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This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region,which practices ethnic regional autonomy. During this 40-year period,what changes have taken place in Tibet and to the life of Tibetans? Dainzin Lhunzhub,with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies,once interviewed some 100 residents of the Xoi Neighborhood Committee of Lhasa.Beginning with this issue, we will publish highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Areas Development Study Group of theCAS, led by research fellow Wan Luolin (who is thehead of the CAS Learning Advisory Committee andoriginal administrative vice president) and researchfellow Zhu Ling (deputy director of CAS Economic ResearchInstitute), developed the extensive research activities in theTibetan-inhabited areas since 2000. While the study groupcompleted the special subject policy report, it also published somelearning achievements such as Choice of Roads to…  相似文献   

古代的史料和世界古代史   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在我国史学话语中,没有英中的“献史料”(Documentary sources)和“学史料”(Literary sources)的区别。我国现代世界古代史和中国古代史作中常常提到的“献史料”(literature),实为非献史料(Non.documentary sources)和献史料的混称,其中主要是指古代史家的述,如希罗多德的《历史》、李维的《罗马史》、狄奥多洛斯的《历史集成》等。这种模糊的提法使得不少古史工作误以为主要以学史料为内容的各种古代典籍便等同于第一手史料(First hand or primary sources)或原始资料(Original sources),只要自己的论依托于古  相似文献   

This examination of the murder of King Peter I of Cyprus concentrates on trying to understand the grievances which led a group of his vassals to kill him. An attempt is made to bring the Cypriot narrative accounts of the event under critical control, in the course of which the murder is redated and the guilt of the king's brothers established. The careers of the other knights involved are then analysed, and this analysis — together with a survey of an ordonnance issued in the immediate aftermath of the murder — help place the deed in the context of the effects that Peter's warfare against the Mamluk sultanate of Egypt was having on Cypriot noble society. A suggestion is then offered as to why the vassals resorted to murder rather than relying on constitutional restraints to achieve their aims.  相似文献   

The lack of interest in history in ancient India has often been noted and contrasted with the situation in China and the West. Notwithstanding the vast body of Indian literature in other fields, there is a remarkable dearth of historical writing in the period before the Muslim conquest and an associated indifference to historiography. Various explanations have been offered for this curious phenomenon, some of which appeal to the supposed currency of certain Indian philosophical theories. This essay critically examines such "philosophical explanations."
I argue that it is not true that there was no history in ancient India, and it is not surprising that there was no developed historiography or scientific history. It is both true and surprising that there was no real importance attached to history in ancient India. An adequate philosophical exxplanation for this historica phenomenon, however, is not to be found in appeals to the influence of indigenous metaphysical theories about time and the self. A much more plausible philosophical explanation appeals instead to certain features of classical Indian epistemology.  相似文献   

With Chapai Cedain Puncog as thechief writer and Norzhang Wugyianand Puncog Cering as majorwriters,the book is completewith reference materials  相似文献   

As early as four thousand years ago, the Tibetans already had developed an initial aestheic ideology, a case in point being the adornments unearthed from the Karub ruins in Qamdo. During that time, adornments were mainly made of pottery, stone and seashell and the types of adornments were also colorful and abundant, including plate adornments, necklaces,  相似文献   

As early as four thousandyears ago, the Tibetansalready had developed aninitial aesthetic ideology, acase in point being theadornments unearthed from the Karubruins in Qamdo. During that time, adorn-ments were mainly made of pottery, stoneand seashell and the types of adornmentswere also colorful and abundant, includ-ing plate adornments, necklaces,bracelets, jade, etc. The color was originaland natural and the production methodwas simple and unsophisticated. In regardto stone adornments, col…  相似文献   

闻长庆 《收藏家》2011,(2):28-34
在传统观念上,浙江曾一度大力宣传的青瓷文化,仅只是越窑以及杭州官窑、龙泉窑,有"南青北白"之说。但在笔者不断认识和研究的过程中,发现浙江是多种瓷色釉制瓷的发源地,并有幸得到杭州工地的数吨残官窑及"龙泉窑型"等各窑型残碎片佐证,由此新发现各种窑型。因为它们并不是贸易瓷,  相似文献   

《History of European Ideas》2012,38(8):1073-1088

The affinities between Jean Bodin's and King James VI/I's political theories have been recognized, and the fact that James had owned Bodin's Six livres de la république has been recorded, but Bodin's specific influence on James has remained nebulous. This article examines the evidence for James's direct engagement with Bodin, by studying James's copy of the Six livres alongside James's political treatises. It provides substantial new archival evidence for Bodin's influence on James's political thought and, thereby, on Scottish and English theories of sovereignty.  相似文献   

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