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The structural-spatial characteristics of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the iron-mining district of Central Russia, are discussed in terms of stages of development, environmental impacts and the technological cycles (energy and production cycles) making up the industrial complex. The structure and problems of development of the Zheleznogorsk industrial node, one of the mining centers, are analyzed in particular detail. (Previous articles by the author on the KMA mining industry appeared in Soviet Geography, April 1975, December 1976, May 1979, and other contributions are included in the present issue.)  相似文献   

李瑞  郑超  银松  殷红梅 《人文地理》2022,37(2):94-102
以“高山流水”敬酒仪式为案例,运用访谈法与观察法,分析民族村寨旅游者主客互动仪式情感体验过程及唤醒机制。结果发现:①仪式展演中,敬酒人以物质投入营造仪式“氛围场”,借助道具与旅游者展开互动,经仪式要素驱动使其达到集体兴奋状态,获得积极情感体验。②经由主客互动,旅游者收获个体情感能量、群体团结、群体符号、道德感等效果,赋予道具以情感意义,使其成为象征敬酒仪式的文化符号。③文化符号负荷主客情感,日常生活情境中旅游者以文化符号相遇、体验情感分享、敬酒仪式代入方式实现仪式体验情感唤醒。本文构建了跨情境旅游者仪式体验情感唤醒机制,可为民族旅游地构建具有文化特色和体验价值的主客互动仪式提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

旅游影响与旅游演化是旅游研究的重点与热点,论文对旅游影响与旅游演化领域近来发展的旅游创造性破坏模型进行了述评。在介绍创造性破坏的理论基础与社会背景之后,论文评述了旅游创造性破坏模型取得的新成果,如把旅游商品化与创新看作旅游影响与演化的主动力、发展阶段的多因子判断、指标变化的非线性、资本在旅游利益主体互动中的主导地位等,同时也对该模型在应用范围、阶段特征与划分、旅游影响与演化机制等方面的不足,并对其今后研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

New Middle Bronze Age fi nds are described originating in the Achinsk-Mariinsk forest-steppe, southwestern Siberia which represents a contact zone between the Okunev and Samus cultures. A burial discovered near Lake Utinka by local inhabitants, northeastern Kemerovo region, was found to contain steatite beads and unusual pendants in the form of a bear and a bird. The subsequent fi eld survey revealed characteristics of the burial construction and fragments of clay vessels. The designs on the vessels suggest that the burial was associated with the Samus culture. However, their manufacturing technology and the features of the steatite beads indicate Okunev affi nities. Based on the totality of available evidence, it is suggested that contact existed between the Samus and Okunev cultures in the Achinsk-Mariinsk forest-steppe area.  相似文献   

The evolution of a popular circular Buddhist pilgrimage to 88 sacred places on Shikoku Island, Japan, reflects the dynamic nature of pilgrimage. The pilgrimage, of eighth-century origin and associated with Kobo Daishi, was gradually established and elaborated as a spatial system which also assumed symbolic value. Relocations of some temples, a shift in the embarkation point, changes in the sequence of temple visiting, and a decrease in the time and distance of the journey are the spatial adjustments through which the pilgrimage has evolved to the present. L'évolution d'un pèlerinage bouddhiste populaire formant un circuit de 88 lieux sacrés sur l'Ile Shikoku au Japon reflète la nature dynamique du pèlerinage. Le pèlerinage, dont les débuts datent de huit siècles et qu'on associe au Kobo Daishi, fut progressivement établi et élaboré en tant que système spatial qui, en même temps, prend une valeur symbolique. Le déménagement de certains temples, un changement de points de départ, des changements dans l'ordre des temples à visiter et une diminution de l'élément spatio-temporelle du voyage constituent des ajustements à travers lesquelles le pèlerinage a évolué jusqu'à nos jours.  相似文献   

The evolution of a popular circular Buddhist pilgrimage to 88 sacred places on Shikoku Island, Japan, reflects the dynamic nature of pilgrimage. The pilgrimage, of eighth-century origin and associated with Kobo Daishi, was gradually established and elaborated as a spatial system which also assumed symbolic value. Relocations of some temples, a shift in the embarkation point, changes in the sequence of temple visiting, and a decrease in the time and distance of the journey are the spatial adjustments through which the pilgrimage has evolved to the present.
L'évolution d'un pèlerinage bouddhiste populaire formant un circuit de 88 lieux sacrés sur l'Ile Shikoku au Japon reflète la nature dynamique du pèlerinage. Le pèlerinage, dont les débuts datent de huit siècles et qu'on associe au Kobo Daishi, fut progressivement établi et élaboré en tant que système spatial qui, en même temps, prend une valeur symbolique. Le déménagement de certains temples, un changement de points de départ, des changements dans l'ordre des temples à visiter et une diminution de l'élément spatio-temporelle du voyage constituent des ajustements à travers lesquelles le pèlerinage a évolué jusqu'à nos jours.  相似文献   

万里长城的地理界线意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长城,不仅是中华民族古老文化的象征,而且是一条实际存在的重要地理界线。历代长城的布设都是以自然地理环境为基础,其走向与我国半湿润与干旱气候分界线基本一致。因此,长城也就成为我国农区和牧区分界线的标志。长城的延伸或回退,基本上反映了农区与牧区的扩张或收缩。从政治地理的角度来考察长城。可以认为,它是我国历史上各民族政治力量相互对峙、较量形成的"力"的平衡带,长城,一方面发挥了分隔两个政治单元的功能,它们延伸或收缩在一定程度上反映了两种力量对比的变化;另一方面,在先进与落后两种势力的对撞中.客观上却促进了相互间经济和文化的交流,促进了不同民族的融合。今日长城作为领土扩张和防御的军事设施作用已不复存在。但是长城在地理上的许多界限指标意义仍然存在,它依然是许多地理事物的敏感地区。  相似文献   

韩璐  明庆忠 《人文地理》2020,35(5):44-51,110
少数民族传统宗教与族群历史、文化认同一脉相通,其仪式的强化实践素来为众人认可,透过仪式表象触及深层次的意识结构已成学界共识。研究传统宗教仪式的空间生产不仅对解析其背后的意识形态运动具有指导价值,也能为有关宗教、文化部门提供管控参考。文章从列斐伏尔的空间生产理论入手,探究地处边疆山区的景颇族传统宗教仪式在面对外来宗教的空间解构、现代性引发的空间变迁、族群内部的话语争夺及旅游空间介入调控等背景下,其相应的主体实践及力量博弈,厘清空间生产的主次困境和作用机理,以传统宗教有益价值为导向,引导仪式空间生产朝凝聚族群、强化团结的目标靠拢。  相似文献   

Summary. The thousands of MM clay sealings in Room 25 of the First Palace of Phaistos testify to the importation into Crete of the Near Eastern system of storeroom administrative controls. Minoan practice then diverged from the Near Eastern model. The development of a recognizably Minoan sealing system is illustrated by the LM IB sealing deposits from Ayia Triada, Zakro and Khania (with something of its evolution traceable via Mallia and Knossos). Despite many common practices in LM IB, however, important local differences coexisted within this Minoan system, perhaps suggesting the absence of a single overriding administrative authority at this time.  相似文献   

马强  郑豆豆 《考古学报》2022,(1):43-74,中插5-中插6
四I M5位于I M4墓道东侧,为长方形竖穴土坑墓。有熟土二层台、腰坑殉狗,葬具有一棺一椁、朱砂、殓席等,被一现代盗洞打破(图一)。(一)盗洞及出土遗物墓葬中部发现一个南北向长方形现代盗洞,编号I M5D1,在现地表开口。长1.04、宽0.53、深约7米。盗洞打破墓室、椁室、棺室西部及北部.至墓室底部。  相似文献   

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