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The interwar years saw the initiation of a number of important periodicals that reflected the emerging vitality of public intellectual life in Australia. One such publication was The Morpeth Review, a quarterly that appeared between the years 1927 and 1934. Edited by three Anglican intellectuals — E. H. Burgmann, Roy Lee, and A. P. Elkin — it included contributions from prominent historians, political scientists, anthropologists, cultural critics, and theologians. Though its range of concerns was broad, it was guided by a basic vision of intellectual and social life that aimed at reconciling the conflicting elements of modernity. Such conflicts included the divide between the world of work and the family, the divide between classes, between nations, and between church and state, or more broadly, between the secular and the religious spheres. This article will suggest that in the endeavour to reconcile such competing elements The Morpeth Review expressed a kind of political theology that was modernist in inspiration (welcoming science and the critical consciousness) and drew on several overlapping traditions of thought including liberal Anglicanism, Christian socialism, and British idealism, all of which rejected the modern tendency to compartmentalise life and with it to relegate religion to the private sphere.  相似文献   

The importance of Hebraic studies as part of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment debate can hardly be overestimated. The question of the authority of the Books of Scripture forced intellectuals in England to revisit the language of the Old Testament text. The agenda of the Hutchinsonians here was to highlight the Old Testament's Trinitarian elements, as they saw them. The controversy over the etymology of the word Elahim illustrated that the Hutchinsonians were the young Turks of orthodoxy in the fight between fideism and rationalism. It also demonstrated the problem the Hutchinsonians represented for those who would otherwise be their Trinitarian allies.  相似文献   

"In this study, it is argued [that] underemployment is both affected by and affects the labor-force participation rate (LFPR) and the level of service employment. Interestingly, the analysis reveals that service employment lowers the LFPR and raises underemployment. In turn, underemployment increases the LFPR as more secondary workers are pushed into the labor market in an effort to support their households. Thus, secondary workers are not pulled into the labor market by the availability of service jobs, but are rather pushed into these jobs by the condition of underemployment that is brought on by the growing concentration of low-paying service jobs....A three-equation simultaneous equation model is developed to test our hypotheses [and] three-stage least squares...estimates of this model for the 100 largest [U.S.] metropolitan areas are presented...."  相似文献   

"This article describes and analyses recent changes in the social institutions and cultural practices which have traditionally supported high fertility among the Kikuyu of Central Province, Kenya, and assesses the extent to which such institutions and practices retain their significance in the context of the changing value of children. The material and symbolic value of children to the Kikuyu is analysed, using methods and concepts derived from social anthropology.... After briefly profiling each of the communities of study, the article is organised around three themes which correspond to the key social institutions that shape fertility motives: marriage, kinship and religion. A fourth theme which runs throughout the article is the changing strategic role played by these same institutions in regulating or enhancing fertility." (SUMMARY IN FRE)  相似文献   

本文在文献研究的基础上,提出一个包含顾客教育、顾客心理受权及消费价值的研究模型,并利用作者在旅行社收集的数据,对模型进行了实证检验。数据分析结果表明:顾客教育对顾客心理受权有显著的直接正向影响;顾客心理受权对顾客感知的风险有显著的直接负向影响,对顾客感知的消费价值有显著的直接正向影响。本次研究结果丰富了学术界在顾客教育、顾客受权的研究成果,对旅行社通过顾客教育增强顾客心理受权感,进而提高顾客感知的消费价值有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

丁玉莲 《丝绸之路》2010,(12):36-37
祥瑞作为一种特殊的社会现象与文化现象,对中国古代的政治和社会产生了重要影响。祥瑞意识发端于原始先民的自然崇拜意识,两汉时期,祥瑞思想系统化并成为一种理论体系,魏晋以后的隋唐时期,祥瑞观念不但作用于当时的政治,而且反过来作用于民间信仰。  相似文献   

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