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A cylinder seal of Late Uruk (late fourth millennium BC) type from Abu Dhabi is presented and analysed. Comparisons with excavated finds from elsewhere in the Near East are discussed. An inventory of cylinder seals from sites in the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman shows that cylinder seal use, while not unknown in the region, was never very great. The ways in which the seal may have arrived at its eventual place of discovery are described and the significance of the seal is assessed.  相似文献   

A cylinder seal of Late Uruk (late fourth millennium BC) type from Abu Dhabi is presented and analysed. Comparisons with excavated finds from elsewhere in the Near East are discussed. An inventory of cylinder seals from sites in the UAE and the Sultanate of Oman shows that cylinder seal use, while not unknown in the region, was never very great. The ways in which the seal may have arrived at its eventual place of discovery are described and the significance of the seal is assessed.  相似文献   

Previous observations of the intaglios on quartz cylinder seals from Western Asia suggested that they had been engraved by one or more of four basic techniques, that is, micro-chipping, filing, drilling and wheel-cutting. In this paper we test our earlier observations and interpretations experimentally. Examination and comparison of experimentally engraved features with the seal intaglios was made directly with a binocular microscope and also by examination of impressions with a scanning electron microscope. Successful replication was achieved using tools of flint, chalcedony, copper, bronze and iron together with quartz and emery abrasives.  相似文献   

冯雪 《文博》2022,(1):60-69
“‘叙’写传奇——叙利亚古代文物精品展”中有一枚发现于提卡遗址的戳印,年代为青铜时代中期(公元前2000年—前1600年),在该遗址另发现两枚巴比伦风格的滚印,同样属于青铜时代中期。本文从考古学、文献材料、印章工艺等方面对这枚戳印的遗址信息、功能形制、图像结构、历史背景进行研究,由此探究距今约4千年前,提卡、赫梯、古巴比伦文明之间的交流与往来,进而解读古代两河流域地区的文化演进。  相似文献   

In Tibetan,the name for a seal is Thangka.According to records,the word originates from Turkish,initially borrowing from Mongolian and finally absorbed into Tibetan.Various names were given to seals in Tibetan.Official seals are generally named Thangka,or Kathang in honorific dialect;personal seals referred to as Gyithang;general seals are called Dathang or Sethang.  相似文献   

传统书画作品中存在有大量模糊不清的印章,对此类印章尚没有很好的手段进行提取和鉴别。为解决这一问题,本工作采用一种用高光谱图像系统采集书画中模糊印章的光谱-图像信息,采用最小噪声分离变换(MNF)处理光谱图像数据,提升了模糊印章的可辨识度。结果表明,采用该方法能够有效的将模糊印章的信息提取出来,有利于印章的鉴别和研究,为书画的文物价值和真伪鉴别的研究提供了科学有效的手段。  相似文献   

Ongoing excavations at Tell Abraq (Emirate of Umm al-Quwain, U.A.E.) are revealing new aspects of this multiperiod site, which was occupied from c. 2500 BC to 300 AD. Together with substantial architecture dated to the 2nd and 1st millennia BC, relevant assemblages of archaeological materials are being collected and dated to different phases of the site’s life. Among this material, exceptional is the discovery of two jars bearing the impression of two different cylinder seals, which will be presented here. Seal impressions on any media are extremely rare in the whole of south-eastern Arabia and strongly indicate a foreign provenance for the jars. Their iconographic study, the fabric and morphological parallels for the jars, and probable chronology will be discussed, as this can highlight transmarine connections during the late 2nd-first half of the 1st millennium BC, as well as provide new data to address chronological issues in south-eastern Iran itself.  相似文献   

汉景帝阳陵近年出土1000余枚封泥,这些封泥虽然大多数残缺不全,并且大量的印文相同,但仍然具有重要意义。封泥出土地点分别为帝陵陵园外藏坑[1]、罗经石遗址、东区陪葬墓、阳陵邑遗址,其中阳陵邑遗址出土数量最多,  相似文献   

汉铜印以其规范模式、艺术成就与风格奠定其历史地位。汉官印字是一种从篆书向隶书过渡。汉官印的特色:严谨中见生动、规矩中见流畅,自有刚毅雄强之气。汉私印则形式自由,款式灵活,丰富多样,印幅面较小,制作精细。从这些古印中可窥测到汉代铜印艺术特色与风格。  相似文献   

梁雄德 《收藏家》2012,(4):65-66
三国两晋南北朝,内地的战乱并没有对甘肃及西域广大地区产生不利影响,相反这时的甘肃河西走廊相对比较稳定。“从东汉末年的军阀混战,到逐渐形成三国鼎峙和西晋的统一;从‘十六国’的纷乱,到北魏统一北方和隋朝的统一全国,都说明了走向统一仍然是这一时期历史的主导方面。”  相似文献   

最近在陕西发现的李自成政权官印中,"汲县之契"为最早铸印,"鲁山县信"为最晚铸印,此二印俱与河南有关,可全面代表李自成政权颁铸官印的自名特点、尺寸规制、款识流变等。这两方原属河南的李自成政权官印遗落在陕西,与李自成由北京退回陕西后,局势的迅疾糜烂密不可分,折射了李自成起义由盛而衰的历史轨迹。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper restudies an Early Iron Age group of haematite seals of Syrian origin, adding an important example from an 18th-century British collection, and going on to consider seals of comparable style from the same area, and Syrian glyptic in general of the 9th and 8th century B.C.  相似文献   

古官玺中涉及的地名颇多,其研究对古文字、古地理及古玺分域研究等方面都具有重要价值。本文从玺文的形体分析角度出发,对《古玺印菁华》收集的三方官玺予以考证,提出一些新的观点。  相似文献   

采用高光谱成像仪对宜宾市博物院藏族谱书画上11处模糊、局部有脱落的印记进行数据采集,用ENVI软件对高光谱数据进行分析处理。通过对印记光谱曲线和标准颜料数据库的比对得知印记颜料的主要成分可能为朱砂,并结合激光拉曼光谱仪进行验证。通过对光谱图像进行最小噪声分离和波段运算处理后增强了族谱印记的可识读性,印记可识读性的增强有助于正确识别印记内容,对族谱书写者、书写者印章使用信息、文物收藏信息和文物价值等研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Gas liquid chromatography was used to analyse residues adhering to the inside of excavated potsherds from dated South African sites. The results suggested marine animal fat, possibly seal, had been cooked in the vessels. Fat of modern seals was baked and also analysed as a control sample. This gave similar results. The importance of seals in the prehistoric diet of the Southwestern Cape is supported by a large number of seal bones in the associated faunal material.  相似文献   

夜郎王印与滇王印同是西汉"郡县与封国并行"制度的产物,但对西汉王朝而言,两枚王印颁赐的政治考虑是有区别的。在夜郎问题研究中,夜郎王印的重要性,在于它是还原夜郎古国历史必不可少的条件,有助于判定古夜郎的中心区域、夜郎国首府、传承世系、历代夜郎统治者的墓地位置等,在开发利用文化资源热潮中,"夜郎"成为一块炙手可热的文化品牌,出现了民间屡屡发现夜郎王印的现象。要判定某些民间发现的夜郎王印的真伪,首先必须对汉代赐边方国印授的形制、质地、印文格式等有所分析。夜郎与滇同于西汉武帝时获赐王印,因而,滇王印应是夜郎王印的很好参照。破解夜郎王印之谜的途径,是以严谨的学风、科学的精神、持之以恒的态度去寻求答案。  相似文献   

在故宫博物院收藏的明清篆刻作品中,有四件来自邓以蛰先生的捐献,它们分别被认定为清代篆刻家邓石如、顾振烈的印作。本文通过对这四件篆刻作品多方面的考察、研究,否定了这个结论,并重新考证出四印的作者,澄清了以往的误识,为进一步的学术研究提供了必要的前提。  相似文献   

李理  杨洋 《收藏家》2011,(7):29-36
印章,是中国书画艺术的重要组成部分。在传统书画中,诗、书、画、印这四种元素既可各自独立,又能互补共存,融为一体,共同构成传统书画的核心内容。中国古代书画上的印章,主要包含有两个方面:一是作者在书画创作时,  相似文献   

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