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The Deer Stone is an important cultural remain which is scattered a lot in Mongolia, Mainly in the west and northwest areas. It is also found in the Eurasian grasslands but very little in quantity. as for its age, there exist many different views for a long time. Actually the Deer stone displays a way of personification of stone statue, so we usually can find carved weapons and tools on the waist of it. Nevertheless, we can deduce the age according to these carvings. Archaeological discoveries in the northern-grasslands of China show that the carvings on Deer stone are all the typical vessels that were very popular in the late Shang period. Such as the beast-headed or bell-headed short sword with curved handle, the beast-headed sword with upright blade dagger, the ring-headed or double ring-headed short sword, the mushroom-headed short sword, the tub-shaped htchet, the arrow-shaped vessels and etc. Thus lead us to the conclustion that most of the Deer Stones must be of the late Bronze Age(11-7BC).As for the Deer stone culture‘s Similarity in some aspects to that of cultures like Lijiaya, Weiyingzi, third phase of Weifang culture or Xiajiadian culture in the north parts of China, that reflects the northern grasslands bronze culture of China left a strong influence on the cultures of Mongolia.  相似文献   

孙建君 《东南文化》2001,(10):84-88
Chinese folk stone sculpture has long history in people's material and spiritual life, most of which are made by unknown craftsmen.They are of great value on art and historic culture to display splendid technique, tricky design and admirable creativity of ancient Chinese craftsmen. As to the use of stone sculpture, it can be used as the part and decoration of the architecture, formed to serve the religion or practical utensil for daily use or appreciation, which is might be called a grand book.  相似文献   

<正>December 17,2014I,as a stonemason from Tibet,for the first time,am visiting the ancient city of Rome,Italy known for thousands of massive,impressive marble and granite stone structures.We saw the Vatican,the Basilica and then to the Coliseum and many others.The stone work and art here with  相似文献   

When I first saw a Mani stone mound fromafar, it impressed me as a Tibetan mansitting in mediation. Piled up with stonescarved with images of Buddha and sutralines, it is surrounded by fluttering, colorful sutrastreamers.l thought of pilgrims who prostrated themselves allalong the way to their goal. From the fluttering sutrastreamers above that Mani stone mound came thechanting of the Six syllable Charm:Om Mani PadmeHum!!!!!!!Blanched by wind and rain, the Mani stone moundhas turned a dul…  相似文献   

Most people appreeinte Yuhua stone for its speeifle pallterns they pay more attention to materialize the stone texture and sculpt to a specific thing and overlook its own pattern and quality of the stone the author tried to separate the Yuhua stone into two categories the abstract one and the material one,and made aesthetic discussion.  相似文献   

The Technique of Stone Ma- sonry at Rdo Sbus Lung Pa The technique of masonry as used in construction in Tibet can be dated back to the Yumbulagang during the Tubo Kingdom and it still prevails all over Tibet.Buildings of all kinds on the plateau,such as watchtowers and civilian residences,have adopted this technique.A variety of buildings show this historic Tibetan inheritance and its evolution. To apply this stone masonry technique to building construction closely Connects with the  相似文献   

In Tibetan primitive witchcraft,it was a very popular practice to use the skulls(or the tops of skulls)of men or animals as"divine tools"to suppress evil spirits.This custom is still popular in Tibetan-inhabited areas and among the Qiang,Yi and other ethnic minori-  相似文献   

After the Xikang-Tibet Highway and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway were opened to traffic, other highways were constructed including the Xinjiang-Tibet Highway extending from Yecheng in Xinjiang to Ngari in Tibet, the Lhasa-Yadong Highway, the Lhasa-Zetang Highway, the Xigaze-Tingri Highway and the Heihe-Qamdo Highway. Sand and stone may only have covered these roads,but they were an embryonic form of modem transportation in Tibet and served as a solid foundation for development of modem highways. Until 1959, before the Democratic Reform in Tibet, the overall length of highways totaled 5,648 kilometers, creating a primary Tibetan road network with Lhasa as the center.  相似文献   

Celestial burying ground, also called "Mandala", is where life leaves and comes. A huge piece of stone hidden in high mountains is surrounded by burning plants that give up smoke going up into the air. The Tibetans believe in Buddhism and hold that life is endless. One life ends and this means the beginning of new life. In their eyes, body is merely the carrier of soul. When one life ends, the soul leaves the body that needs to be presented to the deities as  相似文献   

张伟 《神州》2014,(18):7-7
The view of life and death is the fundamental in human’s life, is a nation’s, or a country’s most intrinsic and most profound value about human life, it is also an important theme of ethics and philosophy. The celebration of life and for centuries, they all take life and death seriously, but they also have different views towards death and life. This article will center on major American poets such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman and so on. This article will try to have a discussion on the basis of ethical review and interpretation about the view of life and death, to reveal the similarities and differences about the view of life and death in different poets’ poems, to find a method for us to learn about how to adapt to the modern civilization on the basis of ethical review and interpretation, how to understand human life and death how to face life and death, how to survive beyond life and death how to live a wonderful life through understanding human life and death in a proper way.  相似文献   

This paper is an inquiry into possible motivations for representing timber-frame architecture in the Buddhist context. By comparing the architectural language of early Buddhist narrative panels and cave temples rendered in stone, I suggest that architectural representation was employed in both masonry and timber to create symbolically charged worship spaces. The replication and multiplication of palace forms on cave walls, in “pagodas” (futu 浮圖, fotu 佛圖, or ta 塔), and as the crowning element of free-standing pillars reflect a common desire to express and harness divine power, a desire that resulted in a wide variety of mountainous monuments in China. Finally, I provide evidence to suggest that the towering Buddhist monuments of early medieval China are linked morphologically and symbolically to the towering temples of South Asia through the use of both palace forms and sacred ma alas as a means to express the divine power and expansive presence of the Buddha.  相似文献   

1.Introduction This paper will primarily focus on historical migrations to and within the Chang Tang (byang-thang) region of Tibet.Traditionally,‘Chang Tang’ refers to the enormous northern plateau of Tibet that covers more than 2.5 million km2 of land mass,more renowned globally for its wildlife than human settlements.In this article however,Chang Tang is geographically defined as Ngari (mngav-ris) and Western Nakchu (nagchu) Prefectures of Tibet.In popular imagination in the Asian region,including China,Chang Tang is conceived of as a wilderness with a sparse and recent human population.  相似文献   

<正>Barlha Village in Markham County's Gartok Township is situated at the foot of Mt.Zari Choguo upon the eastern bank of Heiqu River.The place is found 3,606 meters above sea level,and as it is far from National Road214,very few people pay attention to this large site of Buddhist stone carvings  相似文献   

秦娅 《神州》2014,(12):2-3
The difference between human and animals is that human not only obey the rules of nature and history but also possess subjective attitude and spirit of life, which are presented as life values by reflecting directly on ideology. According to it,Greek mythology pours out its life values based on its subjective attitude and spirit of life.  相似文献   

燕生东  尹秀蛟 《江汉考古》2001,(1):47-55,63
Lingyanghe graveyard of Dawenkou Culture can be divided into five regions. The large-scale tombs unearthed some special burial objects such as wine vessels,jawbones of pigs, pottery mortar, stone tomahawk, bone-carved canister, which represent the power of economy, sacrificing and military command. It indicates that the owners of the tombs should be social leaders before their death. Analyzed from the burial order,the social leaders came from five families. According to cultural anthropologic and ethnologic materials, the author believes that leaders gained their positions through competition. So this graveyard still belonged to a rank society, but bearing some characteristics of class society.  相似文献   

秦杰 《东南文化》2003,(6):40-46
Chemniink-stone was one of the four mosl famous ink-stones,which adopted liltered soil to make grinding objects attributed to ceramics ink-stone its manufacture appeaed in the tang dynasty first in jiangzhou of shanxi,popular in the song dynasty it is hard and durable while produring delicare and moist inks its capability of boarding ink and water can be compared with stone hard and durable while produeing delicare and moist inks,inks,its capability of boarding ink and water can be compared with stone inkslab.  相似文献   

There are many anecdotes and legends amongst Tibetans concerning encounters between human beings, bears and marmots. One of them tells of the merciful old monkey who married an ogress and she gave birth to three brothers. The elder one was a bear with a white chest. He lived on a mountain summit and looked strong and brave. The youngest was a yellow marmot with four short legs that enabled him to move easily in and out of an underground hole. The second one was human being, and treated as the family treasure because he was smart and ingenious. Naturally, he became the family master.  相似文献   

The policy of "three 'fighting against' and two 'deductions'" was one of the core policies of the democratic reform in Tibetan farming land. "Trhree 'fighting against'" is referred to as fighting against rebellion, corvee labor and the slavery of human beings, while "two deductions" refers to the imposition of taxation and interest. However, in those areas where no rebellion occurred, the policy instead was "two 'fighting against' and two 'deductions".  相似文献   

Record of AmericanPolicy on TibetThis is one of the series books titledSeries Books on Modern History of Tibetwith Zhou Yuan as their chief editor.Authored by Zhang Zhirong and WeiYunpeng, both members of the Tibetanstudies group of Peking Univeristy, thisone contains research fruit they gainedover the past years. It records, in a sys-tematic way, American policy on Tibet. Ittells why the anti-China forces in the Westleft no stone unturned to split China andrumors they spread for the …  相似文献   

正Along the eastern flank of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a range of lofty mountains.In a valley marked by the ceaseless flow of the Lancanjiang River is a prehistoric human settlement quietly observing the passage of time.Thousands of years have passed since the site was abandoned,and few know of its existence today.Indeed,it was only rediscovered in the 1970s,almost as if locals had to brush away the crusts on their eyes after a long night's sleep to even see it.Still,the event sent shockwaves throughout the archaeological field,and it is marked in history books as having been one of the most significant finds.Today,they are known as the Neolithic  相似文献   

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