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During the first four decades of the 19th century carrier services in the northeast of Scotland developed rapidly. Most were centred on Aberdeen, the main city and port of the region, but local networks also existed, focused on other towns in the region. Improved road facilities throughout the region, particularly those formed by turnpike trusts, enabled an increasing number of locations to be served in this way. The rapid economic development that took place in the area at this time led to, and was fostered by, an increasing frequency of service.. The arrival of the railway in the region in the middle of the 19th century, and its gradual extension north and west of Aberdeen, had a major effect on the road‐based carrier network. Long‐distance routes centred on Aberdeen declined rapidly, there was rationalisation within the services provided, new services grew up centred on railway facilities, and the number of short‐distance carriers increased. The flexibility inherent in carrier services, however, ensured that they continued to remain relevant to customers in the 20th century.  相似文献   

Archaeological fieldwork in 1997 on the Isle of Dogs, at the south-east entrance to the West India Docks, recovered evidence of 17th- to 19th-century shipyards, associated activities and foreign trade. Reused timbers may be the remains of the 17th-century Rolt's yard. Reclamation along the natural inlet was accompanied by the construction of a timber dry dock probably in the late 18th century. This soon fell out of use and was filled in with the construction of new dry docks to the south in 1806 by Thomas Pitcher. Much of the debris dating to the first half of the 19th century from ship repairing and building and from a range of ancillary crafts, together with ceramics from Iberia and the Far East, probably came from Pitcher's yard.  相似文献   

A wrecked submarine lying in the inter-tidal zone of Isla San Telmo, off Panama's coast, has been identified as Sub Marine Explorer , a rare surviving example of a mid-19th-century submersible. One of the world's first successful lock-out dive-chambers, the craft had a fatal design aspect that ultimately harmed its crew and may have killed the builder through the effects of pressure. Documentation of the submarine provides a detailed understanding of this technologically advanced but flawed craft.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   

19世纪收继问题研究——以安徽为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪安徽社会中收继现象较为普遍,平均14%的家庭发生收继或出继行为,来解决一些家庭的"无后"的问题.从宗族角度讲,收继可以分为族内收继和族外收继两种情形,各需履行不同的收继程序,中上层家庭以族内收继为主,下层家庭则族外收继多于族内收继.国家和宗族对收继的前提、原则和被收继人在新旧家庭中的地位做出种种规定,但制度规范与人们的实际行为间存在着相当的差异.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the possibilities of counterfactual history through three showcases from the Scandinavian theatre of the Napoleonic Wars. The scenarios are based on clearly described and plausible points of divergence, i.e. single, identifiable historical events that could have resulted in a different outcome. The counterfactuals are explored by means of systematic extrapolation. The first scenario presents the possibility of a Danish victory against the British naval expedition in the Battle of Copenhagen Roads in 1801. The scenario seeks to answer the question whether the Danish victory could have maintained the League of Armed Neutrality intact in some form, keeping Scandinavia out of the Napoleonic Wars altogether. The second scenario describes the Abborfors border dispute of 1803, which historically nearly triggered a war between Sweden and Russia. The extrapolation focuses on the hypothetical consequences of a premature Swedish-Russian conflict in 1803, and its impact on the War of the Third Coalition. The third scenario explores the hypothetical French invasion of Jutland in 1807, and the potential of Scandinavia as a strategic quagmire of the Napoleonic Wars, comparable to what Spain became in our timeline.  相似文献   

The objects recovered from the Swan have already been the subject of a number of publications. The aim of this article is to provide an in-depth study of the pocket-watch, using Three Dimensional Computed Tomography (3D-CT) X-ray scanning. The structural information that survived exceeded expectations and made a virtual reconstruction of the mechanism possible. The very high resolution provided by the scan enabled the engraving of the maker's name to be visualised and confirmed the date of the watch.
© 2009 The Authors  相似文献   

This article explores the reactions of civil authorities and Lutheran clergy to Mormon activity in Finland between the years 1875 and 1889. At this time, Mormonism was introduced to the country by missionaries who were mainly Swedish natives and who proselytized in the Swedish-speaking coastal areas. Although the impact was numerically small in terms of conversions, the Mormon presence was regarded by the civil authorities and the Lutheran clergy as sufficiently serious to warrant action. Civil authorities responded for example by confiscating Mormon literature and issuing warnings and threats of arrest to missionaries. Clergy, acting from a religious perspective and seeking to impede the spread of new religious movements that they regarded as spiritually harmful, interrupted preaching meetings and warned their parishioners against the perceived heresy. Enforced legislation and strong societal opposition was an important reason for the meagre harvest of Mormon converts in 19th-century Finland as opposed to the other Nordic countries.  相似文献   

Thanks to Hollywood, average Americans would define the history of the opening up of the West in terms of epic pistol duels, vast open plains, and wagon-trains of hopeful immigrants. Large segments of American Western history, however, are still unexamined. These include a fascinating maritime history, a hidden saga of river steam transportation that explains the efficient westward movement of huge numbers of immigrants and vast quantities of supplies. This text outlines the archaeological documentation and analysis of the western river-steamer Montana , of immense proportions and an advanced marine technology far removed from her ocean-going ancestors.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

In 2006, as part of the Flinders University Maritime Archaeology Field School, Department of Archaeology staff and students excavated and recorded the remains of the Australian-built ketch Mary Ellis . Colonial-period Australian shipbuilding has, for the past 20 years, been considered one of the most important themes in Australian maritime archaeology. This paper presents a summary of field investigations and a preliminary interpretation of the shipwreck, which adds to the slowly-building dataset on this theme of Australian maritime archaeology.
© 2008 The Authors  相似文献   

19世纪初期“tourism”见诸英语,后又取代“travel”的主流地位,标志着英国古典旅行观向现代旅游观的转变。“tourism”概念由于适应了工业文明时代旅游大众化、市场化、产业化的需要,因而从市井俚语上升为20世纪西方旅游理论的主流概念。厘清它与汉语中“旅游”概念之间深刻的文化差异,是中国旅游学界应对西方旅游理论的一大关键。  相似文献   

The 'Mardi Gras' Shipwreck is the remains of an early-19th-century sailing vessel lost in approximately 1220 m of water in the Gulf of Mexico. A recent archaeological investigation documented the wreck and recovered several artefacts, including glassware, ceramics, navigational instruments, a cannon, and a stove. Analyses of these artefacts and the surviving hull have led to preliminary conclusions on the nature of the vessel and its crew.
© 2009 The Authors  相似文献   

2~7世纪的东亚世界,正处于国家整合和社会变革的非常时期。其时位于朝鲜半岛西海岸的国家——百济与中国大陆各朝代的交往最为密切和频繁,成为中国大陆、朝鲜半岛和日本列岛诸国之间沟通联系的重要使者和促进东亚汉字和儒学文化圈形成的重要媒介。透过古代史籍文献中的有关记载和考古的发现研究,以连接中国大陆东部和朝鲜半岛西部的海上交通为切入点,可以从航海史的角度揭示中国与百济之间来往和交流的历史面貌。  相似文献   

Cet article présente les caractéristiques et l'évolution de la propriété foncière, du marché foncier et des systèmes de production agricoles en Lombardie orientale au 19e siècle. L'auteur analyse les impacts sur l'exploitation de la terre de la substitution des propriétaires fonciers nobles par des bourgeois; des maladies du ver à soie et des vignobles, de l'arrivée des grains américains moins chers; de l'utilisation d'engrais chimiques et d'équipements modernes. Il montre que si la petite propriété représente toujours près d'un tiers du total et que la magnanerie et la viticulture diminuent, il est relevé une croissance des cultures céréalières et fourragères et des dépenses consacrées aux innovations technologiques. Il signale la rationalisation des cultures, l'amélioration des rendements et de la qualité des récoltes ainsi que des revenus non déclarés pour éviter les impôts et explique pourquoi les investisseurs préfèrent les petits aratori comportant des mûriers et des vignobles. Enfin, il donne à voir que l'organisation des exploitations reste liée au degré de risque pris par le propriétaire (la rente fixe garantie par le bail à ferme payé en argent ou une gestion directe de la propriété) et aux cultures (la présence des vignobles et de la magnanerie favorisant les sharecropping contracts).  相似文献   

The Destitute Asylum of Adelaide, South Australia, was the subject of a rescue excavation in 1983. This paper seeks to explore the possibilities for further archaeological research that can arise from a reconsideration of reports generated by such excavations. Using documents, plans, photographs, and the Asylum buildings as material culture in much the same way as artifacts are used, the research focuses on the questions of space and room use within the Destitute Asylum.  相似文献   

The rapid politicization of the public sphere in Denmark between the two European revolutionary waves of 1830 and 1848 created not only enthusiasm, but also sharp criticism of institutionalized and segmented politics as inherently alienating and inauthentic. Such anti-political criticism was expressed from a range of different positions: philosophical, poetical, religious and social. This article maps and analyses the conflicting subject positions from which anti-political criticism was articulated as well as the different spatio-temporal delimitations and modalities of politics within each position.  相似文献   


What explains the generous state sponsorship of the French Pacific voyages of scientific exploration in the period of the Restoration and the July Monarchy, and what links did these voyages have with the beginnings of a French Pacific empire from 1842? While it is argued that the early voyages owed much to state advancement of science, this goal receded as a reviving France became increasingly imperial minded. In justifying imperial expansion into the Pacific, the French monarchy turned increasingly to another source of national identity and global influence: the activities of French missionaries. Though the promotion of French missions did not constitute a primary goal of French Pacific expeditions, their reports helped to strengthen the alliance between French missions and an increasingly expansionist state. Ironically it was the voyagers’ attention to religion rather than science that was to be more directly linked with the foundations of a French Pacific empire.  相似文献   


Polish lands in 19th century are usually located in the economic peripheries of Europe. However there are no usable datasets of Polish GDP for this period to verify this hypothesis. The main problem is lack of reliable and comparable macroeconomic data from country divided between Russia, Austria and Prussia. The main goal of this research was to propose the method based on the urbanization data set to estimate the GDP of Polish territories and to verify the hypothesis on the peripheral development of Polish lands. In result the new estimates on GDP per capita were established, that allowed to confirm the hypothesis of semi-peripheral development of Polish territories in 19th century and slow process of catching-up with the core economies.  相似文献   

姚海 《史学月刊》2007,2(4):55-62
19世纪中期在俄国发展道路问题上的斗争并非是普鲁士式道路和美国式道路之争,因为当时俄国并不存在走美国式道路的选项。人数极少的激进革命派鼓动农民革命的目的是要实现具有空想性质的村社社会主义。农民运动在本质上是自发的、无组织的力量,不具有资产阶级性质。新兴的俄国资产阶级自由主义运动不能左右发展道路的选择,因而力促政权进行改革。沙皇政权在发展道路选择问题上具有决定性作用,它采取了相对独立的政策,既没有听命于保守贵族,也没有容忍革命运动和农民运动,而是坚持进行由政权主导的自由主义性质的改革,使俄国走上了资本主义道路。  相似文献   

伴随着社会经济领域中的深刻变化,政治民主化逐渐成为19世纪英国历史的主旋律。英国的民主化进程不仅在议会改革中体现出来,而且也在城市政府改革中体现出来。英国19世纪的大众民主是在城市率先发展,并普及推广开来的。城市在此充当了大众基层民主的摇篮和发源地。以纳税人资格确定投票权,体现了权利与义务相统一的观念,摒弃了议会选举中的财产资格条件,这是向现代民主制方向发展的一个重要举措,也是一个历史进步。  相似文献   

How much did the 19th-century rural schoolhouse cost to build? On the basis of a study of schoolhouse building in the Sundsvall region in the period 1842–1900, this article shows how the cost of school buildings increased over time, both overall and by schoolhouse, largely because of the marginalization of cheaper and simpler redevelopment projects, as well as the construction of a number of more expensive schoolhouses. Through the use of extensive source material, preserved from the building of 66 schoolhouses, a more detailed analysis of these developments has demonstrated differences in price levels between purchased schoolhouses, redevelopments of existing buildings and new building projects, and buildings intended for different types of schools. Insights are also given into labour and material costs. In addition to establishing basic facts about a main feature of the expanding system of mass education, this study thus makes a reinterpretation of the 19th-century rural schoolhouse which emphasizes new patterns of development and fundamental distinctions, presenting schoolhouses as a social and economic issue, rather than an architectural or pedagogical concern. Instead of being described as rather simple buildings, in comparison with the major buildings in the cities, schoolhouses thus appear as a major item of expenditure for local government.  相似文献   

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