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秦代兵士的衣服是由国家供给还是自备?史无明文记载,云梦睡虎地四号墓出土的两件木牍,是士兵的家信,内容是向家中要衣钱.许多人因此推断,秦俑的服饰也应是自备的.我认为这一问题还需要进一步的  相似文献   

里耶秦简道路里程简揭示了今河北境内的交通地理,这条线路向北经战国时期燕下都可与秦北边道交汇,向南行可与邯郸临淄道相合,交通位置十分重要,为文献所未载。本文考证认为这条路为战国时期燕齐之间的交通道路。通过此路线把战国时期的燕、齐、赵三个重要国连为一体,形成一个三角区域。同时这条线路也是燕、齐、赵区域内物质文化交流的重要孔道,更是秦代重要的邮驿路线。它的存在促进了该地区的民族认同和文化交流,为秦统一民族国家的形成和巩固奠定了基础。  相似文献   

黄忠 《贵阳文史》2012,(5):75-75
这一时期的军服大体可概括为灰色中山装式样上衣和军裤为主,头戴大盖帽。这套军服最具特色的是上衣的4个衣袋外置,如同衣服上挂着四个口袋一样。黄埔建军后的第一套军服,最为明显的特征就是无论官兵,在军服上都看不出军衔标识。清朝末年,中国军服的样式发生了巨大转变。新军的建立揭开了晚清军队走向规模性改革的序幕。北洋六镇的出现,使得晚清军队抛弃之前传统的满式号衣,而军服也日趋实用化、西式化。此后百年,陆续登上历史舞台的军服各式各样。本文介绍的是一套不仅有象征第一次国共合作的特殊历史意义,并且在款式风格上也别具一格的黄埔军服。  相似文献   

从里耶秦简官署文书中反映的情况来看,秦代称县的长官为"令",而秦简牍中所见"县啬夫"为泛指称谓的可能性比较大,并非是与县令不同职权的监理机构职官。里耶秦简中出现的"迁陵公",应该是战国时期楚地对迁陵县长官的旧有称谓,也可能是张楚时期对县长官的称谓。县长官的职能主要是掌管县辖区内所有的事务,包括民政、司法、经济等等,战国乃至秦汉县令所拥有的职权基本变化不大,而里耶秦简官署文书体现的主要是其司法职权特点。  相似文献   

标准的红军军服是深灰色的,加上红星帽和绑腿,第一套标准的红军军服是在长汀县城诞生的。1929年3月14日,红四军从赣南杀入闽西,在长汀近郊长岭寨,击毙国民党军十七军六师第六混成旅旅长郭凤鸣,歼敌2000余人,解放了长汀县,取得了红四军入闽第一仗的胜利。毛泽东将部队进行整编:全军共3个纵队(团),每个纵队1200人,500多支枪;全军约4000人。红四军自创建以来,长期处于战争坏境之中,无法大量生产军服,只  相似文献   

距今七百多年前,蒙古骑兵纵横于欧亚大陆,在创建了赫赫武功的同时,也遗留下部分做工精良的盔甲军服,可使后人得悉其独特的军戎文化。  相似文献   

有关秦国谷物种植的具体记载,史籍所记很少。历来谈及秦国的谷物种植,论者多将其与春秋、战国时期混为一谈。其实不然,各地区谷物种植各有其侧重,这是人所共知的,何况秦国乃春秋特别是战国时期发展最迅速的国家,其农业生产的发展一定很快。因此,了解秦国的谷物种植状况对了解其农业生产的发展状况具有重要的意义。云梦秦简《日书》有关秦国谷物种植方面的记载,为我们提供了直接而可信的资料。《日书》〈即云梦秦简《日书》,下同〉是秦国民间用来选时择日的迷信书籍,据推断成书于秦昭王时期(见《日书:秦国社  相似文献   

军服体现着军队整齐划一、纪律严明和威武雄壮的风貌。中国人民解放军自1927年8月1日南昌起义诞生后,随着不断发展壮大和正规化建设的不断深入,其着装也经历了一个从相对统一至完全统一的过程。本文从红军时期我军的着装写起,带领读者回顾了从那时到今天我军军服变革的历史。  相似文献   

战国时期,封建制度逐渐形成,随之出现的行政管理手段的变化使公文的数量大幅增加,公文的应用也更加普遍,成为政府机构之间传达政令、交换信息的最主要载体。从里耶秦简和睡虎地秦简来看,秦时公文的分类详细、用语固定,不但设立了传送公文的专职机构——邮,为保障文书安全与准时的递达,还制订了规范文书传送的法律——《行书律》,并设有专门保管往来文书的机构——书府,说明秦的公文制度已经非常成熟。  相似文献   

2011年美国陆军宣布,士兵今后着作战服时不必戴贝雷帽,改戴有檐巡逻帽。世界上许多国家都将贝雷帽作为制式军服的一部分,并与除礼服外的各种制式服装搭配,有着广泛的运用领域,一些特殊甚至是功勋卓著的部队甚至用所戴的贝雷帽命名。这种似乎是国际通用的帽子,美军说废弃就废弃,原因何在呢?  相似文献   

驿站是中国历代兼具军政职能的交通运输组织,是中国古代社会中央集权体制发展的需要和重要体现之一。自商周至清朝末年,历代驿站不断发展和完善。在管理体制上,从中央到地方形成了一套完整的管理系统,并逐步实行军事化管理在勤务体制上,各类驿站推陈出新,并在职能上逐步统一;在服务对象上,实行军政两用、平战结合。其中,管理体制上的军事化,勤务体制上的统一化,服务对象上的军政结合、平战结合,是中国历代驿站在发展过程中表现出来的重要特点。  相似文献   

In 1993 the "don't ask, don't tell" policy legislated the silenceof gay and lesbian soldiers on active duty and in the reserves.This silence about gays in the military has led to a collectiveamnesia about the patriotic service and courageous sacrificesof homosexual troops. If we forget that gay and lesbian Americanshave served their country, then we as a nation are much lesslikely to view them as full citizens, deserving of civil rightsand equal protection of the law. Oral history provides one wayto break this silence, to "ask and tell" about the militarycareers of gay and lesbian soldiers and to allow these veteransto speak for themselves about the current military policy. Basedon more than fifty interviews with gay and lesbian veterans,this article chronicles the evolution of military policy regardinghomosexuality since World War II, and it explores the intersectionof veterans' identities based on race, sexuality, and militaryservice. As these interviews illustrate, gays and lesbians haveserved honorably in the military during times of war and peace.Far from undermining unit cohesion or morale, these troops havestrengthened America's armed forces. Interviews with gay andlesbian veterans provide an opportunity to explore several themesunderlying the debate about homosexuality and military service:1) the relationship between racism and homophobia in the military;2) varying attitudes about military service within gay communities;3) contrasting experiences of gay men and lesbians in the military;and 4) the evolving nature of gay veterans' identities.  相似文献   

This article argues that the military covenant between senior army commanders and soldiers is breaking down for two reasons: first, British forces are being engaged in new and controversial wars of choice, putting new and distinct pressures on the covenant; and second because senior military commanders have not fully appreciated the changes to their authority and power in governing the British army. It further suggests that military commanders, central staff and ministers need to acknowledge the scale of the internal challenges to the military covenant and develop appropriate responses. Drawing on examples from gender equality and sexual orientation, allegations of war crimes in Iraq, the military's duty of care and the proposed launch of a British Armed Forces Federation, this article argues that these challenges show that the military leadership has no choice but to rethink its outdated approach to governance of the British army, if it is to remain fi t for purpose. Without appropriate adaptation, army chiefs will have themselves contributed to the breaking of the military covenant, between the army and the individual soldier.  相似文献   

Female outwork, according to the Tilly‐Scott thesis, is an indication of the spread of the family wage economy. Unmarried women as wage‐earners are primarily considered to be the agents of new family formation. In Hungary between 1900 and 1930, the agrarian population provided the main source of female employment both in agriculture and urban domestic service. Using standard census data, the changes in female labour force participation seem only in part to confirm the Tilly‐Scott formulation. The operation of the labour market for domestic servants in Budapest, however, underlines the definitely gendered way of how women (married and unmarried alike) qualify themselves for paid labour.  相似文献   

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, as the Japanese Army sought intelligence on the countries neighbouring Japan, the military made use of the Buddhist priesthood as a cover for intelligence gathering. In addition, elements of the Buddhist priesthood, in particular the Kyoto‐based Honganji sect, were happy to cooperate with the military in its intelligence gathering operations, either by allowing military officers to disguise themselves as monks or by having Buddhist monks gather military intelligence for the Japanese Army. This article examines the relationship between the Japanese Army and the Honganji sect following the 1868 Meiji Restoration, the activities of military officers who disguised themselves as Buddhist monks and the intelligence gathering activities of Buddhist monks, hoping to shed more light on the part that Japanese Buddhism played in Japan's imperial adventures.  相似文献   

殷安妮 《收藏家》2013,(6):26-30
清代行服,是北方游牧民族——满族生活中不可或缺的服饰,不仅传承了满族服饰束身窄袖的特色,还因其要适应游牧射猎的需要,具有其他款式的满族服饰没有的特点和功能,这种方便实用的服饰,在满族曾经戎马倥偬,驰骋疆场的历史中,获得过“得胜袍”、“得胜褂”的美誉,在服饰制度作为政治制度一部分的清代,这种有军装意义的服饰,被载人清代史册。  相似文献   

This article utilizes arts-based methods as a feminist methodology for understanding women’s experiences in military service, according to theories of feminist security studies. It explores how non-combatant women in the army retrospectively narrate stressful situations that happened during their military service. Using arts-based methods, we examine how they derive meaning from their experiences in a masculine, military environment, affected by ongoing conflict. This article analyzes twenty images drawn by Israeli women who served in the army in the previous 2–4 years. The women drew a stressful event from their military service, explained the image, and elaborated on how they coped with the situation. A content analysis of the pictures and the narratives produced three themes: the responsibility for others in life threatening situations, the military as a first professional work experience and the interaction between military and gender hierarchies. In general, women soldiers experienced the army as complex as they encountered their first adult work space in which they learned responsibility and skills of the ‘adults’ world’. However, they were also exposed to a rigid hierarchy and to stressful security situations typical of army contexts. While non-combat women soldiers were allegedly protected from the violence of the army, they are also indirectly exposed to the danger inherent in an army context. This analysis goes beyond the hero narrative, and moves into taboo territories of young women’s narratives and experiences in the military.  相似文献   


Using recently released archives from the Military Service Pensions Collection (MSPC), this article assesses the archival evidence available for assessing how many rebels are recognised as having military service in the Easter Rising of 1916. It argues that while the MSPC contributes towards a more accurate estimation of the number who participated in the Rising, especially in the regions outside Dublin, it does not constitute a definitive figure for rebels active in Easter week. Through an examination of the assessment criteria for military service pensions, it shows how the decision to grant recognised pensionable service for the Rising was affected by geography, politics, legal challenges, the timing of an application, and the subjective assessment of individual assessors.  相似文献   

The genesis of the first western kingdoms in early medieval Europe has often been framed as the consequence of barbarian invasions bringing down the Roman empire in its western provinces. This article considers a considerably more corrosive factor in the breakdown of western imperial structures, i.e. the warlordism of its own military personnel, via a case study of the Gothic aristocrat Sarus’ micro‐politics of mobility. This article will show that Sarus is one of the earliest attested cases of men willing to opt out of imperial service and use violence to reintegrate themselves later. Re‐examining the rapidly shifting political circumstances, it will demonstrate that Sarus was increasingly forced to move and take independent violent action, together with his men, in order to survive. This has major implications for a newly developing early medieval European phenomenon: the transformation of regular imperial commanders into irregular warlords.  相似文献   

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