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汪庆元 《安徽史学》2006,33(1):44-48
徽州家族文献具有丰富的社会内容,修谱以家族文献为依据.家族文献从多方面反映了宗族文化的内涵.南宋以降,精英学者关注宗族文化,把确立始迁祖作为宗族文化构建的基点;保护祖墓与生态伦理观念相关联;聚族而居的村落景观具有独特的文化品质.在徽州,不仅家族精英的文献得以传世,即普通族人的著述亦被录存,反映了社会文化的普及与深入.  相似文献   

Nuala O'Faolain seeks to revise the life story of May Churchill Sharp, an international con woman born in Ireland, in hopes of establishing a feminist identification with her. But O'Faolain's claim for her writing of a kind of authorial authenticity ultimately precludes an identification with Sharp, as Sharp's narrative – like all narratives – is a criminal narrative which renders feminist ‘authenticity’ impossible to achieve, something O'Faolain herself refuses to acknowledge.  相似文献   

“树崇拜”是世界各地早期人类一项重要的信仰习俗,在我国西南地区有广泛的影响。三星堆出土的三千年前的青铜神树和四川等地出土的东汉前后的大量青铜钱树,是“树崇拜”的珍贵遗物。它们不仅造型优美、内涵丰富,而且有其内在的联系。研究两者的特征、异同及其演变情况,有助于揭示古代先民的思想观念发展变化及其所反映的历史问题。  相似文献   

李永春 《安徽史学》2006,35(2):87-96
胡适、李大钊之间的"问题与主义"之争是一场关于实验主义与社会主义两种思想方法和社 会改造道路的争论,也可说是"少年中国学会"内原有的社会主义与由会外输入的实验主义之间的争论.胡适的实验主义宣传,对学会产生了直接的影响,使学会中原本反对空谈主义,主张从事社会事业和社会活动的会员形成了所谓"问题与主义"派.而围绕着<少年中国>月刊文字方针而展开的"学理与主义"之争,并非人们所说的是"问题与主义"之争的范式转换,而是学会自由研究与预备主义的表现与结果.在导致学会分化的共同主义之争中,胡适及学会内的"问题与主义"派也发挥了一定的作用.  相似文献   

As an eleventh-century monastic patron, Agnes of Burgundy was generous, thoughtful, and involved; she galvanized others into endowing monasteries and won the respect of the houses she supported. The association with grateful abbeys helped her and her husband, Geoffrey Martel, to establish the legitimacy of their rule. In this symbiosis, Agnes used the system for all it was worth, even eventually retiring as an old lady into one of her foundations, while religious life in west-central France flourished, aided by her support. Yet, although enormously wealthy and powerful, she did not act with full autonomy. Her life was shaped by the biological determinants of menarche and menopause; by involvement in familial strategies to advance her spouse's and children's careers; by limitations on her use of feudal power; and by gender roles that patterned behavior. She, and every other woman like her, functioned within a web of gender, class, and family constraints and expectations.  相似文献   

"五化"背景下辽宁民族问题的基本分析及对策思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
辽宁作为国家老工业基地、东部沿海省份,在五化发展进程中,民族问题呈现出新情况、新特点。本文对辽宁民族问题作了基本分析,认为少数民族地区经济社会发展相对滞后、差距拉大:基础设施建设滞后、大量劳动力就业难和科技人员数量少的矛盾日益突出;民族问题格局发生重大变化,城市民族问题凸显;城市少数民族流动人口问题成为民族关系的敏感点;发展繁荣少数民族文化任务更加紧迫,面临如何更好发挥作用体制创新的挑战;维护民族团结抓稳定,加强民族宗教抵御渗透的任务更加艰巨。针对上述问题,本文提出了相应的对策思考。  相似文献   

The issue of the widespread decline and loss of musical heritage has recently found increasing prominence in ethnomusicological discourse, and many applied projects from grassroots to international levels strive to support genres perceived to be under threat. Much recent literature on the subject features rhetoric that draws on metaphors from ecology, including, for example, the ideas of music ‘ecosystems’, ‘endangerment’ and ‘sustainability’. Offering an alternative (though not contradictory) perspective, I here characterise the widespread loss of musical heritage as a ‘wicked problem’– one with complex interdependencies, uncertainties and conflicting stakeholder perspectives, which defies resolution more than some of the ecological metaphors arguably imply. By drawing on theoretical notions of ‘wickedness’ from social policy planning and other areas, I aim to bring interdisciplinary insights to the discussion of strategies to mitigate the global threat to music as intangible cultural heritage. Offering three ‘stories’ about the problem of music genres ‘at risk’ and critiquing each of these stories against the theory of wicked problems, I explore the implications of this conceptualisation for heritage scholars, music researchers, policy-makers and other cultural stakeholders, in terms of moving us closer to realising effective, resilient and innovative approaches to the problem at hand.  相似文献   

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