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工业化时期,英国形成了以大地产为主的土地结构。由于享受城市生活、参与政治、处理地产上日益增多的事务的需要,地主因袭中世纪以来土地管理方面的庄官制度,发展出地产代理制度。一般而论,代理人负责勘查地产,管理地产经济,定期向地主汇报地产事务,参与教区社会活动。地主则选拔代理人选,干预代理人的经营策略,对地产事务发挥间接的影响。代理人、地主相互协调,使工业化时期英国农业经济的运行趋于高效。  相似文献   

平遥乡村遗产作为平遥古城的背景环境,是地域系统内乡村社会生产、生活、生态以及人地关系的映射。近水聚集型村落在平遥山前地区较为普遍,山前地区村落的选址布局、村庄结构和典型建筑根据村落规模大小呈现不同类型特征,反映了社会活动与村落空间的互动、生长和衍生关系。明清时期频繁的人口流动推动了平遥山前近水地区村落的二次形成,历史上水资源的匮乏、粮食生产的不足造成了人地关系的紧张与村际关系的复杂,商业的发展则对此有所缓解。人口流动、水案纠纷、祈雨活动、商业发展、代管村落等村际社会活动反映在村落空间的生长演变上,给村落空间带来结构性的影响,留下了诸多建成遗产的印记。  相似文献   

程旭 《文博》2011,(1):42-48
在唐朝与周边国家(地区)交往过程中,很多珍奇异宝作为礼物或朝贡品或战利品进入唐朝境内,出现在皇室和上层社会生活中,对当时社会各个阶层以及唐代的手工制造业产生重大影响。何家村金银器作为珍贵的奢侈品出现在这种社会氛围中直接或间接地反映了以唐朝为中心的朝贡、贸易、战争和互赠往来,从这些角度诠释这些珍品无疑会多维度地观察国家环境下的中西交往和丝绸之路的重要价值。  相似文献   

清末江南一乡村地主生活空间的范围与结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
清末江南一乡村地主生活空间的范围与结构(日)稻田清一著张桦译柳兆薰是吴江县(今属江苏省)的一个乡村地主,他写于太平天国运动时期的日记是反映清末地主生活的珍贵资料。本文把日记中的地名检索出来,分类进行统计,以论证其日常生活的空间范围,这是本文写作的第一...  相似文献   

寄生地主制是日本社会从封建制向资本主义制度过渡时期出现的、以地主佃农关系为基础的农业制度,是研究日本封建时期土地制度的重要研究课题。关于寄生地主在日本近代进程中所起的作用,学界一般以明治维新为界,主要从政治上考虑,且大多使用宏观视角。由此,本文试从寄生地主制与幕藩领主制关系的讨论到以寄生地主制中某一阶层,即既具小地主身份又多为农村治理者的田乡绅士为切入点,浅析寄生地主制在日本近代的作用和历史地位。  相似文献   

编辑先生:我有以下几个问题,希望解答。 一、我过去在自己的土地上耕种,无劳动力,这当然是地主成分,但我由民国二十二年因为经营商业上的需要而迁出,并非是蓄意违反革命政策,是否就是逃亡地主?逃亡地主的构成条件都是什么?  相似文献   

吴滔 《近代史研究》2004,8(5):137-163
明清鼎革以降,一田两主制对江南地区城乡格局的重组起着非常显的作用。在一田两主制下,居城的地主士绅与农民之间只剩下土地租佃的关系,日常生活已没有较紧密的往来,主佃的居住空间可以不在同一地点。如何协调地主与农民之间的利益愈显重要,与此相关的应对策略和制度安排的复杂性,在很大程度上改变了以“地主”为主体的地方精英的“在地性”,进而对清代江南的城乡关系产生了深远的影响。尤其是19世纪以后,随着抗租事件的不断增多,业主更愿意选择类似租栈的专门收租机构进行收租,由此导致城居地主和乡民之间本已动摇的联系变得更加松散,从而形成了主佃关系的新格局。  相似文献   

明代徽州祁门胡氏佃仆文约,辑于“洪氏誉契簿”,原件现藏安徽省博物馆。这批文件系胡氏佃仆数代人从明弘治十三年至万历三十二年间给洪姓地主所立的契约,共二十四件。其内容反映的时间更长,上达明成化年间,下迄清顺治年间。胡氏原为洪姓地主的佃户,明成化二十三年,由于胡富死后无地安葬,其子胡卯、胡成为了求得一块葬地,便承担了洪姓地主一定的劳役,从此沦为佃仆。后来胡氏子孙繁衍,洪姓地主又不断提供土地、住屋和葬地,扩大剥削。同时,胡氏也相应地屡屡重立文约,保证承担  相似文献   

「合纵」和「连横」运动的本质如何?为什么「合纵」失败,「连横」胜利?——(河大史地专修科同学提)「合纵」和「连横」运动,从表面看来,是秦与六国间的政治斗争;如果深一层从社会经济的发展上看,它却反映了战国时代新旧土地所有者间的矛盾和斗争,具体的说,就是反映了新兴的商人地主与没落的领主之间的矛盾和斗争。这就是它的本质。  相似文献   

秦统一六国,对战国时代的社会变革做了全面总结,郡县制代替了分封制,地主封建制和国家封建制取代了领主封建制,整个社会步入了地主封建制的初级阶段。然而,在地主封建制确立的初级阶段,地主封建制生产关系并没有充分发展起来,封建农民与封建地主者个人之间的关系并没有得以展开。大部分劳动生产者在脱离封建领主控制之后,变为国家编户民,成为国家封建制下的农奴。整个社会充满了地主封建制与国家封建制的矛盾和斗争,地主封建制的发展,在突破国家封建制的羁绊中曲折向前。本文意在对秦汉魏晋南朝时期地主封建制的发展过程做一粗略考察。  相似文献   

本文首先计算了近代中国农村收入的宏观基尼系数;之后通过作为农村最高收入阶层的城居地主和最低收入阶层的雇农,具体分析近代中国农村收入分配差距及其变动趋势;最后通过恩格尔系数比较了近代农家不同收入群体的消费水平差异,以印证对农村收入差距状况的估计。三种方法的结论均表明,近代中国农村各阶层间的收入分配差距并没有高到悬殊的程度,也没有出现恶化的趋势,农村不同收入阶层间的恩格尔系数差距也不很大。  相似文献   

在20世纪前期剧烈的社会政治变迁中,绅士地主仍然作为权力机构的主体活动于乡村,只是此时的绅士构成并非局限于功名、身份,其来源和出身呈多元化趋势,其阶层构成要素有所变异,然而绅士之传统功能和角色却并无质的变化,仍具有代表地主权力机构性特征。但伴随社会经济的发展,中国农民摆脱绅士地主和地方权力控制斗争加强,抗租事件随之增多,由于中国地主制度在20世纪仍具有较强的生命力和奠基力,活动空间较大,故更愿意选择类似于"租栈"的专门机构进行收租,进而导致了城居地主和乡民之间本已动摇的联系变得更加松散,而得以维持其统治的只有"租栈"制度。  相似文献   

崔华杰 《史学理论研究》2020,(2):102-112,159
在马克思主义唯物史观指导之下,1959年山东大学青年教师景甦和罗仑出版《清代山东经营地主的社会性质》一书,探讨了中国农业资本主义萌芽问题。该书从生产关系的研究角度,着眼山东乡村并专注农民阶级,从内部提炼区域社会发展的历史方向,彰显了近代中国区域发展的差异性以及乡村历史的独特性,在利用本土史学资源的基础上形成了具有中国特色的学术话语。该书还借用田野调查扩充史料来源,重视计量分析在史学上的运用,朴素地显示出史学与社会科学相结合的跨学科研究趋向。该书外译英文后,为西方学者推重,并对后者产生涵容互摄的学术影响。该书所体现出的立足本土史学并形成中国学术话语的治学风格,在中外学术交流频仍的当今富有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

A multiproxy approach based on archaeobotanical, organic residue and isotopic analyses was carried out on materials from 12 Medieval archaeological sites in Tuscany (central Italy), in order to provide a diachronic overview of local diet in rural and urban sites from the mid-eighth to the fourteenth centuries AD. Archaeobotanical analyses were applied to 130,578 seeds/fruits, residue analyses involved 87 samples from cooking and storing vessels, whereas analyses of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes included 63 human bone samples and 26 animal specimens. The results indicate that from the mid-eighth century AD, crop production was of high quality similar, to that of the Roman Age. The main cultivations were naked wheats, barley and horse bean, a diversity that attests the technological skills reached by Tuscan peasants during the whole Middle Ages. Different cereals and pulse abundantly supplemented the diet. This strategy not only ensured peasants’ subsistence in the mid-eighth century AD, minimizing the risks of environmental adversities, but it also increased crop production – from the mid-ninth century AD on, for the revived markets and trade. Between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries AD, C4 plants had a dominant role in the peasants’ diet, when the wheat production was strictly collected first by the landlords and then by the cities for their own needs. Crop production was integrated by swine farming; animal meat consumption is well documented in rural and urban populations from the ninth century AD. Wine and olive oil, considered important elements of diet in Medieval Tuscany, have a very scarce presence, but they are recorded for later periods, mainly in urban areas and in higher social classes, such as the religious and aristocratic ones. In fact, only between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries AD was the great expansion of olive groves and vineyards recorded, when cities and urban populations claim to have access to these luxury foods.  相似文献   

Drawing on literatures on the social construction of place and identity, and on the changing nature of urban property ownership, this paper examines Jewish immigrants to Toronto as housing landlords, situating their activities in the context of wider changes in the city's housing market and of their needs to raise capital, achieve status and foster group identity. Using archival and newspaper evidence to reconstruct the behaviour of individual landlords, it is argued that ownership of inner-city property fulfilled numerous functions, especially related to other aspects of business proprietorship, but that it also accentuated the geographical concentration of poorer Jews, with critical implications for their relations with non-Jews.  相似文献   

罗爱林 《史学月刊》2007,19(11):69-75,81
18世纪初,俄国确立等级义务兵役制,农民的兵役义务由此产生。兵役虽属国家义务,但国家并不直接从事征兵活动,而是由农村公社来实施。村社在选派新兵时力求遵循平均主义原则。随着农村商品经济的发展,村社内部的富裕农民开始从实体人充实军队的义务中解脱出来,这是农村社会分化的标志。兵役义务不仅是地主进行农奴制统治的重要方式,而且是农奴主和村社惩罚"不顺从"农民、"纯洁"农村社会成分、"保持社会稳定"的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

British Indian revenue policy determined British‐Indian property law. ft was essential to establish a class of landed proprietors, entitled by law to collect rents from their tenants, from which in turn government could legally assess its revenue demand. Revenue was principally settled with the zamindars, who had had rights to a share in agricultural produce which carried a duty to meet government's revenue demand recognised by the Mughal government. The zamindars were redefined unequivocally as landlords by the British‐Indian property law. Their estates were assigned on the basis of existing records and were composed for the most part of disparate shares in villages. Such estates were essentially not economically viable; the social and domestic circumstances of the zamindars further compromised the management of their estates. Government intended that the landlords should become progressive farmers, but conditions, as much a product of legal enactment as of economic reality, frustrated that aim. The history of the nineteenth century administration of British India illustrates the dilemma of government, and the conflict between conservatism in the rural sphere and the pursuit of progressive policies. The radical reform of the zamindars’ estates, namely the drastic curtailments which took place under the zamindari abolition statutes under the Congress government's programme for land reform, has paradoxically achieved for independent India that which the government of British India struggled throughout a century and a half to achieve: the creation of the progressive proprietor.  相似文献   

This paper documents the changing geography of the Canadian manufacturing sector over a 22‐year period (1976–1997). It does so by looking at the shifts in employment and differences in production worker wages across different levels of the rural/urban hierarchy—central cities, adjacent suburbs, medium and small cities and rural areas. The analysis demonstrates that the most dramatic shifts in manufacturing employment were from the central cities of large metropolitan regions to their suburbs. Paralleling trends in the United States, rural regions of Canada have increased their share of manufacturing employment. Rising rural employment shares were due to declining employment shares of small cities and, to a lesser degree, large urban regions. Increasing rural employment was particularly prominent in Quebec, where employment shifted away from the Montreal region. The changing fortunes of rural and urban areas were not the result of across‐the‐board shifts in manufacturing employment, but were the net outcome of differing locational patterns across industries. In contrast to the situation in the United States, wages in Canada do not consistently decline, moving down the rural/urban hierarchy from the largest cities to the most rural parts of the country. Only after controlling for the types of manufacturing industries found in rural and urban regions is it apparent that wages decline with the size of place .  相似文献   

新时期农村合作医疗改革述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新时期农村合作医疗经历了曲折的发展历程。随着家庭承包经营的推行,农村合作医疗迅速瓦解,覆盖率由20世纪70年代末的90%下降到1985年的5%。90年代初开始,党和政府努力恢复合作医疗,但重建工作一再受挫。农民自费医疗的境况带来了严重的社会问题。2003年初,新型农村合作医疗制度出台,这是又一项富有中国特色的社会主义制度创新。几年来的试点和推广实践证明,新型农村合作医疗制度符合我国的实际,对保障农民身体健康、维护社会和谐和促进经济发展具有重要意义。同时,建立完善的农村医疗保障制度需要各方力量的整合,任重而道远。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades there has been a steady decline in youth migration to Australian rural communities. Generally, inland agricultural communities are the most seriously impacted by this trend. Coupled with high rates of youth out‐migration, many rural communities face difficulties in attracting young people to fill skilled job vacancies and apprentice positions. Declining youth in‐migration also has social consequences, effectively reducing the capacity of rural communities to replenish their skill base and social networks. This research identifies how urban‐based youth perceive rural lifestyles and employment opportunities and how this is linked to their willingness to move to rural areas. The study reveals that young people attach undesirable aesthetic values to the physical environment of inland rural communities and perceive them as socially isolating and as having minimal opportunities for career advancement. However, the perceptions of those who live, or had lived, in rural areas are far more positive than those who have had little experience in rural communities. Accordingly, those who had previously lived in inland regions were far more likely to move to rural areas than those who had limited lived experience of rural communities. Overall, the research found that perceptions of lifestyle and employment opportunities were important influences on young people's willingness to move to rural communities.  相似文献   

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