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<正>This year,the New Year in Tibetan calendar fell on Feb.27.Known as Losar in the Tibetan language,this is the most grand festival for Tibetan people,as families reunite and enjoy traditional festivities.  相似文献   

正When Tibetan Harley bikers are together, they are always confused whose phone is ringing, as all of them have the same ringtone:the revving of a motorcycle engine.Having a nice horse was and is a luxury and source of pride for a Tibetan nomad on the grassland, butin a city like Lhasa, some consider riding a Harley to be the new fashion.A mix of Harley and Tibetan culture,the Tibetan Harley team known as the"Garuda"is an eye-catching scene in the ancient streets of Lhasa.  相似文献   

正On a frozen and snow-covered land 4,500 meters above sea level,a Tibetan driller leads his team across mountain after mountain and through icy rivers.They are the living embodiment of the creed of"loving what you do and achieving excellence in what you do"as well as"sacrifcing individual interests for collective benefit"."In  相似文献   

<正>When the earthquake curred,this man led on his fellow villagers to rescue three children from the debris without going home to take care of his wife and his own fallen house.He is well known as afull-timeParty Secretary,because in order to live up to the  相似文献   

正Having been fascinated by traditional handicrafts,I was wandering about the Barkor Street to look for some beautiful hand-made works during my stays in Lhasa.Definitely,one can always discover something exquisite from craftsmen scattering around this old town area,varying from shiny tea kettles,well-painted cabinets,delicate  相似文献   

<正>From dreaming of typing a Tibetan word on the computer to creating Tibetan typefaces and input methods for Microsoft Windows,and then to developing Qomolangma Tibetan typefaces,digitization of the Tibetan language has been apersonal pursuit for several decades for Tashi Tsering,a research fellow at the China Tibetology Research Center.He has witnessed the emergence and rapid development of the Tibetan language on the  相似文献   

正Having gone around the holy mountain of Gang Rinpoche in 2014,the year of horse of the Tibetan calendar,I did the same with the Namtso Tashi Peninsula during the year of sheep in 2015.Namtso,Manasarovar,and Yamdrok Tso are known as the three holy lakes in Tibet,with Namtso  相似文献   

This article argues that arts marketing theory is embedded in the existing context of the nonprofit arts sector – that is, Romantic belief in the universal value of the arts and producer authority over the consumer. As “a set of techniques” and “a decision‐making process”, marketing was able to sit comfortably in the nonprofit arts context during the 1970s and 1980s. However, recent recognition of marketing as “a management philosophy” has brought out incompatibilities between the customer orientation of the marketing notion and the Romantic view of artistic production. This article demonstrates that arts marketing writings embrace Romanticism through the following: generic marketing concept; relationship marketing approach; extended definition of the customer; extended definition of the product; and reduction of marketing to function. Such findings suggest that persistence of the existing belief system and the embeddedness of the market be considered when marketisation in the arts sector is analysed.  相似文献   

张小锦 《世界》2008,(9):114-117
空中飞人们旅行中最可怕的梦魇是什么?丢失行李!据粗略估计,世界上每200个在机场被托运的行李中就有一件遭遇遗失。根据民航的投诉统计,行李丢失的投诉数量一直排在前三位高居不下。 那么,行李为何会遗失?遗失了到底该怎么办?《世界》针对行李失踪的几大常见突发状况,——为读者答疑解难。  相似文献   

桂林 《旅游纵览》2010,(4):68-71
帝王的巡视令江南园林在秀雅精美之上,又添得些许皇家园林的金碧辉煌与壮丽气势。这一点从五亭桥、煦春台等巍然雄姿和琉璃瓦的金黄色彩中,大致可读得几分奥妙来。  相似文献   

阿贝 《世界》2010,(6):142-147
当小小的Elia抬起头,用他那双浅褐色的眼睛渴望地看着我,遨我去他生日会的时候,他那一头反射着冬末微弱阳光的暗黄色卷发,在微风里飘扬。尽管我那天本有计划,但面对这样一个天使的邀约,有谁能忍心说“不”呢?  相似文献   

This article examines how mediation is not just limited to the format that's selected to convey the findings of previously conducted research that supposedly followed the conventional protocols of the historical discipline. Rather, it considers mediation as a fundamental part of building historical knowledge, for it assumes that every part of the historiographical operation can be defined as “mediation.” Specifically, it deals with colonial historical mediation, a concept that refers to the combination of an overt or concealed agenda, intentional or unnoticed bias, commonsense assumptions, inherited academic and political traditions, conceptual constellations, and more or less informed theoretical beliefs that configure the subtext upon which historical explanation is built, particularly in Latin America.  相似文献   

"花开红树乱莺啼,草长平湖白鹭飞",当鸟儿携着暖风从南向北一路飞来,我们这些爱鸟人也跟着蠢蠢欲动起来,赶紧扛起"长枪短炮"去"打鸟"。在那些连着你和我的湿地里,"打鸟",别去打鸟,用镜头去追随那些美丽的身影。旅游观鸟是很多鸟类爱好者乐此不疲的事情。去一个地方旅游,再拍下那里特有的鸟类,常常会成为爱鸟人津津乐道的回忆。拍鸟去,哪里才是"鸟儿的天堂"?在我国各省4~5月的"爱鸟周"期间,让我们一起投去关注的目光。与爱鸟相关,湿地生态环境保护也应该得到每一个爱鸟人的重视。正如今年的世界湿地主题所言:"从上游到下游,湿地连着你和我(Upstream-Downstream:Wetlands connect us all)",我和你,他和她,在关注鸟儿的同时,更应去关注湿地保护。  相似文献   

The author reviews the events surrounding the launch of HAU's expanded edition of The gift, and reflects on their implications for history and theory in anthropology.  相似文献   

<正>Mornings at Nyinpa Village are enlivened by wild fragrant flowers in crystalline dew drops.Many of these plants are of great value in traditional medicine.Their flowers,fruits,leaves,stems,and roots can all be used in these herbal remedies.On this day,we were leaving this village rich in medicinal herbal resources to embark on a long trip to  相似文献   

In this paper new and previously known passage tomb art in north‐west Ireland is recorded using an innovative recording technique. The use of this method, which involves vector drawing from digital photographs taken with oblique lighting (VeDPOL), has clarified and increased the instances of megalithic carving in the north‐west of Ireland. At two monuments – Listoghil and Heapstown Cairn – the new recordings have allowed us to contextualize the art within the broader corpus of passage tomb motifs. Additionally, it is proposed that one of the carvings from Listoghil is of later prehistoric origin and not Neolithic as previously believed. Finally, and most importantly, this paper highlights a group of motifs recently found at Cairn B in the Carrowkeel‐Keashcorran complex. This discovery demonstrates for the first time that megalithic art was a feature of all four major passage tomb complexes in Ireland.  相似文献   

This team of wildlife protectors is a group of local antihunting herdsmen living on the Changtang Grassland of Tibet.The team members obtained the local government's support by providing some supplementary funds. This group of herdsmen regularly patrols their administrative  相似文献   

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