new insights into the strengths and weaknesses of traditional economic base theory.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the urban base for rapid economic development and urbanization projected for western China under the most recent central government policy of "grand development of the western region." It focuses on the socioeconomic characteristics, receptiveness to innovation, and linkages of western China's cities to the world, by utilizing data from government documents and census publications. The analysis reveals remarkable differences among the main urban nodes, raising questions about existing urban and regional development theory and practice in China. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O18, O20, R12. 2 figures, 7 tables, 33 references.  相似文献   

杜能的经济圈境理论与中世纪英格兰领主经济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中世纪英格兰经济史研究领域最近形成了一种商业化理论。他们以冯.杜能的经济圈境理论为基础,认为城市需求是促进乡村经济发展的决定性力量,距离城市越近,农业的商品化程度越高。但是,中世纪英格兰领主自营地经济的商品化与这种理论多有出入。这是因为中世纪英格兰的经济实际并不符合冯.杜能理论中隐含着的前提条件。商业化派将冯.杜能的理论用于研究中世纪经济存在时代错位的问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Keynesian export base theory ignores the supply side of the economy, while trade models may overemphasize resource constraints. A general equilibrium model which stakes out a position between those extremes is developed and used to define rigorously the components of an economic base (EB) multiplier. Capital moves freely in and out of the regional economy, but the factor land is fixed. Interregional labor movements are caused by wage differentials. Factor and relative commodity prices are determined endogenously. Demand and supply sides of a small regional economy are included. The relationship between average and marginal EB multipliers, and between key parameters (regional size, several elasticities, etc.) and the marginal multiplier are discussed. The Keynesian constant EB multiplier can be derived from a special case of the model.  相似文献   

Problems in the development of the Sary-Dzhaz tin mining-processing complex, near Enil'chek in remote and mountainous eastern Kirghizia, are described. Development of the site, one of the major resource projects of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986-1990) for Central Asia, began with construction of access roads and a power transmission line. The present paper focuses on strategies for ensuring the long-term viability of development through diversification of the local economic base (a garment factory is proposed to provide employment activities for the female population) and installation of hydroelectric generating capacity and a modern construction base (translated by Andrew R. Bond).  相似文献   

This article is predicated on the assumption that small states need economic, political and societal shelter in order to prosper, and applies this theory to the case of Iceland in the period 1941–2006 – from the American occupation of Iceland to the closure of the US military base in the country. The authors argue that Iceland enjoyed essential shelter, for its development and prosperity, from the United States. The US also provided extensive diplomatic and military backing to Iceland, and profoundly influenced societal affairs in the country. Furthermore, Iceland received extensive societal shelter from the Nordic states, and economic and political shelter from international organizations. However, American and Nordic shelter did not come without costs.  相似文献   

中国区域经济地理学的发展历程、现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域经济地理学是一门既古老又年轻的学科,属于地理科学体系中区域地理的重要部分和经济地理学的重要分支。区域经济地理学的发展历程可以分为四个阶段。萌芽时期:从先秦到1909年德国工业经济学家Max Weber发表《工业区位论》为止,该时期主要探寻区域经济地理学的发展规律;奠基时期:从1910年到1949年新中国成立为止,为区域经济地理学研究框架的形成阶段;形成时期:新中国成立到1978年的十一届三中全会召开为止,该时期建立了相对完善的区域经济地理学学科体系;成熟时期:1979年至今,为该学科在中国区域开发中的广泛实践阶段。在中国区域经济地理学的发展过程中,陈才先生融合中外理论与经验用于中国实际,为中国本土区域经济地理学的理论基础与学科体系的形成与完善作出了创造性的杰出贡献。在总结了区域经济地理学的理论现状、方法现状和应用现状之后,认为区域经济地理学的未来发展趋势主要集中在三个方向:区域经济地理学与新经济地理学、区域经济学不断交融交互发展;"三维目标空间"理论将成为区域经济地理学研究的一种认识论;低碳经济的发展将赋予区域经济地理学研究的新内涵。  相似文献   

振兴东北构建哈大都市经济带的作用与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北老工业基地振兴的关键是经济转型和城市重建,本文在分析目前东北振兴发展的国内外经济形势的基础上,依据区域经济发展相关理论,对东北区域经济与城市系统进行辨识,提出了按照产业集聚与大都市圈空间重组的城市化机制与模式,引导东北区域经济结构调整和城市重建,即沿经济基础雄厚的以重化工业为主的哈尔滨-长春-沈阳-大连交通干线及其腹地,通过建设"门户城市",发挥大城市的集聚功能,增强中心城市的实力,发挥"以点带面"的作用,带动周边地区的发展;借鉴国际经验,运用财政税收政策,促进中小企业、民营企业的发展;通过基础创新和模仿创新,掌握核心技术,推动产业开发,产品优化,工艺提升,营销、运输和服务的变革,加速企业经营现代化的进程;依托区域科技优势,实现地区知识资源的优化配置,促进高新技术产业的发展,达到高新技术产业与传统产业的融和,构建东北哈大都市经济带,促进东北老工业基地全面发展的建议。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an ESRC funded study of innovation in five European cities. It is argued that the contemporary emphasis on local production clusters as the basis of economic growth provides only a limited explanation, in certain types of cities, of what drives growth. The argument developed here is that export base theory should be revisited as a more likely explanation of virtuous circles of growth. The evidence presented suggests that such circles are composed of innovation and trade in the context of the types of externalities found in core metropolitan international gateway cities.  相似文献   

This article studies the performance of economic base isolators using tyres filled with elastomeric recycled materials. The research was conducted to analyze base isolators to be used in developing nations, where the application of conventional elastomeric rubber bearings due to economic reasons is limited.

The tested isolators are made of kart tyres filled with different recycled elastomeric materials and aggregates. Dynamic and static tests proved acceptable vertical to horizontal stiffness ratio of the bearings and shake table tests showed an excellent enhancement of the base isolated structural response compared to the corresponding fixed base structure.  相似文献   

我国省际经济竞争与合作研究的历史、现状与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和国内市场化程度的不断提高,我国省际经济竞争日趋激烈,合作日益紧密。这种情况不仅引起了政府的高度关注,而且也引起了学者们的不断探索。本文回顾了省际经济竞争与合作研究的历史。省际经济竞争的研究经历了萌芽时期和发展时期两个阶段;省际经济合作研究经历了省际经济均衡发展、非均衡发展和协调发展三个时期。分析了省际经济竞争与合作研究的现状。探讨了省际经济竞争与合作主要理论的研究。此外,还分析了省际经济竞争的模型研究以及实证研究。阐述了省际经济竞争与合作未来研究的五大趋势。最后指出,省际经济竞争与合作存在的问题也是今后研究的重要论题。  相似文献   

Our purpose in this article is to examine socio‐economic and spatial integration of ethnic minorities in the Oslo region. We analyse relocation between 1998 and 2008 for members of ten minority groups along three overlapping dimensions: upwards in the neighbourhood hierarchy, outwards from the inner city to all suburbs, and westwards from a less affluent to a more affluent part of the region. The results provide some limited support for spatial assimilation theory. Two minority groups, Iranians and Vietnamese, comply partly with the theory. Another group, Filipinos, has stagnated in its socio‐economic and spatial integration. The remaining groups do not relocate in accordance with the native pattern, or fail to integrate in socio‐economic terms. The discrepancy between theory and results is most pronounced along the westward axis. We interpret the results in a broader context of regional and national circumstances: spatial assimilation theory may have different utility in different welfare regimes, depending on spatial inequality and the politics of place.  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下可持续发展已成为当今世界发展的主题。快速城镇化下的中国,城市空间的可持续性发展提上日程。为此,期待有力的、可操作的工具用于定量模拟城市空间演化过程、预测不同政策下城市空间的发展趋势,为城市化持续健康发展提供决策支持。本文分析了LUTI模型的基本原理、构建思路、实现框架和建立中国城市LUTI模型面临的问题,并回顾了国内外利用LUTI模型模拟城市空间演化过程,以辅助表明城市空间决策的研究现状,希望能为中国的城市空间可持续发展模拟分析研究提供参考。  相似文献   

邓小平经济特区理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济特区理论是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,它是一个完整的理论体系。其中包括 :为实现经济发展战略目标再造几个“香港” ;广东经济特区的发展要与香港互为依托 ;社会主义也可以搞市场经济 ;广东经济特区是个试验等  相似文献   

The paper discusses a number of issues that are important to the development of a useful normative “welfare theory” of the public space economy. Attention is specifically focused on theoretical welfare economic models of public goods provided at facilities to which consumers must travel for consumption. The recent analysis of Bigman and ReVelle [2] is subjected to critical scrutiny and found wanting. An alternative, more complex but still very simple, analysis is provided.  相似文献   

"A hedonic migration model is developed where regional amenities are viewed as influencing household production within the framework of the new demand theory. The inputs to household production are goods, time and housing. It is shown that economic growth in the economy as a whole will increase the relative attractiveness of regions that are relatively time-saving, in the sense that they have a lower time elasticity of household production. Hence, migration will flow into time saving regions and housing costs in those regions will rise as real GDP grows." The implied geographical focus is on the United States.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive an analytical expression for the regional neoclassical economic base marginal employment multiplier. The model that we adopt is a variant of the 1-2-3 general equilibrium model used in trade analysis. Its specific neoclassical characteristics are that laborsupply is a positive function of the real consumption wage and that factor and product demands are price sensitive. We calculate the employment multipliers associated with both a demand and supply stimulus to the basic sector. We demonstrate that it is possible for the marginal economic base multiplier to take any positive or negative value. However, the value of the marginalmultiplier is likely to approximate the value of the conventional average multiplier the closer production and utility functions are to Cobb-Douglas specifications and the more elastic is the labor supply function.  相似文献   

Soviet economic regionalization has traditionally focused on the concept of the areal-production complex (or territorial-production complex), representing the aggregate of economic activities within a particular area. These complexes may range in scale from a local group of interrelated activities all the way to the national economic complex of the USSR. A Soviet economic geographer specializing in the Northern Caucasus now introduces the concept of the “sectoral-production complex” as a subdivision of the areal complex. The sectoral complex contains one or more sectors of production that are linked by a common resource base and common economic relations; for example, the agricultural complex, comprising farming and agricultural processing, rests on agricultural resources; the metallurgy and machine-building complex, combining metallurgy and metal fabrication, rests on a common ore-resource base. According to the author, the concept of a sectoral-production complex must be differentiated from N. N. Kolosovskiy's concept of “energy-and-production cycles” [see Journal of Regional Science, 3 (1961), pp. 1–25] on the ground that Kolosovskiy's cycles are based on a common basic technology, while the sectoral complex involves common resources and economic relations.  相似文献   

论文以葫芦岛经济技术开发区为例,重点对开发区的功能定位进行了研究。提出要以临港经济和临海产业为突破口,加速推动再工业化,将开发区打造成为以造船、冶金、医药化工为主,兼顾休闲旅游渡假的生态型工业开发园区和港口工业综合体。  相似文献   

All of the communist party‐ruled states of Eastern Europe, from the elder brother of the ‘socialist family’, the Soviet Union, to non‐aligned, sui generis Yugoslavia, are in some degree of economic crisis. Gone are the once loudly trumpeted assurances that the socialist ‘economic formation’ by its very nature — its centrally planned and directed economy, its leadership by a communist party armed with the ‘scientific’ social and economic theory of Marxism‐Leninism and its foundation on the principles of proletarian social justice — excluded the possibility of economic ailments such as sluggish growth rates, inflation, social inequality and unemployment. It is now admitted that precisely these problems currently threaten virtually all communist systems. The principal issue for the political elites in these countries (with the perhaps temporary exception of relatively prosperous East Germany and Czechoslovakia and perennially contrary Romania) is not whether radical reform is necessary, but how to implement the requisite economic, social and quasi‐political reforms without undermining the foundations of ‘socialism’ and of the communist party's domination that they identify with it Yugoslavia is a valuable test case of the general project of reform in communist systems, since it consciously undertook to dismantle the of Stalinist system it had been establishing under Soviet tutelage at the end of World War II in response to Stalin's ostracism of Tito in June 1948. From its inception the Yugoslav reform process was informed by a commitment to return to the sources of Marxian social and economic theory in order to build an authentic socialist system untrammeled by the structures and immoral practices of Stalinist ‘etatism’. Worker self‐management, ‘market socialism’, the decentralisation of political and economic decision‐making, periodic rotation in office, and a number of other formally democratic, participatory socio‐political processes, most of which Gorbachev and his supporters have been discussing under the rubric of perestroika, glasnost’ and demokratizatsiia, have all been tried in one form or another in Yugoslavia during the past four decades.  相似文献   

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