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程乾宁 《文博》2010,(5):85-88
科学技术的发展也促进了艺术观念的变革和表达手段的多样性,在各种跨界学科和艺术形态激流汇聚的趋势下,博物馆展览及为之服务的陈列形式也持续发生着变化。本文通过解构近年来部分博物馆陈列展览的典型案例,剖析其富于争议或敏感性的概念与话题,进一步阐释了笔者对博物馆学界争论的文化责任与文化传播之间复杂关系的思考。同时强调,博物馆的展览要更具开放性和多样化,以此来接纳观众参与,在观念和技术层面上,都要力图革新受众的知觉"感受力"。  相似文献   

Merchant activity was a central element in the networks and webs of relationship over the Atlantic in the eighteenth century. When closely analyzed, however, daily merchant practice does not fit easily into regional categories, whether Atlantic or imperial. Merchant life was heavily dependent on the building of chains of trusted correspondents, who would both be able to guarantee adequate quality and satisfactory pricing upon acquisition or sale of the goods traded, and willing to extend credit in a trading world in which all operations included long time lags before final payment. For each trading center, the addition of such chains of correspondents constituted networks both supra-regional, covering the entire world, and sub-regional, specializing in some areas more than others according to prevalent political-imperial pressures. It is argued that the common element in all these networks, i.e. merchant development, is best identified as a worldwide, but Europe-dominated social process underpinning much of what is usually meant by “Atlantic” history.  相似文献   

本文对细石器、细石器技术和细石器传统等概念问题进行了梳理、分析。作者赞成细石器是由特殊的工艺技术制成的石制品的观点,并将其范围限定在与此种技术相关的石制品之内。细石器技术的本质是一种石片剥离技术,而非是石器的制作技术。细石器传统所指的应是某种细石器技术的延续。  相似文献   

网络虚拟现实技术在数字化博物馆中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了怎样将虚拟现实技术更有实践意义地应用到网络数字化博物馆的建设。本工作针对上海博物馆在网上虚拟场馆展示、藏品的立体全方位的数字化展示、古代绘画技法的内涵及意境表现所进行的实践 ,提供了解决目前构建网上虚拟博物馆存在的系统设计与实现中面临的困难的方法。说明了网络虚拟现实技术在数字化博物馆中应用的可行性和社会效果 ,为今后更深层次及更广泛的研究和应用工作拓展了思路 ,并提供了实践性的参考。  相似文献   

滚滚黄河,奔腾不息,孕育了智慧、尊严、英雄的史诗,历一代先人们创造的光辉业绩,谱写了中华民族的辉煌历史。今天,满布于中原大地繁星点点般的文物古迹,正是中华民族悠久历史文化的载体。而矗立于黄河之滨、河南省省会郑州市的河南博物院,则是这个载体的苦革之地。它以大量的文物精品、现代化的陈列手段,展开了波澜壮阔的历史画卷,谱写了华夏文明史上的壮丽篇章。河南博物院是我国馆藏文物数量最多的博物馆之一,现有各类藏品13万多件,上至白垩纪的恐龙蛋化石,下迄近现代文物,尤以史前文物、商周青铜器。历代陶瓷器最具特色,…  相似文献   


Throughout the Balkans, the history museum remains a crucial site where memories of an imperial past are molded, rationalized, and integrated into the wider arc of nationalist narratives about a country and its people. The legacy of the Ottoman Empire is particularly fraught in Greece, where this period is almost always classified as ‘post-Byzantine’ within the context of government institutions. In this paper, I set out to trace the legacy of the Ottoman Empire as it has been mediated in multiple museum sites throughout the country. I will primarily focus on two case studies: The National Historical Museum in Athens and the Museum of Ali Pasha and the Period of Revolution in Ioannina. Comparing these two sites and their practices of display bring into sharper focus the dynamics of how historical memory plays out in a central versus regional sphere of belonging and identity.  相似文献   

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