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班克斯爵士(Sir Joseph Banks,1743-1820)何许人也?熟悉英国近代科学史的人一定知道,从1778年开始到辞世四十多个寒暑间,他一直出任英国最高学术机构皇家学会(Royal Society)的主席,此时段也标志着从18世纪的"品鉴赏玩"之风到19世纪"格物致知"的科学态度的过渡.  相似文献   

During its first several decades, the World Bank operated with few constraints on its lending authority. Lending policies reflected primarily the economic and political objectives of Bank management and staff. With the establishment of the International Development Association (IDA) soft loan window 1960 this autonomy began to erode. The funds needed to support the IDA soft loans had to be replenished. This opened the door to greater political pressure on Bank policy by the administration and Congress. Since the mid-1980s environmental interest groups increasingly have been effective in bringing pressure to bear on World Bank and other MDB policy.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期浙江半壁江山沦陷,然而,在游击区和未沦陷的山区,浙江人民仍进行着艰难的开发与建设。建设离不开资金,金融业无疑在其中扮演了重要角色。浙江地方银行作为一家省级银行,在浙江南部的艰难环境中,运用各种手段从事经营活动,在自身获利的同时,也为浙南山区的开发和坚持抗战做出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   

A senior Russian economist examines the structure, governance, and balance sheets of state-controlled banks in Russia, which accounted for over 55 percent of the total assets in the country's banking system in early 2011. The author offers a credible estimate of the size of the country's state banking sector by including banks that are indirectly owned by public organizations. Contrary to some predictions based on the theoretical literature on economic transition, he explains the relatively high profitability and efficiency of Russian state-controlled banks by pointing to their competitive position in such functions as acquisition and disposal of assets on behalf of the government. Also suggested in the paper is a different way of looking at market concentration in Russia (by consolidating the market shares of core state-controlled banks), which produces a picture of a more concentrated market than officially reported. Lastly, one of the author's interesting conclusions is that China provides a better benchmark than the formerly centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe by which to assess the viability of state ownership of banks in Russia and to evaluate the country's banking sector.  相似文献   

中世纪银行与教会的经济关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中世纪银行与教廷之间的关系异常密切,前者为后者提供多方面的服务.其中,最基本的服务包括如下四种,即征收税金,接收和转移税款,兑换货币以及提供贷款.对于教廷而言,它之所以离不开意大利银行家的服务,与教延国际化的金融体系关联甚大.银行家则出于赢利的目的为教廷提供服务;但是,同时,还有一点也应该纳入我们的考察范围,即银行家利用教廷的权威以确保和促进其银行业务.银行与教廷之间如此密切的联系,极大地影响到银行自身的发展:中世纪银行的国际化特征以及银行三角平衡贸易的模式,即是这种影响的体现.  相似文献   

再论川东长江沿岸的史前文化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
川东长江沿岸历年来发现了许多史前遗存,积累了较多的考古发掘资料,本即根据这些考古资料,对这一地域的史前化作了探讨,并着重论述了在这一区域发展起来的一种地方性特征较强的考古学化——哨棚嘴化。  相似文献   

金融为百业之首,它似一条长江大河,其流域就是整个经济。而银行乃金融之主体。由于银行的重要性,中国近代银行史倍受研究的关注。早在20世纪50年代,就有学涉足此间。检索1949年以来的《全国报刊索引》,我们发现,在建国后的30年间,有关华资银行史的论有10篇左右,但大多是回忆性或介绍性章。①张郁兰所《中国银行业发展史》是这一时期出版的惟一的一部银行史专,该书将1896-1937年中国银行业40多年的发展历史划分为三个时期:兴起时期(1896-1911年)、发展时期(1912-1927年)、继续发展和集中时期(1928-1937年),并概述了每个时期中国银行业的发展过程。对于该书的学术价值,  相似文献   

Military and regimental savings schemes have not attracted a great deal of attention in accounts of colonial India yet they were part of daily life for many soldiers. The East India Company introduced savings banks as one of a number of measures to deal with the problem of indiscipline among the troops, but fairly quickly they were being used in other ways: as a marketing tool to recruit better quality troops and to appeal to entrepreneurs who wanted to use their time in the army as a means to self-improvement and prosperity. Several years later a royal warrant established regimental banks for the queen's troops wherever they served. Many thousands of soldiers used regimental savings banks and they provide important insights into the workings of the army in Victorian Britain and British India that have hitherto been neglected.  相似文献   

蒋介石与四联总处   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
伍野春  阮荣 《民国档案》2001,1(4):90-94
四联总处是中央、中国、交通、中国农民四银行联合办事总处的简称,是抗日战争爆发后成立的四行联合办事机构,经过改组在1939年10月开始成为蒋介石直接控制的金融经济管制机构。蒋介石通过四联总处为维系抗日战争中、后期的金融经济免于崩溃做了各种努力,并对金融业进行了一系列管制和重大改革。本通过收集到的四联总处和财政部档案中蒋介石的手令、面谕和电报等,对蒋介石如何掌握四联总处,又如何通过四联总处实现金融管制试作述评。  相似文献   

出于战时对敌经济斗争和平抑物价的需要,国民政府财政部于1942年4月下令接近战区各省地方银行参与抢购沦陷区及接近沦陷区物资。粤闽冀浙皖等省地方银行纷纷采取行动加以实施,1943年货运局成立后,更与有关贸易公司联手抢购物资。今特从馆藏财政部档案中选辑出一组浙江地方银行办理物资抢购事宜的史料,借此冰山一角反映当时各省地方银行在财政部督导下配合政府进行经济战的概貌。  相似文献   

The sociologist and theologian Chris Allen develops aspects of both Liberation and Postliberal theologies to launch a critique of the two dominant contemporary Christian responses to British food insecurity: food charity and food justice campaigning. Allen maps an alternative approach: a land activist Church that draws on its own historical counter-cultural practices and takes an oppositional stance to the contemporary state and market nexus. Drawing on the work of the Italian philosopher and political theorist Roberto Esposito, this essay argues that Allen's goals could be more fully realized by investigating with greater nuance Christian ontology, ecclesiology and the role of the state. Turning again to Allen's sources in this essay, the variety and potential of foodbank volunteering along with the legitimacy of food justice campaigns are critically reintegrated into a more radical project, a project which includes but is not limited to the sphere of the ecclesia.  相似文献   

Newly established multilateral development banks promote green finance and support a green transition in the global South. This article examines the new multilateral development banks using a dynamic view and documents the projects and lending preferences of New Development Bank (NDB) in Brazil and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) in Turkey. While AIIB and NDB have made it easier for global South actors to access infrastructural investment funding and are committed to expanding green lending, their commitment rests on the use of country systems and national financial intermediaries. This results in extending loans for projects with significant risk and ignoring the broader connections of the projects to the environmentally hazardous strategies of capital accumulation. Despite their strong green discourse, their design and the way their mandates have been interpreted render new multilateral development banks prone to business as usual.  相似文献   

外国银行在华发钞的走势与列强的侵华路线相一致,从通商口岸深入京畿堂奥,从边疆商埠渐及内地城乡。外钞在华泛滥成灾,引起中国官绅商民的抵制,东北是中外攻防激烈的地区。近代时段,伴随中华民族的觉醒,中国力谋收回金融主权,中外之间展开了没有硝烟的货币战争。中方采取的主要举措有:颁行统一币制的法令章程;建立中国的银行体系;积极发行中国纸钞;直接限禁外钞。1934年的法币改革后,外钞基本退出中国的发行市场。货币战争只有在中华人民共和国建立后才彻底取得最终胜利。  相似文献   

1927-1937年南京钱庄业的兴衰   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张福运 《民国档案》2000,11(1):82-87
钱庄与票号、银行并称为中国近代社会的三大金融机构。关于区域性钱庄业的研究,近年来有很大的进展,但对于南京国民政府时期(1927—1937)的南京钱庄业,至今仍无专题论述。国民政府定都南京后,南京钱庄业迅速发展,到1931年初达到顶峰,但随之又迅速衰落,跌入低谷。本文试利用所能涉及的材料,初步探讨这一时期南京钱庄业的兴衰及其原因,以抛砖引玉。 南京钱庄业起源于明代,到清代有一定的发展。清康熙、嘉庆年间,南京地方特产贡缎畅销全国,商业繁荣,为钱庄业的发展奠定了基础。到同治初年,南京已有经营存、放款和…  相似文献   

本从总体上考察了抗战时期浙江省银行界在抗嘉湖沦陷时期、宁绍战役时期、浙赣战役时期三阶段的迁移情况;论述了银行界迁移对维持和发展银行的基本业务、支持浙江以至全国的抗战事业及推动浙江后方国统区的经济建设所起的作用。  相似文献   

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