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The identification of an eighteenth-century plan and a set of nineteenth-century photographs, in conjunction with a new survey of its remains, has permitted the reinterpretation of an early eleventh-century building at Avranches, in the Département of Manche, Normandy. This has shown that it measured 37 m by at least 27 m, was at least 16 m high, and that it can be considered as a donjon or ‘keep’, or, as now more usually termed, a ‘tour maîtresse’ or ‘great tower’. The remains of the building and its interpretation are described, with the aid of plans and the key material referred to above. Among the largest ‘great towers’ known (at least in plan) and one of the three known pre-Conquest examples in the Duchy, it is of great significance to the rapidly advancing study of this class of building.  相似文献   

The appointment of Alois Alzheimer to Emil Kraepelin's clinic and laboratory at the Royal Psychiatric Hospital, University of Munich in 1903 offered new opportunities for clinical and pathological studies of the brain. At the opening of the facility in 1904, Alzheimer selected five foreign visiting students as his graduate research assistants, among whom was an American, Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller. A glimpse of Fuller's background as an African-American (born in Liberia) at the turn of the century, his continuing research after leaving Germany in 1906, and his critical view of the Alzheimer dementia entity are recounted. He was held in high esteem as a practicing neuropsychiatrist and teacher in the Boston area.  相似文献   

近代慈善事业与中国东南社会变迁(1895-1949)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
周秋光  曾桂林 《史学月刊》2002,11(11):84-94
1895-1949年,近代慈善事业的兴起与发展促使了中国东南社会的沧桑变迁及其慈善事业的近代化,其历程大致可以分为两个时期:清末十余年是初步兴起时期,近代色彩的慈善理念得以萌生,慈善公益活动有了初步扩展,传统的善堂善会纷纷向近代慈善团体转变。民国是兴盛发展时期,东南地区出现了众多的慈善团体和慈善家群体,对于民国社会的维系有着举足轻重的作用。近代慈善事业实际上扮演着调节社会的重要角色,成为推动近代社会前进的一种不可缺少的动力。  相似文献   

The author argues that giving a name to any period of history is a complicated process for historians, requiring careful consideration of many factors. Applying the extensive presence and use of computers as an example of the process at work, he suggests that it may be too early to name our time the information age.  相似文献   

1890-1933年间德国社会政策的演进,正是以"制度化"与"民主化"为目标的现代性在"国家/社会"这一权力结构中的又一展演.这一发展实现了现代国家在统治模式上的"理性化",从而成为德国现代化的一次尝试.然而"现代性的病态"却注定了这种尝试以失败告终.德国社会政策改革的这一历史将成为学界反思现代性的又一途径.  相似文献   

晚清《申报》市场在上海的初步形成(1872-1877)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范继忠 《清史研究》2005,20(1):93-103
晚清《申报》市场在上海的初步形成(1872-1877)过程,是上海近代大众传媒早期发展的缩影。 上海城市化中的移民方式、租界的领事裁判权和西方人所办报刊是它的市场基础,其办报宗旨是以文化沟通功 能为本,并为社会正义代言;《申报》的传播特点表现为继承江南传统城市文化要素,立足上海同时涵概整个华 人社会;商贸信息和民间立场是《申报》的市场出发点,对杨月楼案和杨乃武案的报道使其深度融入上海社会。  相似文献   

In July 1872, the steamship Hero underwent quarantine at Sydney’s North Head after a case of smallpox was diagnosed. This article brings together the histories of quarantine, white subjectivity and Pacific mobility through an analysis of the Loganiana newspaper produced by the passengers of the Hero during their confinement. The Loganiana provides a unique insight into the formation of white identities through discussions of race, commerce, science and inter-colonial politics. The case provides an important perspective on a transformative period in Australia’s border history, and also illuminates the tensions accompanying the transition from an older imperial order to political autonomy in the nineteenth-century Pacific.  相似文献   

The inter-port trade of traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) materials dominated business structure in Hankou in 1872 to 1919, while the transfer trade of TCM materials also played an important role. Before 1904, musk was the predominant trading medicinal material among all TCM materials traded in Hankou, followed by Rhus chinensis mill. In the modern times, Hankou ranked second only to Shanghai in China in terms of the trading volume of TCM materials, since Hankou enjoyed a pronounced growth momentum then. If we look at each TCM materials’ market size, trading routes, and trading volume among various inflow and outflow ports, we can see based on the Hankou TCM materials trading structure that although there were changes from 1872 to 1919, the TCM business network and market performances formed in Hankou since the Qing dynasty did not sustain any disastrous impact from national economic and social changes, and their original vitality had retained. This was primarily due to the huge market demand in modern Hankou, the TCM commodity characteristics and the developed domestic market trade network in modern China.  相似文献   

在日本的思想舆论界,甲午战争的性质被普遍认为是“开化对保守的战争”、“文明对野蛮的战争”,日本方面将这场获得加入帝国主义阵营的通行证的侵略战争美化成为“圣战”、“义战”,在日本近现代思想史上产生了深远的影响。在战争结束之后,一些思想家如内村鉴三转向了和平论,而大多数则如德富苏峰那样走向了帝国主义。  相似文献   

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