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In the change of season from spring to summer in 2008, our research team revisited Lhundrup Tsomo's family. She was worried and askedus about the health situation of the village administrator's wife who was ill, and the village administrator had already taken her to see doctors. With her perseverance, we had to inform her that the wife of the village administrator Tashi Dampa was suffering from breast cancer and she was undergoing chemical therapy in the People's Hospital i,n Lhasa and surgery might soon take place. On hearing that, Lhundrup Tsomo immediately became sad and she told us stories about how sucha situation developed in Tashi Dampa's family during recent years. Since the village administrator devoted his time and efforts to take care of the village and his fellow villagers, he did less for his family but rather left it all to his wife, which led to her final tragedy.  相似文献   

传统村落风貌研究历来是建筑学、景观学和规划学关注的焦点问题之一,并取得了丰硕的研究成果,但地理学视角的相关研究相对较少。基于此,本文试图以中国传统村落上甘棠村为例,通过实地调研和深度访谈等方法,借助景观基因理论对村落进行风貌景观基因识别和提取,在此基础上,构建了传统村落风貌景观基因信息链,并对其四要素(景观信息元、景观信息点、景观信息廊道和景观信息网络)的风貌特征进行了解析,结果显示:①上甘棠村整体风貌景观基因保存度较好,具有巨大历史文化研究价值;②上甘棠村的内在文化基因,即风貌景观基因信息元内涵丰富,但未得到有效传承;风貌特征保存度较差;③上甘棠村风貌景观基因信息点数量众多,内容丰富多样,整体上人文风貌景观基因信息点的保存度要好于自然风貌景观基因信息点;④作为联接通道的风貌景观基因廊道保存相对完整,但存在局部松动、断裂等现象;⑤风貌景观基因信息网络整体保存度一般,局部装饰受损度非常严重,需要尽快修补。未来应加强传统村落风貌特征的数字化研究,可为传统村落保护提供精准化的修复方案。  相似文献   

从空间生产理论的视角而言,城市空间是一种巨大的社会资源,因而也是一个社会关系的重组与社会秩序的建构过程。文章以南京市典型的城中村江东村为研究对象,对其空间生产的历史性变迁、社会关系的再生产、制造的新空间三个方面进行分析,透视在城市空间生产过程中对人群分层和环境的差异性制造,以及对村民社会生活和生产关系的改变。江东村最终被城市强力改造成为了中产阶层社区,代表着新的生产关系和社会结构的建立,其生产和塑造的不仅仅是空间,更是社会的新界限。  相似文献   

黄鑫  邹统钎  储德平 《人文地理》2020,35(3):93-103
乡村治理是乡村研究的显题,研究发展新兴产业的乡村治理对振兴乡村意义重大,但较为匮乏。本研究基于对陕西省袁家村1949—2019年的治理历程的梳理,探讨旅游乡村治理的演变机理以及成功模式。研究发现:①中国乡村治理经历“宗族自治”、“寡头他治”两个阶段,良性的治理模式需要内生动力和外生要素的共同作用。②旅游乡村治理的主体更加多元、目标更聚焦于集体发展、机制更追求正义、系统更不稳定。③有效的旅游乡村治理需要构建“集体共治”模式和动态开放的治理系统,注重社区精神的约束力,促进旅游乡村发展健康可持续。  相似文献   

<正>东宅江村距离桂林市区47公里,距321国道3.5公里。东宅江瑶寨处于山谷地带,地势东高西低,四面环山,瑶寨四周生态山林茂密,山峦起伏,寨前流水潺潺,鸟语花香,是山灵水秀的好地方。寨民依山就势建房,房屋讲究瑶寨整体,从山脚叠上山腰,甚至叠到山顶,层次分明,民族风格独特,寨中有10排整齐划一、层次分明的吊脚楼,类似这样规模宏大的吊脚木楼群,在桂北乃至整个广西都为数不多。9条整  相似文献   

从旅游凝视理论的已有研究不足出发,利用内容分析法梳理出背包旅游者对亚丁的多感官凝视内容;通过田野调查并依据表演理论,研究亚丁村社区面对凝视所采取的调适机制及空间响应。最后从背包旅游者凝视和社区调适两方面提出欠发达地区旅游目的地的舞台管理者可能采取的管理路径。针对背包客的多重感官凝视和当地社区的反凝视调适,管理者一方面可以通过加强背包客自我凝视、改变凝视内容、促进其对村民正向示范效应而进行;另一方面要通过合理的制度安排进行社区反凝视能力建设,帮助原著居民站上舞台,展演其原生文化。本文对多向度凝视及旅游凝视与展演、迷思等的关系研究提出了新的理论启迪。  相似文献   

<正>宏村是我多年来心底的一份情,一直想知道电影《卧虎藏龙》中周润发蜻蜓点水的月沼到底什么样?在一个细雨朦胧的清晨,我自屯溪出发,沿着蜿蜒曲折的山间公路,过黟县县城不远就到了宏村。  相似文献   

Neutron activation measurements for Eu, Sc, Cs. Th, Ta, and Fe on 6 samples of pottery and rock by the Hebrew University and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory have been compared. The average disagreement exclusive of counting errors was 1.1%. The practical importance of this study to archaeology is that data taken on source materials in one laboratory can be used by the other. Methods of determining the consistency of measurements within a laboratory and sources oferrors are also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examine the inter‐regional migration of university graduates from 1991 to 2003 in Finland. The results show that time matters: two‐years before and during the graduation year the hazard rates of migration increase, and then decrease thereafter. Although university graduates are particularly mobile, we find that most of them do not move from their region of studies within 10 years after graduation. The out‐migration, i.e., brain drain, is much higher among graduates in the more peripheral universities than in the growth centers (Helsinki in particular). Migration is also substantially more likely for those studying away from the home region than for those studying at home.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: This writer went to Tibet in the summer of 1994, and visited Wenbu in Nyima County, a village dating back to ancient times.  相似文献   

<正>Dzari Township is situated at the southwest area of Lhozhag County.At an average 4,320 meters above sealevel,this is the highest township in this county with a serenely natural environment.The township consists of six administrative villages,26village teams and 57 natural villages.With a total of 1,243 households,the population in this township is4,855 people.There are one primary  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Lin Tian is a senior reporter with the Xinhua News Agency. He followed the PLA into Tibet in 1950, and worked there for a total of six years. When the Democratic Reform took place in Kaisum, he was sent to cover the event. The following are extracts from his diary about the period.Formers serfs and slaves won their first bumper harvestatter the bemocratic Reform. Cering Ozhub drivin9home his own mule loaded with highIand barIey. LlN TlANFirst Democratic Life(June 6, 1…  相似文献   

雷金息 《旅游纵览》2020,(1):96-103
<正>青山俊秀,碧水迂回。三条河流从村边奔流而去,涓涓不息的河水是秀水村的灵气所在。秀水村风光旖旎,地灵人杰,人才辈出,有着延绵千载的山水文脉,是历史上著名的"状元村"。在这里可以追溯中国几千年科举制度留下的文化印记。广西壮族自治区富川瑶族自治县秀水村始建于唐开元年间,立村建寨已有1300多年。漫步老街古巷,左边老祠堂,右边古戏台,前方小桥流水,后面青山滴翠。微风吹过,留下的只有惬意。文化古迹星罗棋布  相似文献   

<正>福溪,一座千年瑶寨,一首潇贺古道上不老的歌谣。福溪村历史悠久,文化深厚,这里有宋代理学鼻祖周敦颐的讲学堂及其后裔居住的民居,却是一个鲜为人知的历史文化古村落。福溪村始建于南宋,兴盛于明朝,至今已有一千多年的历史。位于秦汉潇贺古道,楚粤通衢旁。北宋时始有人迹,南宋开始兴盛,至明清时已是远近闻名、官宦辈出的知名村寨。  相似文献   

The history of settlement in Ilahita village, an Arapesh community in the East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, is pronounced by incessant, behaviourally mediated adjustments between changing internal and external social environments. Having grown to immense size and structural complexity partly in response to Abelam encroachment and cultural exportation, Ilahita began to come apart once warfare was suppressed in the 1950s. The twin processes of social denucleation and physical disintegration have greatly accelerated during the post-independence period, as new religious, economic, and legal institutions, along with galloping population growth, combine to promote a shift from collectivist to individualist modes of social agency and identity. Despite the novelty of these circumstances, village death in Ilahita signals a reversion toward the kind of settlement which existed before the village was ever born. The case of Ilahita is presented for its ethnographic interest and as an illustration of settlement dynamics which perhaps occur more generally under Melanesian social, cultural and historical conditions.  相似文献   

Everyone has a sacred place deep in his or her heart. I have two such places:one is my hometown Lhasa who gave me my life;the other is my alma mater Peking University who gave me not only knowledge,but the ability to think for myself instead of following the herd and swimming with the tide. I was born in Lhasa,and finished my primary and secondary education there.Most of the teachers in my primary school,Lhasa Experimental Primary school,were  相似文献   

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