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Ceramic provenance studies have helped archaeologists examine trade and exchange in multiple scales, the organization of production, and even vessel function. Yet, they may go even further, to provide a venue for the examination of past people’s perception of their landscape. To do so, a methodology is needed that links the choices prehistoric potters made, as reflected in their ceramics, with the choices their landscape could afford them, as reflected in the extent and distribution of local clays, and the physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of these clays. Using the region of Bova Marina in southwestern Calabria as a case study, we have combined a raw materials survey with field and laboratory experiments, along with chemical and mineralogical analyses of the collected sediments to understand the distribution and the physical, chemical and mineralogical variability of locally available clays and provide baseline data against which prehistoric ceramic materials from the region may be compared. We show that the local sediments can be divided into three major units, based on their macroscopic, mineralogical and chemical characteristics, that correspond well with the major geological units outcropping in the study area. While two of these units have internally consistent properties, the third is variable.  相似文献   

This paper discusses degrees of urbanity or urbanities using ethnographic data from research conducted among the Grecanici communities in the city of Reggio Calabria, south Italy. Urbanization in south Italy is usually associated with social and territorial mobility, education and natural disasters. It is further discussed in terms of a rural/urban duality that masks rather than reveals possible diversities concerning the social life in the city and the links between rural and urban which in the urban environment follow different trajectories. Following the premise that the effects of urbanization cannot be homogenously felt by the actors, I follow the Grecanici migration to the city of Reggio Calabria in the decade of the 1950s in order to argue that urbanities are directly informed by factors such as kinship, neighbourhood identification, education and socio‐economic status.  相似文献   

Archaeologists investigating Middle Bronze to Early Iron Age periods (1600–900 b.c.) in southern Italy often explore linkages between emerging inequality and foreign trade connections, establishing a coupled trope of “change emerges from external forces” and “waiting for civilization to arrive”. Based on excavations at the Recent/Final Bronze and Early Iron Ages (RFBA/IA, 1200–900 b.c.) site of Sant’Aniceto in Calabria, we offer an alternative narrative in which hierarchy and institutionalized inequality held little sway in this community. By employing a building biography approach, we examine the variety of ways people sustain their communities through the creation and value of difference (e.g., age, knowledge, or skill) that characterize daily life, even when political hierarchy is absent. Our research at Sant’Aniceto centers on understanding the locally-grounded experiences and lives of people by approaching social difference through the lens of the materialities of everyday life.  相似文献   


This paper examines the dramatic events of ‘I Quindici Giorni di Scanzano’, the vast popular uprising in Basilicata in November 2003 that thwarted a government decree to create a consolidated national nuclear waste dump at Scanzano Jonico. The struggle cut across lines of locality, age, social class and political affiliation, mobilizing the populace with various symbols, including references to brigandage, postwar struggles for land, and the Madonna of Loreto. Solidarity for the protest came from all quarters of the South, especially the neighboring regions of Apulia and Calabria. Although government representatives and some of the media portrayed the Lucanians in recognizably anti-Southern tropes of ‘uncivicness’, this paper argues that this remarkable moment in Basilicata's history created a new sense of public identity and action that in many ways reflected recent intellectual discourses on the South.  相似文献   

张侃侃  王兴中 《人文地理》2012,27(2):78-81,61
从人本主义的角度出发,以提升城市生活空间质量为目的,运用城市生活空间质量观的理念分析了城市社区体系结构的公正性和客观可获性的内涵。构建了城市社区体系结构可获性评价的模式,即阶层化居舍剥夺指数评价模式和阶层化社会区剥夺指数模式。阐述了基于"城市资源的配置是均等的"这一假设,结合城市社区体系结构可获性评价要素,提出了城市社区体系结构可获性评价的操作模式,以期构建完整的城市社区体系结构,提升城市社会空间的阶层可获性。  相似文献   

牛先锋 《攀登》2006,25(3):34-37
实现区域社会和谐发展是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础。我国地域宽广,不同区域在经济社会发展程度、自然资源、生态环境、历史文化传统及其所面临的问题等方面,都有自身的特点。从民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、安定有序、充满活力、人与自然和谐相处等六个方面入手,结合区域自身特点,切实解决区域社会和谐发展中面临的现实问题,不断推进区域社会和谐,进而由每一个区域的社会和谐,走向全社会的和谐,这可能是构建社会主义和谐社会合理的路径选择。  相似文献   

社交网络应用催生了新一代互联网空间重新分配。本文旨在从一些细微迹象中透视个人.com社区行动者行为空间的形成及其组织形式并感知其未来变化趋势。研究认为:社交网络提供的精益性和异步性信息交互引领个人.com社区行动者行为空间形成、更新和融汇,这是一个与现实地理社区相联系并向虚拟社区理性跳跃和空间系统重构的过程;个人.com社区行动者行为空间源于自我呈现并由受众“第二度可见”所决定,它是由若干特殊空间形式组织起来的;社交网络赋予草民行动者个人权力从而使其成为未来行为空间再塑造的决定性力量。基此提出社交网络背景下个人.com社区行动者行为空间存续的三个基本观点:信息方式转变、生活需求新维度产生和网络价值等效兑现。  相似文献   

北京市低收入社区社会融合的多维度测度与影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在快速城市化的背景下,城市低收入社区群体的社会融入问题逐渐成为城市包容性发展的桎梏。基于北京市典型低收入社区的实地调查数据,本文运用探索性因子分析对城市低收入社区群体社会融合结构和现状进行探讨,并对影响城市低收入社区群体的社会融合状况进行实证分析。研究发现调查城市低收入社区群体的社会融合主要受到心理融合、经济融合、环境融合、社区关系融合4个维度影响,社区关系融合、环境融合、经济融合和心理融合程度表现出依次降低的倾向,且居民的社会融合总体水平偏低。从影响因素来看,低收入社区群体的社会融合主要受个体因素、家庭因素、就业因素和住房因素的影响,不同维度社会融合程度的影响因素也有所差异。  相似文献   

本文从城市社会地理学的社会-生活空间质量观的视角、结合国外相关研究文献,首次系统地分析了国外对空间剥夺以及城市社区资源剥夺研究的现状、内容,及其所涉及的相关学科以及在此基础上所形成的研究理念、流派、原理与方法。总结了这一研究命题对城市管理、城市规划、社区规划与商娱场所空间布局的指导意义,以期为国内的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

城市社区的社区资源公正配置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国和谐社区建设的开展,如何在社区建设中体现公平公正理念成为我国社区研究和实践的核心问题。本文梳理了近年来国内外对社区资源概念、研究内容、分析方法等相关研究,在对第三条道路思潮的社会公正理念进行分析的基础上建立了空间公正理念下城市社区体系与生活场所体系的社区资源配置原理,并对社区资源公正配置的衡量指标作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

中国乡村社会空间的形成与演化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乡村社会空间反映了一定社会经济背景下乡村日常社会生活在地域空间上的分异与组合格局,其归根结底是由乡村社会主体的群体分化形成的。我国乡村发展历史悠久,改革开放以后变化尤其显著,研究其社会空间问题有一定现实意义。本文在对乡村社会空间的内涵进行阐释的基础上,分析了我国乡村社会空间的演变过程及现状特征,揭示了其形成演化的机制与规律,并对我国乡村社会空间的发展趋向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

第二居所旅居是一种旅游现象,旅居者为了追求愉悦和非日常经历,在目的地长时间逗留,重构旅居地的社会关系.本文以社区场域理论为研究框架,综合运用访谈法、观察法等研究方法,探析三亚市第二居所旅居者与当地居民社会互动的现状及其对社区发展的影响,并讨论如何提升两者的互动.结果发现:旅居者与当地居民以浅层次的社会互动为主,缺乏深入...  相似文献   

This paper explores the increasingly important role of ‘social mix’ in the management practices of the NSW Department of Housing. Social mix is a policy response to the many perceived social, cultural and economic problems related to the concentration of public tenants within larger housing estates. Social mix involves the integration and assimilation of public housing tenants into areas dominated by private home ownership and private rental. Such policies are based upon the belief that social mix has the ability to alter many of these problems simply through the presence of a ‘community’. However, this paper questions the normative construction of homeowners as possessing a ‘community’ which, by implication, will be passed on to public tenants. Through an in‐depth case‐study, it is shown that ‘community’, as constructed by social mix policy rhetoric, may in fact further disadvantage public tenants through processes of othering, stigmatisation and oppression, which operate outside these traditional understandings of community. In addition, this research shows that, rather than increased community integration, it is the physical function of neighbourhood and its direct role in service provision which is the most advantageous constituent of social mix for public housing tenants.  相似文献   

旅游发展初期的自然旅游地社区居民旅游影响感知分类及影响因素在文献中讨论较少。以天堂寨景区为例利用分层聚类法与多分类名义变量逻辑斯蒂回归模型对居民旅游影响感知群体分类并识别其关键影响因素。研究发现:天堂寨周边社区居民旅游影响感知分为盲目乐观派、社区经济挂帅派、谨慎支持派、悲观反对派,分类的关键影响因素为年龄与居住时间、居住村、现在工作。基于深度访谈数据与研究文献分析了相关因素影响居民旅游影响感知群体分类的内在机制。本研究证实了一个事实:即使在偏远的山区农村社会分化也越来越明显,哪怕是针对像旅游业这样的具体议题,同时本研究也呼应了经典社会学中的社会分层理论。  相似文献   

广州的琶洲地区是广州会展业的代表符号,琶洲村是会展业促进城市化发展的典型城中村。本文以琶洲村村民为例,从社区居民的经济影响感知视角解析会展业发展过程中居民的社会交换关系。研究显示:①城市会展业成为社区重要的社会交换关系变量,社区经济对会展业的依赖性增强。②在会展业发展过程中,外来者的进入打破了原来社区交换关系的均衡与稳定,社区参与交换关系的网络呈多元化特征;社区居民之间的内部交换关系发生了变化,正经历竞争与分化的阶段。③社区居民不满足现有的外部交换关系,表现出对更高层次交换关系的热切期盼。  相似文献   

The long-standing correlation between community function and nucleated settlement form in early colonial New England is mistaken. Puritan communities were established, but new communities—often called villages in colonial records—were developed and survived quite well regardless of settlement form. As in England at the time, village meant community and community was a social web. Village status in New England provided a community with land and thus enabled the community to undertake settlement. But the social web that comprised community did not require nucleated settlement, and the dispersed settlement form that many colonists had known in England dominated the village landscape of early colonial New England.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the notion of community through a collaborative ethnographic study with women loving women in Kolkata. Performing critical urban ethnographies in the global south and writing about sexualities that defy easy spatial categorizations are vital for those who seek to extend the scholarship of sexualities beyond the ‘gayborhood paradigm’ in the global north. This article focuses on how women loving women understand community and activism in Kolkata, a city that exists within tireless attempts at economic rejuvenation and vibrant modes of living. The question of community is moot in political activism around decriminalization of same-sex relationships and social legitimacy of the same. Drawing on collaborative ethnographic work with Sappho for Equality, an activist collective working with sexually marginalized women in eastern India, we engage with community as a space through which women loving women articulate marginalization and strategically connect with normative social institutions. I begin my discussion by introducing the notion of critical collaborative ethnography as a way to practice accountability in social research. Following that through select ethnographic vignettes, I demonstrate how a ‘queer community’ is not a predetermined end but is always in the making: a process that forms and dissipates within specific material contexts, activist practices, and social encounters.  相似文献   

This paper explores how women used their social networks within the ancient Greek urban environment in two spheres: first with regard to their civic engagement, and second with regard to their social relationships. By examining the types of social networks in which women were involved, how they were used and their impact on social relations, it argues that historians should broaden their conception of women's contribution to the Greek civic environment. Such an approach shows how women negotiated social and economic status within the polis community, how they used their social capital as a resource for social and civic engagement and sheds light on their personal relationships. These relationships not only enhanced women's well‐being and allowed them to determine their own roles in community life, but also formed the basis of their engagement with the polis. Considering the social networks to which women belonged, and the differing types of social capital embedded in them, further enables an examination of female friendship. Recognising the contribution of women to the polis community is necessary in order to understand the wider social and civic relationships within the ancient city.  相似文献   

本文基于整体网视角对张谷英村社区咨询网进行研究,试图揭示传统村落旅游地社会网运行机理。通过确定样本边界得到了169户家庭构成的样本空间,对咨询网络结构分析与社区权力分异研究发现:(1)张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络结构呈现不均衡性;大多数家庭活跃于由可达性产生的1-派系小圈子之中,并由11个基础派系衍生出240个衍生派系。(2)整体网视角下张谷英村旅游地社区权力分异呈现金字塔结构;年龄、是否参与旅游经营、助人经历、能力展现与业余爱好是权力分异的主要影响因素;位于权力分异金字塔结构顶端的家庭很少,但对张谷英村旅游地社区咨询网络演化产生重要影响。本文研究也显示:旅游实践活动既是传统村落旅游地社区成员能力展现的重要平台,也是体现社区社会网权力分异的重要平台;基于社会网视角的传统村落旅游地社区权力分异将处于动态演化中。  相似文献   

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