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中国古代妇女的经济地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国古代妇女的经济地位刘筱红在中国古代社会漫长的历史岁月里,被排斥在政权之外的绝对多数妇女,是家庭小农经济的“充分伙伴”,为生计而操劳是她们生活中的主要内容。因此,古代妇女的经济生活状况应该引起我们的关注,她们的经济角色、财产所有权和继承权,以及她们...  相似文献   

嫁妆,是女子出嫁时娘家陪送的财物,亦称“嫁装”、“妆奁”、“嫁资”等。中国传统社会,嫁妆于婚姻意义重大。首先,它在女子出嫁时必不可少,无论家庭贫富,人们都会尽力为女儿筹办嫁妆;其次,嫁妆的多少直接影响到婚姻的缔结,丰厚的嫁妆往往使女性在婚姻市场上得到更高身价;再次,嫁妆给家庭及社会带来一系列影响,如助长了整个社会的奢靡之风、导致婚后的奁产纠纷等。本文拟从嫁妆问题入手,探讨清代贫富家庭的嫁妆差异、嫁妆对家庭生活的影响,以及由嫁妆引发的社会经济问题。一清代嫁妆可分为生活用品和不动产两类。其中,生活用品是嫁妆最基本…  相似文献   

浅析宋代厚嫁之风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高立迎 《沧桑》2010,(4):132-133,163
在商品经济的影响下,宋代社会观念和社会生活方式都出现了许多新的变化,婚姻商品化的趋势日益增强,突出地反映在宋代盛行的厚嫁之风。本文通过对宋代嫁妆特点、作用的分析,论证了嫁妆对宋代女子的婚姻生活和家庭地位产生的重大影响。  相似文献   

何越 《安徽史学》2010,(4):60-66
古罗马实行的是嫁妆婚姻."女儿出嫁给予嫁妆"从一种习俗变成法律的硬性规定;嫁妆的数额经历了由少到多的变化;妻子对嫁妆的权利则经历着从无到有的演变.这是一个逐渐对妇女有利的发展过程,也是罗马财产让渡的一个发展过程,它对于妇女而言不仅仅是获取陪嫁物,更重要的是通过嫁妆参与了社会财产的分配.罗马妇女通过嫁妆制度参与社会财产分配与让渡,在罗马社会发展进程中起到重要作用,从而显示出自己独特的经济地位.  相似文献   

19世纪英国现代化与妇女家庭法律地位的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代化影响下,19世纪英国妇女家庭法律地位表现出双重性:一方面她们在家庭中仍然处于从属地位。另一方面,英国家庭法律制度逐渐向性别平等的方向发展,英国妇女享有更多的自主权,她们的家庭地位有所提高。因为现代化为妇女提供了更多的机会进入公共领域,赢得自己的话语权和独立的人权。政治现代化推动民主平等精神的发展,进一步唤醒了妇女的权利意识,融合女性主义和自由主义力量推进了家庭两性关系的变革。  相似文献   

方忆  薛洁 《神州民俗》2007,(11):21-24
文章以婚姻家庭作为哈萨克族女子进入新的人生角色的起点和第一线索,其间贯穿着她们在家庭社会生活中的贡献与价值,其中重点放在哈萨克族妇女与草原民俗文化的互动关系上,以民俗文化视野展现哈萨克族妇女在整个哈萨克民族中的重要地位和作用。  相似文献   

近代江南乡村妇女的"财产权"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张佩国 《史学月刊》2002,(1):113-120
在近代江南乡村,尽管妇女对家庭生计有着重要的贡献,但家产的男系传承原则使她们基本上没有财产权可言。在家庭结构健全的场合,妇女根本就无权获得家产份额。寡妇相对而言有一定的家产处置权,但那仅仅是代儿孙监管而已,在寡妇无子的情况下,还要将家产捐给族里。出嫁女获赠“奁田”,娘家有随时收回的权利。因此,妇女的所谓“财产权”是残缺的,在家族共财制的农业社会的历史场境中,这是很容易解释的。  相似文献   

慕安 《文史月刊》2007,(3):23-25
新中国的诞生,带来了中国妇女的翻身和解放,她们矫健的身影活跃在各条战线,涌现出数量众多的先进妇女人物,第一批女飞行员就是这些先进人物中的代表,她们为新中国的航空事业所做出的贡献很值得我们去颂扬。  相似文献   

正新中国成立后,中国妇女得到彻底的解放。她们摆脱了上千年封建枷锁的禁锢,她们的命运发生了根本改变,她们的地位不断提高,她们在工作、家庭和生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。毛泽东由衷称赞"妇女能顶半边天"。值此"三八妇女节"之际,本刊撷取一些老照片,以展现新中国成立后的妇女风采。  相似文献   

西藏解放以后,藏族妇女没有沉静在传统社会中。在她们自己的不断努力和国家各项方针政策的支持下,藏族妇女树立了自尊、自强的价值观和实现自我价值的意识,走出了一直禁锢她们思想的围墙。她们走出了家庭,走向了社会,有了自己的事业和理想,她们的地位发生了巨大的转变,她们同男性一样,获得了相应的权利和地位。  相似文献   

张洋  张敏 《人文地理》2016,31(3):27-32
大型购物中心成为研究现代都市女性身份与社会、空间关系的三棱镜。本文聚焦于"幼童母亲"这一群体,探究其身份认同与购物中心的相互建构过程。通过南京市虹悦城购物中心的研究发现,幼童母亲在购物中心内建立起了多种身份认同,并在身份认同驱使下形成多重实践。这一过程使得幼童母亲在购物空间中突破了传统的公共空间与私人空间的二元划分,借助私密空间的综合性和社会化实现了女性自我个性的释放,实现了社会性别空间的重新定义,同时也重新定义和建构了大型购物中心这一现代都市消费空间。  相似文献   

Individualisation, which is increasingly promoted in European welfare states, tends to be absent from policy discourse as well as housing studies in Japan. It is largely because the ‘family as a unit’ is still a dominant approach in their household finance, social security and taxation systems, which also reflects women’s lack of home ownership. However, recent demographic trends such as falling marriage rates, low fertility and increased female labour participation indicate significant diversification in women’s life-course. Thus, today women making their own financial investment and house purchase have increasingly become popular practice. In this context, a new approach beyond the conventional ‘family as a unit’ may be required in the development of a new social contract. Drawing on data from qualitative research conducted among women in their 30s, this article explores the relationship between financial independence, household decisions and asset holding of partnered women in Japan, which reveals contested dimensions of women’s independence and autonomy in household and family life. Through the lens of home ownership, it considers the importance of promoting individual assets in order to foster gender equality in marriage.  相似文献   

Despite the rising divorce rate among farm families in Norway, surprisingly little research has examined these break-ups. Drawing on interviews with farm women whose marital or cohabiting relationships broke down, we explore the contradictions between individualization and the moral responsibility embedded in the patriarchal discourse of the family farm. We ask whether farm family dissolution represents a break with patriarchal ideology and practice, and thus threatens the survival of the family farm. A key finding is the struggle to balance establishing new lives for themselves with meeting their felt obligations to the farm. None of the women exercised their full legal rights if they worried that it might destroy the farm business. By ensuring the survival of the farm and the well-being of their children, the women's handling of divorce conforms to cultural conventions and protects the family farm.  相似文献   

"Dysfunctional domesticity" contributes to the growing reevaluation of the importance of the history of the family to understanding the history of insanity. Using patient case histories from the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, this article examines representations of family life among poor in England in the 1830s and 1840s. Among the so-called moral causes of insanity, family relationships held a prominent place. Female patients more than male patients had their mental illnesses attributed to their domestic circumstances: the poverty of their home lives, grief over a death of friends and family, love and marital relationships gone wrong, and violence in their homes. The case histories reveal that poor women experienced many pressures in the domestic sphere, and insanity may have been one way to escape dysfunctional domesticity.  相似文献   

Diasporic Somalis are increasingly leading a transnational life in which family members are sustained through networks of relations, obligations and resources that are located in different nation-states. These networks and relations enable diasporic Somalis to seek safety for themselves and their relatives, minimize risks and maximize family resources. In this article, I examine three key dimensions of such a way of life, namely: migration; remittances; and transnational family care. I focus on the roles that women play in this family-based support system. For instance, women move and facilitate the movement of other family members; they remit to family members; and they provide care for children and sick relatives. But these transnational households are not free from tensions. Family members are placed in hierarchical relations shaped by age; parental authority; possession of western citizenship; financial resources; and bonds of familial reciprocity and gratitude. Women gain appreciation from relatives and a sense of self-respect for their new roles. Some of the women also make use of the family network to arrange for the care of their children and sick relatives, while they engage in transnational trading activities. However, young and single female relatives often sacrifice or delay their individual dreams because of their familial obligations. I conclude that transnationalism – as a way of organizing and sustaining livelihood, resources and relations of Somali families – is not always emancipating or marginalizing for Somali women. Rather the benefits and challenges of such a way of life for women are different, mixed and uneven.  相似文献   

This article is situated at the intersection of urban restructuring, cultural conservatism and neoliberalism in the Turkish context to understand the new subject formations of poor women as they are relocated to high-rise apartment blocks in slum/squatter renewal projects by the prospect of homeownership via long-term mortgage loans. It contributes by showing the gendered effects of urban transformation on poor women as neoliberalism and conservatism interact. It draws upon two ethnographic studies that reveal women’s experiences embedded both in neoliberalism and patriarchy. In neoliberalism, women’s participation in the informal job market was promoted as they were made responsible for contributing to mortgage payments, and they were brought into consumption as they were provoked the desire for good homes via furnishing, and in patriarchy, women’s traditional roles in social reproduction were demanded in spite of their new roles and responsibilities. The study ponders women’s differentiated negotiations with patriarchy which resisted radical challenges when the family and the home framed women’s new responsibilities and desires. The rising conservatism rooted in Islam in Turkey, which prioritizes the family over individual women, created the conditions for it.  相似文献   

论文以22名嫁韩中国女性为对象,从跨国主义的视角分析她们在韩的婚姻现状、与原生家庭间的跨国联系及这种联系的性质和意义。研究发现,这些女性绝大多数来自中国东北三省和山东沿海地区;中介婚姻占近70%,且与丈夫的年龄差距普遍较大;再婚者占较大比例。其中,60%与韩国丈夫育有子女,已在韩国生活多年,并从事各种非专业化工作。这些女性通过汇款寄物,信息通讯交流,回国探亲,邀请家人来韩等一系列方式维持着跨国家庭纽带。而她们的中国家人也为其提供育儿、家政以及精神抚慰等多方面的支持。通过跨国家庭纽带,汉族女性与原生家庭成员之间实现的是一种灵活变动着的"跨国看护",双方是互惠互利的。  相似文献   

李蕾蕾 《人文地理》2021,36(4):44-52
运用历史地理唯物主义和女性主义地理学视角,建立奥斯曼在19世纪巴黎“创造性破坏”的城市规划和空间生产,与第一波女权运动的知识联结,推导女性主义地理学的史前史及其未来方向。研究发现,巴黎都市现代性的形成,使性别问题一开始就与阶级问题构成交叉关系;表现为“城-郊”二元结构及其在家庭私人空间、城市公共空间、拱廊街为代表的阈限空间等展现出来的有关资产阶级沙龙女性、工人阶级贫困女性和都市漫游者的三种不同形态的性别地理,以及表征主义和革命行动的两种性别政治。都市现代性的性别地理研究,为反思生物本质主义的性别体制、关注“后人类”未来基于赛博格、数字媒介城市和星球城市化的人地关系的性别研究,提供了未来方向。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and socioeconomic status of one-parent families in Great Britain and Australia are described, and reasons for the increase in this type of family are analyzed. The author finds that "one-parent families, largely composed of women and children, constitute one of the most rapidly-growing family types. Evidence from Britain and Australia reveals their extreme marginalization in the labour market, and their concentration into public housing. These problems are related to patriarchal structures within society, particularly the expectations of traditional gender roles and the segregation of women's job opportunities."  相似文献   

The au pair stay allows young women to experience the doing gender of family work and waged work in another cultural context than their own. This article investigates how Russian university graduates, who had been working as an au pair in Germany, developed transcultural strategies to balance work and family for their prospective future referring to these different experiences. It will be shown that interviewees rejected the Soviet family model of the fulltime ‘working mother’. Some women positively evaluated that in Germany the equality of gender has been better established than in Russia and aimed at sharing housework with their partner. Criticizing the outsourcing of childcare to an employee, in this family model femininity is not based on housework but on women's dedication to motherhood. Other women negatively evaluated that in Germany the family model of the ‘business woman’ characterized by women's role as the main breadwinner of the family and the primary provider of family work has developed. These women preferred to work part-time to be able to care for their families. In this family model the responsibility of breadwinning is ascribed solely to men, while women's waged work is constructed as time devoted to women's individual needs by offering an intellectual challenge and an individual income.  相似文献   

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